Accessing UNC file share with credentials in Perl - perl

I am trying to get a Perl scripts to access a file over UNC path using specified credentials. Is this possible? If not with Perl, what else could I use?

Do you have to access many varied paths with differing credentials or just one?
As non-programming solution can you map the network share to a drive letter permananently in Windows before running your perl program?

Check out the module Win32::NetResource it has methods to allow you to connect to Windows network resources, such as drive shares and supply the credentials.
Makes a connection to a network resource specified by %NETRESOURCE


Stop share folder except default share, remote IPC and remote admin

All my windows client have a default share folder like this.
but i want delete or stop share folder except that, how can i delete or stop that share folder except default share folder in Command Line ?
or maybe there is some script i can use in powershell.
Continuing from my comments.
This is not a PowerShell code issue or even cmd.exe. It is a Windows OS config misunderstanding.
As per MS Docs (this talking to WS2K8 but applies to all server and clientside versions):
How to remove administrative shares in Windows Server 2008
Introduction By default, Windows Server 2008 automatically creates
special hidden administrative shares that administrators, programs,
and services can use to manage the computer environment or network.
These special shared resources aren't visible in Windows Explorer or
in My Computer. However, you can view them by using the Shared Folders
tool in Computer Management. Depending on the configuration of your
computer, some or all of the following special shared resources may be
listed in the Shares folder in Shared Folders:
DriveLetter$: It's a shared root partition or volume. Shared root
partitions and volumes are displayed as the drive letter name appended
with the dollar sign ($). For example, when drive letters C and D are
shared, they're displayed as C$ and D$.
ADMIN$: It's a resource that is used during remote administration of a
IPC$: It's a resource that shares the named pipes that you must have
for communication between programs. This resource cannot be deleted.
NETLOGON: It's a resource that is used on domain controllers.
SYSVOL: It's a resource that is used on domain controllers.
PRINT$: It's a resource that is used during the remote administration
of printers.
FAX$: It's a shared folder on a server that is used by fax clients
during fax transmission.
Generally, we recommend that you don't modify these special shared resources. However, if you want to remove the special shared
resources and prevent them from being created automatically, you can
do it by editing the registry.
So, if you choose to do this, you can do it via the registry, using cmd.exe or PowerShell cmdlets. Yet, you really need to know the impacts of this if you do.
Again as per MS...
Generally, we recommend that you don't modify these special shared resources

Tableau replacing backward slash by slash in UNC path

I'm trying to create a Tableau's workbook connected to a CSV file. This file is on another server, in a shared folder. I can access it on Tableau Desktop, but when I publish it on Tableau Server, it doesn't work. My workbook doesn't find my file.
I unchecked Include External File and my shared folder is shared to everyone, so I don't understand why it doesn't work.
My only hint is that I specify my path like
and Tableau diplay :
"The directory is missing or has been moved: //servername/folder/...".
Have you already seen that issue ? Have you any solutions ?
Note : my file is on a Windows server and Tableau on a Linux one.
You'll need to mount the network shares to a mount point on your Linux Tableau server, then tell Tableau where to find the mount points and their associated UNC path. See this article by Tableau on how to do this.
In short, Windows lets us connect to different disk drives or servers/computers using the C:\ D:\ A:\ \\servername notation. On Linux, every drive and network share is given a "mount point", such as /mnt/flashdrive or /mnt/servername, and you have to explicitly tell it what type of connection it is whereas Windows can try to figure it out for you.

How can I access files without mapping a drive through net use?

I want to access files from other domain, so I'm using this command:
net use n: \\\share /user:domain\user password
but as I have to map this drive to N: and then use it.
Is there any way that I can directly use file without mapping.
Let suppose I want to use get-content to open a .txt file.
New to this so please provide me way.
In the past, I've had success accessing resources on a non-domain machine by using this variant of the NET command:
net use \\nodename /user:.\username password
The above is for a machine local account, replace the . with domain name for a domain account.
It establishes credentials to access the machine without mapping a drive. After this, accessing files through powershell cmdlets using UNC naming should work.

Copy file - Access denied

I have a batch file where I copy file from a different server. I have no issues running it on the server. But when I try to run it from a web application, the file does not copy. I keep getting access denied error. I have used xcopy, copy and robocopy.
I have provided full access to source and destination folder for all users.
No luck. Keep getting the same error :
copy /y \N01APW280\d$\Oracle\Middleware\user_projects\epmsystem1\diagnostics\logs\essbase\essbase_0\app\PLPLAN\PLPLAN.LOG D:\Hyperion\ERPI_Actuals_Load\Logs\
It is rather awkward to try and use a command-line utility, such as copy, from a web app; you should rather be using the programmatic abilities within your web application instead.
Aside from that, you main issue is that web apps are typically executed with very limited privileges, using local machine accounts that have no way of accessing administrative level shares on remote machines such as \N01APW280\d$. Another possible issue is that the local account that is being used by the web app cannot write to D:\Hyperion\ERPI_Actuals_Load\Logs\ folder. And finally, your app may have enough privileges to instantiate an external process such as copy.exe.

powershell - how to access shared folders via SFTP

I have VPN tunnel with 2 computers. When I connect with WinSCP (SFTP client) to second computer, I can see shared folders. The problem is, that I need to copy files from first computer to second with powershell script. Is it possible to access the shared folders via SFTP with Powershell? Thank you..
Since you're wanting to use PowerShell to manage the process, use PSCP.exe from the developer of PuTTY. That way you can do command line file transfers and don't have to worry about the GUI tools.