TinyMCE toolbar at the top of the page - tinymce

I have Div with contentEditable on it.
I want TinyMCE toolbar sit at the top of the page at a specific place I mention (may be in a div) which can be used to edit contents in contentEditable div.
Someone tell me how to do this please?

Sorry, but what you intend to make sounds a bit silly.
Why don't you use tinymce as its designed to be?
You can assign a tinymce editor instance to your div and tinymce will take care of everything else
tinyMCE.execCommand("mceAddControl", false, div_id);


Prevent HTML flash on TinyMCE load

My question is the same as this Stackoverflow question, I want to prevent the brief flash of HTML that happens on a page with a TinyMCE editor. The problem with the answer to that other Stackoverflow question is that it does not seem to work with TinyMCE 4. I set display:none; of the textarea containing the HTML to edit. And in the init callback for TinyMCE, I reset it to display:block;. All that happens is that the original textarea is displayed on the page, with no sign of the TinyMCE editor.
Try using the visibility property instead.

What language was this form created in?

I saw a form on Qdoba.com. There is effect where if you click on a checkbox, the checkmark slides up and then if you uncheck it, the checkmark slides down.
Here is a link to the form: http://www.qdoba.com/menu-nutrition/burritos-menu-nutrition
I would like to know what language this was created in and if possible, how might I best approach recreating this.
Thanks for you help in advance.
It's done with JavaScript (powered by jQuery, but this is unnecessary).
However, a similar effect can be achieved with plain CSS, as shown in this Fiddle, by using the :checked selector.
HTML, looks like it uses CSS and jQuery (plugin). Looks like a few different types of code.
I don't know about the language, but this effect is accomplished with a CSS sprite. One image consists of a blank area with a checkmark below. When the user clicks on the checkbox the image slides upward so the checkmark appears to have been animated in. (Note also that the checkbox is a <div>, not an actual <input type="checkbox">; if you recreate something like this, be sure to consider the accessibility implications of using something other than an <input> as a checkbox.)

Karma Wordpress template: Facebook icon for comments overlaps the default icon

If your look at this screenshot: http://cl.ly/image/1J3m2e2x1G1z, you'll notice that the facebook iframe element overwrites the Karma comment bubble. Could anybody help me with either removing the bubble alltogether of with removing the facebook element?
This can probably be fixed pretty easily with css. If you have a link to the site I can take a look at it and tell you what you need to add to your stylesheet. Also, t.thielemans is right, it would be best set up a child theme (Not nearly as complicated as it sounds) which would prevent the changes from going away if you update your theme.

Facebook hide content from non-fans in a unique way

I need to build a tab looking like this one:
I know how to add an image and a comment box and i know of several "plain" ways to hide the content from non-fans, but i came across the above tab and i really like the way it shows thee content yet you cant engage it until you press the like button.
Any help please?
Thanks in advance.
Your link didn't work for me, but you can place a absolutely positioned div with a high z-index above the rest of your content to prevent the user from clicking on anything.
Update: Now that the link has been updated I see that they are doing exactly what I described above. In chrome if you right-click the background and select "inspect element" you will see the following computed style for the div:
The content is blacked out simply with a div with a black background and some opacity. Just for fun, you can overcome their like gate (without liking) via chrome's JS console by selecting the iframe context and then entering the following:
... now call youself a 'hacker' ;)

Why would a link in a UIWebView leave a gray box behind?

I have a UIWebview that I am loading with custom HTML using loadHtmlString. My HTML has a link that I intercept when tapped so that I can take control and reload the UIWebview with a different HTML string. The code works, but the area where the link text was located is replaced with a gray rectangle that is visible when the new string is loaded.
What could be going on here? How can I get rid of this behavior?
Here it is...need to add this style statement to the link reference:
<a href=http://yourlink.com/ style = "-webkit-tap-highlight-color:rgba(0,0,0,0);">
Setting the alpha value (the last parameter to rgba) to 0 disables the tap highlight color.
Although this works, it feels like a hack. I really think the tap highlight should clear itself when my second loadHtmlString reloads new HTML code.
You could add onclick="this.blur(); location.href=this.href;" to the link to remove the focus from the link.
I'm sure there's a better less hackish way, but this should work