iPhone video recording - iphone

I have to record the video in iPhone by invoking camera programmatically. So kindly tell me how to record the video using Objective-c.

Recording Video in iPhone using AVFoundation Framework(AVCaptureSession)?
Similar question. You can control the camera device programmatically using the AVFoundation framework, and more specifically, AVCaptureSession with an AVCaptureDeviceInput and AVCaptureVideoDataOutput.
This link might also help, there is a link to some source code using AVCaptureSession on that page too.


Record movie with UIImage overlay [duplicate]

I'm interested in recording a video with a custom overlay which would end up in the video itself. They could be UIImage or even better, an OpenGL viewport, is there even such possibility right now on any iPhone devices/SDK ?
This is possible on the iPhone; the capability can be found in the AVFoundation framework. The classes of interest to you are AVMutableVideoComposition and AVVideoCompositionCoreAnimationTool. Using the AVMutableVideoComposition's animationTool property, you can use a AVVideoCompositionCoreAnimationTool to add a Core Animation layer on top of your video.
These video editing capabilities were added in iOS 4.0, and highlighted at WWDC 2010 in the session titled Editing Media with AV Foundation. If you are a registered Apple developer, you can view this session video by following the link at http://developer.apple.com/videos/wwdc/2010/. When browsing the session videos in iTunes, look for session 407 under Graphics and Media.

How can i record video without opening video camera?

How can i record video without opening any camera? My requirement is when a person is in problem his video is recorded but not by opening camera it should work in background.
Use AVFoundation Framework for video capturing.
Don't add AVCaptureVideoPreviewLayer to see whats been recorded in current UIView

Capture front video Xcode 4 whithout UIImagePickerController (auto)

I want to capture video in my app without using UIImagePickerController. my application should record the video with a hidden camera front, and only after showing the recording.
I am new to me please help me with the programming
You must use AVFoundation for what you want, check out this question
for more information on the matter.

Recording Video while playing a video on iPhone?

i am trying to record a video from front camera of iPhone using AVFoundation class while user watches a video...with the help of WWDC 2010 samples i am able to record the video using front camera when the video is not playing but when i try to record it while user plays a video in MPMovieViewController the video does not get recorded..When i use MPMovieViewController does it starts on a different thread due to which i am not able to record the video in the background?? is playing the video in a UIWebview will be a better option??
Try using NSThreads. You should find some info about them in tutorials.

Is it possible to record video with custom audio on iPhone?

So, is there any way I could record video but use my own audio for it with iPhone SDK?
Thanks much for all your ideas!
Should be possible using the new 4.1 apis -- look at AVAssetWriter and AVCaptureSession. AVAssetWriter will allow you to place any inputs, video or audio, to encode into a video.