Automating Eclipse tasks - eclipse

I'm currently looking for ways to automate some tasks in Eclipse.
For instance, let's say I have a couple of ant files that I'll want to run a couple of times per hour. Being able to assign a hot key to each one of them, so that I could easily run them without having to click, bring the context menu up and click again would bring joy into my life.
Other example would be build/run configurations. I have a couple of them on my project and I'd love to have a way of running each one of them with a different hot key configuration.
Moreover, the very nature of a project I'm currently working on involves a lot of experimentation and trying, so having to click and use my mouse a lot is definitely driving me insane. There are other similar things that I would like to get automated as well (for example, each time I do a commit I'd like to also run some command over my project's folder, etc).
Is there some tool for Eclipse(or outside it) that'll somehow allow me to automate these kinds of tasks? Would Vim for Eclipse help me anyhow?
After some years coding I feel like I have hit a stone wall. I came to the conclusion that I am losing way too much time with my mouse. Yes, I know that a lot of Eclipse actions have correspondent hot keys, but a lot of others don't. I want the ultimate solution !

There are several solutions:
Use a console. Consoles allow to remember the last commands (on Unix, you can even search). So instead of mouse-fu, it's Alt-TabUpReturn
There was Eclipse Monkey to script Eclipse. Not sure if it still works but it might.
On Sourceforge is Practical Macro. No documentation that I could find, though.
EclipseShell might also work, not sure.

Update (Year 2022). Aaron has provided many options in his answer. It seems any of those are working. I am going to try the old ant builder.


VBA hide form from menu

I'm trying to hide a form from the menu using VBA; I've Googled this, but everything is giving me the .visible option, however I want to hide it from the groups menu located on the left side. I could just as easily manually do this, however it's very tedious and I can't be going on other user's computers to do so.
Is this possible?
I might suggest normally you should only disable menus vs. removing them all together, might suggest doing an enable/disable menu item instead..
It should be possible but how much work is it and is it worth it to you? It isn't clear what your host application is just that you're using VBA. Might suggest the host application may already allow for customization if so use what it provides.
If the app doesn't allow customizing your menu you can still do it, just how much work is it worth for you? You'll need to look at the Win32 way of doing things. If not familiar with Win32 and menus take a look and start here looking here at MSDN to start learning about menus in Windows. After this you'll find Pinvoke will be handle to give you C#/VB sample to call what is needed. The VB should be useful but you will probably need to further translate the VB to VBA for your needs. FYI when starting out a a C/C++ developer back in the day 30 years ago it was anticipated anyone getting into windows might take them a few months, there is a lot you'll need to get up to speed on. Thus is this feature really worth it?

