Approaches to programming application-level protocols? - custom-protocol

I'm doing some simple socket programming in C#. I am attempting to authenticate a user by reading the username and password from the client console, sending the credentials to the server, and returning the authentication status from the server. Basic stuff. My question is, how do I ensure that the data is in a format that both the server and client expect?
For example, here's how I read the user credentials on the client:
Console.WriteLine("Enter username: ");
string username = Console.ReadLine();
Console.WriteLine("Enter plassword: ");
string password = Console.ReadLine();
StreamWriter clientSocketWriter = new StreamWriter(new NetworkStream(clientSocket));
clientSocketWriter.WriteLine(username + ":" + password);
Here I am delimiting the username and password with a colon (or some other symbol) on the client side. On the server I simply split the string using ":" as the token. This works, but it seems sort of... unsafe. Shouldn't there be some sort of delimiter token that is shared between client and server so I don't have to just hard-code it in like this?
It's a similar matter for the server response. If the authentication is successful, how do I send a response back in a format that the client expects? Would I simply send a "SUCCESS" or "AuthSuccessful=True/False" string? How would I ensure the client knows what format the server sends data in (other than just hard-coding it into the client)?
I guess what I am asking is how to design and implement an application-level protocol. I realize it is sort of unique to your application, but what is the typical approach that programmers generally use? Furthermore, how do you keep the format consistent? I would really appreciate some links to articles on this matter as well.

Rather than reinvent the wheel. Why not code up an XML schema and send and receive XML "files".
Your messages will certainly be longer, but with gigabyte Ethernet and ADSL this hardly matters these days. What you do get is a protocol where all the issues of character sets, complex data structures have already been solved, plus, an embarrassing choice of tools and libraries to support and ease your development.

I highly recommend using plain ASCII text if at all possible.
It makes bugs much easier to detect and fix.
Some common, machine-readable ASCII text protocols (roughly in order of complexity):
Tab Delimited Tables
Comma Separated Values (CSV) (strings that include both commas and double-quotes are a little awkward to handle correctly)
INI file format
property list format
YAML Ain't Markup Language
The world is already complicated enough, so I try to use the least-complex protocol that would work.
Sending two user-generated strings from one machine to another -- netstrings is the simplest protocol on my list that would work for that, so I would pick netstrings.
(netstrings will will work fine even if the user types in a few colons or semi-colons or double-quotes or tabs -- unlike other formats that choke on certain commonly-typed characters).
I agree that it would be nice if there existed some way to describe a protocol in a single shared file such that that both the server and the client could somehow "#include" or otherwise use that protocol.
Then when I fix a bug in the protocol, I could fix it in one place, recompile both the server and the client, and then things would Just Work -- rather than digging through a bunch of hard-wired constants on both sides.
Kind of like the way well-written C code and C++ code uses function prototypes in header files so that the code that calls the function on one side, and the function itself on the other side, can pass parameters in a way that both sides expect.
Tell me if you discover anything like that, OK?

Basically, you're looking for a standard. "The great thing about standards is that there are so many to choose from". Pick one and go with it, it's a lot easier than rolling your own. For this particular situation, look into Apache "basic" authentication, which joins the username and password and base64-encodes it, as one possibility.

I have worked with two main approaches.
First is ascii based protocol.
Ascii based protocol is usally based on a set of text commands that terminate on some defined delimiter (like a carriage return or semicolon or xml or json). If your protocol is a command based protocol where there is not a lot of data being transferred back and forth then this is the best way to go.
It has the advantage of being easy to read and understand because it is text based.
The disadvantage (may not be a problem but can be) is that there can be an unknown number of bytes being transferred back and forth from the client and the server. So if you need to know exactly how many bytes are being sent and received this may not be the type of protocol you want.
The other type of protocol is binary based with fixed sized messages that are sent in the header. This has the advantage of knowing exactly how much data the client is expected to receive. It also can potentially save you bandwith depending on what your sending across. Although, ascii can also save you space too, it depends on your application requirements. The disadvantage of a binary based protocol is that it is difficult to understand by just looking at it....requiring you to constantly look at documentation.
In practice, I tend to mix both strategies in protocols I have defined based on my application's requirements.


What is multicodec and how it is related to multihash?

