HAVING clause in PostgreSQL - postgresql

I'm rewriting the MySQL queries to PostgreSQL. I have table with articles and another table with categories. I need to select all categories, which has at least 1 article:
SELECT c.*,(
FROM articles a
WHERE a."active"=TRUE AND a."category_id"=c."id") "count_articles"
FROM articles_categories c
FROM articles a
WHERE a."active"=TRUE AND a."category_id"=c."id" ) > 0
I don't know why, but this query is causing an error:
ERROR: column "c.id" must appear in the GROUP BY clause or be used in an aggregate function at character 8

The HAVING clause is a bit tricky to understand. I'm not sure about how MySQL interprets it. But the Postgres documentation can be found here:
It essentially says:
The presence of HAVING turns a query
into a grouped query even if there is
no GROUP BY clause. This is the same
as what happens when the query
contains aggregate functions but no
GROUP BY clause. All the selected rows
are considered to form a single group,
and the SELECT list and HAVING clause
can only reference table columns from
within aggregate functions. Such a
query will emit a single row if the
HAVING condition is true, zero rows if
it is not true.
The same is also explained in this blog post, which shows how HAVING without GROUP BY implicitly implies a SQL:1999 standard "grand total", i.e. a GROUP BY ( ) clause (which isn't supported in PostgreSQL)
Since you don't seem to want a single row, the HAVING clause might not be the best choice.
Considering your actual query and your requirement, just rewrite the whole thing and JOIN articles_categories to articles:
FROM articles_categories c
JOIN articles a
ON a.active = TRUE
AND a.category_id = c.id
FROM articles_categories c
FROM articles a
WHERE a.active = TRUE
AND a.category_id = c.id)

SELECT * FROM categories c
EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM article a WHERE c.id = a.category_id);
should be fine... perhaps simpler ;)


When is it better to use CTE or temp table postgres

I am doing a query on a very large data set and i am using WITH (CTE) syntax.. this seems to take a while and i was reading online that temp tables could be faster to use in these cases can someone advise me in which direction to go. In the CTE we join to a lot of tables then we filter on the CTE result..
Only interesting in postgres answers
What version of PostgreSQL are you using? CTEs perform differently in PostgreSQL versions 11 and older than versions 12 and above.
In PostgreSQL 11 and older, CTEs are optimization fences (outer query restrictions are not passed on to CTEs) and the database evaluates the query inside the CTE and caches the results (i.e., materialized results) and outer WHERE clauses are applied later when the outer query is processed, which means either a full table scan or a full index seek is performed and results in horrible performance for large tables. To avoid this, apply as much filters in the WHERE clause inside the CTE:
WITH UserRecord AS (SELECT * FROM Users WHERE Id = 100)
SELECT * FROM UserRecord;
PostgreSQL 12 addresses this problem by introducing query optimizer hints to enable us to control if the CTE should be materialized or not: MATERIALIZED, NOT MATERIALIZED.
SELECT * FROM AllUsers WHERE Id = 100;
Note: Text and code examples are taken from my book Migrating your SQL Server Workloads to PostgreSQL
PostgreSQL 11 and older: Use Subquery
PostgreSQL 12 and above: Use CTE with NOT MATERIALIZED clause
My follow up comment is more than I can fit in a comment... so understand this may not be an answer to the OP per se.
Take the following query, which uses a CTE:
with sales as (
select item, sum (qty) as sales_qty, sum (revenue) as sales_revenue
from sales_data
where country = 'USA'
group by item
inventory as (
select item, sum (on_hand_qty) as inventory_qty
from inventory_data
where country = 'USA' and on_hand_qty != 0
group by item
a.item, a.description, s.sales_qty, s.sales_revenue,
i.inventory_qty, i.inventory_qty * a.cost as inventory_cost
all_items a
left join sales s on
a.item = s.item
left join inventory i on
a.item = i.item
There are times where I cannot explain why that the query runs slower than I would expect. Some times, simply materializing the CTEs makes it run better, as expected. Other times it does not, but when I do this:
drop table if exists sales;
drop table if exists inventory;
create temporary table sales as
select item, sum (qty) as sales_qty, sum (revenue) as sales_revenue
from sales_data
where country = 'USA'
group by item;
create temporary table inventory as
select item, sum (on_hand_qty) as inventory_qty
from inventory_data
where country = 'USA' and on_hand_qty != 0
group by item;
a.item, a.description, s.sales_qty, s.sales_revenue,
i.inventory_qty, i.inventory_qty * a.cost as inventory_cost
all_items a
left join sales s on
a.item = s.item
left join inventory i on
a.item = i.item;
Suddenly all is right in the world.
Temp tables may persist across sessions, but to my knowledge the data in them will be session-based. I'm honestly not even sure if the structures persist, which is why to be safe I always drop:
drop table if exists sales;
And use "if exists" to avoid any errors about the object not existing.
I rarely use these in common queries for the simple reason that they are not as portable as a simple SQL statement (you can't give the final query to another user without having the temp tables). My most common use case is when I am processing within a procedure/function:
create procedure sales_and_inventory()
language plpgsql
create temp table sales...
insert into sales_inventory
select ...
drop table sales;
Hopefully this helps.
Also, to answer your question on indexes... typically I don't, but nothing says that's always the right answer. If I put data into a temp table, I assume I'm going to use all or most of it. That said, if you plan to query it multiple times with conditions where an index makes sense, then by all means do it.

