How to get value of checkbox added in vsfolderdialog.wiz file - deployment

I have added a checkbox in vsfolderdialog.wiz file for customizing Folder Path dialog in Setup and Deplopyment Project. But i have not an idea how i will get its value on which i have to take some decisions.
Note: I am using custom installer action for accessing its value and tried to get Installer.Context.Parameters on Install event
Please help me in this regard.
Jhan Zaib

Checkbox Control in Windows Installer is associated with a property. Usually when checkbox is selected, its associated property will have the value you defined; when it's cleared, the property is set to null.


is there a possibility to create an editable checkbox column?

I'm looking for a way to show a boolean value as a clickable checkbox in the table.
In my current example, I have a value called "charged". Currently this is shown as a check. It would be great to have it as a checkbox in order to update the value really quick, instead of clicking on edit on the specific row and update it there.
Example screenshot
Would appreciate any recommendations.
The Backpack team has something in the works for this - a package they call "editable columns". But it will probably be launched in Feb-March 2022.
Until then, you can
(A) create a custom column type that will make an AJAX call. For the javascript, take a look at the delete button for inspiration.
(B) Send an email to for beta access to that package (includes editable_checkbox, editable_switch and editable_text column types right now.

MS Access 2013 textbox update macro

What I am trying to accomplish:
Use button to open a form, filter the form, and set specific value to an unbound textbox in the opened form's header. There are multiple buttons being used open the same form and I would like this textbox to changed every time a specific button is clicked.
What I have done so far:
Used a macro to open the form and the "where" condition to filter the records. I also used "SetProperty" to change the value of the unbound textbox in the opened form's header depending on which button was clicked. When I do used the SetProperty option in the macro I get the error "The control name ... is misspelled or refers to a control that doesn't exist. Error 32004
I have verified numerous times that this is the correct name for the textbox and everything. I am pretty new to access and don't do VBA all that much so any assistance would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
First Form and Macro for the "Physical Security" Button
Second form with error and unbound txt box I want to change to "Physical Security"
A few Ideas to track down your problem:
Maybe there's a problem with opening and (immediately) accessing the forms controls(?) You could try to fire a macro from within the same from that (only) changes the value of this text-box to make sure it definitely works there. Of course you'd want to make it work there if it failed before you'd go back to your original problem.
Is the property called value? Could it be text?
Are you sure you need to separate (all) hierarchies using !? Just by desperation: Maybe try using Forms!frmVW.txtXY or Forms.frmVW.txtXY
If that doesn't solve it:
It's often best to reduce your problem to it's very basics. Copy your application (!!!!) and radically delete unneeded stuff. Or start a short experiment from scratch (one or two forms, maybe only a button and a textbox, a macro, most probably not even a single Datatable/Source).

How to prevent installation variables to be placed in the response file in 6.x?

How can I prevent some installation variables from being placed into the response file? The reason is: during an update I want some particular variables to always have their default values and not be overwritten. In particular for some custom form components like a checkbox or radio button.
You can call
before the response file is written.

FormControlName in ax 2012

is it possible to find the control name for control which is an edit method in ax 2012 form.
i.e how to find control name for edit method control.
I tried but could not find the correct name .
You can right click on the edit method and click "view details" and it will show you something like Fld_23 in the lower right corner.
Or if you need to dynamically determine this, I wrote a blogpost on how to recursively enumerate every control on the form.
The controls are generated at runtime and there is a variable counter that just counts up as each new dynamic control is added during form runtime. So you can use the name you discover, as long as the form doesn't keep getting modified. It might be a good idea to just obtain the static group object or whatever that contains the edit method, then just find the child from there.
You must Right Click on form and click on Personalize option.
In personalization form , Goto information tab and Click on Edit form name.
Then You can see and edit form controls in AOT.
You can use below link for more information.

How to view updated data on one property page updated by another property page without closing the properties in eclipse plugin?

I am facing a strange issue!!
I have a set of property page with same storage file.
The scenario is as follow..
For the first time opening the properties by right clicking on the project, list of property pages are viewed. I click on the first property page and make changes then apply the changes to the file.
Now I select the second page, it shows the changes that were applied from the first page.
But now without closing the properties i go back to first page and make changes then apply the changes.
Then again I go to second page it wont show the updated data. The changes that were applied are not viewed until I close the properties and reopen then by right clicking on the project.
My question is
"Is there any way to reflect changes on the pages without closing the properties??"
I appreciate your valuable time you will give for reading and replying..
Plz help
Your problem seems to just absent of reliable model which can notify problem.
If the properties are related IProject.
You should use ScopedPreferenceStore as model.
IScopeContenxt scope = new ProjectScope(myProject);
IPreferenceStore store =
new ScopedPreferenceStore(scope, "myProperties(qualifier)");
IPreferenceStore can manipulate primitive data, default value. And it support property change event. You can create multiple instances of IPreferenceStore, If they have same scope and qualifier then automatically synchronized. So individual page can retrive input model without coupling.