Tinymce how to remove displayed features in editor? - tinymce

How do I remove the disabled features in Tinymce editor. I dont want them to appear.

I removed one of my tiny mce configurations


How to cancel focus() of Grav build-in CodeMirror editor

I would like to add my custom WYSIWYG-editor with my plugin over Grav build-in editor without removing the last.
I append my editor as a divider with contenteditable="true" to .CodeMirror-lines > div as the container where is also build-in .CodeMirror-code editor divider. And my editor is above as layer (z-index is higher).
But when I click the area, the build-in editor is focused and not mine.
I've viewed the codes of both user/plugins/admin/themes/grav/js/admin.min.js and user/plugins/admin/themes/grav/js/vendor.min.js to find the row(s) which is(are) responsible for such focusing, but I can't.
Could someone help to cancel this focusing?
Ok, to resolve the problem it's enough to append my editor not to .CodeMirror-lines > div, but to .grav-editor-content divider

How to disable drop into TinyMCE 6?

I want to completely disable drag-and-drop into the TinyMCE 6 editor.
But I find that I get a "focus" event when dragging into the editor. How do I prevent TinyMCE from focusing when dragging into it?
The previous answer does not work in TinyMCE 6.

Is there a way to programmatically change the color of an editor tab in my Eclipse Plugin?

I have a SharedHeaderFormEditor in my Eclipse RCP plugin.
One of my requirements is to draw attention to the editor's tab when something happens outside of the editor and it needs a refresh.
Some of the ideas discussed included
changing the color of the tab
adding an icon to the editor's text (instead of the standard * for a dirty editor)
Are either of those possible? I've been looking around and have not found anything that could address this issue.
ViewPart and EditorPart both allow changing the title label and icon (setPartName(…) and setTitleImage(…) respectively). The Eclipse Workbench also offers an IWorkbenchPartProgressService to each part, which allows a part to indicate that it's busy (via incrementBusy()/decrementBusy()) and that its content has changed (via warnOfContentChange()). You can see this used in the Search and Console views (org.eclipse.search2.internal.ui.SearchView and org.eclipse.ui.internal.console.ConsoleView).

How do I disable this popup or a intellisense in Eclipse?

I want to disable this. It is keep on populating while coding. I am using Eclipse Oxygen version.
Here is the link for the image. https://i.stack.imgur.com/gzV6F.jpg
Why you would want to do this is beyond my understanding, but anyways..
Uncheck the Combined Hover in Preferences->Java->Editor->Hovers.

Is it possible to change the WYSIWYG in CS-Cart?

I would need to change the default editor use in CS-Cart, or at least try to add some more user-friendly buttonas (such as images uploads, and so on...)
Is there a way to change or modify the standard WYSIWYG editor in CS-Cart?
CS-cart has by default 3 wysiwyg editors, TinyMCE, CKEditor and Redactor and can be selected from backend, Settings > Appearance