How to disable drop into TinyMCE 6? - tinymce

I want to completely disable drag-and-drop into the TinyMCE 6 editor.
But I find that I get a "focus" event when dragging into the editor. How do I prevent TinyMCE from focusing when dragging into it?
The previous answer does not work in TinyMCE 6.


How to dynamically change toolbar button icon AFTER button is already created? (TinyMCE 5.x)

I have a plugin I'm trying to adapt for TinyMCE 5.x, and I can't figure out any way to dynamically change the toolbar button icon after it is already created. I can create/define multiple icons in the registry using editor.ui.registry.addIcon, but the 4.x commands for changing the image/icon seem to be gone.
Does anyone have any idea where in the TinyMCE 5.x API I can find a function to change a toolbar button icon?
(Researching this question on Stack Overflow only yields a question from 2017 directed at the TinyMCE 4.x API.)

Visual Studio Code highlighting and clicking copy pastes

When I highlight some text with my mouse and then click off of the highlighted text, sometimes it copy pastes that text right after what was highlighted. I don't want it to copy paste on click, I just want it to unhighlight. I looked through the settings and configurations of my VS code, and couldn't find a way to turn it off. Any ideas?
The behavior you mention sounds a lot like the copy, drag and drop functionality that vscode offers and I occasionally accidentally trigger. It can be disabled by setting to false:
// Controls if the editor should allow to move selections via drag and drop.
"editor.dragAndDrop": false,

Tinymce not fully disabled in chrome

I want to make a tinymce box disabled which I sort of manage but in chrome the content still is editable to a limited extent. I will explain below:
I first initialize the editor, then I disabled the editor if another parameter is true. I disable the editor with this command:
tinyMCE.get('taClientInformationNotebook').getBody().setAttribute('contenteditable', false);
This disabled the editor however in chrome, if I mark some text in the editor, and press any key on the keyboard the text gets replaced with the pressed character. However it is only possible to press a key once, any further input will be ignored.
So you could say that in chrome the tinymce box is disabled fully but allows for one character to be input. Very strange..
No problems in IE.
How to disable fully in chrome? I've also tried disabling the editor with other commands like "myeditor.setMode('readonly')" and "editor.settings.readOnly=true" but with the same results.

JQueryUI Dialog TinyMCE Issues

i am having some problems with the TinyMCE (V3.4.7) and JqueryUI (V1.8.14) Dialog
the following Fiddler link shows my example purfectly here
What i am trying to do is open a JqueryUI Dialog box with a TinyMCE WYSIWYG Editor in it.
the first time it displays properly. but if you click close and then reopen the box it will not show the Editor but just the TextArea.
Any help would be good. Thanks
I did find out a solution that works for me, i have put up the working code here
What i am doing is check to see if the dialog has been opened before and if so just open it, then in the Open Function i test to see if the box contains an element with id_parent
if it does then this will be the editor (so do nothing) otherwise just init as usual.
it seems there is a problem with the JQuery Plug in as it does not remove the elements when you call tinyMCE.execCommand('mceRemoveControl',false,'editor_id') and when you re-add the editor it attaches to the first box available.
Problem here is that you need to shut down tinymce correctly in order to open an editor with the same id.
ed.execCommand('mceRemoveControl', false, 'editor_id');// editor_id equals the id of your textarea

Tinymce how to remove displayed features in editor?

How do I remove the disabled features in Tinymce editor. I dont want them to appear.
I removed one of my tiny mce configurations