Phonegap record audio iPhone 4 - iphone

Hi I just wondered if anyone had managed to get the iphone4 to record audio using phonegap.
I tried the example phonegap provides but was unsuccessful.
Thank you for your time

Yes. The example for PhoneGap 1.0.0 works fine for me on iOS 4.x. One catch when using the simulator at least is that the filename you record to should start documents://.


VMPinterest Not working for Ipad

i want to integrate Pinterest to my app for both ipad and iphone version. for that i do some googling and find VMPinterest framework. i download its demo its working fine with iphone but not working with ipad version.
Following issue i find it
its not authenticate properly it showing signing is successfully every times although i pass wrong email or pass.
its not able to get the board name
plz help me out if any body used this framework for ipad or if you have another way to integrate Pinterest than plz answer or comment.
Try to download this API from this link:
Its working fine for me. Merge this into your App.
I downloaded the latest version of VMPinterest framework (they have released a new version) and it does works perfectly with iPad (i have tested for ipad mini).
I would recommend VMPinterest framework. as unlike others it doesnt take you to web page but it directly get you post the image remotely.
They have also released a demo app using this framework - is live on appstore..
App link
So the framework is appstore approved.
Its compatible with iOS 4.3 and above and runs on iPod touch/iPhone/iPhone5/iPad/iPad mini
For complete list of features visit Varshyl Mobile site

phonegap camera works on iPhone, but not iPad

I am new to PhoneGap, and I am building an app using PhoneGap + JQuery Mobile (cordova-1.7.0rc1).
trying to use the camera API and I run the app on the iPhone and everything works great.
trying to connect my iPad and test the app but I see this in the log:
Error: executing module function 'setInfo' in module 'cordova/plugin/ios/device'. Have you included the iOS version of the cordova-1.7.0rc1.js file?
looked in PhoneGap site and they have only one JS for all iOS devices....
what am I missing?
thanks for your help in advance.
From Shaz:
You probably added the www project as a group, not a folder reference.
Add as a folder reference. Also, iOS 5 is a bit finicky, try a clean
See this image:

iPhone - iOS5: Geolocation on phonegap

I updated the iPhone to iOS5 but now the geolocation doesn't work in
my Phonegap application.
I also have a webapp with the same code and geolocation works here.
Did you have the same problem?
Any advice?
i have had the same problem, although i updated my phone ios, xcode sdk and phonegap to 1.1. now for some 'random' reason, on my code the getCurrentLocation gets stuck triggering in loop. i'm fairly sure this has to do with the new phonegap framework, because even on the 4.3 emulator it still behaves the same, which it didnt before with phonegap 1.0.
my solution was to use the watchPosition and manually clear it after the first iteration, which sounds even better since phonegap 1.0 had some issues with getting your geolocation on the first run.

Compatibility between iPhone/iPad and Phonegap

I'm about to start a new app project for iPhone/iPad and I'm checking if there's any relevant issue between iphone and Phonegap compatibility?
The project most possible trouble will be the audio and video streaming.
A look through the PhoneGap documentation should tell you if the features you want are supported or not.

Can you record audio on the iPhone using PhoneGap?

Is it possible to record audio on the iPhone using the PhoneGap package? And if so, are there any examples of this?
According to the project site: "We are working on it". Guess this means no.
This is working for me on iOS now:
Audio quality is fairly mediocre.