saving object state in dealloc doesn't work - iphone

I noticed just now that when I save object state (#public floats converted to NSStrings) in my dealloc method, using
+(void)savePreferences:(NSString*)key :(NSString*)value{
NSMutableString* mutableString=[[NSMutableString alloc]initWithString:value];
CFPreferencesSetAppValue((CFStringRef)key, mutableString, kCFPreferencesCurrentApplication); // Set up the preference.
CFPreferencesAppSynchronize(kCFPreferencesCurrentApplication);// Write out the preference data.
[mutableString release];
the wrong values are saved!? If I instead save the values just before releasing, the correct values are saved. Note that I am careful to call [super dealloc]; at the end. Why is this?

Several issues with that code;
saving state in -dealloc is way too late. By the time -dealloc is called, the object graph is in the midst of being torn down.
on app termination, the system will not waste cycles tearing down your application. It'll just inform it that it is about to be terminated and then terminate it; if you are relying on -dealloc to be called, that might likely never happen.
that method name isn't very good. Try something like savePreferencesValue:forKey:. However, the implication that it may be called many times would lead to a significant ineffeciency (in that it'd write the preferences plist over and over).
the mutable string copy of the incoming value is a waste of cycles and memory; no need for it
unless you need the extended features of CFPreferences*() you should just stick with NSUserDefaults; it will lead to less code and less fragility.


Is there any case where [self retain] is valid?

Reading source code of my current project, I see:
[self retain]
in one class, in its init method.
I don't understand exactly the reason.
Reading memory management rules from Apple, I don't see anything about this, and I don't see any hypothetical [self release].
The object is asserting ownership of itself when it is initialised. The only reason I can see that this might be useful is if the object needs to guarantee its own existence until some event has happened. For example, it might run a timer and then release itself when the timer expires.
If it's not documented and there is no corresponding release, it's probably a bug.
Best guess is that the person writing the code had a retain error and this was a "quick fix" around the real problem.
This seems to be probably an error, usually it's not up to the object to retain himself.
I see only one special case: delegate and notification, where you have to be much more careful about your life cycle, but even if this case, release/retain should not be done in the object itself.
Note to Erick:
In case of UIAlert, you can release it before it has been destroyed because the view has been but in the view hiercarchy, and then referenced. So the view will be automatically destroyed when it will be removed from the view hierarchy
It's not wrong to retain self. But seeing it in an init method sounds suspicious. I can't think of a good example of where that would be a good thing to do. Also though, with ARC, you can't even do that so you'd have to think of a better way of doing things. In general, if an object is required to be alive then there would be another object that is holding onto it. Self retaining objects are prone to errors where they will never be released.
If I recall correctly some classes use the self-retain to avoid pre-mature releasing. I would say it's not exactly best practice, but if you know the rules of the game (in this case Obj-C) you can break them (sometimes).
if you have some object, it's like it have healts/ lives. when you created it , it have one live. and. function 'retain' increasing his number of lives +1, release function decreasing his number of lives -1, dealloc decreasing too, alloc increasing

