How do I detach objects in Entity Framework Code First? - entity-framework

There is no Detach(object entity) on the DbContext.
Do I have the ability to detach objects on EF code first?

This is an option:
dbContext.Entry(entity).State = EntityState.Detached;

If you want to detach existing object follow #Slauma's advice. If you want to load objects without tracking changes use:
var data = context.MyEntities.AsNoTracking().Where(...).ToList();
As mentioned in comment this will not completely detach entities. They are still attached and lazy loading works but entities are not tracked. This should be used for example if you want to load entity only to read data and you don't plan to modify them.

Both previous answers provide good instructions, however, both might leave you with the entities still loaded into EF's context and/or its Change Tracker.
This is not a problem when you are changing small data sets, but it will become an issue when changing large ones. EF would have increased memory and resource usage, which in turn would reduce the procedure performance as it uses more data/entities.
Both other approaches are valid but, In this case, Microsoft recommends cleaning the Change tracker instead of detaching the entities individually
Clearing the Change tracker on the data changing loop (which changes a chunk of data for instance) can save you from this trouble.
This would unload/detach all entities and its related changeTracker references from the context, so use with care after your context.SaveChanges().


Entity Framework Memory Management and Dispose?

I'm using EF (EF Core, actually, with ASP.NET Core on OSX, but I believe this is more of a general "newbie-style" EF question, so please read on...)
I built a little logging routine that uses EF to publish log entries to my database. Sort of like this, called from a repository class:
WebLog log = new WebLog(source, path, message);
Where WebLog is a simple model class, Context.WebLogs is a DbSet<WebLog> collection, and Context is obviously the DbContext. I believe this is quite straightforward.
But my question is this: if I continue to add new log entries to the Context.WebLogs collection and I never do anything like reboot my server, isn't the collection just going to grow without bounds? Is there some kind of "purge" or "flush" action I can take periodically to manage memory usage (without affecting the committed rows in the database, of course--I want those to persist). Or is DbSet some sort of a special collection that won't do this?
As mentioned by DevilSuichiro above, the recommended approach is to limit the lifetime of the instances of DbContext. E.g. in a Web application you typically use a DbContext instance per request, so an unbounded number of entities added doesn't become a problem.
The closest thing to a "flush" operation is SaveChanges() that method will not try to remove references to tracked entities, as DbContext is designed to be reused after SaveChanges().
In previous versions of EF we had a Detach() API that you could use to get rid of an individual tracked reference but we don't have that API in DbContext or anywhere in EF Core.
BTW, having an instance of DbContext that is shared between multiple requests is extremely problematic because DbContext is not thread safe.

Eagerly load all entities in DbContext

Is there a way to configure a DbContext to eagerly load all of its entities? we have attempted:
Configuration.LazyLoadingEnabled = false;
Configuration.ProxyCreationEnabled = false;
We tried both with and without ProxyCreationEnabled being turned off.
I just happen to know that the DB we are loading in is not very large, doesn't change very often, and is referenced a lot. So keeping it all in memory will be very advantageous.
No, LazyLoadingEnabled disabled does not mean "EagerLoadingEnabled". It is: "not even lazy loading enabled, only loading explicitly requested by you". An EF context will never automatically do eager loading. Just think what could happen with many associations between entities and large databases.
You won't benefit much from pre-loading everything into your context unless you use methods to access the local entities only. You can access local entities by DbSet.Local or DbSet.Find.
Just accessing a DbSet (like context.Customers) will execute a database query anyway. If lazy loading is disabled it may use local entities for navigation properties (called relationship fixup) but otherwise accessing navigation properties will also cause database queries.
It sounds like you should populate an object graph from your database, using a context, and cache it outside the context. Note that if you fetch the data read-only you may want to use the AsNoTracking extension method. (Like context.Customers.AsNoTracking()).
Nope... but if you're looking for the most performant way to load bulk data into EF DbContext, I recommend writing a stored procedure that returns multiple result sets (one for each entity type). EF will automatically hook up the nav properties when the entities are loaded into the context.
Here's instruction on how to do it from both the DB first and code first perspectives:

What is the most efficient way to remove all instances in an entity in Core Data?

I found from this post I can remove all instances of an entity by fetching them all and deleting them all.
Isn't there any more efficient way to do removal? My consideration is I will have thousand of records within that entity.
There's no more efficient way, because CoreData is an ORM layer, not a database. Therefore you deal with objects and if you want them gone, you have to delete them.
A trick you may want to investigate is creating a parent object that would have a one-to-many relationship with the objects to delete. You could basically have only one of those that points to every entry in your big table. Set the cascade delete option on the relationship in your model. Then when comes time to purge, you just delete the parent object. Because of lazy loading, it won't try to load your other objects.
This being said, I haven't tried it myself, but it seems like a viable option.
In a special case where all instances of this entity are self-contained, it would be quicker to delete the backing file and re-initialize the management objects. This only works if your data can be arranged so that the temporary stuff is within its own store.
Otherwise, you'd probably get better results by using direct database access instead of core data.