I don't have any background with this subject.
To try to understand them better, I read:
CIDv1: Multicodec prefix
From what I understand, the multihash is the algorithm used to hash (one way) the value. so it means, we can't go back (we can't decode the hash to the value).
I don't understand, in simple words, what is multicodec and if it's related to decoding the hash to a value (which makes no sense).
what is the motivation to multicodec prefix?
The multicodec is related to decoding the value the hash points to, if that makes it easier to understand. Don't worry, no magic hash decoding is happening ;). Remember we're making CIDs, and we can use CIDs to lookup content. However then we have the question of "how do we decode this data we just retrieved?", the multicodec solves that problem for us. Reading From Data to Data Structures might help clear up some confusion.
The multicodec prefix allows IPFS to evolve to support new and different encodings for the data that's actually put into IPFS. This refers to IPLD, and you can actually find the answer you're looking for under Links (with information about the codecs under Codecs):
For links we use a CID. A CID is an extension of multihash, in fact a multihash is part of a CID. We simply add a codec to a multihash that tells us what format the data is in (JSON, CBOR, Bitcoin, Ethereum, etc). This way, we can actually link between data in different formats and any link to data anyone ever gives us can be decoded so that it can become more than just a series of bytes.
CID is a standard that anyone can implement, even people that have no other interest in IPLD beyond the need for hash links to different data types can use it.

REST API path using route parameters without identifiers

Using expressjs term route parameters to show my problem, I also see people call that path parameters. The "proper" URL will be
Route path: /users/:userId/books/:bookId
But currently I am taking over a project that design the api like this,
The obvious problem is when I look at the url from browser I will feel confused with what those parameters mean, like the following. But the project has run for more than one year, I need to know whether it is worth the effort to rewrite it.
So is there other problem with the URL like these ?
So is there other problem with the URL like these ?
They might be making extra work for your operators when reading the access logs?
REST doesn't care about URI spelling conventions - until you get to the origin server, a URI is effectively an opaque string; only the origin server has the authority to decompose the URI into its semantic parts.
Which is to say, general purpose components don't care that there are identifiers encoded into the path, or that the semantics of those identifiers changes depending on other path elements.
In particular, they don't care at all that unrelated identifiers have common elements:
As far as a general purpose component is concerned, the resources identified here have no special relationship to one another. (For example, if you DELETE /1/2, that's not expected to impact /1/2/some_resource in any way).
when I look at the url from browser I will feel confused with what those parameters mean
Yup - this is your primary argument: that the current URI design doesn't consider human affordances.
Unless you can make a case that those human focused considerations (users, operators, tech writers) offset the costs of change, you are probably stuck with it.

Need feedbck on the quality of REST URL

For getting the latest valid address (of the logged in user), how RESTful is the following URL?
GET /addresses/valid/latest
GET /addresses?valid=true&limit=1
is the best, but it should then return a list. And, I'd like to return an object rather then a list.
Any other suggestions?
Your url structure doesn't have much to do with how RESTful something is.
So lets assume which one is the 'best'. Also a bit hard to say, pretty subjective.
I would generally avoid a pattern like /addresses/valid/latest. This kinda suggest that there is a 'latest resource' in the 'valid collection', in the 'addresses collection'.
So I like your other suggestion a bit better, because it suggests that you're using an 'addresses' collection, filtering by valid items and only showing 1.
If you don't want all kinds of parameters, I would be more inclined to find a url pattern that's not literally 'addresses, but only the valid, but only the latest', but think about what the purpose is of the endpoint. Maybe something that's easier to remember like /fresh-address =)
how RESTful is the following URL?
Any identifier that satisfies the production rules described by RFC 3986 is RESTful.
General purpose components are not supposed to derive semantics from identifiers, they are opaque. Which means that the server is free to encode information into those identifiers at its own discretion.
Consider Google search: does your browser care what URI is used as the target of the search form? Does your browser care about the href provided by Google with each search result? In both cases, the browser just does what it is told, which is to say it creates an HTTP request based on the representation of application state that was provided by the server.
URI are in the same broad category as variable names in a programming language - the machines don't care so long as the spellings are consistent with some simple constraints. People care, so there are some benefits to having a locally consistent and logical scheme.
But there are contexts in which easily guessed URI are not what you want. See Mark Seemann 2013.
Since the semantic content of the URI is reserved for use by the server only, it follows that the server can choose to encode that information into path segments or the query part. Or both.
Spellings that can be described by a URI Template can be very powerful. The most familiar URI template is probably an HTML form using the GET method, which encodes key value pairs onto the query part of the URI; so you should think about whether that's a use case you want to support.

Why is a JWT split into three dot-delimited parts?

