Google App Engine: Deployed Source doesn't have Local updates - eclipse

I'm working with Google App Engine in Eclipse w/ JSP pages in Windows 7.
I already have an app deployed and working, but I am unable to make changes to it for some reason.
If I make changes and debug locally, my localhost page is showing the changes that I implement.
While I am not getting any errors in the deployment, the same changes that work on my local debug are no longer showing up, so I can't update my app.
I thought updating the version number might help, but I had no luck with this.
Any ideas? Thanks.

Are you deploying the same version (as specified in appengine-web.xml) as the default version that is running on your app? If not, you'll have to access your new deployment at, or change your default version in app engine to your newly deployed version.

I have had the same problems too, especially when the changes concerned the static pages. Some little things to check:
If you have set an expiration date in your app.yaml, your browser cache could be holding the file.
If it’s specific to the online contents, it could be an intermediary cache (such as a squid server) serving the outdated contents, in which case you’d have to flush the cache to get the new version.
You could start by checking the log on the GAE console to see if the request is received by the server, that would help you debug.
Another trick, if you’re being served an outdated version of, try and pass a dummy argument to force the browser to update the version, for instance :


Failed to find a valid digest in the 'integrity' attribute for resource?

I have just created a hosted blazor webassembly pwa project, which generates client, server and shared projects, all fine. I start the solution and everything runs fine.
But after I start to add small changes to the projects it stops working with a message like this:
"Failed to find a valid digest in the 'integrity' attribute for resource '' with computed SHA-256 integrity '47DEQpj8HBSa+/TImW+5JCeuQeRkm5NMpJWZG3hSuFU='. The resource has been blocked."
I search the net and stack overflow and find others having almost the same problem. Some can do clean and rebuild to solve this, but that's not working for me.
So, what is this? Why is this happening, totally useless?
Is it the PWA feature? Should I create a new solution without the pwa enabled?
It started happening to me recently. Only on a published released solution. Not on local debug.
Clean+rebuild didn't work for me. I had to delete bin and obj folders from both Client and Server (note: tried client only and, it did not work but, did not try server only) then republish.
cf. Failed to find a valid digest in the 'integrity' attribute for resource in Blazor app
It now occurs each time I upgrade or downgrade a package.
I've done several tests and can confirm :
DLL are the right ones (SHA256 hash validated) on the server.
the string in the blazor.publish.boot.json is the right ones.
I was even able to get rid of the problem by reverting to the previous package version prior to the bug (which changes back the related entry in blazor.publish.boot.json). Which for me confirms a reference is not updated somewhere.
The only significant changes I've made recently are switching to VS2022 and .NET6. The bug appeared after I did my first successful publish on Azure through VS2022: 1st package upgrade after that triggered the bug.

Flutter web deployed with firebase hosting does not respect refresh in Safari

I have a Flutter web app that is deployed on Firebase Hosting. When deploying a new version Safari does not pick up the new version even when doing refresh. I assume this is due to the installed service worker, that will serve the old content. How can one bypass this problem? I know that a hard refresh solves the problem, but that is not a good solution as we cannot expect the users to know to do that.
One alternative that requires client code, would be that I track the current version of the app that is currently loaded, and if that change I create "New version available" screen when I detect that a new version is available, and perform a location.reload(true) call from the client to bypass cache and get the new service worker installed.
Any other options?
In more recent versions, they are appending a random hash on every build to the flutter_service_worker.js URL so it should break the cache and refresh properly.

App Engine localhost publication from eclipse-photon

I had been working on Google app engine for some time with great success. However, recently I was forced to upgrade to Eclipse-Photon from Eclipse-Mars.
I can run a debugging version of the server on localhost:8080 just fine except when I change any of the TypeScript files. Formerly when I would run the TypeScript compiler to generate new JavaScript the server would automatically update the server. Now when I generate a new JavaScript file, the server continues to serve the old version. I have my expirations set to 0 and I have automatic publication turned on.
For a while I could make it work by telling the server to Publish. Now that has stopped working as well. If I save any file from inside of Eclipse I see a little message flash by indicating publication and then that file serves properly. If I load the generated JavaScript file and then modify it slightly then it will publish and serve correctly.
Obviously Photon is no longer tracking file changes that way that Mars did. I could easily copy the generated file to the correct place if I knew where that place was.
Are you running your TypeScript compilation from outside of Eclipse? If so, try doing a Refresh of your project. That should sync up Eclipse's notion of the filesystem state with what is on disk.
Cloud Tools for Eclipse relies on the Web Tools and Resources frameworks to determine whether a resource has changed and needs publishing. Eclipse is normally set up to detect resource changes automatically as configured by two options on the Preferences > General > Workspace preference page: Refresh on access and Refresh using native hooks or polling.