Entity Framework - Why explicitly set entity state to modified?

The official documentation says to modify an entity I retrieve a DbEntityEntry object and either work with the property functions or I set its state to modified. It uses the following example
Department dpt = context.Departments.FirstOrDefault();
DbEntityEntry entry = context.Entry(dpt);
entry.State = EntityState.Modified;
I don't understand the purpose of the 2nd and 3rd statement. If I ask the framework for an entity like the 1st statement does and then modify the POCO as in
dpt.Name = "Blah"
If I then ask EF to SaveChanges(), the entity has a status of MODIFIED (I'm guessing via snapshot tracking, this isn't a proxy) and the changes are persisted without the need to manually set the state. Am I missing something here?
In your scenario you indeed don't have to set the state. It is purpose of change tracking to find that you have changed a value on attached entity and put it to modified state. Setting state manually is important in case of detached entities (entities loaded without change tracking or created outside of the current context).
As said, in a scenario with disconnected entities it can be useful to set an entity's state to Modified. It saves a roundtrip to the database if you just attach the disconnected entity, as opposed to fetching the entity from the database and modifying and saving it.
But there can be very good reasons not to set the state to Modified (and I'm sure Ladislav was aware of this, but still I'd like to point them out here).
All fields in the record will be updated, not only the changes. There are many systems in which updates are audited. Updating all fields will either cause large amounts of clutter or require the auditing mechanism to filter out false changes.
Optimistic concurrency. Since all fields are updated, this may cause more conflicts than necessary. If two users update the same records concurrently but not the same fields, there need not be a conflict. But if they always update all fields, the last user will always try to write stale data. This will at best cause an optimistic concurrency exception or in the worst case data loss.
Useless updates. The entity is marked as modified, no matter what. Unchanged entities will also fire an update. This may easily occur if edit windows can be opened to see details and closed by OK.
So it's a fine balance. Reduce roundtrips or reduce redundancy.
Anyway, an alternative to setting the state to Modified is (using DbContext API):
void UpdateDepartment(Department department)
var dpt = context.Departments.Find(department.Id);
CurrentValues.SetValues marks individual properties as Modified.
Or attach a disconnected entity and mark individual properties as Modified manually:
context.Entry(dpt).State = System.Data.Entity.EntityState.Unchanged;
context.Entry(dpt).Property(d => d.Name).IsModified = true;

copy records from between two databases using EF

I need to copy data from one database to another with EF. E.g. I have the following table relations: Forms->FormVersions->FormLayouts... We have different forms in both databases and we want to collect them to one DB. Basically I want to load Form object recursively from one DB and save it to another DB with all his references. Also I need to change IDs of the object and related objects if there are exists objects with the same ID in the second database.
Until now I have following code:
Form form = null;
using (var context = new FormEntities())
form = (from f in context.Forms
join fv in context.FormVersions on f.ID equals fv.FormID
where f.ID == 56
select f).First();
var context1 = new FormEntities("name=FormEntities1");
context1.AddObject("Forms", form);
I'm receiving the error: "The EntityKey property can only be set when the current value of the property is null."
Can you help with implementation?
The simplest solution would be create copy of your Form (new object) and add that new object. Otherwise you can try:
Call context.Detach(form)
Set form's EntityKey to null
Call context1.AddObject(form)
I would first second E.J.'s answer. Assuming though that you are going to use Entity Framework, one of the main problem areas that you will face is relationship management. Your code should use the Include method to ensure that related objects are included in the results of a select operation. The join that you have will not have this effect.
Further, detaching an object will not automatically detach the related objects. You can detach them in the same way however the problem here is that as each object is detached, the relationships that it held to other objects within the context are broken.
Manually restoring the relationships may be an option for you however it may be worthwhile looking at EntityGraph. This framework allows you to define object graphs and then perform operations such as detach upon them. The entire graph is detached in a single operation with its relationships intact.
My experience with this framework has been in relation to RIA Services and Silverlight however I believe that these operations are also supported in .Net.
Edit1: I just checked the EntityGraph docs and see that DetachEntityGraph is in the RIA specific layer which unfortunately rules it out as an option for you.
Edit2: Alex Jame's answer to the following question is a solution to your problem. Don't load the objects into the context to begin with - use the notracking option. That way you don't need to detach them which is what causes the problem.
Entity Framework - Detach and keep related object graph
If you are only doing a few records, Ladislav's suggestion will probably work, but if you are moving lots of data, you should/could consider doing this move in a stored procedure. The entire operation can be done at the server, with no need to move objects from the db server, to your front end and then back again. A single SP call would do it all.
The performance will be a lot better which may or may not not matter in your case.