Recording Video while playing a video on iPhone? - iphone

i am trying to record a video from front camera of iPhone using AVFoundation class while user watches a video...with the help of WWDC 2010 samples i am able to record the video using front camera when the video is not playing but when i try to record it while user plays a video in MPMovieViewController the video does not get recorded..When i use MPMovieViewController does it starts on a different thread due to which i am not able to record the video in the background?? is playing the video in a UIWebview will be a better option??

Try using NSThreads. You should find some info about them in tutorials.


How can i record video without opening video camera?

How can i record video without opening any camera? My requirement is when a person is in problem his video is recorded but not by opening camera it should work in background.
Use AVFoundation Framework for video capturing.
Don't add AVCaptureVideoPreviewLayer to see whats been recorded in current UIView

Play video from library and record video by camera at same time - Objective c

I am building an app which can play the video from library and at the same record a video using camera. Is it possible to watch a video and record a video simultaneously?
Here a sample in link iPhone media gallery for both image and video support here

Replay option not displaying youtube video in UIWebView?

Currently i am trying to play one youtube video in my application UIWebView. On first time playing, the video is playing perfectly and i can able to see and listen both video & audio, but when the video played completely and i select replay option present in video screen,the video is not displaying anything(its just displaying black screen) but i can able to hear audio.
Where i am going wrong, How to fix this problem ?
Tools used : XCode: 4.3.2, iOS :5.1

Screen Capture Making Video

Can anyone know how to make video recording by capture the screen on iphone? I have an animation and other audio that is working simultaneously with same time and I want to record it as a video so that I can post this video to
You can't capture video from the iPhone screen, but you have a number of options for capturing video from the simulator. See this question for details: video capture software for iPhone Simulator.

Play video's audio track when enter background?

I'm using mpmovieplayer to play video on ios 4, and I want to keep the audio playing when my app enter background, but it doesn't work. I thing it's because video player use GPU to render video on screen and this is not allowed by apple when app enter background.
So, is there any way to do that? There are some apps have this feature, and they seems just use the mpmovieplayer, is it work by detach the video layer of mpmovieplayer?
Thanks for your answer!
You'll need to have separate audio file and video file for this. Play both when you need to play video and just the audio when app gets into background.
