Rundeck - Where do I update rundeck auth token after generating new token? - rundeck

I am using rundeck rd cli to invoke other jobs from one job. The token was expired but even after updating the user tokens (with no expiration), I can see the same error.
Is there any config file i need to update the token in?

you said the property for no expiration tokens is already set, right?
Did you configure it like this?
You can restart Rundeck and try again.

I had exported the RD_TOKEN. Replaced it with a new token and it worked.


PAT Token isn't working on 2019 OnPrem Azure DevOps

I am having an issue getting my OnPrem Azure DevOps 2019 Server to allow things to authenticate to it with Personal Access Tokens (PAT). No mater what I do, I get failed to authenticate using the supplied token.
How I am creating my token:
Log into my OnPrem devops site
Go to my user profile icon in the top right, click security click personal access tokens, click new token
In Create new personal access toekn for some reasobn the organization (colleciton) I want to use is not listed, I am seeing an old XML based collection but not my new Inheritance based collection, why doesn't the newer format collection show up? My user account is an admin account, you'd think it would be here?
If I create a PAT token for the old XML based collection and give it full access plus a 90 day expiration it creates it fine
Now I have a PAT token bases off the old XML based collection, but that still doesn't work, if I run the AZ CLI I get this
AZ DEVOPS LOGIN --organization --verbose
Token: {paste in token}
Creating connection with personal access token.
Failed to authenticate using the supplied token.
Command ran in 6.385 seconds (init: 0.167, invoke 6.12)
I also have the same problem if I try to set up a build agent using a PAT token. Fails every time, but if I change to negotiate auth it works immediately.
On the IIS end the service is running on the authentication is set up to Anonymous Authentication: Enabled, ASPS.NET Impersonation: Disabled, Basic Authentication: Enabled, Digest and Forms: Disabled and Windows Authentication: Enabled
any ideas what I am doing wrong, what to look at?
PAT Token isn't working on 2019 OnPrem Azure DevOps
You could try to disable IIS Basic Authentication.
That because when IIS Basic Authentication is enabled on your windows machine, it prevents you from using personal access tokens (PATs) as an authentication mechanism.
Please check this document Enabling IIS Basic Authentication invalidates using Personal Access Tokens for some more details.
What it turned out to be is a missing ACL in the file system. The service account that is running TFS needs to have write permission to the machine keys folder at %ProgramData%\Microsoft\Crypto\RSA\MachineKeys
Why in the world is the installer not setting this permission? PAT will not work until this is set

Is there a way to use a non-login user to run Rundeck jobs?

So my goal is to create a Rundeck job that runs on a schedule and isn't run as my personal user, or any "regular" user, but rather a bot user. Ideally this bot user wouldn't have login access and restricted permissions for security reasons, but would be able to run certain jobs. I've tried searching, but the only information I'm finding is about how to create a "regular" user in Rundeck. Even if I go down that route of creating the bot user as a "regular" user, to use it, you need to pass in either the login credentials or an API token. An API token would be fine, if it could be generated and pulled in on the fly. However, that is not the case, the API has an expiration itself. If there is something I'm missing, please let me know. I'd love to get this working.
Rundeck Version: Rundeck 3.2.1-20200113
Rundeck Cli Version: 1.1.7
You can set the following configuration in your file (usually at /etc/rundeck/ directory):
This will disable your maximum period, you can see this in the official documentation here.
With that, your "bot user" can do it through API / RD CLI as you wrote.
Try using webhooks
You can trigger a job by making a http-request
The way I've implemented bots is as a user who is a member of a 'bot' user group, with ACLs that lock down that group as required. Any passwords required for the scheduled job are loaded into the key storage of the bot user.
With this approach you still need someone who knows the bot credentials to login as them and set passwords/SSH keys, but that's a one-off. Is that what you're trying to avoid?
The one annoying thing I've found is that a scheduled job always seems to run as the last user to edit the job - so I grant edit access to bot users and make sure to set/reset the schedule after any edit by a normal user. Hoping to address this through, you might want to give it a 👍.

Why Azure DevOps PAT is expiring so quickly?

