POST/GET bindings in Racket - racket

Is there a built-in way to get at POST/GET parameters in Racket? extract-binding and friends do what I want, but there's a dire note attached about potential security risks related to file uploads which concludes
Therefore, we recommend against their
use, but they are provided for
compatibility with old code.
The best I can figure is (and forgive me in advance)
(bytes->string/utf-8 (binding:form-value (bindings-assq (string->bytes/utf-8 "[field_name_here]") (request-bindings/raw req))))
but that seems unnecessarily complicated (and it seems like it would suffer from some of the same bugs documented in the Bindings section).
Is there a more-or-less standard, non-buggy way to get the value of a POST/GET-variable, given a field name and request? Or better yet, a way of getting back a collection of the POST/GET values as a list/hash/a-list? Barring either of those, is there a function that would do the same, but only for POST variables, ignoring GETs?

extract-binding is bad because it is case-insensitive, is very messy for inputs that return multiple times, doesn't have a way of dealing with file uploads, and automatically assumes everything is UTF-8, which isn't necessarily true. If you can accept those problems, feel free to use it.
The snippet you wrote works when the data is UTF-8 and when there is only one field return. You can define it is a function and avoid writing it many times.
In general, I recommend using formlets to deal with forms and their values.
Now your questions...
"Is there a more-or-less standard, non-buggy way to get the value of a POST/GET-variable, given a field name and request?"
What you have is the standard thing, although you wrongly assume that there is only one value. When there are multiple, you'll want to filter the bindings on the field name. Similarly, you don't need to turn the value into a string, you can leave it as bytes just fine.
"Or better yet, a way of getting back a collection of the POST/GET values as a list/hash/a-list?"
That's what request-bindings/raw does. It is a list of binding? objects. It doesn't make sense to turn it into a hash due to multiple value returns.
"Barring either of those, is there a function that would do the same, but only for POST variables, ignoring GETs?"
The Web server hides the difference between POSTs and GETs from you. You can inspect uri and raw post data to recover them, but you'd have to parse them yourself. I don't recommend it.


What is multicodec and how it is related to multihash?

I don't have any background with this subject.
To try to understand them better, I read:
CIDv1: Multicodec prefix
From what I understand, the multihash is the algorithm used to hash (one way) the value. so it means, we can't go back (we can't decode the hash to the value).
I don't understand, in simple words, what is multicodec and if it's related to decoding the hash to a value (which makes no sense).
what is the motivation to multicodec prefix?
The multicodec is related to decoding the value the hash points to, if that makes it easier to understand. Don't worry, no magic hash decoding is happening ;). Remember we're making CIDs, and we can use CIDs to lookup content. However then we have the question of "how do we decode this data we just retrieved?", the multicodec solves that problem for us. Reading From Data to Data Structures might help clear up some confusion.
The multicodec prefix allows IPFS to evolve to support new and different encodings for the data that's actually put into IPFS. This refers to IPLD, and you can actually find the answer you're looking for under Links (with information about the codecs under Codecs):
For links we use a CID. A CID is an extension of multihash, in fact a multihash is part of a CID. We simply add a codec to a multihash that tells us what format the data is in (JSON, CBOR, Bitcoin, Ethereum, etc). This way, we can actually link between data in different formats and any link to data anyone ever gives us can be decoded so that it can become more than just a series of bytes.
CID is a standard that anyone can implement, even people that have no other interest in IPLD beyond the need for hash links to different data types can use it.

REST: The same resource accessed from two different URLs

I've just started my journey with REST, so please be patient while anserwing my questions.
I have some doubts how to cope with some situations. For instance, I read that evenry resource/entity should have its own, unique URL. But how to deal with examples like:
There is a list of objects.
Each object is described by some basic information and its state.
Basic info for object is for example its shape, color.
The state of object contains information like position in space, velocity etc.
Both two pieces of information (basic + state) are rather big objects (only examplary properties were introduced).
Now, we have the following questions:
Get all basic info about objects.
Get all object states.
Get basic info of object with ID=2.
Get state of object ID=5.
Get all info of object ID=7.
I tried to solve it in this way:
/rest/objects/5/state (/rest/states/5)
However, I've some doubts pointed in 4 - it doesn't look like to be correct. There are two ways to access the same information/resource/entity.
How to deal with it?
Isn't the "basic" just part of the resource? It seems not from your description, but you should consider it. In fact, all of "basic" and "state" might just be part of the resource. It's difficult to be authoritative without more information. For instance, how large is "rather big"?
It also doesn't seem like /state should be an independent endpoint, since a state is an integral part of an object, not something that lives on its own.
I might start with something like:
1. GET /objects
2. GET /objects?expand=state
3. GET /objects/2?expand=basic -- or -- GET /objects/2/basic
4. GET /objects/5?expand=state -- or -- GET /objects/5/state
5. GET /objects/7?expand=basic,state
If you need /state to be top level, then you have two options:
2. GET /states -- or -- GET /objects/states
Neither of those are really ideal. It is acceptable to have multiple paths to get to the same resource, as long as there's only one canonical URI for the resource. The issue is that it's harder for the end user to learn APIs that lean heavily on that style. The second style is also confusing. /objects/XXX is a specific object, unless XXX == states? That's a special case for your end user to have to remember.
From a caching point of view it makes sense to have "state" and "basic" in separate resources - "state" resources changes frequently and is thus non-cachable and "basic" changes seldom and should thus be cachable for a long time. If this is your goal, then go ahead, it sure makes sense (and is an often mentioned pattern). But usually, to keep complexity low, both sets of values are combined into one single resource (your "Object" in this case).
Your paths are pretty good, Eric's version is also fine - here is my suggestion:
/rest/objects (all complete objects info)
/rest/objects/basic (all basic info)
/rest/objects/state (all state info)
/rest/objects/7 (single complete object)
/rest/objects/2/basic (single basic info)
/rest/objects/5/state (single state info)
In the end it all boils down to a matter of personal preference as the exact URL doesn't matter much.
See for instance for a longer discussion on this issue (disclaimer: that's my blog).
Don't confuse these concepts. REST has nothing to do how you store your data, and resources map to entities only by CRUD applications.
I read that evenry resource/entity should have its own, unique URL.
You should read the IRI standard. IRIs are for identifying resources. Without them you cannot tell the server what you want to manipulate.
However, I've some doubts pointed in 4 - it doesn't look like to be
correct. There are two ways to access the same
How to deal with it?
It is up to you. You can choose either of them or both. There is no restriction about how many identifiers a resource can have or what IRI structure to choose.

