recover old Twitter consumer key and secret - twitter-oauth

Is there any way to put back the old consumer key and secret after it has been reset? That is return the Twitter application details key and secret to a previous version.

No. Once you reset the consumer key/secret you have to deploy the new key or your application will stop working.


Encryption at Rest, MongoDB, Azure Key vault - unable to connect to your azure vault account

Firstly, I am trying to connect my Azure Key Vault to my Encryption at Rest using your Key Management. I followed the guide on MongoDB documentation link
image from MongoDB Atlas Setup
What I've done so far which havn't worked.
I have set up the application and added the client secret, the application has the role "Azure key Vault Reader" assigned to it through the subscription.
I have setup the Key vault under the same subscription as above - with its own resource group to match it. And generated the key.
The key has all the operations.
So I have the Application with Vault Key Reader access and the Key Vault containing the key.
Client(Application) ID is filled with info from the application.
Tenant ID is filled with tenant ID from the application.
Secret is created and stored in the application - is added. (Not the ID)
Subscription ID copied from key vault is added.
Resource group name copied from key vault is added.
Key Vault Name copied from key vault is added.
lastly the Key Identifier is copied from the vault and added.
Still I get this error - is there something wrong with the way I went about it?
I feel I have tried everything combination of setup but it seems like the credentials are setup in a wrong way which I do not understand since it was all copied directly from Azure.
"We were unable to connect to your Azure Key Vault account. Please check your credentials and try again."
"We were unable to connect to your Azure Key Vault account. Please
check your credentials and try again."
As per #Matt Small suggestion in the comment section, if we enable Azure Key Vault logging, we can check if the issue is with wrong credentials or with access policy or network related issue.
If the issue is with access, we can provide the Key Vault Contributor role or add an access policy to get, list permissions for Keys and Secrets for the service principal (App Registration)
As per #Hurup comment, Azure Key Vault Reader role was not enough and the role should not be under Resource Group. Giving the Application higher vault role and setting it under the subscription can resolve the issue
I had the exact same issue. In the end I figured out that I did not have to create the role assignment 'Have an Active Directory Application with the role of Azure key Vault Reader assigned to it.' on the active directory app, but on the Key Vault.
I followed the manual from MongoDb and then in a final step did;
Go to Key Vault
Select key vault
Select Access Control (IAM)
Select Grant access to this resource
Select role Key Vault Reader
Assign access to :User, group, or service principal
+Select Members
Type Application name
Review and assign...
After this I could save the settings on MongoDB to use encryption at rest.

Rundeck - Where do I update rundeck auth token after generating new token?

I am using rundeck rd cli to invoke other jobs from one job. The token was expired but even after updating the user tokens (with no expiration), I can see the same error.
Is there any config file i need to update the token in?
you said the property for no expiration tokens is already set, right?
Did you configure it like this?
You can restart Rundeck and try again.
I had exported the RD_TOKEN. Replaced it with a new token and it worked.

JWT issued before application image rebuild does not work after image build/deploy

My app uses a SPA client and Phoenix/Elixir backend, with jwt authentication (via Guardian library). The app is deployed using Docker on GCP.
I'm having the below issue:
I'm an authenticated user that has been issued a jwt. Everything works fine.
The production application's docker image is rebuilt, redeployed, and the server is restarted.
My jwt token issued before the rebuild is no longer valid.
I'm having trouble finding what would be causing this. Looks like the secret key used in config.exs Guardian config will always be the same across builds.
Any help is appreciated!
Either the contents of the payload are being used to validate the message, and some field has changed in a way that the JWT is considered invalid by the server, or the secret actually has changed and your assertion is not correct.
The way I would problem solve this is by using a pre-developed tool to verify the JWT. Either your secret key can be used to validate the signature or it can't. No need to "guess".

Is vault's key revocation affect the validity of the revoked key in the services using it?

I was reading the documentation of vault, and came across revocation feature that vault provides. How can revoking a key in vault affect the service descision about the secret, for example a secret for local repository manager that is fetched from vault?
The only way I am imagining it is that tokens or userpass which are used to authenticate against vault are the ones to e revoked, then it makes sense. But, even if a secret has its lease expired, how would the repository manager know not to accept that secret for authentication?
Am I missing something here?
Thanks in advance

Change service fabric config in live environment

I have configured my service fabric services to use Azure Key Vault for configuration. If, after the app is deployed, I change the config in Key Vault, how do I then restart the affected service so it can pick up the new config value?
Or is there another way altogether?
The best way to handle configuration on SF is use your application parameters file for this, if you use a continuous deployment pipeline like VSTS, you could use release variables to set these values for you and deploy a new version of your configuration file and let SF do the rest.
But in case you still need to use Key vault:
if you are using core, Using Azure Key Vault to store secrets are like loading configuration files, the values are cached until you reload it.
You can use the IConfigurationRoot.Reload() to reload the secrets from your key vault new values. Check it Here
The trick now is to make it automatically you have to:
Enable Key Vault Logging to track the changes, this will emit logs once you update the key vault. check it here and here .
And then:
Create an endpoint in your API to be called and refresh the secrets. Make it secure to avoid abuse.
Create an Azure function to process these logs and trigger the endpoint
Create a message queue to receive the command and the system read the message to refresh the settings
Make a timer to refresh on specific periods(I would not recommended this approach because you might end up with outdated config, but it is easy and useful for quick test scenarios, not production)
Or if you prefer more custom designed solution, you could create your own ConfigurationProvider based on KeyVault and do the cache logic according to your app architecture and you don't have to bother with the rest. Please refer to the Asp.Net source here for this.
The documented way to provide configuration to your services is by using the 'configuration' part of your application package.
As this is versioned, it can be upgraded, without requiring your services to be upgraded or even be restarted.
More info here and here.