problem with svn and "?" - iphone

I have problem with svn. a have copied a xib file and i have an ? point int my file ( the xib) and i can not commit this file.
thanks for your answer.

First add those files with ? mark by selecting and clicking add button

You have to add the file to svn first and then you can commit it.
? indicates that the file is not added to the svn folder and is missing. So add it to the svn first using
svn add
and then commit

Try to update it at first and when commit it !!!

First delete that file from svn.
Now, commit entire project.
Then add the file to the repository and commit entire project again.
I hope this will solve your problem.


How to add to git index with JBoss Tools

I've created a new project on OpenShift and cloned it locally. But now i'm having problems adding new files and folders to git index. Right click on the new folder (with files and subfolders) in project explorer and choosing Team -> Add to Index, changes nothing. And if i try to commit, Eclipse says that there aren't any changes... (If i only update existing files, everything seems to be fine).
What could be the problem?
Make sure that you have the "Git Staging" view open, and right click on the file in your Unstaged Changes and Select "Add to Index", also make sure that the file is not empty, it did not show up as a staged file until after i added some content to it, even after I had added the file. (Can't add empty files or directories to git with EGit maybe?)
this sounds like EGit missing new files. I'd love to know a bit more about your setup:
Where did you clone to, where is your Eclipse workspace?
To make sure your git setup is right I suggest that you do the same with the git command line:
cd [git-repo]
git status
Git status should list the new files and tell us that they're not added yet. If they get listed, then we know that your git is set up right and we can get back to Eclipse to try to figure out what's wrong with it.
Found out what the problem was (kind of stupid though). The folder that contained new content was listed in .gitignore ... but that file isn't accessible through eclipse, i had to look it up on filesystem. I also don't have a clue, how that line came to .gitignore...
Well, that's it...

Eclipse Git plugin - remove file from repo without deleting local

Using the Egit plugin, is it possible to permanently remove a file from source control without deleting the local copy?
I.e., is there a GUI action equivalent to running "git rm --cached"?
(Edited to simplify question)
I have found the answer. Team->Untrack is indeed the equivalent of "rm --cached". However there is a known bug which produces weird behaviour when you untrack and then try to commit.
Team -> Advanced -> Untrack
did the job (git rm --cached) for me.
I had the same problem, after not initially including directories and files in .ignore. I also tried "Untrack" and "Remove from index" possibility, non of which helped(due to the still unresolved Egit issue).
So, in the end I deleted files locally (leaving the project all in bugs), committed and pushed it to the github, and then undid the delete locally and added files to .ignore.
Very unelegant, but it worked.
I lost a lot of time and nerves on it, and I hope this helps someone.
Another option, similar to what Sri Sankaran suggests in the comments, is to update the index in order to assume no modification to your config file:
On the preferences, in Egit, you can list "assumed unchanged" files
The file remains versioned and on the disk, but no modification will be detected on it.
If you need to delete invisible folder(or file) from eclipse project:
Add folder(or file) to .gitignore file;
Replace folder to another directory
Team add to index, commit and push
Replace folder(or file) to the project folder

Subversive: how to add to svn ignore

I am using Subversive and I have the same question as Subclipse svn:ignore, but the solution did not work for me. Anyone knows how to add to svn:ignore files already added to a project with Sobversive?
If I delete it and create it again, there is a red exaclamation ('!') icon and I am not able to add it to svn:ignore
You must delete the file and commit the deletion. Then you can re-add the file, and put it under svn:ignore.

How to remove a file from SVN synchronization?

Working with Eclipse and SVN, how do I definitely remove a file from list to never synchronize it?
right click upon file to ignore * Team -> Add to svn:ignore
Edit : Are you serious? Then you are not using sublicpse

Problems committing deleted directory to SVN repository

I'm using Eclipse Europa with Subversive SVN plugin.
When try to commit deleted directory SVN returns this message:
Some of selected resources were not committed.
Item is out of date
svn: Commit failed (details follow):
svn: Item '/myProject/trunk/src/test/config' is out of date
Content of the folder has been already deleted and committed.
What can I do to commit it?
Try updating first, then delete and commit.
Had this issue too. What solved it for me was the following
Delete contents of folder
Delete folder
Frustrating to have to do this in 2 stages!
Just delete the folder using Svn repository exploring, then update the project.
Just right click on the Update to Head and then commit its works for me
I could see that this ticket is old but the below steps might help someone who is facing the issue.
1. Update the parent folder.
2. Delete the folder you want to delete from the working repository.
3. Commit the parent folder.
I use Subclipse plugin in eclipse which has very user-friendly GUI to support Subversion. May be try if interested -
I ran into this too, but I had already deleted the folder. Neither update nor commit would work, so I had to manually recreate the folder with the files in it, then follow the steps Kurru suggested.