iPhone - iOS5: Geolocation on phonegap - iphone

I updated the iPhone to iOS5 but now the geolocation doesn't work in
my Phonegap application.
I also have a webapp with the same code and geolocation works here.
Did you have the same problem?
Any advice?

i have had the same problem, although i updated my phone ios, xcode sdk and phonegap to 1.1. now for some 'random' reason, on my code the getCurrentLocation gets stuck triggering in loop. i'm fairly sure this has to do with the new phonegap framework, because even on the 4.3 emulator it still behaves the same, which it didnt before with phonegap 1.0.
my solution was to use the watchPosition and manually clear it after the first iteration, which sounds even better since phonegap 1.0 had some issues with getting your geolocation on the first run.


Ionic, Crosswalk, TalkBack, and Accessibility (A11Y)

I am currently building a hybrid app using Ionic Framework. This app must support accessibility. In iOS, VoiceOver works great! But in TalkBack on Android, overall it works decent but having a few issues so I decided to try Crosswalk. In Crosswalk, Talkback seems to be working better. BUT, if the app pauses then resumes, elements are no longer high-lighted even though TalkBack is still on. Do you have any ideas how to resolve this? Does anyone else have this problem?

VMPinterest Not working for Ipad

i want to integrate Pinterest to my app for both ipad and iphone version. for that i do some googling and find VMPinterest framework. i download its demo its working fine with iphone but not working with ipad version.
Following issue i find it
its not authenticate properly it showing signing is successfully every times although i pass wrong email or pass.
its not able to get the board name
plz help me out if any body used this framework for ipad or if you have another way to integrate Pinterest than plz answer or comment.
Try to download this API from this link: https://github.com/Lascorbe/LASharekit
Its working fine for me. Merge this into your App.
I downloaded the latest version of VMPinterest framework (they have released a new version) and it does works perfectly with iPad (i have tested for ipad mini).
I would recommend VMPinterest framework. as unlike others it doesnt take you to web page but it directly get you post the image remotely.
They have also released a demo app using this framework - is live on appstore..
App link https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/vmpinterest/id607998053?ls=1&mt=8
So the framework is appstore approved.
Its compatible with iOS 4.3 and above and runs on iPod touch/iPhone/iPhone5/iPad/iPad mini
For complete list of features visit Varshyl Mobile site

phonegap gwt mobile app runs only the first time on iOS6

I have a mobile app that's developed in mgwt and gwt-phonegap 1.8
It uses GWT-RPC, It works really well in iOS5 and all versions of Android.
In iOS6 the application works well only the first time.
Then if I start it again it appears that has cached the state from the previous session. (screens, values)
I have no mechanism to do that, and what's more the screens are dynamically created.
In addition, I have not used the mgwt linker that enables the application to run offline.
Anyone has an idea, what's causing this or how to deal with this problem?
It seems that the iOS6 webcontrol is caching the POST requests:
Is Safari on iOS 6 caching $.ajax results?

Workaround for fast test of GWT app on iPhone?

I started a GWT project targeted for iPhone (and later for other mobile platforms). Now there's a problem:
* I can use Safari on iOS to test it, but I have to compile my app which takes a while even after performance optimizations mentioned for example how-do-i-speed-up-the-gwt-compiler;
* I can NOT use Safari in gwt-debug mode to make quick tests without compilation Java to JS because there's no GWT plugin for Safari on iOS.
So: is there a workaround for fast test of GWT app on iPhone?
Same thing here. I have been developing a GWT app using PhoneGap to bring it to iOs and Android. I ended up just using Firefox for development, every once in a while letting the app run in the iOS Simulator (coming with XCode). But since the app is using geolocation via PhoneGap, there was no way around installing it on the phone every once in a while to make sure it behaves.
I found some mobile dev emulators, one that is coming to my mind is called Ripple. There are others out there, but non of them worked for me.

Phonegap app not opening camera

I have an app that I hired a company to build using Phonegap. The company is no longer able to support me with launching the app onto iTunes.
I have loaded the app and can compile it in Xcode. However the camera function is not working. I have tested the app before from a file they sent me and the camera function worked.
Is there special settings that you have to set in xcode 4 besides what is typical in order to use the camera?
You may be compiling for a different SDK. Make sure you are using the same one as before.
It shouldn't matter about the SDK you are working with.. the whole point of phonegap is to expose the native API's to javascript. So it's not the SDK, its the javascript. I am actually working on this now.. I will get back to you with my findings.