VSCode plugins and thoughts on alpha release

So I'm starting to guess Javascript wasn't the best choice for VSCode to be based on. It is pretty much the same as SublimeText and even slower, though the debugger and code intel is awesome and far beyond Sublime's capabilities.
The thing is I suddenly got a chrome-like inspector frame on the right side of the window, which caught my attention and got me googling about it (too bad almost nobody is talking about vscode yet so it's a pain to even find some info), and found out another person got the same weird issue. Somebody told him that F12 opens the inspector like a normal web app so you can look under the hood (which os most likely bullcrap since it makes no sense, probably just a bug).
The thing is I decided to test out keypresses, and discovered Fn+Shift+Cmd+F12 opens a new window with a weird button and a web inspector, which has no utility at all, but it's there so I got curious and messed up with it for a while. Bad idea since it crashed the entire app.
All this story has the point of warning about how Javascript is not as stable and independent as Objective C, since it's obviously working on top of V8 and Webkit and whatnot, any of which multiply its chances to crash.
Sublime has also crashed for me a couple times, but it does Atom Saving (operating system's native autosave that stores every change in the filesystem so app crashes don't affect the files).
VSCode is not native and is in a very alpa state (version 0.1.0 as today), so this is kind of a feedback for them and a warning for other users, posted here because there is a link for this stackoverflow community on their website, and is the only community-driven way of feedback they have.
I wish they open the development so others can contribute or, at least, do like SublimeText which isn't open but supports extensibility thru plugins and python console.
Now, the question:
Is there a way to make Sublime plugins work here?
The keybindings you have found are used by us internally to debug VSCode quickly in case we notice a problem. We simply forgot to remove them, kind of like how Ctrl+Alt+Delete happened :).
We will remove these keybindings with our next update, to avoid confusion, in a couple of weeks.
We have plans on supporting plugins, we have made progress on this story, but we were not happy enough with the API, and we decided to further validate and improve it before making it public, to avoid as much as possible future API breakage.
As for the actual question, it is not possible to run Sublime plugins in VSCode, for similar reasons why it is not possible to run Sublime plugins in Eclipse or in Visual Studio. There is, however the possibility of code sharing between plugins developed for different platforms, see for example Omnisharp, which is shipped with VSCode and for which there is a Sublime plugin.
You're complaining about VSCode being created using HTML, CSS and JavaScript and not something like C# or Objective C. You do realize that since day one the following Apple apps were made with a similar hybrid approach of Objective C and HTML, CSS and JavaScript. These are apps that millions of people use: iOS: iTunes app, iTunes Store app, App Store, and on desktop: iTunes, App Store.
Visual Studio Code is a preview, meaning something that just left alpha stage development and is in early, early, early beta, like just a week ago. So there are lots of things that are still missing or not totally working yet. The Visual Studio team is working at three-week sprints and intend to update the product at that pace, so if you've downloaded it, don't expect it to have every possible feature yet. This is a preview. Explore it. If it doesn't fit your current workflow, don't use it. Stick with what you have. But keep an eye on it because it will evolve steadily over the coming months.
I tried F12 in VSCode on windows and it opened the Dev Tools window, which makes sense since it's built on GIT's open source editor Atom & Chrome.
Sublime plugins? No, you can't use ST3 plugins in Atom, but hopefully we'll be able to use Atom plugins in VSCode once plugins are included in VSCode.
At the moment VSCode don't have any functionality for plugins, but it's coming soon see forum
There is also menu item under help in VSCode for reporting issues and suggesting features.
Me too would like Plugins for VS Code. As I would like a WakaTime plugin as I'm spending so much time working in it :). Both on Mac as in Windows.
I also discovered F12 one day but just thought: 'wow pretty cool!' and nothing more. But hey, I'm a webdev.. :)
It's now october and it's still there. And I hope it will stay. Just like crrl+alt+delete. #Sebastian I agree with #JimmyBoh, the whole preamble of this question is probably better suited to be put on a forum. Otherwise this question will probably be closed as 'not constructive'. To prevent other non-answers like this one :).

Emacs: opening any file in a large repo

What I need
a fast/performant way to open any file under a large (git) repo (~9.8k files).
I have tried various solutions, like Textmate.el and find-file-in-repository. I found these solutions via previous SO questions like this and this and through the LocateFilesAnywhere EmacsWiki.
While both solutions work wonderfully for small-to-mdeium repos, in this case they are practically unusable. When I start typing a filename, there's a delay of several seconds before I see any result. And changing any part of the search is very laggy too.
I think the main problem is that on typing any character, emacs/find-file-in-repository starts a shell command (git ls-files...). I really only need to do that when I have stopped typing.
is there a better library out there for this use-case?
if not, how can I introduce a delay into the command when I'm typing? i.e. while I'm in find-file-in-repository, I want the find-command to be invoked only when I stop typing (let's say a gap of 300ms).
After I received the three answers I tried them out (also answering my own question as none of the above solutions worked for me). I finally settled for helm-ls-git. Here's a comparison from my point-of-view:
took around 30 minutes to index the repo. Since projectile is not aware of .gitignore, the actual number of files is more like 52k.
can be customized but something that just works (i.e. understands git) is preferable
may need to invalidate cache re-index time to time. That would be costly and frequent since new files are added everyday to the repo.
looked good from the description and the source.
hard to install since it's not published in melpa/marmalade etc. More details in this issue I opened up.
GNU Global
Didn't try as it's likely to have the same problems as Projectile (git-unaware, needs it's own "index" that may need to be maintained time to time)
event-jr's answer however opened up some more options: I was unaware of helm till now. Looking at melpa for helm related plugins I found the following:
This looked really promising
Was easy to install with package.el since it's in melpa
I also use and love magit - so this looked a good fit.
However, it kept failing with a magit-git-dir: symbol is void kind of error. Did not dive in too much but looks like it needs to be updated. Opened up an issue
As the readme says, this is magit independent.
Has been working wonderfully so far. Easy to install (melpa) and is fast.
I use GNU global for this. I have around 20K files in my project. You can run
M-x gtags-find-file and type first few characters. TAB will complete and show all the matching. You can type any characters which is part of the file name and press enter. Will show all the files that contains these characters.
I tried to use projectile for this. But it was way too slow for the 'project indexing'. It didn't complete the indexing even after 1.5 hours and I have to kill it!. Not sure some thing is wrong here. GNU global is much faster and finishes the entire tag creation within 15 min.
You can check out Projectile. It was basically created to provide something similar to C-p, but has a lot of extra project level features as well. First time project indexing will be fairly slow on such a big project, but afterwards Projectile will cache the project files (both on memory and on the hard drive) and subsequent projectile invocations should be nearly instantaneous.
Projectile also has a Helm plugin to display project files and buffers with Helm.
I use helm-cmd-t happily. It will cache the file list in memory. The cache controls are flexible enough for my needs.
I just answered your question about new repo address here:

