Embedded Resources accessed by WebResource.axd links not working in production environment - axd

Ok, this has me stumped.
I have several server controls defined in a VB.NET .NET 4 project, lets call it WebControls, to be shared with other projects in the solution. WebControls uses embedded resources (images) so that I don't have to remember to include images in each project that reference the controls. I use Page.ClientScript.GetWebResourceUrl to set image ImageUrl attributes in the server controls.
This all works fine in my application X that uses the controls from WebControls on my dev server. However, when I push this to production, the images represented as embedded resources do not show up.
My production server runs IIS 7.0. I know that disabling compression does not affect anything and that the proper IIS handlers are present for web resource .axd files.
What is even stranger is that I have copies of this application (named differently of course) on that same production server and everything works fine in those, but not in X. The application pool uses .NET 4 integrated and will not work on classic mode.
Any suggestions?

Figured this out. Very strange. I rebuilt my WebControls class and my other applications in debug mode and pushed those .dlls to my production server and everything worked fine. Then, I rebuilt in release mode and pushed the .dlls to production again, replacing the debug .dlls, and again all worked fine. Seems to have been an issue with VS 2010 not clearing out the dlls correctly when I cleaned and rebuilt my applications for release.


Getting requests only in one computer in UmbracoApi

I have a Umbraco API project that using the UmbracoCms library V 7.15.3. The project work properly, but from some reason after that i copy the project to another computer. The API stop to work there and requests did not comes to the controller.
Is there a reason for something like this to happen?
Umbraco gives you a web application which you need to install and setup somewhere before it will work.
You probably used their installer initially which created an IIS website and a database for you. You don't need to re-run the installer, but you do need to copy the database and all the files and re-create the website in IIS on the other computer.
Simply moving files around is not enough.

GWT fail to load when I clear browser cache

I have deployed my GWT application on a JBoss server, which is located on a virtual machine. If I open Safari/Firefox/Chrome, clear the cache and then navigate to my app: the app fails to load! I just see a blank screen (the title is loaded).
I use SmartGWT and when I just httpfox to examine the traffic, I can see that most resources (images, javascript) is downloaded, but some SmartGWT js files seems to be hanging.
In the screenshot, ISC_core.js and ISC_Foundation.js has not been completely downloaded, and they never are. (It is not always these two files, it can also be different ones, and it changes everytime I retry).
Now, if I reload the browser my app loads perfectly and when I look in httpfox, the files that were not completely downloaded before, is now fetched from the browser cache.
If I clear the browser cache and try again: blank page and same issue.
Does anyone have a clue about what is causing this behaviour and where I should look to fix it?
Note: this only happens when I deploy on my remote virtual machine. If I deploy locally in the same JBoss server setup, I have no problem and cannot reproduce the above issue. Also no problems when I debug in Eclipse and use the Jetty server.
May be this is an Known issue ..Which is posted on Google groups .
As a side note enable gzip on your jboss also..please refer to this link to do that

Google App Engine: Deployed Source doesn't have Local updates

I'm working with Google App Engine in Eclipse w/ JSP pages in Windows 7.
I already have an app deployed and working, but I am unable to make changes to it for some reason.
If I make changes and debug locally, my localhost page is showing the changes that I implement.
While I am not getting any errors in the deployment, the same changes that work on my local debug are no longer showing up, so I can't update my app.
I thought updating the version number might help, but I had no luck with this.
Any ideas? Thanks.
Are you deploying the same version (as specified in appengine-web.xml) as the default version that is running on your app? If not, you'll have to access your new deployment at http://newversion.appname.appspot.com, or change your default version in app engine to your newly deployed version.
I have had the same problems too, especially when the changes concerned the static pages. Some little things to check:
If you have set an expiration date in your app.yaml, your browser cache could be holding the file.
If it’s specific to the online contents, it could be an intermediary cache (such as a squid server) serving the outdated contents, in which case you’d have to flush the cache to get the new version.
You could start by checking the log on the GAE console to see if the request is received by the server, that would help you debug.
Another trick, if you’re being served an outdated version of http://yourapp.appspot.com/index, try and pass a dummy argument to force the browser to update the version, for instance : http://yourapp.appspot.com/index?p=1

Speeding up code changes in Eclipse Web Browser?

I'm developing an application using the Vaadin framework in Eclipse. I'm using the Tomcat v6.0 servlet and run the application in the Eclipse Web Browser. A problem I've been having though is to have recent changes show in the browser when I test the application.
No matter how many times I restart Tomcat, clean all published resources and restart the Eclipse Web Browser the changes still won't take effect. The changes seem to take effect randomly where time is the biggest factor, which is of great frustration when developing...
So my question is if anyone else has noticed this problem and have any ideas of how to solve it, if there is a configuration I can do or if I'm missing a step in the restart which blocks the changes from taking effect..?
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
In Vaadin most of the code runs in the server and is contained in normal Java files. There are three levels of resource/class changes:
The runtime "hot code replacement". If running Tomcat in debug mode some Java class changes can be published without redeploying the web application. However, if the Tomcat is configured to "auto publish" (check your server settings in Eclipse), the redeployment is automatically done whenever classes change and this causes full context reload and sessions serialization (see #2) . Hot code replacement can be enhanced using tools like JRebel.
Web application deployment. This is essentially deploying a new war file to the server. Causes the previous version to be undeployed and deploys the new version of all classes and resources. Sometimes there are some resources left in the servers work directory or classes are not reloaded, in which case the server restart (#3) is needed.
Server restart. This makes the whole JVM to reload and all the classes and web applications are also reloaded. Still cleaning the work directory separately is needed to make sure everything is reloaded.
In addition to this there is the client-side part of Vaadin (essentially a JavaScript compiled with GWT), which is treated as a static resource by Tomcat. If you modify the client-side Java code the GWT is used to recompile the JavaScript. Deployment should be simply file copying. The browsers cache the generated HTML/JS files, but GWT includes mechanism to avoid this.
You should first try to change the server settings for automatic publishing and see if that helps. Also, I've noticed that different Tomcat version behave differently. This is unfortunate, but the only thing you can do is to try to find the versions/set-up that works for you.
Just to make sure: you have been adding ?restartApplication in the URL to force application to restart on page reload, haven't you?

ASP.NET MVC 2 + VS2k10 Empty Start Page

I have a problem where, on some developer machines, everything resolves correctly and the start page is as expected (/Home/Index), but on other developer machines, it will just render a directory listing of the website root. When creating a virtual directory, it works, but we would prefer to use the development server initially if possible.
It's worth mentioning the OS we are working with is XP.
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Are you talking about running your website through IIS or through Visual Studio's built in web server (Cassini)?
It sounds like you are using IIS and it is not configured for running MVC properly but without further information it's hard to say.
I would compare the IIS configuration between a working machine and one that doesn't