Loading an external view controller, from a button click on another view controller - iphone

Im officially getting annoyed with objective-c and xcode now. Programming in PHP and Java is so much easier haha.
Anyway I could do with some help.
I have created a tab bar application with three tab items for the iPhone, on one of the items it loads a nib named mapView, this contains a button that I want to use to load up another nib named OverlayViewController.
Ive been following this tutorial this tutorial
to create a camera overlay. I understand how it works, but I don't understand how to run the view controller from a button or direct from the tab bar. I can only get the overlay to work if I load it like in the example on application launch in the app delegate. If I try and load it from the tab bar item I just get a grey screen, looks like the blank view controller is loaded and the code hasnt been run to show the overlay.
If anyone can suggest how I would go about loading the overlay from the button click, or even direct from the tab bar item I would be really grateful.
Thanks Alex
p.s. Heres the link to the project if you wish to view the files

#AlexApps I took a look through your project and have several pieces of feedback.
I think before you get too into trying to get the OverlayViewController working you should back up a bit and give some of the Apple docs a read, especially the View Controller Programming Guide. The Apple docs are for the most part well written and should help you gain a better understanding of views and view controllers than what is evident in your code.
Another suggestion is to grab some of the freely available source code from a book such as Beginning iPhone Programming which has a good example of how to lay out a tabBarController based app. I am sure there are other good samples out there that will show you how to organize your views and view controllers to load them into the different tabs.
I think that if you follow this advice that by the time you have restructured your app by what you learn you will have less problem doing what you are trying to do.
BTW, you may want to consider using a NavigationViewController for what you are trying to do with loading the OverlayViewController with a button press but take a few hours, slow down and do some focused reading. It will make a world of difference. Then if you have more specific questions, Stack Overflow (and Google) are your friends.
One last tip, you do not need to put IBOutlet in your instance variables AND in your properties, just one or the other, and really, you don't even need the instance variables at all anymore. I usually just use properties for everything.

I have done it with storyboard and the solution is to create a segue between the tab bar view controller and the view controller you want to load, then you have to put an identifier to that segue. Finally, in the method called when the button is pressed you have to put this:
[self performSegueWithIdentifier:#"segueId" sender:sender];
I have done it right now and it works perfect!

First import uiviewcontroller class in frist page like below:
#import "page2viewcontroller.h"
on button click event code below:
page2viewcontroller *page2 =[page2viewcontroller alloc] ;
[self presentModalViewController:page2 animated:NO];
[page2 release];
after back page2viewcontroller to page1viewcontroller same as like below:
#import "page1viewcontroller.h"
on backbutton click event code below:
page1viewcontroller *page1 =[page2viewcontroller alloc] ;
[self presentModalViewController:page1 animated:NO];
[page1 release];
That's all....!


