When is it better to use CTE or temp table postgres - postgresql

I am doing a query on a very large data set and i am using WITH (CTE) syntax.. this seems to take a while and i was reading online that temp tables could be faster to use in these cases can someone advise me in which direction to go. In the CTE we join to a lot of tables then we filter on the CTE result..
Only interesting in postgres answers

What version of PostgreSQL are you using? CTEs perform differently in PostgreSQL versions 11 and older than versions 12 and above.
In PostgreSQL 11 and older, CTEs are optimization fences (outer query restrictions are not passed on to CTEs) and the database evaluates the query inside the CTE and caches the results (i.e., materialized results) and outer WHERE clauses are applied later when the outer query is processed, which means either a full table scan or a full index seek is performed and results in horrible performance for large tables. To avoid this, apply as much filters in the WHERE clause inside the CTE:
WITH UserRecord AS (SELECT * FROM Users WHERE Id = 100)
SELECT * FROM UserRecord;
PostgreSQL 12 addresses this problem by introducing query optimizer hints to enable us to control if the CTE should be materialized or not: MATERIALIZED, NOT MATERIALIZED.
SELECT * FROM AllUsers WHERE Id = 100;
Note: Text and code examples are taken from my book Migrating your SQL Server Workloads to PostgreSQL
PostgreSQL 11 and older: Use Subquery
PostgreSQL 12 and above: Use CTE with NOT MATERIALIZED clause

My follow up comment is more than I can fit in a comment... so understand this may not be an answer to the OP per se.
Take the following query, which uses a CTE:
with sales as (
select item, sum (qty) as sales_qty, sum (revenue) as sales_revenue
from sales_data
where country = 'USA'
group by item
inventory as (
select item, sum (on_hand_qty) as inventory_qty
from inventory_data
where country = 'USA' and on_hand_qty != 0
group by item
a.item, a.description, s.sales_qty, s.sales_revenue,
i.inventory_qty, i.inventory_qty * a.cost as inventory_cost
all_items a
left join sales s on
a.item = s.item
left join inventory i on
a.item = i.item
There are times where I cannot explain why that the query runs slower than I would expect. Some times, simply materializing the CTEs makes it run better, as expected. Other times it does not, but when I do this:
drop table if exists sales;
drop table if exists inventory;
create temporary table sales as
select item, sum (qty) as sales_qty, sum (revenue) as sales_revenue
from sales_data
where country = 'USA'
group by item;
create temporary table inventory as
select item, sum (on_hand_qty) as inventory_qty
from inventory_data
where country = 'USA' and on_hand_qty != 0
group by item;
a.item, a.description, s.sales_qty, s.sales_revenue,
i.inventory_qty, i.inventory_qty * a.cost as inventory_cost
all_items a
left join sales s on
a.item = s.item
left join inventory i on
a.item = i.item;
Suddenly all is right in the world.
Temp tables may persist across sessions, but to my knowledge the data in them will be session-based. I'm honestly not even sure if the structures persist, which is why to be safe I always drop:
drop table if exists sales;
And use "if exists" to avoid any errors about the object not existing.
I rarely use these in common queries for the simple reason that they are not as portable as a simple SQL statement (you can't give the final query to another user without having the temp tables). My most common use case is when I am processing within a procedure/function:
create procedure sales_and_inventory()
language plpgsql
create temp table sales...
insert into sales_inventory
select ...
drop table sales;
Hopefully this helps.
Also, to answer your question on indexes... typically I don't, but nothing says that's always the right answer. If I put data into a temp table, I assume I'm going to use all or most of it. That said, if you plan to query it multiple times with conditions where an index makes sense, then by all means do it.