How to clear Eclipse p2 repository cache

I am facing the puzzling fact that the information of update sites fail to be updated despite my forcing a reload in Preferences > Install/Updates > Available Software Sites.
I have a local update site (file:/ protocol, on Windows) and an online update site (https://) that I use as staging/test update sites for an open source project that I am maintaining.
I build the update site using an update site project that is stored locally and wiped clean each time I build it. When I have tested the new release in a different Eclipse instance and I have validated my changes, I then upload the entire update site to my server. Then, just to simulate what a user would do, I update the plugin in another Eclipse instance that runs on a different physical machine.
I have (yesterday) built another version, and uploaded it to my server. The previous version was
The problem that I have is that the Eclipse instances (Mars.2 and Neon) on my development machine keep reporting the previous to last version, despite my reloading the update site information. However, the other machine sees the new version without a problem.
This is what I've tried:
Reloading the information of the update site: each time, I get a confirmation message saying "information for [...] has been reloaded from the server" but it turns out that it hasn't been reloaded: I see the older feature version.
Accessing the update site from a different Eclipse instance on a different machine: I see the new version.
Loading the update site's site.xml file from a browser: I see the new version.
Using FileZilla to download the entire update site to a local folder and unzipping content.jar and artifacts.jar so that I can read the XML files embedded in those JAR files: I see no trace of the older version.
Removing the update site, restarting Eclipse and adding the update site again: the problem was still there.
As a last resort, I removed all files of the update site from the server: Eclipse still reported successfully reloading the information from the server.
I shut down the httpd service on the VPS. Eclipse reported success until I restarted it and it then failed. But once the web server was again online, it failed to actually send a request to the web server as it kept saying there was no update site! As a consequence, the online update site now appears empty and restarting Eclipse does not change that.
[EDIT] Even more incomprehensible, the Reload button reports success even when there's no network connection to the update site (network interface disabled).[/EDIT]
There seems to be in the provisioning framework a cache somewhere between the UI and my server that reports an outdated information and feature version in spite of the explicit requests to reload that very information.
Is there any file or folder that I can delete to have the provisioning framework reset itself? If possible, I would altogether disable its cache.
I've found out that Oomph apparently has an action on the update site information retrieval process.
Anyway, I could recover normal operation (for now) and have the information properly reloaded by first deleting the appropriate files in C:\Users\...\.eclipse\org.eclipse.oomph.p2\cache.
By “the appropriate files”, I am referring to the fact that files in that folder are named after the URLs of repositories known to your Eclipse instances.

GWT fail to load when I clear browser cache

I have deployed my GWT application on a JBoss server, which is located on a virtual machine. If I open Safari/Firefox/Chrome, clear the cache and then navigate to my app: the app fails to load! I just see a blank screen (the title is loaded).
I use SmartGWT and when I just httpfox to examine the traffic, I can see that most resources (images, javascript) is downloaded, but some SmartGWT js files seems to be hanging.
In the screenshot, ISC_core.js and ISC_Foundation.js has not been completely downloaded, and they never are. (It is not always these two files, it can also be different ones, and it changes everytime I retry).
Now, if I reload the browser my app loads perfectly and when I look in httpfox, the files that were not completely downloaded before, is now fetched from the browser cache.
If I clear the browser cache and try again: blank page and same issue.
Does anyone have a clue about what is causing this behaviour and where I should look to fix it?
Note: this only happens when I deploy on my remote virtual machine. If I deploy locally in the same JBoss server setup, I have no problem and cannot reproduce the above issue. Also no problems when I debug in Eclipse and use the Jetty server.
May be this is an Known issue ..Which is posted on Google groups .
As a side note enable gzip on your jboss also..please refer to this link to do that