Right way to switch between UIViews in ios programming

Hy everybody
I am a newbie ios programmer and I'm facing many doubts when I must switch the pages of my app.
With the term "page" I mean a UIView that fills the whole screen with some widgets (buttons, textboxes. tables..)
As far as I have understood what I've read I should use an UIViewController to manage each of these pages
since each page should be a screen’s worth of content.
My App starts with a ViewScroller with many buttons and when the user clicks one of these it opens a new page.
The first page is the UIView connected to the RootController Of the Window.
So far to open the new pages I add a child controller to the RootController and it's view as a child of the view of the RootController:
RicLocaliController = [[RicercaLocaliViewController alloc] initWithNibName:#"RicercaLocaliViewController" bundle:nil];
[self addChildViewController:RicLocaliController];
[RicLocaliController didMoveToParentViewController:self];
[self.view addSubview:RicLocaliController.view];
RicLocaliController.view.frame = self.view.bounds;
When the user clicks the "Back" Button I remove the child controller and the child view.
Going down this road I would get a dynamic tree of Controllers with their Views.
So far I have not encountered problems and my app can go up to a third level in the tree and come back. Each page behaves correctly when orientation changes.
But I'm afraid that adding, for each subpage, a child controller and a child view could be not the right thing to do.
I'm afraid that if I nest a lot of pages when the orientation changes the app could respond slowly since also the superviews will do something to manage this event.
So what I wonder is if what I am doing is completely senseless, if I should use Navigation controllers or some other way to manage my page changes.
Unfortunately my boss is not giving me enough time to study well the subject and so I would like an advice to follow the best solution possibly using the most standard and less complex component offered by the framework instead of the newest features.
I read a lot of web pages on the subject but it seems to me that there are many ways to manage the navigation beetwen pages and this makes me confused.
I apologize for my bad english but i'm tired and English it's not my first language.
You HAVE to do some studying. You will spend more time clearing up all your problems later otherwise... but, here are some tips.
Using nested ViewControllers leads to all kinds of trouble so if you are short of time, skip that.
Think of each "Page" as one ViewController. A ViewController has a property called View but that is actually just the top view of a whole hierarchy of views. A view is the base class for any visual object, like labels, buttons etc. All views can have subviews, so you can add an image under a label etc. and do really wierd stuff if you want to. I am just saying this to free your mind about how you can use views.
Now, ViewControllers are supposed to hold to code to ONE view hierarchy. That view hierarchy is for that View Controller only.
When the user wants to navigate to another page, you have a few alternatives:
NavigationViewController - that should be used when the user wants to delve down into data, like opening a detailed view of an item in a list etc. The NavigationViewController gives you help with back buttons, proper animation etc. You "pop" a viewcontroller to go back one level. If the user click the back-button, this is automatic.
TabBarViewController - use that if you want a tab bar at the bottom of the screen. Each tab is connected to a ViewController, that has it's own view hierarchy.
PushModal - If you are in a ViewController and just needs to get some data from the user, which is not part of the normal navigation of the app, you can push a new ViewController modally. This is the way you interact with iOS built in ViewControllers. This is also a good way to get a value back from the view controller.
There you have it. Go learn more. :)
It sounds like, for what you are using, you should be using a navigation controller. This will automatically handle pushing views onto the stack and then popping them off again later. This will also automatically create a back button (it is customizable) in the navigation bar.
If you are using iOS 5 or 6, I highly recommend trying out "storyboards" in Interface Builder. Storyboards allow you to graphically represent transitions (called "segues") between different views.
On top of being easier to design and implement, another advantage is that, if in the future you want to change the design of your application, you don't have to trawl through all your code and manually update each view connection.

iPhone Structure ViewController

I am designing an iPhone application with a home page. This page has multiple buttons (6) that go to different things.
2 buttons are a simple view that just have some information and go back to the home screen. The next button opens up an email and I believe that will just be one view, so not a whole lot different than the other two.
Here is where it gets complicated. One button will take a picture, and another will select one from the library. Once that is done it will edit it and create an object that I will create. That object will be stored in an array, which will be opened by the last button one the home page and a UITableViewController will control that.
My first question is should I use a navigation based view controller or just a view controller that I can create myself? Or should I use something that I don't even know about?
Please Help!!! And if you help a sincere thank you!
Well i tried it my own way first and the only issue i'm having is this code
- (void) displayView:(int)intNewView {
NSLog(#"%i", intNewView);
[home.view removeFromSuperview];
Instructions *i = [[Instructions alloc]init];
instructions = i;
[self.view insertSubview:instructions.view atIndex:0];
It is in my SwitchClass, which controls the Main Window's view. I know it is working there because when it first runs the switch class directs it to the home screen. I know the method is being called because the console is displaying the NSLog thing, but it just won't switch.
Aside from the fact that you have 6 buttons, I would try and use a UITabBarController for what you are trying to do; it would seem more natural to me (but you should find a way to reduce you 6 button to 5, otherwise they will not be displayed all at once).
Otherwise, a UINavigationController seems fine to me. For each button you push a new controller to deal with that button functionality, then you pop back. It should work easily.
have you tried with?
[self.view addSubview:instructions.view];
Your first question Yes you should use navigation based controller ... so when you press any button will open the other view controller with animation.. also Navigation Based Controller keep track of the parent controller if you have any created objects will be retained in the parent view controller that is the root of the Navigation.
here is the steps that you should use.
1-Create Navigation controller in the main application delegate and make it's root is the view controller.
2-when you push the view controller that have 6 buttons .
3- you can check this link for get photo album also if you have changed the source type to camera then you can get the image...
Photo Libaray
4- once you get the image you can add it to NSMutableArray that exist on the NavigationViewController root in your case will be the view which have the 6 buttons.
5-sice every time you want to view the array which contain the photos you will initialize the data source of the uitableviewcontroller with the array that you save photos on.
I think the problem is coming from one of two places:
As I understand it, these are all different View Controllers, correct? And they have their own xib files? If that is true, then calling:
Instructions *i = [[Instructions alloc]init];
is insufficient. You need to use
Instructions *i = [[Instructions alloc] initWithNibNamed:#"Instructions"];
in order to include that view that you have already constructed in the interface builder.
The other thing I see potentially going wrong is that you are inserting all the views at the same index. Think of the index as a layer in photoshop. If you want the new view to be visible overtop of the last one, then it needs to be a higher index. This is handled automatically if you use addSubview: instead of insertSubview: atIndex:

