UITextView Puzzle? - iphone

In one project XCode4 intellisence feature shows setContentToHTMLString method of UITextView but in other project intellisence feature not showing setContentToHTMLString this method of UITextView.
I want to use setContentToHTMLString method of UITextView for HTML-based Presentation-only in my textView this works in one Project but not showing even by the intellisence feature of UITextView.
Any Suggestion.
Thanks in Advance....

I don't know why Xcode has this changing behavior, but I would suggest you not to use that method, because it is in a private API, so your app would be rejected by Apple. Possibly the fact that it is private is also why sometimes it is showing (it should not), others it is not.
The way to go to display HTML content is either use a [UIWebView][2], with all its caveats, or try out Three20 styled text facilities, which are quite limited, though.


which multi-selection can be implemented in iphone (Registration page)

I have multi-selection dialog(drop-down) in Android where user selects all options applicable to him in registration page.What can be used in Iphone for the same purpose ?
And selecting a few options will unhide few textfields which is mandatory to fill.
Let me know what can be my approach.Please share any open source code links.
Thanks in advance.
No, there is no such thing within the iOS SDK and that is for a good reason - those elements are just not pretty, funky and usable well enough when acting on a touch display.
Consider using UIPickerView or UISegmentedControl instead. Maybe also have a look at Action Sheet.

UILabel with Link with more than one line

i want to use UILabel with link.
for that i am using IFTweetLabel which is finding any link and showing a line under it and it is clickable.
but if a string is big then only first line is getting hyperlink instead of complete URL.
as an issue with https://github.com/clawoo/IFTweetLabel/issues/3.
so is there any other option for it , or other library ?
First you have to import RegexKitLite framework. Go through this link. Surely this will help you. It gives same thing as you want.
First thing I would like to suggest is
Use UITextView with editing property as NO and it will automatically detect all the links separately similar like the one you need.
textview.editable = NO;
textview.dataDetectorTypes = UIDataDetectorTypeAll;
If you still want to go with UILabel then
You can achieve this by using NSArrtibutedStrings — but I would recommend to use some wrapper around this C-functions. I like OHAttributedLabel.
The demo included shows exactly, how hyperlinks can be handled.
You should give a try to three20 project.
what is the reason for not using UITextView..there is link detection property for UITextView.Your app is not going to get rejected

Using iOS 5 rich text editor

as you know the Mail app in iOS 5 have a rich text editor is there any possible way to use this feature for a regular UITextView ?
I know of two fundamental approaches to creating a rich text editor in iOS 5:
Use Core Text and a custom view. I don't have any experience with this approach.
Use a UIWebView (instead of a UITextView) and the contentEditable HTML attribute. The basic idea is to load a custom HTML document from your app resources directory. The bare minimum that it needs is this:
<div contentEditable>TEXT_PLACEHOLDER</div>
To initialize the rich text editor view:
1. Load the contents of this file into an NSMutableString and replace the TEXT_PLACEHOLDER string with the text you want to edit.
2. Send the loadHTMLString:baseURL: message to the UIWebView with that HTML string.
Now you have a UIWebView displaying your text inside a div with contentEditable. At this point, you should be able to run your app tap on the text, and be presented with a cursor and be able to add/remove text. The next step is to add rich text formatting functionality. This is done with a set of simple javascript function calls. See the Mozilla documentation on contentEditable for a great reference. You will also want to add a Javascript function to your HTML template file like this:
function getHtmlContent() { return document.getElementById('myDiv').innerHTML; }
So you can easily retrieve the edited text as HTML using [myWebView stringByEvaluatingJavaScriptFromString:#"getHtmlContent()"]. You can also add custom context menu items like you show in the screen shot in your question.
If you have access to the Apple iOS dev center, the WWDC session Rich Text Editing in Safari on iOS talks all about this approach.
A variation of this approach is to use a third-party rich text editor like TinyMCE. I've heard of some success with integrating this into a UIWebView in iOS 5. Again this relies on the contentEditable attribute.
Here is my implementation. Still haven't added UIMenuController functionality, but it's planned to be added soon.
The iOS 5 rich text edit control is also present in the notes app in iOS 4 (make a rich text note on the computer and sync it to see).
This is a custom Apple-made control which they use in their own apps, but it is not published in any official developer API. It's probably in the SDK somewhere, but because it is undocumented, even if you find it and use it, Apple will reject your app.
Basically, if you want a rich text control you will have to make your own.
Edit: Try using this: https://github.com/omnigroup/OmniGroup/tree/master/Frameworks/OmniUI/iPad/Examples/TextEditor/. I haven't used it, so I don't know how well it will work. (Link from this question)
look at https://github.com/gfthr/FastTextView which is more good open source editor than Omni editor

iPhone's mail "To" field.. is that a UITextField or a UITextView?

I am trying to replicate the iPhone mail box in my app. I was wondering if the "To" field they are using in the app is a TextField or a TextView. If yes, they are adding multiple lines for the recipient names.. guidance from any one who has worked on it before would be helpful..
The Mac version is called NSTokenField, but there's no public API equivalent for iOS. You can use TTPickerTextField from the Three20 project to get something similar.
it's something different. you can't have the bubble effect with a basic uitextview or uitextfield.
take a look at the Three20 library. They may have something similar

Why does UIWebView keep detecting phone numbers?

I have a UIWebView with detect phone numbers unchecked. However, it keeps underlining the numbers in this text:
Version: 2.1 3.19.2009
The text isn't in an anchor or anything. Is there a way to force the UIWebView to not detect phone numbers?
webview.dataDetectorTypes = UIDataDetectorTypeNone;
It looks like there is a problem with Interface Builder's UIWebView attributes palette; the "Detects Phone Numbers" checkbox does not seem to have any affect. Examining the UIWebView's detectsPhoneNumbers property at runtime shows that it was not actually modified by IB.
For now, setting the detectsPhoneNumbers property in code to "NO" will work fine. The problem is only with the IB palette.
Unless we're both missing something, this is a bug. I'd suggest filing it at http://bugreport.apple.com/. Additionally, you can post it at http://openradar.appspot.com/ if you'd like to make it visible to other developers.
Swift 3+ programmatically
webView.dataDetectorTypes = []
[webview setDetectsPhoneNumbers:NO];
It will work for you.....