copy records from between two databases using EF - entity-framework

I need to copy data from one database to another with EF. E.g. I have the following table relations: Forms->FormVersions->FormLayouts... We have different forms in both databases and we want to collect them to one DB. Basically I want to load Form object recursively from one DB and save it to another DB with all his references. Also I need to change IDs of the object and related objects if there are exists objects with the same ID in the second database.
Until now I have following code:
Form form = null;
using (var context = new FormEntities())
form = (from f in context.Forms
join fv in context.FormVersions on f.ID equals fv.FormID
where f.ID == 56
select f).First();
var context1 = new FormEntities("name=FormEntities1");
context1.AddObject("Forms", form);
I'm receiving the error: "The EntityKey property can only be set when the current value of the property is null."
Can you help with implementation?

The simplest solution would be create copy of your Form (new object) and add that new object. Otherwise you can try:
Call context.Detach(form)
Set form's EntityKey to null
Call context1.AddObject(form)

I would first second E.J.'s answer. Assuming though that you are going to use Entity Framework, one of the main problem areas that you will face is relationship management. Your code should use the Include method to ensure that related objects are included in the results of a select operation. The join that you have will not have this effect.
Further, detaching an object will not automatically detach the related objects. You can detach them in the same way however the problem here is that as each object is detached, the relationships that it held to other objects within the context are broken.
Manually restoring the relationships may be an option for you however it may be worthwhile looking at EntityGraph. This framework allows you to define object graphs and then perform operations such as detach upon them. The entire graph is detached in a single operation with its relationships intact.
My experience with this framework has been in relation to RIA Services and Silverlight however I believe that these operations are also supported in .Net.
Edit1: I just checked the EntityGraph docs and see that DetachEntityGraph is in the RIA specific layer which unfortunately rules it out as an option for you.
Edit2: Alex Jame's answer to the following question is a solution to your problem. Don't load the objects into the context to begin with - use the notracking option. That way you don't need to detach them which is what causes the problem.
Entity Framework - Detach and keep related object graph

If you are only doing a few records, Ladislav's suggestion will probably work, but if you are moving lots of data, you should/could consider doing this move in a stored procedure. The entire operation can be done at the server, with no need to move objects from the db server, to your front end and then back again. A single SP call would do it all.
The performance will be a lot better which may or may not not matter in your case.


How does EntityFramework Core mange data internally?

I'm trying to understand how EntityFramework Core manages data internally because it influences how I call DbSets. Particularly, does it refer to in-memory data or re-query the database every time?
Example 1)
If I call _context.ToDo.Where(x => == 123).First() and then in a different procedure call the same command again, will EF give me the in-memory value or re-query the DB?
Example 2)
If I call _context.ToDo.Where(x => == 123).First() and then a few lines later call _context.ToDo.Find(123).Where(x => == 123).Incude(x => x.Children).First(), will it use the in-memeory and then only query the DB for "Children" or does it recall the entire dataset?
I guess I'm wondering if it matters if I duplicate a call or not?
Is this affected by the AsNoTracking() switch?
What you really ask is how caching works in EF Core, not how DbContext manages data.
EF always offered 1st level caching - it kept the entities it loaded in memory, as long as the context remains alive. That's how it can track changes and save all of them when SaveChanges is called.
It doesn't cache the query itself, so it doesn't know that Where(....).First() is meant to return those specific entities. You'd have to use Find() instead. If tracking is disabled, no entities are kept around.
This is explained in Querying and Finding Entities, especially Finding entities using primary keys:
The Find method on DbSet uses the primary key value to attempt to find an entity tracked by the context. If the entity is not found in the context then a query will be sent to the database to find the entity there. Null is returned if the entity is not found in the context or in the database.
Find is different from using a query in two significant ways:
A round-trip to the database will only be made if the entity with the given key is not found in the context.
Find will return entities that are in the Added state. That is, Find will return entities that have been added to the context but have not yet been saved to the database.
In Example #2 the queries are different though. Include forces eager loading, so the results and entities returned are different. There's no need to call that a second time though, if the first entity and context are still around. You could just iterate over the Children property and EF would load the related entities one by one, using lazy loading.
EF will execute 1 query for each child item it loads. If you need to load all of them, this is slow. Slow enough to be have its own name, the N+1 selects problem. To avoid this you can load a related collection explicitly using explicit loading, eg. :
When you know you're going to use all children though, it's better to eagerly load all entities with Include().

Is it possible to tell if an entity is tracked?

I'm using Entity Framework 4.1. I've implemented a base repository using lots of the examples online. My repository get methods take a bool parameter to decide whether to track the entities. Sometimes, I want to load an entity and track it, other times, for some entities, I simply want to read them and display them (i.e. in a graph). In this situation there is never a need to edit, so I don't want the overhead of tracking them. Also, graph entities are sent to a silverlight client, so the entities are disconnected from the context. Hence my Get methods can return a list of entities that are either tracked or not. This is achieved dynamically creating the query as follows:
DbQuery<E> query = Context.Set<E>();
// Track the entities in the context?
if (!trackEntities)
query = query.AsNoTracking();
However, I now want to enable the user to interact with the graph and edit it. This will not happen very often, so I still want to get some entities without tracking them but to have the ability to save them. To do this I simply attach them to the context and set the state as modified. Everything is working so far.
I am auditing any changes by overriding the SaveChanges method. As explained above I may, in some low cases, need to save modified entities that were disconnected. So to audit, I have to retrieve the current values from the database and then compare to work out what was changed while disconnected. If the entity has been tracked, there is no need to get the old values, as I've got access to them via the state manager. I'm not using self tracking entities, as this is overkill for my requirements.
QUESTION: In my auditing method I simply want to know if the modified entity is tracked or not, i.e. do I need to go to the db and get the original values?
DbContext.ChangeTracker.Entries ( returns DbEntityEntry objects for all tracked entities. DbEntityEntry has Entity property that you could use to find out whether the entity is tracked. Something like
var isTracked = ctx.ChangeTracker.Entries().Any(e => Object.ReferenceEquals(e.Entity, myEntity));