Full outer join with different WHERE clauses in Knex.js for PostgreSQL

I try to get a single row with two columns showing aggregation results: one column should show the total sum based on one WHERE-clause while the other column should show the total sum based on a different WHERE clause.
Desired output:
amount_vic amount_qld
100 70
In raw PostgreSQL I could write something like that:
sum(a.amount) as amount_vic,
sum(b.amount) as amount_qld
from mytable a
full outer join mytable b on 1=1
where a.state='vic' and b.state= 'qld'
Question: How do I write this or a similar query that returns the desired outcome in knex.js? For example: the 'on 1=1' probably needs knex.raw() and I think the table and column aliases do not work for me and it always returns some errors.
One of my not-working-attempts in knex.js:
.sum({ amount_vic: 'a.amount' })
.sum({ amount_qld: 'b.amount' })
.raw('full outer join mytable on 1=1')
a.state: 'vic',
b.state: 'qld'
Thank you for your help.
Disclaimer: this does not answer the Knex part of the question - but it is too long for a comment.
Although your current query does what you want, the way it is phrased seems suboptimal. There is not need to generate a self-cartesian product here - which is what full join ... on 1 = 1 does. You can just use conditional aggregation.
In Postgres, you would phrase this as:
sum(amount) filter(where state = 'vic') amount_vic,
sum(amount) filter(where state = 'qld') amount_qld
from mytable
where state in ('vic', 'qld')
I don't know Knex so I cannot tell how to translate the query to it. Maybe this query is easier for you to translate.

What is the execution order of a query with sub queries?

Consider this query
select *
from documents d
where exists (select 1 as [1]
from (
select *
from (
select *
from ProductMediaDocuments
where d.id = MediaDocuments_Id
) as [dummy1]
) as [s2]
where exists(
select *
from ProductSkus psk
where psk.Product_Id = s2.MediaProducts_Id
Could someone tell me how this is being processed by SQL Server? When statements appears in parentheses, this means it will execute first. But does this also apply for the above statement? In this case I don't think so, because the sub queries needs values of outer queries. So, how does this works under the hood?
That's completely up to the database engine.
Since SQL is a declarative language, you specify WHAT you want, but the HOW part is up to the DB Engine and it really depends on many factors like indexes presence, type, fragmentation; row cardinality, statistics.
That's just to mention few, because the list can goes on.
Of course you can look to the execution plan but the point is that you can't know HOW it will be executed just reading the query.
The execution plan will tell you what the engine actually does. That is, the physical processing order. AFAIK, the query planner will rewrite your query if it finds a better way to express it to itself or the engine. If your question is, "Why is my query not working the way I think it should." then that is where you should start.
The doc says the logical processing order is:
It also has this note:
The [preceding] steps show the logical processing order, or binding order, for a SELECT statement. This order determines when the objects defined in one step are made available to the clauses in subsequent steps. For example, if the query processor can bind to (access) the tables or views defined in the FROM clause, these objects and their columns are made available to all subsequent steps. Conversely, because the SELECT clause is step 8, any column aliases or derived columns defined in that clause cannot be referenced by preceding clauses. However, they can be referenced by subsequent clauses such as the ORDER BY clause. Note that the actual physical execution of the statement is determined by the query processor and the order may vary from this list.
FROM would include inline views (subqueries) or CTE aliases. Each time it finds a subquery, it should start over from the beginning and evaluate that query.
I simplified your code a bit.
FROM documents d
FROM ProductMediaDocuments s2
WHERE d.id = MediaDocuments_Id
FROM ProductSkus psk
WHERE psk.Product_Id = s2.MediaProducts_Id
I think this code is clearer don't you??
FROM documents d
JOIN ProductMediaDocuments s2 ON d.id = MediaDocuments_Id
JOIN ProductSkus psk ON psk.Product_Id = s2.MediaProducts_Id