Refactoring query using DISTINCT and JOINing table with a lot of records

I am using PostgreSQL v 11.6. I've read a lot of questions asking about how to optimize queries which are using DISTINCT. Mine is not that different, but despite the other questions where the people usually want's to keep the other part of the query and just somehow make DISTINCT ON faster, I am willing to rewrite the query with the sole purpose to make it as performent as possible. The current query is this:
SELECT DISTINCT s.name FROM app.source AS s
INNER JOIN app.index_value iv ON iv.source_id = s.id
INNER JOIN app.index i ON i.id = iv.index_id
INNER JOIN app.namespace AS ns ON i.namespace_id=ns.id
ORDER BY s.name;
The app.source table contains about 800 records. The other tables are under 5000 recrods tops, but the app.index_value contains 35_420_354 (about 35 million records) which I guess causes the overall slow execution of the query.
The EXPLAIN ANALYZE returns this:
I think that all relevent indexes are in place (maybe there can be made some small optimization) but I think that in order to get significant improvements in the time execution I need a better logic for the query.
The current execution time on a decent machine is 35~38 seconds.
Your query is not using DISTINCT ON. It is merely using DISTINCT which is quite a different thing.
SELECT DISTINCT is indeed often an indicator for a oorly written query, because DISTINCT is used to remove duplicates and it is often the case tat the query creates those duplicates itself. The same is true for your query. You simply want all names where certain entries exist. So, use EXISTS (or IN for that matter).
SELECT s.name
FROM app.source AS s
FROM app.index_value iv
JOIN app.index i ON i.id = iv.index_id
JOIN app.namespace AS ns ON i.namespace_id = ns.id
WHERE iv.source_id = s.id
AND (SELECT TRUE FROM UNNEST(Array['Default']::CITEXT[]) AS nss WHERE ns.name ILIKE nss LIMIT 1)
ORDER BY s.name;
SELECT s.name
FROM app.source AS s
SELECT iv.source_id
FROM app.index_value iv
JOIN app.index i ON i.id = iv.index_id
JOIN app.namespace AS ns ON i.namespace_id = ns.id
ORDER BY s.name;
Thus we avoid creating an unnecessarily large intermediate result.
Update 1
From the database side we can support queries with appropriate indexes. The only criteria used in your query that limits selected rows is the array lookup, though. This is probably slow, because the DBMS cannot use database indexes here as far as I know. And depending on the array content we can end up with zero app.namespace rows, few rows, many rows or even all rows. The DBMS cannot even make proper assumptions on know how many. From there we'll retrieve the related index and index_value rows. Again, these can be all or none. The DBMS could use indexes here or not. If it used indexes this would be very fast on small sets of rows and extremely slow on large data sets. And if it used full table scans and joined these via hash joins for instance, this would be the fastest approach for many rows and rather slow on few rows.
You can create indexes and see whether they get used or not. I suggest:
create index idx1 on app.index (namespace_id, id);
create index idx2 on app.index_value (index_id, source_id);
create index idx3 on app.source (id, name);
Update 2
I am not versed with arrays. But t looks like you want to check if a matching condition exists. So again EXISTS might be a tad more appropriate:
FROM UNNEST(Array['Default']::CITEXT[]) AS nss
WHERE ns.name ILIKE nss
Update 3
One more idea (I feel stupid now to have missed that): For each source we just look up whether there is at least one match. So maybe the DBMS starts with the source table and goes from that table to the next. For this we'd use the following indexes:
create index idx4 on index_value (source_id, index_id);
create index idx5 on index (id, namespace_id);
create index idx6 on namespace (id, name);
Just add them to your database and see what happens. You can always drop indexes again when you see the DBMS doesn't use them.

Full outer join with different WHERE clauses in Knex.js for PostgreSQL

I try to get a single row with two columns showing aggregation results: one column should show the total sum based on one WHERE-clause while the other column should show the total sum based on a different WHERE clause.
Desired output:
amount_vic amount_qld
100 70
In raw PostgreSQL I could write something like that:
sum(a.amount) as amount_vic,
sum(b.amount) as amount_qld
from mytable a
full outer join mytable b on 1=1
where a.state='vic' and b.state= 'qld'
Question: How do I write this or a similar query that returns the desired outcome in knex.js? For example: the 'on 1=1' probably needs knex.raw() and I think the table and column aliases do not work for me and it always returns some errors.
One of my not-working-attempts in knex.js:
.sum({ amount_vic: 'a.amount' })
.sum({ amount_qld: 'b.amount' })
.raw('full outer join mytable on 1=1')
a.state: 'vic',
b.state: 'qld'
Thank you for your help.
Disclaimer: this does not answer the Knex part of the question - but it is too long for a comment.
Although your current query does what you want, the way it is phrased seems suboptimal. There is not need to generate a self-cartesian product here - which is what full join ... on 1 = 1 does. You can just use conditional aggregation.
In Postgres, you would phrase this as:
sum(amount) filter(where state = 'vic') amount_vic,
sum(amount) filter(where state = 'qld') amount_qld
from mytable
where state in ('vic', 'qld')
I don't know Knex so I cannot tell how to translate the query to it. Maybe this query is easier for you to translate.

