Iphone tableview horizontal scrollbar appear - iphone

I have tableview that scroll vertically. My question is when first this view is loaded, horizontal scrollbar appears at the bottom of tableview and disappears. It only happens when the view loads at the first time. I wonder why this is happening.

I'd hazard a guess that you accidentally checked the “Horizontal Scrollers” box in the table's properties in Interface Builder. To turn them back off again, either find that (under the “Scroll View” section of the inspector) and uncheck it, or just set the table view's showsHorizontalScrollIndicator property to NO in your controller's -viewDidLoad.


Temporary extra space on top of UICollectionView w/ navigation bar

There are a couple of things wrong with my UICollectionView and corresponding cells that are under a navigation bar. First of all, when the view first loads, there seems to be some extra space on the top. But when I do a little scroll down (not a full scroll), it adjusts to normal height. Check out the images below for what I mean. this is what I see when i first open the view controller
after a little scroll, not a full one (There are 10 cells in this VC), i see this. Why is this happening?
In your viewcontroller uncheck Adjust Scroll View Insets
Go to your storyboard in your view controller select your collectionView and from the side pane select size inspector there is an option of content insets set it to Never.

Scrolling through UIScrollView in Interface Builder for Xcode 4

This seems to me as though it would be a common problem, but I can't seem to find the answer anywhere. This question seems to address the issue, but I can't seem to get the solution to work and I'm not sure it's referring to Xcode 4.
When using Interface Builder in Xcode 4 and working with a UIScrollView, is there a way to scroll the view down in Interface Builder itself to view/add/edit controls that are out of the viewable section of the screen? I've managed to push a couple controls down using the arrow keys, but now I can't see them and therefore can't manipulate them in Interface Builder. Scrolling the view in IB would be first prize, but if there's a way to even select the controls using a drop-down menu or whatever so I can push them back up with the arrow keys, that would at least be something. Thanks.
Set the ViewController's Simulated Size to Freeform and set a very large height. E.g: 1000 and voilà! You can now scroll to see all the stuff and add even more! :)
P.S: Remember to set set Fixed when you are finish to avoid problems!
Just a workaround which helps in Xcode4:
Expand the Objects Panel which resides on the left of the Interface Builder view (there is the tiny arrow at the bottom of the panel).
Drag your UIScrollView from the view hierachy and place it on the top level.
Now you can resize it to access more content (scrolling to that content did not work for me).
When you are done adding child views to the scrollview, you need to resize it back to be smaller or the same size as the parent view.
After your changes you would need to put back the scroll view where it belongs in your hierachy
I typically do the following when I want to (have to) build a long scrolling screen:
Set the size of the View Controller to Freeform
Set the height of the top level View to something very large
Arrange all the controls that I want on the View
Select all the controls
Select Editor->Embed In->Scroll View
Set the size of the View Controller back to normal (typically Inferred)
Well, there are a few different things you can do. There is a list of items in your view you can open on the left of the workspace by clicking the button that looks like a little play button on the toolbar. Double clicking any item selects it so you can use the arrow keys.
The best option is to use the layout panel (typically on the right) and enter position values manualy. Sometimes I will use this to move my scrollview up to where I can see where I'm working then move it back.
I found a solution although you have to use a Table view controller. If you define the table as static, the scroll works in interface builder when the table is bigger than the windows size. Moreover, a standard view can be added to the top and bottom of the table, these views are scrollable as well. The scroll is made once the controller is selected. I hope you find this trick useful.
I know this isn't exactly what you were looking for, but I always just drag the scroll view out of the view controller onto the "pasteboard" where you can resize it at will and see the whole thing.
Once I make my edits I simply resize it to fit it's allotted space in my view and place it back in the view controller.
set the root view to freeform and ~1000 pt height, go through the child views and set them to this height as well(including scroll view), in the viewdidload method set the height to the appropriate size.

UITableView horizontal scroll indicator

I have a table view inside a navigation controller, which is one view for a tab bar.
Everytime I launch the app, the horizontal scroll indicator flashes briefly when i select this tab.
Could this be related to the initial tab selected, which does contain a scrollview?
I was under the impression that table views couldn't scroll horizontally?
It doesnt seem to affect the app, just annoying thats all.
Do you do programmatic scrolling in your view?
We did this flashing on purpose in one of our apps, using some code to set a new scroll position (0) with animation enabled.
EDIT: There is also the method: flashScrollIndicators in UIScrollView (a UITableView also being a UIScrollView).

How to display scrollbar in UITableView

I want to display some kind of indication to guide user to scroll.
Usually when we touch the UITableView scrollbar appears if needed. But I want this scrollbar indication already displayed on my tableview.
How is it possible to do so?
If you have a table view that goes offscreen, you can call
[self.tableView flashScrollIndicators];
and they will flash to show the user that they are there. This is usually put in viewDidAppear.
(If you inherit from UITableViewController then you will have a self.tableView instance variable, if not then substitute another UITableView.)
If you a scroll view's entire contents fit within its view then no scroll bars are displayed; to test this display a table view with only one cell. If the content size is larger than the view's frame then scroll bars will be displayed; only then will [self.tableView flashScrollIndicators]; actually flash scroll indicators.
There's no way to force the scrollbar to appear, short of messing with the internals of UITableView(which you shouldn't do), or redesigning your own table view class.
Per the documentation of UIScrollView's showsVerticalScrollIndicator property: "The indicator is visible while tracking is underway and fades out after tracking."

UITableView doesn't scroll when number of items is less than scrollable limit

I've a UITableView and I populate data from a service. When the number of rows is higher than what could be displayed on the screen, I'm able to scroll the table. But when it's less (say 1 or 2), I'm unable to scroll (in the sense, the bouce effect doesn't work making the UI appear odd).
I think this should be fixed by some IB checkbox, but not sure how to do it. Anyone faced this issue before?
The solution that worked for me was to set bounces to YES programmatically in viewDidLoad.
I also have bounces set to YES using the checkbox in IB. It does appear to be taking the IB value because bouncing will work after I've pushed another view controller onto the navigation controller stack and then popped it back off. However, bouncing won't work when the table view first appears unless I set bounces to YES in viewDidLoad.
Click on the table view and look at the Attributes Inspector. There's a checkbox for Bounce Scroll. (I just tested this in a project that had a 2-line table; disabling it prevented scrolling, enabling it allows the short table to bounce)
I think the programatic equivalent is the bounces property.
Do you have this table view as a cell inside another table view?