How do you add join a table using Criteria class? - criteria

I am new to using Criteria, and i am trying to join tables on my query.
This is my expected query set up
Select * FROM ATable a INNER JOIN BTable b ON = b.fk_id WHERE fk_pname = ":cat";
Do you know how i can add the "INNER JOIN BTable b ON = b.fk_id"?
I already added in instance, but not sure how to add the other table.
Criteria criteria = this.getSession().createCriteria(ATable.class);
Thanks again for all your help

Something like this will do it -
Criteria criteria = this.getSession().createCriteria(ATable.class)
The string 'btable' refers to the property name in the ATable entity class that corresponds to the BTable entity.


How to add complex inner query to #Query annotaion

normal sql query which work correctly in db in sql developer passing values for bID and period.
in project at Repository class I passed as this
#Query("select a from A where a.abcID IN:(select b.abcId from B where bID=:RevID) and period=:period")
error comes as
Space is not allowed after parameter prefix ':' [select a from A
where a.abcID IN:(select b.abcId from B where bID=:RevID) and
I want to know how should I insert above query correctly in #Query annotation
First of all I would tell you below points.
you can't use select query as select a from A where a.abcID. Here a is a column so can't define something like a.abcID. It need to be select column from tableA a where a.abcID
Same for query use in IN clause. It needs to be like select b.abcId from tableB b where b.bID=:RevID
What you use as :RevID, :period need to be passed as #Param("RevID"), #Param("period") to the query method.
This is the query template.
#Query("select a.nameOfcolumnYouWantToRetrieve from tableA a where a.someColumn in(select b.someColumn from tableB b where b.columnValueOfTableBYouwantToMatch=:RevID) and a.period=:period")
Using this points, try below query.
#Query("select from A a where a.abcID in(select b.abcId from B b where b.bID =:RevID) and a.period=:period")

Sql to LINQ query LINQ Query convert

I have a SQL query I want to write in LINQ
Here is my Query
FROM [IHQDB].[dbo].[Table1] as t1
inner join Table2 as t2 on t2.Table2 =t1.ChangedItemID
inner join Table3 as t3 on t3.Table3 = t1.FromUserID
where (t1.FromUserID=1 And t2.ContentItemID= t1.ChangedItemID)
OR (t2.LastModifiedBy=1 or t2.CreatedBy=1 )
Hi now its working fine but My query little bit different on place of 1 I need my userID on base of their First Name and Last Name from M_User table.
How can I get UserId on Base of First Name + Last Name.
Here is my LINQ CODE For Retrieving User Name
linq4 = from q in context.T_ContentItems
join p in context.M_Users on q.CreatedBy equals p.UserID
where (advanceKeyword.Contains(p.EmployeeFirstName + " " + p.EmployeeLastName)) select q;
advancechk12 = linq4.ToList();
What I require is that wherever I have written the value "1" (e.g. t2.CreatedBy=1), I need to find the UserID. For simplicity, I am able to get the names of all the filtered users in the advancechk12. How do I retrieve the UserID's of the list of usernames returned in advancechk12
You have to replace below mentioned Linq query with your models name.I just used the same name of the T-Sql.
var t1List = (from t1 in db.Table1
join t2 in db.Table2 on t1.ChangedItemID equals t2.Id
join t3 in db.Table3 on t3.Id equals t1.FromUserID
where ((t1.FromUserID=1 && t2.ContentItemID= t1.ChangedItemID) || (t2.LastModifiedBy=1 or t2.CreatedBy=1))
select t1).Distinct().ToList();

Get Greatest date across multiple columns with entity framework

I have three entities: Group, Activity, and Comment. Each entity is represented in the db as a table. A Group has many Activities, and an Activity has many comments. Each entity has a CreatedDate field. I need to query for all groups + the CreatedDate of the most recent entity created on that Group's object graph.
I've constructed a sql query that gives me what I need, but I'm not sure how to do this in entity framework. Specifically this line: (SELECT MAX(X)
FROM (VALUES (g.CreatedDate), (a.CreatedDate), (c.CreatedDate)) Thanks in advance for your help. Here's the full query:
WITH GroupWithLastActivityDate AS (
FROM (VALUES (g.CreatedDate), (a.CreatedDate), (c.CreatedDate)) AS AllDates(X)) AS LastActivityDate
FROM Groups g
LEFT OUTER JOIN Activities a
on g.Id = a.GroupId
on a.Id = c.ActivityId
WHERE g.IsActive = 1
GroupId = g.Id
,NumberOfActivities = COUNT(DISTINCT a.Id)
,LastActivityDate = Max(g.LastActivityDate)
FROM GroupWithLastActivityDate g
INNER JOIN Activities a
on g.Id = a.GroupId
WHERE a.IsActive = 1
I should add that for now I've constructed a view with this query (plus some other stuff) which I'm querying with a SqlQuery.

Linq to SQL self join where right part of join is filtered

I am trying to map a self join where the right table must be filtered, e.g. SQL such as this:
select t2.* from table t
left join table t2
on t2.parentID = t.ID and;
I can figure out the syntax if I wanted to filter the left table:
// works
var query = from t in table
where 1
join t2 in table
on t.parentID equals t2.ID into joined
from r in joined.DefaultIfEmpty() ...
But I can't figure out how to filter the right table. It seems like it should be something like this...
// does not work
var query = from t in table
join t2 in table
where t.field = 1
on t.parentID equals t2.ID into joined
from r in joined.DefaultIfEmpty() ...
(not valid... join can't have where). There is discussion of using multiple from clauses, but if I create more than one from clause, so I can add a where to the 2nd one, I can't figure out how to join the results of them into a new temporary table.
I can't just add a "where" after the join; the right table must be filtered first or matches will occur, and a where clause at the end would remove the row from the left table that I do want in the output. That is, the output should have rows where there's nothing matched from filtered right table. So I need to filter the right table before the join.
I think you are looking to do this:
var query = from t in table
join t2 in
(from t3 in table
where t3.field = 1
select t3)
on t.parentID equals t2.ID into joined
from r in joined.DefaultIfEmpty() ...
Another way is to use multiple from like this:
var query = from t in table
from t2 in table.Where(x => x.field = 1)
.Where(x => x.ID == t.parentID)
select ....

Entity SQL selecting from more then 3 tables

I am new to Entity framwork and currently trying hard to get used this programming paradigm. I have this query which i want to write in Entity SQL.
SELECT, f.personName, c.Category, j.busCode, s.description, f.StartDate, (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Analysis WHERE id = As numOfAnalysis
FROM forms f
INNER JOIN category c ON j.categoryid = c.categoryid
INNER JOIN stage s ON f.stageid = s.stageid
WHERE j.busCode NOT IN ('xyz', 'YYY')
ORDER BY startDate
I can get records from two tables but as soon as i add third table using the navigation property, i get error table category is not loaded in the current context. I am using .net 3.5. Keep in mind that EDM V2 doest not have foreign keys and i think the only way to traverse through the table relationship is navigation property.
Any help will be deeply appreciated.
If you use should be able to mount this Linq query.
I tried to put together, but in the rush and no such test is complicated.
You can use this reference as support:
var result = (from f in forms
join j in Jobs on equals
join c in Category on j.categoryid equals c.categoryid
join s in stage on f.stageid equals s.stageid
join a in Analysis on equals
where !(new int[] { 'xyz', 'YYY' }).Contains(j.busCode)
orderby f.StartDate
select {
personName = f.personName,
Category = c.Category,
busCode = j.busCode,
description = s.description,
StartDate = f.StartDate,
numOfAnalysis = a.Count()
Julio Spader
W&S Soluções de Internet