How do I detach objects in Entity Framework Code First?

There is no Detach(object entity) on the DbContext.
Do I have the ability to detach objects on EF code first?
This is an option:
dbContext.Entry(entity).State = EntityState.Detached;
If you want to detach existing object follow #Slauma's advice. If you want to load objects without tracking changes use:
var data = context.MyEntities.AsNoTracking().Where(...).ToList();
As mentioned in comment this will not completely detach entities. They are still attached and lazy loading works but entities are not tracked. This should be used for example if you want to load entity only to read data and you don't plan to modify them.
Both previous answers provide good instructions, however, both might leave you with the entities still loaded into EF's context and/or its Change Tracker.
This is not a problem when you are changing small data sets, but it will become an issue when changing large ones. EF would have increased memory and resource usage, which in turn would reduce the procedure performance as it uses more data/entities.
Both other approaches are valid but, In this case, Microsoft recommends cleaning the Change tracker instead of detaching the entities individually
Clearing the Change tracker on the data changing loop (which changes a chunk of data for instance) can save you from this trouble.
This would unload/detach all entities and its related changeTracker references from the context, so use with care after your context.SaveChanges().

How can I update a single field from an entity with Entity Framework?

I need to load an object from the database, modify some of its fields and relations, and then I want to store a new value for only one field, without modifying the rest.
It would look something like this:
var thing = db.Things.First();
thing.Field1 = "asdas";
thing.Field2 = 23;
thing.OtherThings.Add(new OtherThing());
thing.FieldToUpdate = doSomething(thing);
But that would save all the changes, what I want is to only save FieldToUpdate...
I've looked around and all I've found is to use stored procedures, which seems like too much for something that looks so simple, besides I would have to make a different stored procedure for each time I need to do something like this...
My current solution is to open another context, load the thing again, update the FieldToUpdate and SaveChanges, but that's both inefficient and ugly.
If you want to do this with attached entity you have to update FieldToUpdate FIRST and call SaveChanges. Than you can update other fields and call SaveChanges again if needed. No other way with attached entity.
Other way you can try is to detach entity, modify what you want to (it will not track changes). Then attach entity back to context and call:
// I suppose that db is ObjectContext or inherited type
Now only FieldToUpdate is tracked as changed.
The Entity Framework is smart enough to figure out what has changed and what hasn't and optimizes the SQL statement is uses accordingly. If you only change FieldToUpdate, then the SQL statement will only be an update on the single field, not on everything.
However, if you do change Field1 and Field2 from what they were originally, they will be persisted too, but ONLY if they changed. Otherwise, there's no need to tell the DB to change it to what it already is.
Entity framework does it this way because that's exactly what the developer wants 99.9% of the time. If you are going to use an entity object as an object that you want to move around and manipulate in ways other than treating it as a model of the database (like it should be), then you may want to consider creating another new wrapper class that lets you mess with all the data fields that you want (and have others that aren't in there), and then have the save method of it do the proper entity framework persistance, to keep things separate and clean.

Entity Framework and Temporary Objects

I'm new to the Entity Framework and am currently experimenting with it. I created a simple database, set up the model in VS2008, and have got the code going to query the database using the EF as well as inserting new data.
There's one thing that has me a little confused though. I have an entity (set up in my model) called Customer, and as part of the logic of my application I want to be able to create a temporary Customer object for some intermediate processing. This particular object should never actually be stored in the database. However, I noticed that as soon as I call SaveChanges() the customer is saved to the database. This isn't what I want to happen. I'd be quite happy to call AddCustomer() on the objects I do want to include - I just want to have the option to create a temporary instance for my own use.
I did discover I could call Detach() and pass in my temporary instance, which would stop it from being persisted. However I'm not sure this is the best way to do this since the temporary Customer object will have related objects, and unless I go through and detach them all I might end up in hot water.
It's possible I'm misunderstanding something about how the EF is supposed to work, or that I'm missing something obvious - I'm hoping someone can set me straight!
If you want to have a temporary instance of an entity that'll never be connected to the EF again, use this Entity Cloner for cloning the entity
If you are trying to disconnect an entity, send it over the wire some where (let us say pass it over to the client over a service, to modify it, and then again get it back), and again merge back the changes to the EF - right now this is not directly supported. How ever, you can try these solutions
Entity Bag:
EFContrib (you need PostSharp4EF)
Why not have another Customer class with the same fields?
Just ran into this problem myself with a service using EF4 - there's a simpler solution - after you create the new entity instance, call