How to write Integration Tests for MEAN application - mongodb

Currently, I'm creating a project that incorporates the MEAN stack, Docker, and Travis CI. I'm using Travis CI to automate builds for unit testing, integration testing, etc. I'm using Docker to help create a test environment. I've already successfully created unit tests thanks to resources via Medium. However, I haven't found many resources on writing integration tests for a MEAN application. I want to create tests to see if I get expected values in the Angular application when it connects to the REST API endpoints from Express, and the Express application is connected to a MongoDB server. Does anyone have any resources or advice on how to write these tests, and to execute them in a Dockerized test environment?

Having done something similar myself, just a piece of advice.
Test the services independently, like e2e tests for the api server, mail service for the frontend web app. If the selenium tests run alright with the webpage/app, and the api end point is on the local machine then everything looks to be working. There is nothing magic in docker. Your local configs should reflect what you're trying to test, and avoid overcomplicating things and write the testing yourself.
Tools often take more time to learn than the actual thing you're trying to acomplish if you do it yourself. Document it adequatly so the consumer of the container can replicate with minimal effort.
It's actually pretty hard, good luck.


How to run junit system integration tests in kubernetes/service mesh?

We have a service mesh/kubernetes working via the terminal, showing all the different pods with their different name spaces. Inside of each pod, you can console in and see the app.jar.
Recently, boss/client asked how we can run the various SYSTEM INTEGRATION tests for any particular JAR from the service mesh/kubernetes command line. Google says to use 'mvn clean install', 'javac' or 'java -jar junit-platform-console-standalone-1.7.2.jar --class-path target --select-class '. These all fail for various reasons (mvn not present, javac not present, jar says that port is in use. Of course the port is in use, the same aforementioned jar is using it).
When I look at a pod in Gitlab (or Intellij) I see all the tests it has. But how I can run these SYSTEM INTEGRATION tests from the pod console? Ideally a command to run all tests, that would make things a lot easier.
lol at the heat in the comments. I clarified with the boss, she said that we want to run system integration tests from the service mesh, not unit tests. These pods are not isolated, some of them depend on each other.
Generally the comment from the user jonrsharpe could be an answer to the question:
That makes no sense as a request - you run the unit tests on the source code, then build and deploy the container if they pass. They shouldn't even be included in what's in the deployed jar.
If you need to test an application, do so before deploying it. You should have a separate environment where you will test your application, and only use Kubernetes when the application is working properly. You can of course use some CI type solution. Look at this page - Running JUnit tests with GitLab CI for Kubernetes-hosted apps.
If you are looking for a solution to make integration testing with Kubernetes you can read a couple of docs. It all depends on what specifically you want to test. I present several possibilities:
Overcome Kubernetes Application Integration Testing Challenges with Telepresence
How we approached integration testing in Kubernetes, and why we stopped using Helm tests
Testing Kubernetes deployments within CI Pipelines

DevOps with XPages on Premesis or PaaS like Bluemix

What is the best way to achieve DevOps with XPages.
Multiple Developers working as a team, On Premises Servers [Dev, QA,
Prod] can we replicate to Bluemix? Source Control Automated Testing UI
/ Application, Unit testing business logic with testing framework, Automated Deployment
Domino Designer; are there other ways?
Note: Use of Views when the data is in a NSF, otherwise data is in the cloud, or SQL. No Forms or other classic Notes design elements.
What are your approaches to this?
This is a high level overview of the topics required to attempt what you're describing. I'm breezing past lots of details, so please search them out; I've tried to reference what I'm currently aware of as far as supporting documentation and blog posts, etc. of others. If anyone has anything good to add, I'm happy to add it in.
There are several components involved with what you're describing, generally amounting to:
scm workflow
building the app (NSF)
deploying the built app to a Domino server
Everything else, such as release workflow through a QA/QC environment, is secondary to the primary steps above. I'll outline what I'm currently doing with, attempting to highlight where I'm working on improving the process.
1. SCM Workflow
This can be incredibly opinionated and will depend a lot on how your team does/wants to use source control with your deployment / release process. Below I'll touch on performing tests, conceptually, during/around the build step.
I've switched from a fairly generic scm server implementation to a GitLab instance. Even running a CE instance is pretty fantastic with their CI runner capabilities. Previously, I had a Jenkins CI instance performing about the same tasks, but had to bake more "workflow" into the Jenkins task, whereas now most of that logic is in a unified script, referenced from a config file (.gitlab-ci.yml). This is similar to how a Travis CI or other similar CI config file works.
This config calls some additional helper work, but ultimately revolves around an adapted version of Egor Margineanu's PowerShell script which invokes the headless DDE build task.
2. Building an NSF from Source
I've blogged about my general build process, with my previous Jenkins CI implementation. I followed the blogging of Cameron Gregor and Martin Pradny for this. Ultimately, you need to:
configure a Windows environment with Domino Designer
set up Domino Designer to import from ODP (disable export), ensuring Build Automatically is enabled
the notes.ini will need a flag of DESIGNER_AUTO_ENABLED=true
the Jenkins CI or GitLab CI runner (or other) will need to run as the logged in user, not a Windows service; this allows it to invoke the "headless dde" command correctly, since it runs in the background as opposed to a true headless invocation
ensure that Domino Designer can start without prompting for a user's password
My blog post covers additional topics such as flagging the build as success or failure, by scanning the output logs for being marked as a failed build. It also touches on how to submit the code to a SonarQube instance.
Ref: IBM Notes/Domino App Dev Wiki page on headless designer
Any additional testing or other workflow considerations (e.g.- QA/QC approval) should go around the build phase, depending on how you set up your SCM workflow. A lot of the implementation will revolve around the specifics of your setup. A general idea is to allow/prevent deployment based on the outcome of the build + test phase.
Bluemix Concerns
IBM Bluemix, the only PaaS that runs IBM XPages applications, will require some additional consideration, such as:
their Git deploy process will only accept a pre-built NSF
the NSF must be signed by the account owner's Bluemix ID
- IBM XPages on Bluemix
- Bluemix Docs: Building XPages apps for the Bluemix Runtime
3. Deploy
To Bluemix
If you're looking to deploy an XPages app to run on Bluemix, you would want to either ensure your headless build runs with the Bluemix ID, or is at least signed with it, and then deploy it for a production push either via a git connection or the cf/bluemix command line utility. Bluemix's receive hooks handle all the rest of the deployment concerns, such as starting/stopping the server instance, etc.
To On-Premise Server
A user ID with appropriate level credentials needs to perform the work of either performing a design replace/refresh or stopping a dev/test/staging server, performing the file copy of the .nsf, then starting it back up. I've heard rumors of Cameron Gregor making use of a plugin to Domino Designer to perform the operations needed for OSGi plugin development, which sounds pretty useful. As most of my Domino application development is almost purely NSF based, I'm focusing more on an approach of deploying to a staging/dev/test server, which I can then perform a design task on to do the needed refresh/replace; closer to the "normal" Domino way of doing things.
Again, there are a lot of moving pieces involved here, some of which gets rather opinionated rather quickly. For example, I'm currently virtualizing my build machine, so I can spool up a couple virtual machines of it, allowing for more than one build at a time. If there are major gaps in the process, let me know and I'll fill it what I can.