Is there a way to use GWT static string i18n with server-provided properties?

I am searching a solution for a tricky question.
I would like to use GWT static string internationalization, thus using Constants, ConstantsWithLookup and Messages, but the strings must come from the server at runtime, instead that compile time.
Is there already a project that does such a thing, or should I write my own GWT generators?
Thanks to everyone that will help me.
UPDATE: The Dictionary is not an option, because the application is almost complete and I cannot change all the application for this.
UPDATE 2: In fact Dictionary is an option if it is wrapped by a Costants-like or Messages-like interface.
What you ask for is not static i18n at all. Some of the reasons why GWT's i18n is virtually all static:
It is a synchronous API. Fetching resources from the server will either require an async API to spread throughout the entire application (ie, passing a Future to a widget telling it where to get its inner text once that string has been fetched from the server) or you will have to basically block execution of the app until the i18n resources have been downloaded at the beginning (which will give poor experience for users).
We can optimize the generated code to only include those formatters and associated data that are actually needed by the messages in the app. If you don't include any plural messages, we don't have to include that code, etc. Expressions can be inlined, dead code removed, and class references removed entirely in most cases.
We can make use of things at compile time that would be hard or expensive to do at runtime. For example, simply parsing the message format strings takes a fair amount of code, and none of that needs to be included in the compiled output. Let's say you fetch strings for your app from the server, and you find that one of them has {0,localtime,YMd} in it -- now you need ICU4J in order to localize that -- oops! Even if it could all be compiled to JS, it would be huge. Perhaps you can support a subset of GWT's i18n in this way, but you will have to include every formatter that might possibly be referenced from a message, even though most of them never would be.
If you really want dynamic i18n, then do as the other answers suggest and use Dictionary (note however that you won't be able to properly localize your app if it has any complexity to its messages). If you need more than can be provided by that, then bite the bullet and use static i18n.
There are two options: Good and Less Good.
The standard way, static string i18n were all language permutations are optimized and inlined where they are used (i.e. put the Japanese company name into the HTML template for a button/column/header).
Because the full suite of i18n can be elaborate with support for pluralization and message builders, #nnoations, and automatic i18n, it is preferable. It is also the fastest option for performance.
Less Good:
Often because you need to work with a legacy system, so Good is not good enough. Here rather than all the rocket widgets, you just need to get text in boxes. Then use the dynamic string i18n and drop the strings into your page with something like an old school Dictionary object.