Postgres subquery has access to column in a higher level table. Is this a bug? or a feature I don't understand?

I don't understand why the following doesn't fail. How does the subquery have access to a column from a different table at the higher level?
drop table if exists temp_a;
create temp table temp_a as
select 1 as col_a
drop table if exists temp_b;
create temp table temp_b as
select 2 as col_b
select col_a from temp_a where col_a in (select col_a from temp_b);
/*why doesn't this fail?*/
The following fail, as I would expect them to.
select col_a from temp_b;
/*ERROR: column "col_a" does not exist*/
select * from temp_a cross join (select col_a from temp_b) as sq;
/*ERROR: column "col_a" does not exist
*HINT: There is a column named "col_a" in table "temp_a", but it cannot be referenced from this part of the query.*/
I know about the LATERAL keyword (link, link) but I'm not using LATERAL here. Also, this query succeeds even in pre-9.3 versions of Postgres (when the LATERAL keyword was introduced.)
Here's a sqlfiddle: http://sqlfiddle.com/#!10/09f62/5/0
Thank you for any insights.
Although this feature might be confusing, without it, several types of queries would be more difficult, slower, or impossible to write in sql. This feature is called a "correlated subquery" and the correlation can serve a similar function as a join.
For example: Consider this statement
select first_name, last_name from users u
where exists (select * from orders o where o.user_id=u.user_id)
Now this query will get the names of all the users who have ever placed an order. Now, I know, you can get that info using a join to the orders table, but you'd also have to use a "distinct", which would internally require a sort and would likely perform a tad worse than this query. You could also produce a similar query with a group by.
Here's a better example that's pretty practical, and not just for performance reasons. Suppose you want to delete all users who have no orders and no tickets.
delete from users u where
not exists (select * from orders o where o.user_d = u.user_id)
and not exists (select * from tickets t where t.user_id=u.ticket_id)
One very important thing to note is that you should fully qualify or alias your table names when doing this or you might wind up with a typo that completely messes up the query and silently "just works" while returning bad data.
The following is an example of what NOT to do.
select * from users
where exists (select * from product where last_updated_by=user_id)
This looks just fine until you look at the tables and realize that the table "product" has no "last_updated_by" field and the user table does, which returns the wrong data. Add the alias and the query will fail because no "last_updated_by" column exists in product.
I hope this has given you some examples that show you how to use this feature. I use them all the time in update and delete statements (as well as in selects-- but I find an absolute need for them in updates and deletes often)