select distinct from 2 columns but only 1 is duplicate

select a.subscriber_msisdn, war.created_datetime from
select distinct subscriber_msisdn from wiz_application_response
where application_item_id in
(select id from wiz_application_item where application_id=155)
and created_datetime between '2012-10-07 00:00' and '2012-11-15 00:00:54'
) a
left outer join wiz_application_response war on (war.subscriber_msisdn=a.subscriber_msisdn)
the sub select returns 11 rows but when joined return 18 (with duplicates). The objective of this query is only add the date column to the 11 rows of the sub select.
Based on your description, it stands to reason that there are multiple created_datetime values for some of the subscriber_msisdn values which is what prompted you to use the distinct in the subquery to begin with. By joining the sub query to the original table you are defeating this. A cleaner way to write the query would be:
, war.created_datetime
wiz_application_response war
LEFT JOIN wiz_application_item wai
ON war.application_item_id = wai.id
AND wai.application_id = 155
war.created_datetime BETWEEN '2012-10-07 00:00' AND '2012-11-15 00:00:54'
This should return only the rows from the war table that satisfy the criteria based on the wai table. It should not be and outer join unless you wanted to return all the rows from war table that satisfied the created_datetime parameter regardless of the application_item_id parameter.
This is my best guess based on the limited information I have about your tables and what I’m assuming you’re trying to accomplish. If this doesn’t get you what you are after, I will continue to offer other ideas based on additional information you could provide. Hope this works.
Can most probably simplified to this:
r.subscriber_msisdn, r.created_datetime
FROM wiz_application_item i
JOIN wiz_application_response r ON r.application_item_id = i.id
WHERE i.application_id = 155
AND i.created_datetime BETWEEN '2012-10-07 00:00' AND '2012-11-15 00:00:54'
ORDER BY 1, 2 DESC -- to pick the latest created_datetime
Details depend on missing information.
More explanation here.

Postgresql Faulty Syntax on select/join/group

What about the following is not proper syntax for Postgresql?
select p.*, SUM(vote) as votes_count
FROM votes v, posts p
where p.id = v.`voteable_id`
AND v.`voteable_type` = 'Post'
group by v.voteable_id
order by votes_count DESC limit 20
I am in the process of installing postgresql locally but wanted to get this out sooner :)
Thank you
MySQL is a lot looser in its interpretation of standard SQL than PostgreSQL is. There are two issues with your query:
Backtick quoting is a MySQL thing.
Your GROUP BY is invalid.
The first one can be fixed by simply removing the offending quotes. The second one requires more work; from the fine manual:
When GROUP BY is present, it is not valid for the SELECT list expressions to refer to ungrouped columns except within aggregate functions, since there would be more than one possible value to return for an ungrouped column.
This means that every column mentioned in your SELECT either has to appear in an aggregate function or in the GROUP BY clause. So, you have to expand your p.* and make sure that all those columns are in the GROUP BY, you should end up with something like this but with real columns in place of p.column...:
select p.id, p.column..., sum(v.vote) as votes_count
from votes v, posts p
where p.id = v.voteable_id
and v.voteable_type = 'Post'
group by p.id, p.column...
order by votes_count desc
limit 20
This is a pretty common problem when moving from MySQL to anything else.