HTML xpath tree dump? using Ruby Watir

Help! In carefully stepping through irb to control a browser (Firefox and Chrome) using the Watir library, it seems the xpath addresses are too shifty to rely on. Eg. one moment, the xpath for one's balance seems consistent, so I use that address in my script. Sometimes it works, but too often crashing with "element not found" although every time I manually step through, the webpage data is there (firebug inspect to confirm).
Yes, using Ajax-reliant sites, but not that websites that pretty much remain the same across visits.
So there some way watir-webdriver can simply give me a long, verbose dump of everything it sees in the DOM at the moment, in the form of an xpath tree? Would help me troubleshoot.
The big answer is to not use xpath, but instead use watir as the UI is intended to be used.
When it comes to a means to specify elements in browser automation, by and large Xpath is evil, it is SLOW, the code it creates is often (as you are finding) very very brittle, and it's nearly impossible to read and make sense of. Use it only as a means of last resort when nothing else will work.
If you are using a Watir API (as with Watir or Watir-webdriver) then you want to identify the element based on it's own attributes, such as class, name, id, text, etc If that doesn't work, then identify based on the closest container that wraps the element which has a way to find it uniquely. If that doesn't work identify by a sibling or sub-element and use the .parent method as a way to walk 'up' the dom to the 'parent container element.
To the point of being brittle and difficult readability, compare the following taken from the comments and consider the code using element_by_xpath on this:
and then compare to this (where the entire code is shorter than just the xpath alone)
browser.cell(:text => "Total Funds Avail. for Trading").parent.cell(:index => 1).text
or to be a bit less brittle replace index by some attribute of the cell who's text you want
browser.cell(:text => "Total Funds Avail. for Trading").parent.cell(:class => "balanceSnapShotCellRight").text
The xpath example is very difficult to make any sense of, no idea what element you are after or why the code might be selecting that element. And since there are so many index values, any change to the page design or just extra rows in the table above the one you want will break that code.
The second is much easier to make sense of, I can tell just by reading it what the script is trying to find on the page, and how it is locating it. Extra rows in the table, or other changes to page layout will not break the code. (with the exception of re-arranging the columns in the table, and even that could be avoided if I was to make use of class or some other characteristic of the target cell (as did an example in the comments below)
For that matter, if the use of the class is unique to that element on the page then
browser.cell(:class => 'balanceSnapShotCellRight').text
Would work just fine as long as there is only one cell with that class in the table.
Now to be fair I know there are ways to use xpath more elegantly to do something similar to what we are doing in the Watir code above, but while this is true, it's still not as easy to read and work with, and is not how most people commonly (mis)use xpath to select objects, especially if they have used recorders that create brittle cryptic xpath code similar to the sample above)
The answers to this SO question describe the three basic approaches to identifying elements in Watir. Each answer covers an approach, which one you would use depends on what works best in a given situation.
If you are finding a challenge on a given page, start a question here about it and include a sample of the HTML before/after/around the element you are trying to work with, and the folks here can generally point you the way.
If you've not done so, work through some of the tutorials in the Watir wiki, notice how seldom xpath is used.
Lastly, you mention Firewatir. Don't use Firewatir, it's out of date and no longer being developed and will not work with any recent version of FF. Instead use Watir-Webdriver to driver Firefox or Chrome (or IE).
You just need to output the "innerXml" (I don't know Watir) of the node selected by this XPath expression:
In case that by "dump" you mean something different, such as a set of the XPath expressions each selecting a node, then have a look at the answer of this question:

Advice on modeling behaviors/concepts not commonly thought to be persisted

I am looking for advice and experience related to the best way to REST-ify behaviors/concepts that are not "commonly persisted" - in other words, resource-ifying transformative or side-effect behaviors.
First, let me say that I know there's no complete test for REST-ful-ness - and actually I don't care. I find the CRUD-over-the-Web notion of REST very intuitive and it works well on most of the data I'm providing access to. At the same time, I am not worried about straying from anyones bible on how to perfectly REST-ify something. I'm in search of whatever the best compromise between practical and REST-intuitive is for the cases that don't fit so well. Clearly, consistency is the main goal, but intuitive-ness helps ensure that.
Given that, let me dive into the details of what I'm after.
Since REST is inherently resource-oriented, it is easy to model things commonly persisted - what is less clear is how to model behaviors/concepts that are not commonly persisted, especially those which have side effects or are purely transformational.
For example, take a question. It can be Created, Updated, Read, and Deleted. Everyone can relate to that and it all makes sense under REST.
But now consider something like a translation - for example, I want to build a REST API for my service that translates an English sentence to Spanish.
There are at least two ways to address the translation scenario. I could:
Look at a translation invocation as the creation of a "translation instance" (which doesn't happen to be persisted, but could be), in which case a POST /Translation (i.e., a create) actually makes a lot of sense. This is particularly the case if the translation service requires the URL of something to be translated (since the contents of that URL can change over time).
Look at translation as really the act of querying a larger dictionary of known answers, in which case a GET /Translation (i.e., a read) might be more appropriate. This is especially tempting if the translation service requires just the text of the sentence to be translated. Noone would expect the translation of a static sentence to change over time. You could also argue that it could be cacheable, which GET would lend itself towards.
This same dilemma can crop up for other actions which primarily have side effects (e.g., sending an SMS or an e-mail) and are less commonly associated with persistence of the data.
My approach thus far has been to essentially "Order"-ify these cases, that is looking at everything as though one was placing an order. More generally, I think this is just converting verbs (translate) into nouns (translation order), which would seem to be one way of REST-ifying such things.
Can anyone share a better, more intuitive, way to approach the modeling of actions/behaviors that are not commonly assumed to be persisted?
The "Would it hurt to do more than once?"-test perhaps?
In your examples - what would happen if you are asked to translate the same text twice? Not really much. Sending an sms twice is likely to be a bad thing though.
The two options you describe are valid options and you have already highlighted scenarios when one is better than the other. The only other option I would suggest which is use POST with a "processing resource". e.g.
POST /translator?from=en&to=fr
Content-Type: text/plain
Body: The sentence to be translated
200 OK
La phrase à traduire
One nice thing about "processing resources" is that they may or may not have persistent side effects. Obviously the disadvantage is that intermediaries can't cache the response.