Is it possible to make the auto-complete in netbeans not depend on a key-combination?

Is it possible to make the code-completion on Netbeans automatic, like on Aptana or Visual Studio?
I've noticed that Netbeans can sometimes take a while to populate the list, so this might be asking a bit too much, but if possible, I'd like to somehow enable it.
The onlything I've found in the options is the ability to set a custom key-combo, but not to make this automatic.
I know that if you wait a bit, the auto-completion shows up anyway, but I want it to be without delay.
It appears there is a setting in some NetBeans versions that sets the delay for the popup window.
Choose Tools | Options
Choose Advanced Options
Open the Editing and then Editor Settings folders
Select Java Editor and find the Delay of Completion Window Auto Popup property
Enter a new Delay value in milliseconds (default is 250).
Article where I found it:
The problem is that this article is a couple years old, so I opened NetBeans (6.1) on my computer and looked for the property but it didn't exist for the Java Editor (It did for other editors like the XML Editor). This leads me to believe my version is newer than the one in the article and the delay property no longer exists for the Java Editor (checking couldn't hurt though).
So instead, I decided to test the delay. I made a sample project, imported and instantiated a list, and then went to call a method. I stopped at the dot to let NetBeans offer suggestions and it was basically immediate (no noticeable delay). It is at this point, I am wondering if the delay you are experiencing is due purely to performance of the computer, especially since you indicate this occurs "sometimes". It is possible that you are looking at rather large classes, and NetBeans is taking extra time to look up the completions. You could try and test to see if this is true or not by testing code completion on a known large class. The other possibility is your computer is not as fast, or is doing work for another program at the same time. You can try and test this by restarting the computer, opening only NetBeans (to maximize resources to NetBeans), and try some code completions. If either exhibit noticeably faster delays, this is most likely the problem.
Hope this helps.
I think I found a solution. I set up autocomplete keyboard shortcuts for all letters and #, it seems to work. In some cases there is a small lag, but it doesn't prevent you from typing. It took about 5 minutes to add those shortcuts.
I tried to get the desired feature by adding the alphabet to the completion selectors. It worked somewhat, you can always try it.
This works for the first two characters you type This is updated one
Tools -> Options -> Editor -> Code Completion
Language: [C/C++]
Autopop Triggers for C/C++ Identifiers
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Good Luck!

Painless integration of Eclipse with Vim?