I built a project that uses PAT (Personal Access Token) generated by a user to connect to Azure DevOps REST API and get some data about a project and its commits, etc..
It happened to me twice now that the request returns with:
Access Denied: The Personal Access Token used has expired
Even though the token is not expired yet, it's been created two days ago.
Is there any limitation on using this RestAPI which if I exceeded it'll expire my token automatically?
First, you need to check with the user if the PAT has expired, because Expiration can be customized.
If the PAT confirms that it has not expired, you can try to re-create a new PAT, select All accessible organizations and Full access scope , revoke the previous PAT, and see if the new PAT is available.
In this case with the similar issue, a contributor provided a solution : the user was able to fix it by signing out and back in. This seemed to refresh the auth token and unblocked them. You can also try it .

Azure DevOps Artifacts/Connect to feed/Python credentials expiration

We host python packages on Azure DevOps and to make them accessible to users a pip.ini file is created on user's machine where we place a token generated from Artifacts / Connect to feed / Python / Generate Python credentials.
It was observed that with some time credentials stop working.
Does credentials expire? We didn't find anywhere in the documentation after which period of time the credentials expire.
Is it possible to control credentials lifetime (e.g. increase it)?
The python credential generate in a feed is a base64 encoded JWT(JSON Web Token ). The expiration time is defined when the JWT token is generated. I don't see there is a way to expand the token, you need to generate a new token when it is expired.
If you want to find your specific expiration time, you can copy the python credentials from the ‘pip.conf’ or ‘pip.ini’ file to this link:, which will help you find your expiration time. And your python credentials in your pip.conf is between 'https://xxx:' and ''. All the details can be found in the screenshot. You can refer to this part from this case. Hope this will help you.
Finally I've found answers to both my questions.
Credentials do expire and default expiration period is 3 months.
It is possible to increase (or decrease) expiration period even after credentials have been already generated. I've discovered that every time I navigate to Artifacts / Connect to feed / Python and click on "Generate Python credentials" link a new credentials are generated and they can be found by clicking on user icon (top-right) choosing "Security" and then "Personal access tokens". Here you can see all generated tokens, you can Revoke them or edit. When editing you can change Expiration - the maximum duration is 1 year.

"Missing client token" when authenticating with login/pass on Hashicorp Vault

I'm trying to get login/pass authentication working on Vault.
When I try the method given in the API documentation here:
I get this error:
$ curl --request POST --data #payload.json https://<myurl>:8200/v1/auth/userpass/login/<mylogin> -k
{"errors":["missing client token"]}
And I can't find information on this error. It makes me wonder what happens, because I want to authenticate with login/pass to get the token, so that's just normal to not have it.
Here is the content of the payload.json:
"password": "foo"
Is there any way to login with username/password? This is the only fallback method I have when the user does not know its token.
OK, so I figured it out by trials.
So the userpass AUTH was indeed disabled. I have to use LDAP auth. With the Vault-UI that is installed, I managed to find the URL to authenticate. If was the following : https://******:8200/v1/auth/<ldap>/login/<user>
And that way it's working.
Unfortunately, it does not help in the end. The idea was to synchronize Vault data locally, but the Vault API is really not built for that kind of access. It requires a LOT of requests, and end up being very slow for a few secrets synchronized.
Make sure you are logging in under the correct namespace. You will get this error if your authentication method is enabled under something other than the default namespace that your CLI tool is using.
You can specify the namespace with the -ns=my/namespace/ parameter or the VAULT_NAMESPACE environment variable.
For example, if your namespace is "desserts/icecream"
vault login -ns=desserts/icecream/ -method=userpass username=ian
# OR
export VAULT_NAMESPACE=desserts/icecream/
vault login -method=userpass username=ian
In my case, i was not setting the vault token to the right environment variable.
you have to set the value to VAULT_TOKEN so that it uses it in subsequent request my env variable was Vault_Token and due to this it was always saying missing client token.
By default, Vault checks for this environment variable to find the token.
vault kv get --field "ACCESS_KEY_ID" secret/my-secret