Entity SQL selecting from more then 3 tables - entity-framework

I am new to Entity framwork and currently trying hard to get used this programming paradigm. I have this query which i want to write in Entity SQL.
SELECT f.id, f.personName, c.Category, j.busCode, s.description, f.StartDate, (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Analysis WHERE id = f.id) As numOfAnalysis
FROM forms f
INNER JOIN Jobs j ON f.id = j.id
INNER JOIN category c ON j.categoryid = c.categoryid
INNER JOIN stage s ON f.stageid = s.stageid
WHERE j.busCode NOT IN ('xyz', 'YYY')
ORDER BY startDate
I can get records from two tables but as soon as i add third table using the navigation property, i get error table category is not loaded in the current context. I am using .net 3.5. Keep in mind that EDM V2 doest not have foreign keys and i think the only way to traverse through the table relationship is navigation property.
Any help will be deeply appreciated.

If you use should be able to mount this Linq query.
I tried to put together, but in the rush and no such test is complicated.
You can use this reference as support: http://code.msdn.microsoft.com/101-LINQ-Samples-3fb9811b
var result = (from f in forms
join j in Jobs on f.id equals j.id
join c in Category on j.categoryid equals c.categoryid
join s in stage on f.stageid equals s.stageid
join a in Analysis on a.id equals f.id
where !(new int[] { 'xyz', 'YYY' }).Contains(j.busCode)
orderby f.StartDate
select {
id =f.id,
personName = f.personName,
Category = c.Category,
busCode = j.busCode,
description = s.description,
StartDate = f.StartDate,
numOfAnalysis = a.Count()
Julio Spader
W&S Soluções de Internet


postgresql left join but dont fetch if matching condition found

I have a bit of a complicated scenario. I have two tables, employee and agency. An employee may or may not have an agency, but if an employee has an agency I want the select clause to check another condition on the agency, but if the employee does not have an agency its fine I want to fetch the employee. I'm not sure how to write the select statement for this. This is what I have come up with so far
select * from employee e left join
agency a on a.id = e.agencyID and a.valid = true;
However the problem with this is that it fetches both employees without agencies which is fine, but it also fetches employees with agencies where a.valid = false. The only option I can think of is to do an union but I'm looking for something more simpler.
A UNION could actually be the solution that performs best, but you can write the query without UNION like this:
select *
from employee e
left join agency a
on a.id = e.agencyID
where coalesce(a.valid, true);
That will accept agencies where valid IS NULL, that is, result rows where the agency part was substituted with NULLs by the outer join.
You want except the condition that both table match(agency.id = employee.agencyID) and also agency.id is false. The following query will express the condition.
employee e
LEFT JOIN agency a ON a.id = e.agencyID
a.id = e.agencyID
AND a.valid IS FALSE)

Entity Framework (Core) Query Multiple Tables From 2 Different Databases

How can I write a query to get data from 2 (or more) tables from different databases with EF Core? I have now the following code:
var items = (
from o in _db1.Orders
join c in _db2.Customers on o.CustomerId equals c.CustomerId
where c.CustomerId = 1
select c;
In MySql I have this query that needs to be transformed to the expression above (Linq).
FROM db1.Customers c
JOIN db2.Orders o ON c.CustomerId = o.CustomerId
WHERE c.CustomerId = 1;
Please help
This scenario is not supported as of today and there are no plans to support it
This and other related features are mentioned at the end of this EF Core issue

Is this Correlated SubQuery Correct

I am trying to wrap my head around sub-queries (correlated). Although the book explains (MS SQL Server 2012) it I'm still a little confused. Using three tables, Orders, Products and OrderDetails I want to find the sum of all products that were shipped to USA. I came up with the following query but do not quite understand how I got there except the correlation is referencing the 'where' in the outer query. Can someone correct my work and offer better explanation than book?
SELECT p.productid, p.productname, SUM(qty * od.unitprice) AS TotalAmount
FROM Production.Products AS p
JOIN Sales.OrderDetails AS od
ON p.productid = od.productid
(SELECT o.shipcountry
FROM Sales.Orders AS o
JOIN Sales.OrderDetails AS od
ON o.orderid = od.orderid
WHERE shipcountry = N'USA')
GROUP BY p.productid, p.productname;
, p.ProductName
, SUM(qty * od.UnitPrice) as [Total_Amount]
Production.Products productid
JOIN Sales.OrderDetails as od on p.productid = od.product
JOIN SalesOrders as o on o.OrderID = od.OrderID
o.Shipcountry in ('USA')
Group BY
The following should work - you technically dont require the sub query. Will only bog down the query.

Get Greatest date across multiple columns with entity framework

I have three entities: Group, Activity, and Comment. Each entity is represented in the db as a table. A Group has many Activities, and an Activity has many comments. Each entity has a CreatedDate field. I need to query for all groups + the CreatedDate of the most recent entity created on that Group's object graph.
I've constructed a sql query that gives me what I need, but I'm not sure how to do this in entity framework. Specifically this line: (SELECT MAX(X)
FROM (VALUES (g.CreatedDate), (a.CreatedDate), (c.CreatedDate)) Thanks in advance for your help. Here's the full query:
WITH GroupWithLastActivityDate AS (
FROM (VALUES (g.CreatedDate), (a.CreatedDate), (c.CreatedDate)) AS AllDates(X)) AS LastActivityDate
FROM Groups g
LEFT OUTER JOIN Activities a
on g.Id = a.GroupId
on a.Id = c.ActivityId
WHERE g.IsActive = 1
GroupId = g.Id
,NumberOfActivities = COUNT(DISTINCT a.Id)
,LastActivityDate = Max(g.LastActivityDate)
FROM GroupWithLastActivityDate g
INNER JOIN Activities a
on g.Id = a.GroupId
WHERE a.IsActive = 1
I should add that for now I've constructed a view with this query (plus some other stuff) which I'm querying with a SqlQuery.

How do you add join a table using Criteria class?

I am new to using Criteria, and i am trying to join tables on my query.
This is my expected query set up
Select * FROM ATable a INNER JOIN BTable b ON a.id = b.fk_id WHERE fk_pname = ":cat";
Do you know how i can add the "INNER JOIN BTable b ON a.id = b.fk_id"?
I already added in instance, but not sure how to add the other table.
Criteria criteria = this.getSession().createCriteria(ATable.class);
Thanks again for all your help
Something like this will do it -
Criteria criteria = this.getSession().createCriteria(ATable.class)
The string 'btable' refers to the property name in the ATable entity class that corresponds to the BTable entity.