Switching views for iphone application - is this the right way?

After looking for many hours to find a working view switching code, I finally found a great tutorial on YouTube. It was exactly what I needed as I needed to switch views when buttons are pressed.
I just wonder if the techniques used in that video are valid. The used code to switch screens is
viewsViewController *second = [[viewsViewController alloc] initWithNibName:nil bundle:nil];
[self presentModalViewController:second animated:YES];
Where viewsViewController (or any class that is used there) is a class that's a subclass of UIViewController. This class is made by clicking File > New File > Add UIViewController subclass.
Is this method according to the Apple guidelines? Is this method memory friendly?
I sure hope the technique is valid. All other examples contained too little information so I couldn't make the example to work. And this is very stylish and short code which works .
That's one way to do it. When you present a view controller modally, there's some expectation that the view controller will go away at some point and the user will return to the parent view controller.
Another option is to employ a UINavigationController, to which you can send -pushViewController:animated: messages.
Yet another way is to let a UITabBarController switch view controllers for you when the user hits the corresponding tab.
One more: you can set the window's rootViewController property, at which point the window will add the view controller's view as a subview of itself.
Your best bet is to read through the View Controller Programming Guide for iOS.
This is one way of doing it. Be aware of some issues. Both views will be in memory, which is okay if they are a reasonable size. The modal view animates above the parent.
There are other models that you can use for simple navigation, if that's your main goal. I would suggest looking at UINavigationController and see if that might better meet your needs. It is probably the most common method to navigate views and provided a lot of the foundation of view management saving you that effort.

iPhone view with pop up animation?

I'm new to iPhone development, its going OK so far, I've managed to get to grips with the Tab bar, navigation bar and tableviews.
However I want to be able to copy what the settings app does on the device when a user wants to change language.
In Settings, General, International when a user clicks on Language a new screen animates over the previous screen with a navigation bar that has a cancel and done button and a table view showing the languages available for selection.
I cant seem to find how to do this via Google so I was wondering if someone could point me in the right direction of a tutorial or what I should be searching for? Is it type of view or a certain way to animate a view?
This is done via a method available on UIViewController (and thus all of its derivatives as well) called - presentModalViewController:animated:. You simply need to create a new view controller that you want to display and pass it into that.
See the link to the UIViewController docs above for more info and the complementary method - dismissModalViewControllerAnimated: to close the view. The docs have links to example code on how to use them as well.
in iPhone, it's done through modal view controller. Refer this tutorial.

iPhone navigation controller but with different detail views

so i need to build an app similar in structure to the settings app, a navigation table view that then moves into a detail view, but each detail view has to be a different nib file. I can find anyway to do it.
The closest code sample that I can recall is from Beginning iPhone 3 Development: Exploring the iPhone SDK by Dave Mark and Jeff LaMarche. Its Chapter 9 (Navigation
Controllers and Table Views) is pretty much what you need.
I think they have made the book's code sample free to download (if not, please correct me). This is the link http://iphonedevbook.com/forum/
Yes. I've just been doing that in an app I'm developing. It's pretty easy. When the user selects something (say touching a table cell in the current view) then you just use the pushViewController:animated: method on your navigation controller. So you'd do it something like this:
// User requested switch
MyViewController *myVC = [[MyViewController..... // Setup as neccessary
[myVC setThingToLookAt:someThing] // So the right data is shown
[myNavigationController pushViewController:myVC animated:YES]; // Shows the new view
When the user is done, you can pop the view back off when you leave the detail view
[myNavigationController popViewControllerAnimated:YES];
The NavigationController section of the UIViewController documentation is helpful in all this. It's actually a pretty easy thing to do.