Objective-C pointers/memory management question

I am testing the following code below. ffv is declared in the interface file.
ffv = [[FullFunctionView alloc] initWithFrame:self.view.bounds];
NSLog(#"%i", [ffv retainCount]); // prints 1
[self.view insertSubview:ffv belowSubview:switchViewsBtn];
NSLog(#"%i", [ffv retainCount]); // prints 2
[ffv release]; // you can release it now since the view has ownership of ffv
NSLog(#"%i", [ffv retainCount]); // prints 1
if (ffv == nil)
NSLog(#"ffv is nil");
// "ffv is nil" is not printed
[ffv testMethod]; // "test method called" is printed
this is my [ffv testMethod] implementation
- (void)testMethod
NSLog(#"test method called");
What I deduce in this case is that even if you release an object with retain count 2, you lose ownership of that object however, the reference is still kept.
Now, my question are:
Is my deduction correct?
Is there anything else important that can be deduced from this?
What are the complications caused by still keeping (using) ffv and calling methods from ffv? (My opinion is that this is ok since the view will always own ffv and won't release it until someone calls viewDidUnload. And as long as I don't pass ffv's reference to other objects.)
There are a couple of problems with using ffv after you have released it and it's only retained by your view controller's view.
1) It introduces a potential for future bugs, because later you might not remember that ffv is otherwise not retained. When you release the view (e.g. by replacing it with another view), you have a dangling pointer that you still hold a reference to.
2) In the special case of a UIViewController the view could be released at any time (you usually never call viewDidUnload yourself). The default behavior of UIViewController, when receiving a memory warning and the view is currently not visible, is to release the view, so unless you set the reference to nil in viewDidUnload, you have a dangling pointer again, even though you never explicitly released the view yourself.
1) Is my deduction correct?
Your deduction is correct. The Memory Management Programming Guide explains that each object has one or many owners. You own any object you create using any method starting with alloc, new, copy, or mutableCopy. You can also take ownership of an object using retain. When you're done with an object, you must relinquish ownership using release or autorelease.
Releasing the object doesn't change the value of any variables that reference that object. Your variable contains the object's memory address until you reassign it, no matter what retain count the object has. Even if the object's retain count goes to zero, causing the object to get deallocated, your variable will still point at that same address. If you try to access the object after it's been deallocated, your app will normally crash with EXC_BAD_ACCESS. This is a common memory management bug.
2) Is there anything else important that can be deduced from this?
Nothing comes to mind.
3) What are the complications caused by still keeping (using) ffv and calling methods from ffv? (My opinion is that this is ok since the view will always own ffv and won't release it until someone calls viewDidUnload. And as long as I don't pass ffv's reference to other objects.)
When you call release, you are telling the Objective C runtime that you no longer require access to the object. While there may be many cases like this one in which you know the object will still exist, in practice you really shouldn't access an object after calling release. You'd just be tempting fate and setting yourself up for future bugs.
I personally don't like peppering my code with release statements, because I don't trust myself to remember them 100% of the time. Instead, I prefer to autorelease my variables as soon as I allocate them like this:
ffv = [[[FullFunctionView alloc] initWithFrame:self.view.bounds] autorelease];
This guarantees that ffv will exist at least until the end of the method. It will get released shortly thereafter, typically before the next iteration of the run loop. (In theory this could consume excessive memory if you're allocating a large number of temporary objects in a tight loop, but in practice I've never encountered this case. If I ever do, it will be easy to optimize.)
The object is not deallocated until the retain count goes to 0. As long as it's not deallocated, you can keep using it without trouble. By retaining it you ensure that it won't be deallocated under your feet; however, if you retain another object that you know retains the first object, you can get away with this form of "indirect retaining". Don't complain when you move things around later and things start breaking, though.
if (ffv == nil)
NSLog(#"ffv is nil");
// "ffv is nil" is not printed
That's correct, releasing an object does not set the pointer to nil even if it is dealloced at that time. Good practice is to always set your pointer to nil after you release it.
You are correct to say that after you released it, it wasn't dealloced because the view still had a retain on it. But that's not how you should be thinking about it. If you want to use that object and you want it to be alive, retain it. Doesn't matter who else is retaining it. Your object has nothing to do with those other objects. You want it, retain it. You're done with it, release it and set your pointers to nil. If you don't set it to nil and everyone else also released it, you will have a dangling pointer to an object that was dealloced, and that will cause you a crash and much grievance.
so this:
[ffv release]; // you can release it now since the view has ownership of ffv
ffv = nil; // you released it, so that means you don't want it anymore, so set the pointer to nil
if you still want to use it, don't release it until you're done with it.
Well, I'm not sure 'losing' ownership is the right term. In Objective-C you have to carefully marshal your ownership of the object. If you create or retain an object, you are responsible for releasing it (either directly or via an autorelease pool). When you call release however, you don't lose a reference to the object, if something else has retained it, it will still be in memory, and your pointer will still potentially point to it.
You have a pointer ffv which is just a pointer to some memory, and you have the object which is created in the first line that ffv points to.
By calling release, you are stating that you no longer require the ponter ffv to point to a valid object, that in this context you would be happy for the object to be deallocated. The pointer still points to that bit of memory, and it is still there because its retain count was increased by assigning it to the view.
The line [ffv testMethod] is in danger of not working, as it follows the release and may not point to a valid object. It only works because something else is keeping it alive. ffv still has the same address value that it had when it was first assigned.
So in order:
Your deduction is correct.
Not really.
You shouldn't use ffv after the release call. You have no guarantee that the object is going to be there for you.
These are pointers we are using here, not references like you find in Java or C#. You have to marshal your ownership of the object, you create it, have some pointers to it and by careful management of retain and release calls you keep it in memory for as long as you need it.

Some stress tests on my Iphone app

I ran a few stress tests on my Iphone app. The results are below. I am wondering if I should be concerned and, if so, what I might do about it.
I set up a timer to fire once a second. Whenever the timer fired, the app requested some XML data from the server. When the data arrived, the app then parsed the data and redisplayed the affected table view.On several trials, the app averaged about 500 times through the loop before crashing.
I then removed the parsing and redisplay steps from the above loop. Now it could go about 800 times.
I set up a loop to repeatedly redisplay the table view, without downloading anything. As soon as one redisplay was completed, the next one began. After 2601 loops, the app crashed.
All of the above numbers are larger than what a user is likely to do.
Also, my app never lasts long at all when I try to run it on the device under instruments. So I can't get useful data that way. (But without instruments it lasts quite a while, as detailed above.)
I would say you need to be very concerned. The first rule of programming is that the user will never do what you expect.
Things to consider:
Accessor methods. Use them. Set up
properties for all attributes and
always access them with the
appropriate getter/setter methods:
. = some_other_object; -OR-
[object setProperty:some_other_object];
object = some_other_object.some_property;
object = [some_other_object some_property];
Resist the temptation to do things like:
property = some_other_object;
[property retain];
Do you get output from ObjectAlloc?
There are 4 tools from memory leaks,
performance and object allocations.
Are none of them loading?
What do you get when the app crashes?
EXEC_BAD_ACCESS or some other error?
Balanced retain (either alloc or
copy) and release. It is a good idea
to keep every alloc/copy balanced
with a release/autorelease in the
same method. If you use your
accessors ALL OF THE TIME, the need
for doing manual releases is seldom.
Autorelease will often hide a real
problem. It is possible Autorelease
can mask some tricky allocation
issues. Double check your use of
EDITED (Added based on your fault code)
Based on your above answer of "Program received signal: 0". This indicates that you have run out of memory. I would start by looking for instances that your code does something like:
myObject = [[MyClass alloc] init];
[someMutableArray addObject:myObject];
and you do not have the "release" when you put the new object into the array. If this array then gets released, the object, myObject, will become an orphan but hang around in memory anyway. The easy way to do this is to grep for all of your "alloc"/"copy" messages. Except under exceedingly rare conditions, there should be a paired "release""/autorelease" in the same function. More often than not, the above should be:
myObject = [[[MyClass alloc] init] autorelease];
[someMutableArray addObject:myObject];