Has anyone managed to get Vim integrated into Eclipse painlessly? I just want to use Vim for the editor while retaining the general Eclipse interface. I have tried using Eclim plugin but the editor seemed to crash more often than work (the site said that the editor replacement functionality is still beta).
On the flip side, is there any IDE which matches Eclipse's functionality—mainly the integration with SVN, ant, etc.—and is also able to use Vim?
I mostly use eclipse for SAS SCL, Java and Javascript programming and find the eclipse editor too "mouse-y".
I'd also like, in a perfect world, to use vimdiff as a diff viewer for SVN (we use TortoiseSVN) while checking for diffs or conflicts during merge etc. I admit I havent spent a lot of time trying to get these things to work. I feel guilty about spending too much time on potential wild-goose-chases while my other team members are working away at their code, perfectly content with all that Eclipse has to offer.
Edit: Just found this while desperately browsing around: Vim plugin. Any experience using this? From the claims on the site, it sounds perfect.
I've been using Vrapper for about 2 months and it works great. It is simple to install, and makes life much easier.
It doesn't integrate Vim with Eclipse, it just emulates Vim's behaviour so you don't need to have Vim installed.
I have been experiencing errors while refactoring methods in Eclipse (only when Vrapper was installed) so I stopped using it.
Now I'm using ViPlugin (very similar to vrapper). It works great (especially since version 2.0) and I recommend it, but it is not free (but cheap and has a trial version)
As the new post mentioned, if we always use the rename dialog to rename, it can be a work around for Varpper.
Preferences > Java > and uncheck "Rename in editor without dialog"
The consensus seems summarized in that Wanted: VIM in Eclipse article.
No decent Vi plugin exists for eclipse, except viplugin which does not offer macro mechanisms.
Whereas on the NetBeans side... jvi does a killing job ;)
WOW, this is the one!
It just came out a few months ago, and seems much better than the other alternatives...and it is open source.
I use Viable, which is a new plugin for Eclipse providing Vi emulation. It is very similar to vrapper, but it doesn't have the same problem as vrapper with refactoring (as cysiek10 described.)
It's got some pretty cool features which none of the other Vim emulators in Eclipse seem to have (though jvi for NetBeans has a few of these) such as:
Visual block mode
External filters and commands
Command history
Window splits (love having this one!)
It is pay; however, you can try the full version for free just like viPlugin.
I never had much luck with vim integration into any IDE, be it Eclipse, Visual Studio, NetBeans, or sth else. Instead when stuck using an IDE, I just make the IDE launch a custom program: which passes the file onto vim using the client/server feature.
I.e. vim --servername SomeName --remote-{choice of how to open it: splits or tabs} {extra args like filename and +line#}
I just tried Eclim and found it really good. I can still edit inside Vim, and enjoy most of the benefits of the eclipse IDE inside Vim (such as better omni completions).
The best thing about Eclim is we are still using the original Vim, so I can enjoy all the existing benefits (my own functions, macros, etc.) while having the extra convenience provided by an IDE., which I found over the weekend was the closest I could come to a nice integration. Unfortunately when I opened more than 2 files in my IDE, it made my entire workstation unresponsive. And I didn't even use the "new process" option for the editor.
So bottom line it does seem that there is no decent integration available yet. Although with some it's close. I'm rooting for vimplugin to stabilize and I'll also some time (when I'm not eating up my employer's time like now) play some more with hte plugin to see if I can make it usable.
I tried Eclim and didn't like it at all. I ended using this plugin called "viPlugin," which actually works well enough to warrant using it every day. Here is the site for viPlugin:
The big downside of this plugin is that it's not free. I paid for it, and I think it's worth it. there any IDE which matches Eclipse's functionality -- mainly the integration with SVN, ant, etc. -- and is also able to use Vim?
IntelliJ IDEA has a very good VI plugin, but I didn't like it, although the plugin did it's work.
My problem was I have formed habits to use IDEA and those were harder and my experiment didn't it through. So I uninstall the plugin, and learned idea shortcuts instead.
But, is not free :(
Vrapper does the trick.
After installing Vrapper you need to remove CTRL+W key binding in Eclipse settings. Or else it keeps closing the editor when you actually meant Backspace.
It also comes with "surround" and split window plugins. Be sure to install those.
This is not 100% Vim, though. And nothing is 100% Vim except for Vim (doh!). You will find some commands missing (or you may not, depending on how "vimy" you are). But vrapper has :vim command, which opens up Vim editor with the current file in the buffer and places your cursor in the exact location in the file. This way you can continue editing from where you left off. When you're done in Vim just close the editor, and you return to your eclipse editor.
I hope this was helpful.