deployment - deployment

We are currently working on a custom APEX project that involves a lot of apex classes, triggers and Visualforce pages. We also have numerous applications from AppExchange that are part of the system.
We develop all the Apex Classes, Visualforce pages, etc in test environment and then deploy it to the live environment using Eclipse IDE. What happens is that every time we deploy changes to the live environment, all the test methods of all the classes (including those from AppExchange Apps) seems to be executing. So deployment of a simple change could end up taking couple of minutes.
Is there a way in apex to "package" classes by namespace or something like that so that when we try to deploy a change, only the test methods relevant to that package are executed. If something like that exists, our deployment can happen much faster.

Unfortunately no, there is no partial testing for deployment of apex code, every change, no matter how minute or self-contained triggers a full test run. This among other things enforces code metrics (minimum total code coverage for instance)
IMHO, this is proving to be a two-sided coin when it comes to enforcing code reliability. When we started using apex all of our tests were very comprehensive performing actual testing of the code with lots of asserts and checks. Then we started having very very long deploy times so now our tests serve one and only function, satisfying minimum code coverage, and even with that simplification it takes almost 3 minutes to deploy anything and we only use 20% of our apex code allowance.
IMHO2, Apex is way too slow of a coding platform to be enforcing this kind of testing. I cant even imagine how long the tests would run if we reach 50% allowance, not to mention any more.

This is possible but you'll need to learn about Apache Ant and have a look at the Migration Toolkit. You can then use a Build file to determine which files are deployed as well as which tests are run.
I'm busy writing a whitepaper that'll touch on this and other related development strategies... I'll post to my blog when it's done.

If we use the apache ant migration tool we have many options for deployment
deployCodeFailingTest which will skip the test classes
and if you want to run only specific test classes
please use : something similar to this in ur build.xml
<target name="deployCode">
for detailed reference please use this link

I would recommend the following approach:
Git as repository for all your sf code
jenkins to deploy your code as CI/CD
PMD as the static code analyser
sfdx as the deployment method in jenkins for deployment.
Refer the trailhead link:


How to write Integration Tests for MEAN application

Currently, I'm creating a project that incorporates the MEAN stack, Docker, and Travis CI. I'm using Travis CI to automate builds for unit testing, integration testing, etc. I'm using Docker to help create a test environment. I've already successfully created unit tests thanks to resources via Medium. However, I haven't found many resources on writing integration tests for a MEAN application. I want to create tests to see if I get expected values in the Angular application when it connects to the REST API endpoints from Express, and the Express application is connected to a MongoDB server. Does anyone have any resources or advice on how to write these tests, and to execute them in a Dockerized test environment?
Having done something similar myself, just a piece of advice.
Test the services independently, like e2e tests for the api server, mail service for the frontend web app. If the selenium tests run alright with the webpage/app, and the api end point is on the local machine then everything looks to be working. There is nothing magic in docker. Your local configs should reflect what you're trying to test, and avoid overcomplicating things and write the testing yourself.
Tools often take more time to learn than the actual thing you're trying to acomplish if you do it yourself. Document it adequatly so the consumer of the container can replicate with minimal effort.
It's actually pretty hard, good luck.

Automatically Combine/Bundle EF Migration(s)

I'm wondering if it is possible to run some automated tasks either on a Release (web deploy) action, or Branch Merge (TFS) action?
Ideally I would like to set up a process that will automatically combine EF migrations since the last release. I'm still looking into how I would automate this, but I think the first step is hooking into a suitable event.
I haven't setup a build server yet, but I'm guessing if the above isn't possible then this would be an option for attaching a custom procedure to the MSBuild task?
Alternatively, if anyone has experience in automating things like this I would be happy to hear it. I am the head of development at a web development company and I would like to facilitate our current processes by automating some of our standard procedures, and this is something we do over any over again for each development!
I appreciate your time looking at my question, thanks.
VSTS and TFS2015 both support a CI/CD process via their new build and release system. Very flexible and powerful. Check it out!
VS/WebDeploy does support deploying EF migrations with a web application:
This works fine for deploying a small application/system but when you want to deploy a larger system with many components it doesn't work as well. We create MSDeploy packages for each component of the system. For example, this is how we deploy SQL databases:

TFS Intranet Automated Deploy Strategy

I have introduced branching/merging to my team and have talked before about how it would be great to automatically build and deploy code checked into the staging/master branches, but I'm a junior dev, not very ops-y.
The trouble I'm having, is that we create intranet applications and store them on our own VM's which we have access to, but we also have load balancing which is causing me grief!
I can get a build to automate (well, I haven't got all the bugs figured out but I'm working my way through them) - and I can even get the build to automatically create a zip file ready for deployment.
Is it possible to configure several servers for deployment?
1) I check in some code to stage
2) Code builds
3) Build completes, Unit tests run and they complete
4) Code is packaged into a .zip
5) .Zip is deployed across the three load balancing servers (all with the same file path).
Maybe worth noting we currently have our TFS server running Visual Studio so the code is built on the same server it is all stored, but this is not the server we run live code from.
Any help or tutorials specific to my setup would be GREATLY appreciated, I really want to turn this departments releasing strategies around!
I am going to address only the deployment aspect. There are a lot of different ways that this can be handled, such as:
Customizing the build template
Writing custom .Net code and inserting it into the build template (which would also involve customizing the template)
Creating a Batch or Powershell script set to run after the build completes
Using a separate tool such as OctoDeploy or Release Manager to handle the deployments
The first thing you need to do is separate the build and deployment steps in your head. While they are tightly coupled in your model, they are two totally different tasks that need to be handled different ways.
The second thing is to stop thinking like a developer when it comes to the deployment portion. While there will likely be a programmatic solution, you'll need to identify the manual steps first.
You stated that you're not very ops-y, by which I assume you mean you're more Developer and not Systems Analyst. If that is the case, then the third thing you'll need to do is get someone who is involved, such as your current release team.
There are 3 major things that need to be done then:
EVERYTHING needs to be standardized. If you can't standardize something, then standardize the way that it's non-standard (example: You have a bulk list of servers you need to deploy to, and you need to figure out which ones to deploy to based on their name, which can be anything. In that case, a rule needs to be put in place that all QA servers need to have QA in their name, User Acceptance servers need UAT, Production need PROD, etc.).
Figure out how you're going to communicate from the build to the deployment, which builds are going to deployed, to which servers, and where the code is going to be picked up from
You need to document every manual step, and every exception to those steps, and every exception to those exceptions.
Once you have all those pieces in place, you need to then go through each manual step and automate it, whether that's through Batch, Powershell, or a custom-built application. Once you have all the steps automated, you'll have both the build and deploy pieces complete.
After you're able to execute a single "manual" automatic deployment to a single environment, you're then ready to figure out how you want to run it for multiple environments. This can be as complex as an XML file that is iterated through, to simply calling the same command multiple times with different parameters.
A quick summary of how I've done this at my current job (where using a third-party deployment tool was not an option):
Created a tool using .Net WinForms to allow us to "manually" run automated builds (We use the interface to determine the input parameters, and the custom classes under the hood do all the heavy lifting. These custom classes are in a separate project that builds to their own dll. This also allows us to test tweaks and changes to the process in a testing environment before we roll it out to our production build server)
Set up an XML file for each set of environment (QA, UAT, Prod, etc.) that contains all of the servers that need to be deployed to in that environment, including destination paths, scheduled tasks, and Windows Services
Customize the TFS build template and include the custom classes created for the custom tool, which will read the XML file and iterate through each server entry to perform the deployments
I'm more than happy to help with more specific examples and assistance, I look at things a bit different than most people and it helps when it comes to release management.

How can I share deployment code between Lab Management and Release Management

After having just started using Microsoft Release Management, I am more and more convinced that it is not well suited to run integration tests. This might be a false feeling I'm having, and I'd love to get more input on this. When we first considered it, I had the intention to run the tests defined in our test plan through it's pipeline, but now I'm seeing that we should be running those as frequently as possible. We would like to run integration testing every night, but our release candidates are only defined at the end of sprints, so using Release Management for that seems conflicting.
With the tool out of the equation, we are considering exploring the Lab Template again. We did some very minor tests with it a few months ago in a legacy project but never went too far. My main concern now is that both stages need deployment:
the Release Management pipeline needs to deploy our projects to the QA and production environment
the Lab Template also needs to deploy the project on a few virtual machines to run integration tests on
The Release Management uses some very nice abstractions to achieve that. You can code machine scopes and define components based on the drop folder structure to define each part of the whole application to be deployed. On the other hand, the lab management workflow does not support this (or perhaps I'm just missing it). The standard way to make deployment work for lab testing, is to write a custom power shell script that moves the files from the build drop folder to the correct places, creates the application pools for web projects, and stuff like that, all by hand.
Ideally, I'd like to just share the entire deployment workflow between both tools and, since the Release Management way of doing it seems much simpler, I'd use that. This would make it easier to maintain both pipelines at the same time, which I assume is actually commonplace.
What is the correct approach to share the deployment code as much as possible between the two tools?
I would expect that better integration between RM and MTM/LM will be a future feature. In the interim, you could investigate using Desired State Configuration to handle having a single script that configures environments for you.
DSC support isn't really out-of-the-box in RM Update 2, but RM Update 3 will have built-in support for DSC to both Azure and on-prem VMs. Update 3 CTP 1 is out right now, but it's not production-ready.
You can still use DSC from RM in Update 2, it just requires a bit more work.

Continuous Deployment with TeamCity

I recently set up a CI server in TeamCity and now want to take it to the next step, continuous deployment. Basically, we host a suite of restful services and about 3 web applications for each one of our customers. All customers get 3 environments QA, UAT and Prod. We want to be able to automatically deploy our builds once our tests pass. I'm not looking for custom scripting options to do this. I've seen plenty of those of SO. What we're looking for is a solutions like UDeploy but at a lower price point. Is anyone aware of alternatives to UDeploy? Or other Continuous Deployment plugins that work with TeamCity?
I agree with #Niklas Ringdahl -- I think you're thinking about it wrong.
You can deploy directly from TeamCity using MS WebDeploy.
See Troy Hunt's excellent blog series about this:
Part 1: Config transforms
Part 2: MS Build and deployable packages
Part 3: Publishing with WebDeploy
Part 4: Continuous builds with TeamCity
Part 5: WebDeploy with TeamCity
If this is .net you should look at Octopus, it now works nicely with TeamCity.
I don't know if there's any part of this I don't understand, but I would use TeamCity for that also.
If you have a build configuration to manage your tests, you can easily create configurations for deploy, which are triggered by the success of the test configuration. We handle lots of our deploys that way.
Again, sorry if I'm missing something here...
A build configuration in TeamCity can be triggered when another configuration is successfully built:
Build triggering in JetBrains documentation (Look at "Finish Build trigger")
Or you could use one build configuration with many "Build steps":
Build steps in JetBrains documentation
Each step is run in order, and only if the previous step is successful.
Another alternative: RedGate has recently updated pricing on their Deployment manager tool:
If you have 5 projects or less, the tool appears to be free.
I'm familiar with Nolio ASAP but have no knowledge about its pricing:
As a developer for the product, I'll add BuildMaster to the list of options here. Basically, you can run a basic tutorial to get started deploying from TeamCity (, then customize your deployment plans to any further environments as needed.