Why is performance of CTE worse than temporary table in this example

I recently asked a question regarding CTE's and using data with no true root records (i.e Instead of the root record having a NULL parent_Id it is parented to itself)
The question link is here; Creating a recursive CTE with no rootrecord
The answer has been provided to that question and I now have the data I require however I am interested in the difference between the two approaches that I THINK are available to me.
The approach that yielded the data I required was to create a temp table with cleaned up parenting data and then run a recursive CTE against. This looked like below;
Select CASE
WHEN Parent_Id = Party_Id THEN NULL
ELSE Parent_Id
END AS Act_Parent_Id
, Party_Id
INTO #Parties
WITH linkedParties
Select Act_Parent_Id, Party_Id, PARTY_CODE, PARTY_NAME, 0 AS LEVEL
FROM #Parties
Select p.Act_Parent_Id, p.Party_Id, p.PARTY_CODE, p.PARTY_NAME, Level + 1
FROM #Parties p
inner join
linkedParties t on p.Act_Parent_Id = t.Party_Id
Select *
FROM linkedParties
Order By Level
I also attempted to retrieve the same data by defining two CTE's. One to emulate the creation of the temp table above and the other to do the same recursive work but referencing the initial CTE rather than a temp table;
WITH Parties
(Select CASE
WHEN Parent_Id = Party_Id THEN NULL
ELSE Parent_Id
END AS Act_Parent_Id
, Party_Id
Select Act_Parent_Id, Party_Id, PARTY_CODE, PARTY_NAME, 0 AS LEVEL
FROM Parties
Select p.Act_Parent_Id, p.Party_Id, p.PARTY_CODE, p.PARTY_NAME, Level + 1
FROM Parties p
inner join
linkedParties t on p.Act_Parent_Id = t.Party_Id
Select *
FROM linkedParties
Order By Level
Now these two scripts are run on the same server however the temp table approach yields the results in approximately 15 seconds.
The multiple CTE approach takes upwards of 5 minutes (so long in fact that I have never waited for the results to return).
Is there a reason why the temp table approach would be so much quicker?
For what it is worth I believe it is to do with the record counts. The base table has 200k records in it and from memory CTE performance is severely degraded when dealing with large data sets but I cannot seem to prove that so thought I'd check with the experts.
Many Thanks
Well as there appears to be no clear answer for this some further research into the generics of the subject threw up a number of other threads with similar problems.
This one seems to cover many of the variations between temp table and CTEs so is most useful for people looking to read around their issues;
Which are more performant, CTE or temporary tables?
In my case it would appear that the large amount of data in my CTEs would cause issue as it is not cached anywhere and therefore recreating it each time it is referenced later would have a large impact.
This might not be exactly the same issue you experienced, but I just came across a few days ago a similar one and the queries did not even process that many records (a few thousands of records).
And yesterday my colleague had a similar problem.
Just to be clear we are using SQL Server 2008 R2.
The pattern that I identified and seems to throw the sql server optimizer off the rails is using temporary tables in CTEs that are joined with other temporary tables in the main select statement.
In my case I ended up creating an extra temporary table.
Here is a sample.
I ended up doing this:
SELECT DISTINCT st.field1, st.field2
into #Temp1
FROM SomeTable st
WHERE st.field3 <> 0
select x.field1, x.field2
FROM #Temp1 x inner join #Temp2 o
on x.field1 = o.field1
order by 1, 2
I tried the following query but it was a lot slower, if you can believe it.
with temp1 as (
DISTINCT st.field1, st.field2
FROM SomeTable st
WHERE st.field3 <> 0
select x.field1, x.field2
FROM temp1 x inner join #Temp2 o
on x.field1 = o.field1
order by 1, 2
I also tried to inline the first query in the second one and the performance was the same, i.e. VERY BAD.
SQL Server never ceases to amaze me. Once in a while I come across issues like this one that reminds me it is a microsoft product after all, but in the end you can say that other database systems have their own quirks.

way to reduce the cost in db2 for count(*)

Hi I had a DB2 Query as below
select count(*) as count from
table c
b.xxx=234 AND
Result SEt:
For the above query i even tried with Count(1) but when i took the access plan, cost is same.
select count(1) as count from
table c
b.xxx=234 AND
Result SEt:
Is there any other way to reduce the cost.
PS: b.xxx,b.yyy, c.wedf is indexed..
Thanks in advance.
I think one of the problem are statistics on the table. Did you execute Runstats? Probably, the data distribution or the quantity of rows that has to be read is a lot, and DB2 concludes that is better to read the whole table, instead of process an index, and then fetch the rows from the table.
It seems that both queries are taking the same access plan, and I think they are doing table scans.
Are the three columns part of the same index? or they are indexed separately? If they are part of different indexes, is there any ANDing between indexes in the access plan? If there is not ANDing with different indexes, the columns has to be read from the table in order to process the predicates.
The reason count(1) and count(*) are giving the same cost, is because both has to do a TableScan.
Please, take a look at the access plan, not only the results in timerons, but also the steps. Is the access plan taking the indexes? how many sorts is executing?
Try to change the optimization level, and you will see that the access plans change. I think you are executing with the default one (5)
If you want to force the query to take in account an index, you can create an optimization profile
What is the relation between (B,C) tables and A table. In your query you just use CROSS JOIN between A and (B,C). So it is the MAIN performance issue.
If you really need this count just multiply counts for A and (B,C):
(select count(*) from a)
(select count(*) from b, c where b.xxx=234 AND b.yyy=c.wedf )
for DB2 use this:
select a1.cnt*
(select count(*) as cnt2 from b, c where b.xxx=234 AND b.yyy=c.wedf )
(select count(*) as cnt1 from a) a1