Any way to check if an instance is still in memory?

Example: I have a view controller and get rid of it. But there's still an variable holding it's memory address. Accessing that results in EXEC_BAD_ACCESS. Of course. But: Is there any way to check if that variable is still valid? i.e. if it's still pointing to something that exists in memory?
You need to read this again:
Cocoa Memory Management Guidelines
In short, if you want something to stick around you must retain it.
If you want something to go away and you have previously retained it, you must release or autorelease it.
You must never call dealloc directly (except [super dealloc]; at the end of every one of your dealloc methods).
You must never release or autorelease an object that you did not retain.
Note that some methods do return retained objects that you must release. If you alloc an instance of a class, that implies a retain. If you copy and instance, the copy is retained.
If you are ever tempted to use the retainCount method, don't. It isn't useful. Only consider retain counts as a delta; if you add, you must subtract, but the absolute value is an implementation detail that should be ignored.
(In other words, even if there were ways to check for an object's validity definitively -- there aren't -- it would be the wrong answer.)
Oh, and use the Build and Analyze feature in Xcode. It does a very good -- but not quite perfect -- job of identifying memory management problems, amongst other things.
That's what the entire memory management model is set up for - if you call retain at the right times, and release and autorelease at the right times, that can't happen. You can use NSZombie to help you debug.
Use "NSZombieEnabled" break point.
For this reason only all strongly recommend us to use accessors. If your object is released anywhere, it will get assigned to nil, and there will be no harm if you call any API or method on Nil object. So please make a habit of using Accessors.
you just add this NSZombieEnabled Flag as an argument to your application in build settings. and enable it. Now you run your application in debug mode. If any such crash is about to occur, this breakpoint will show you which object is freed and where it is crashing.
If by variable, you mean whether the pointer to your object still references valid memory then:
MyClass *myVariable = [[MyClass alloc] init];
//Tons of stuff happens...
if (myVariable != nil)
//Do more stuff

iphone memory management

I have a method that returns a NSMutableArray:
//implementation of class Students
-(NSMutableArray *)listOfStudents {
NSMutableArray *students = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
//add objects to students and other operations here
return students;
The problem here is, when and where do I release the object students? If it was an instance variable, I would add a [students release] in the dealloc method, but it's not. The class Students allocated the object, so it owns the new NSMutableArray and it must release it, right?
Since I can't release it before return it, the only option I see here is... return it as:
return [students autorelease];
But it doesn't feel right to use autorelease objects on the iPhone. This method will be called many times... and I would like to release the memory as soon as possible. Also, the autorelease pool is in the main function and it looks like it will take a while to clean the mess.
How would you do it?
I tend to avoid using autorelease wherever I can within my iPhone applications, but there are some cases where it doesn't hurt you that much. If the array that you're generating via this method will be retained for a reasonably long duration, then you won't be sacrificing any performance or memory usage by returning it as an autoreleased result.
However, if you will be using and discarding the returned object quite frequently, you may wish to do something different. I have a naming convention with my methods that if something is prefixed by "generate", like generateStudentsArray, it returns an object that is owned by the caller and must be manually released (like with copy). This helps to avoid using autoreleased objects, but it adds another thing to remember when doing memory management.
Additionally, because memory allocation / deallocation is costly (especially on the iPhone), you may wish to avoid the frequent allocations and deallocations within a method called quite a lot and instead recycle the mutable array by creating it ahead of time and passing it into the method, which only adds to the array's contents.
You're right, autorelease is the standard idiom to use in a situation like this.
UIKit actually creates an autorelease pool at the start of each event cycle and releases it at the end, so your autoreleased objects will get cleared up then; they won't be hanging around forever.
If you had a loop that was calling this method many times within a single event cycle, you might want to create your own autorelease pool inside that loop so that these objects get released at the end of each iteration, rather than building up loads of objects to be released at the end of the current event cycle.
But unless you're doing something like that, or you are encountering another specific out-of-memory situation, UIKit's standard autorelease pools should handle it fine.