How do I run Urban Code Deploy FVT tests locally?

My project at work used Urban Code Deploy (UCD) for its continuous deployment process. My code runs locally and passes all unit tests, but the build group says that my code is failing the FVT test being run by UCD. Is there any way to run this FVT test locally, or at least attempt to run it, so I can hopefully figure out what is failing?
UC Deploy isn't a testing tool. So the team that has set it up, has it running some other testing tool at the end of hte deployment (which is pretty normal).
So you'll need to ask them what testing tool they're using and go from there.
If you can see how the build group is deploying your code, you should be able to see what testing they are doing, and then be able to replicate that in your own environment. Often the code changes and changes in requirements will not be reflected in the FVT tests, and you need to deliver updated FVT test scripts in conjunction with your code changes.

Automated REST testing tool for MAC

I'm currently using POSTMAN and Advanced Rest Client application to test my REST endpoints. These tool are great and make it very nice for testing. I am currently entering these calls manually and testing. However, I have a number of endpoints which have prerequisite calls that need to be made to handle their dependencies.
This is not a big deal, however if there is a way I can chain these calls to run in a certain flow waiting for the prerequisite to be completed before running the next I could harshness this to craft a fully automated API testing suite. Which, would give more flexibility rather than manually entering them.
Postman let's you do this using the Jetpacks upgrade. You can then use the recently released Newman tool to run them through the command line. deployment

We are currently working on a custom APEX project that involves a lot of apex classes, triggers and Visualforce pages. We also have numerous applications from AppExchange that are part of the system.
We develop all the Apex Classes, Visualforce pages, etc in test environment and then deploy it to the live environment using Eclipse IDE. What happens is that every time we deploy changes to the live environment, all the test methods of all the classes (including those from AppExchange Apps) seems to be executing. So deployment of a simple change could end up taking couple of minutes.
Is there a way in apex to "package" classes by namespace or something like that so that when we try to deploy a change, only the test methods relevant to that package are executed. If something like that exists, our deployment can happen much faster.
Unfortunately no, there is no partial testing for deployment of apex code, every change, no matter how minute or self-contained triggers a full test run. This among other things enforces code metrics (minimum total code coverage for instance)
IMHO, this is proving to be a two-sided coin when it comes to enforcing code reliability. When we started using apex all of our tests were very comprehensive performing actual testing of the code with lots of asserts and checks. Then we started having very very long deploy times so now our tests serve one and only function, satisfying minimum code coverage, and even with that simplification it takes almost 3 minutes to deploy anything and we only use 20% of our apex code allowance.
IMHO2, Apex is way too slow of a coding platform to be enforcing this kind of testing. I cant even imagine how long the tests would run if we reach 50% allowance, not to mention any more.
This is possible but you'll need to learn about Apache Ant and have a look at the Migration Toolkit. You can then use a Build file to determine which files are deployed as well as which tests are run.
I'm busy writing a whitepaper that'll touch on this and other related development strategies... I'll post to my blog when it's done.
If we use the apache ant migration tool we have many options for deployment
deployCodeFailingTest which will skip the test classes
and if you want to run only specific test classes
please use : something similar to this in ur build.xml
<target name="deployCode">
for detailed reference please use this link
I would recommend the following approach:
Git as repository for all your sf code
jenkins to deploy your code as CI/CD
PMD as the static code analyser
sfdx as the deployment method in jenkins for deployment.
Refer the trailhead link: