custom tab content doesn't show up in facebook page - facebook

I created a facebook page for my company and we wanted to add a custom tab for users to land on. I went and created an app to do an iframe tab since fbml has been depreciated. Anyway i have everything set and added the app on the fan page, but when you click on the link for the custom tab nothing shows up in the content area.
Any ideas as to why this is happening? I can see the content just fin on our server, it just doesn't load inside the facebook page

I have the same problem (FF 3.6, IE8). I've discovered that the Custom app/tab won't display in the my FB page if I'm logged into my own page. The only "solution" I have found is to log out of FB, or open a different browser and display the page "anonymously". Only then does the custom tab appear.


Facebook Page Publish link to page tab (iframe)

I have a wordpress site which is meant to use via Facebook page tab. I have made a page tab and added an iframe tag which opens the site into the page tab. I have added a Facebook plugin ( to publish new posts to my page's wall to get more traffic to the site. All this works perfectly.
My problem is the following:
The plugin publishes a link to e.g. The site is meant to use only via the page tab, not at that domain. The link should be customized to open the page in the Facebook page tab via iframe.
Does anyone have an idea how to fix this or how to achieve the solution another way?
I think that it can be done by customizing the link to point first at the right Facebook page tab and then inside the iframe to the correct page.

How to add an iFrame page Tab application to an Application profile page?

I've been trying to set up my Facebook Application Profile Page by adding an iFrame tab to it. Seeing as this is similar to the process of adding an iFrame tab to a Fan Page, I going through the same process, to no avail.
In order to add an iFrame tab to a Fan Page, one is required to create a Facebook iFrame Page Tab Application (process described here:, and then browse to the newly created app's page, click the 'Add to My Page' link and select the page to which they want to add the iFrame Page Tab Application.
Now, if I want to do the same thing, but instead of adding the iFrame Page Tab Application to a Fan Page, add it to an Application Profile Page, then that's impossible because, apparently, Application Profile Pages don't appear in the window where you'd select the page you want to add the tab to. I've seen other applications that have done it, and have tried many approaches, none of which seem to work.
Any ideas?
Ultimately, my goal is to create a tab in my Application Profile Page, with my own content (which is basically just a picture with a link on it). Tried using the FBML app that Facebook provides but the problem with that is that they don't let you customize the icon to the left of the tab when using the FBML app, and using the iFrame Page Tab Application (as described above) is a workaround, but then I can't add it to my App profile page :\

Facebook app on fan page problems (error 404)

I see this issue has appeared a few times but none of the solutions have worked for me.
Here is my app:
It's basically an image of a poster:
I want this image to be the landing page of my fan page:
I've added this as the site URL on the developer page and added it to my fan page. When I click 'Go to application' on the Apps tab on my fan page I get an error 404. Where could I have gone wrong?
The App is pointing to : and that seems not to have anything.
But to make this app show a and image on the landing page you need to go to your app settings and change the Tab URL and point it to the image or HTML Poster you wish to display.
Then go to the app Page and on the left menu click "Ad to My page", select the clareEnts page.
Last in your page settings select the default tab. This will be the tab where non-likers land. As an admin in wont work that way (you are always a fan is the behavior) so use another account for testing.

FacebookSDK- for a Iframe Canvas App, after autherization user is redirected to canvas page

I am working on web application with .net 3.5 using C# facebook SDK. Loading page inside Page Tab iframe with some information, and input button, on click of button i am doing auth.Authorize() with some permissions, FB Permission window opens fine, but once user click on allow button it is redirecting to application canvas page instead of Page tab.
Is there anything i am missing?
Answer is to set auth.ReturnUrlPath which will bring user back to selected tab in facebook page. If your application is being added to multiple pages, then you can find out current pageid from "signed request" and set correct ReturnUrlPath, and attach ?sk=app_YOUR_APP_ID as querystring to ReturnUrlPath so current tab will be selected. your return path will look something similar to : (make sure you handle both http and https)
This worked for me, hopefully will work for someone too.
Facebook C# SDK doesnt support tabs.
Only canvas apps are supported.

Adding Dynamic HTML to Facebook's Fan Page

I am trying to add a new box on the main view of our Fan Page.
And populate it with HTML from our main webserver (django) when the user opens the fan-page.
Is there any way to do this ?
You should read up on creating facebook applications...
Once you have an application you can setup a page tab application and add that to your fan page.
Finally go to your fan page settings, and the "Manage Permissions" tab. There you can set your "Default landing tab". Be aware, as the administrator of the page the landing tab will not work for YOUR account - you'll have to log into a different facebook account to see this behaviour.
There's two way of reading what you want to do :
1/ You want a landing for non-fans
2/ You want a landing page for all your user
The first one is achievable by creating an application and fill the page tabs fields (PAge tab name, Page tab url, secure page tab url). Then going to the App Profile Page, add it to your page. Then on the admin panel of your page pick your app as default landing tab.
The second isn't achievable. One a user likes your page, its default page is your wall and you can't change it.
I'm not sure exactly what you wants to achieve, hope I helped.