A JSON Web Token (JWT) is split into three Base-64-encoded parts, which are concatenated by periods ("."). The first two parts encode JSON objects, the first of which is a header detailing the signature and hashing algorithm, and the second contains the assertions. The third is binary data that is the signature itself.
My question is: why is the JSON Web Token split into three separate parts like this? It seems like it would have made parsing them a lot easier to have encoded them as a single JSON object, like so (the example below is incomplete for brevity's sake):
"header": {
"alg": "rsa"
"assertions": {
"iss": "2019-10-09T12:34:56Z"
"sig": "qoewrhgoqiethgio3n5h325ijh3=="
Stated differently: why didn't the designers of JWT just put all parts of the JWT in a single JSON object like shown above?
IMHO, it would bring cause more issues. Yes you could parse it nicely, but what about verification of signature?
The Structure of a JWT is <B64 String>.<B64 String>.<B64 String>. Signature is basically the 2 first parts signed. It is unlikely that the structure will be modified by various frameworks in any way.
Now consider JSON: during serialisation and deserialisation the order of elements may chang. Object {"a":1,"b":2} and {"b":2,"a":1} might be equal in javascript but if you stringify them, they will generate different signatures.
Also, to check the signature you would need to decide upon a standard form of JSON that will be used to generate signature (for instance, beautified or minified). Again, different choices will generate different signatures.
As a result there are more hassles than benefits from simply using JSON
While I'm not speaking for the people who designed the JWT, I can think of one major reason why your suggestion won't fly:
Headers don't allow newlines
Remember that a primary use-case for a JWT is to use it as a cookie value. Cookies get passed up in headers. Header values don't support newlines: each header key/value pair needs to fit on one line.
Therefore, arbitrary JSON will not work for something that is meant to be passed as a header value in an HTTP request.
Therefore, some sort of encoding is required - which is why base64 is used in the first place. The reason base64 often shows up is because it converts any blob or string into something that can be reliably transported as simple ascii in almost any circumstances. I.e. three base64 encoded "payloads" separated with periods (which isn't a valid character in base64 encoding) is pretty much guaranteed to transport safely and without mangling between just about any system.
JSON cannot make the same guarantees. Of course, you could remove the newlines (JSON ignores whitespace anyway), but quotes are still a problem: they should be encoded in URLs, and maybe not in other circumstances, although they would probably be okay in an HTTP headers. As a result it just becomes one more "gotcha" as a developer tries to implement it for the first time.
I'm sure there are other reasons too: this isn't meant to be a comprehensive list.
The signature can not be a part of what is signed, therefore it has to be separate.
The header and payloads could be combined into on JSON object, but it would be bad design. It is the job of your JWT library to check the headers and verify the signature. That can (and should) be done without concern for the payload. It is the job for your application to react to the payload. As long as the signature checks out, that can be done without concern for the headers.
Separate conserns, separate objects.

POST/GET bindings in Racket

Is there a built-in way to get at POST/GET parameters in Racket? extract-binding and friends do what I want, but there's a dire note attached about potential security risks related to file uploads which concludes
Therefore, we recommend against their
use, but they are provided for
compatibility with old code.
The best I can figure is (and forgive me in advance)
(bytes->string/utf-8 (binding:form-value (bindings-assq (string->bytes/utf-8 "[field_name_here]") (request-bindings/raw req))))
but that seems unnecessarily complicated (and it seems like it would suffer from some of the same bugs documented in the Bindings section).
Is there a more-or-less standard, non-buggy way to get the value of a POST/GET-variable, given a field name and request? Or better yet, a way of getting back a collection of the POST/GET values as a list/hash/a-list? Barring either of those, is there a function that would do the same, but only for POST variables, ignoring GETs?
extract-binding is bad because it is case-insensitive, is very messy for inputs that return multiple times, doesn't have a way of dealing with file uploads, and automatically assumes everything is UTF-8, which isn't necessarily true. If you can accept those problems, feel free to use it.
The snippet you wrote works when the data is UTF-8 and when there is only one field return. You can define it is a function and avoid writing it many times.
In general, I recommend using formlets to deal with forms and their values.
Now your questions...
"Is there a more-or-less standard, non-buggy way to get the value of a POST/GET-variable, given a field name and request?"
What you have is the standard thing, although you wrongly assume that there is only one value. When there are multiple, you'll want to filter the bindings on the field name. Similarly, you don't need to turn the value into a string, you can leave it as bytes just fine.
"Or better yet, a way of getting back a collection of the POST/GET values as a list/hash/a-list?"
That's what request-bindings/raw does. It is a list of binding? objects. It doesn't make sense to turn it into a hash due to multiple value returns.
"Barring either of those, is there a function that would do the same, but only for POST variables, ignoring GETs?"
The Web server hides the difference between POSTs and GETs from you. You can inspect uri and raw post data to recover them, but you'd have to parse them yourself. I don't recommend it.