facebook fan page tab - facebook

Can I change facebook tab name by PHP sdk from apps.facebook.com/XXXX/ by dynamically(with one form and one text box and one submit button).
Second is: can I create multiple tab name one at a time on the fly from apps.facebook.com/AAAA?

No, you cant.
You can not change the settings of your application, which include its tab name, by any of the sdk's facebook offers.


Change facebook page tab name dynamically

Is there any way to change the name a user sees on a Facebook page tab depending on their locale?
Example: An english user visiting my page would see "Games" as the page tab name, and a spanish user would see "Juegos" on the same tab.
The closest thing I've found is the "localize" option on the app, where you can add support for different languages. This way when a page installs your app they will get a different Tab name, description... depending on the page language.
But it seems that it's not possible to do exactly what I wanted.

Facebook Tab on pages

Whats the best way to develop a tab on facebook in a facebook page with content inside it? Would it just be html within that tab?
Easiest way is to install a 3rd party iframe App on your Facebook Page. You can find these Apps by searching for "iframe" in Facebook's search. Once you have one of these Apps installed, you can customize the HTML/CSS/JS of the iframe, which will then be reflected on you Page Tab. Alternatively, you could create your own Facebook App and install it as an iframe in your Facebook Page. This will achieve the same thing, and may give you more control, but you will have to host the html/css/js files yourself and it will be more work.
I recently have the same need.
To just place a facebook tab containing just a static html with text and image.
Here are the steps. It can be quite a nightmare to review the documentation of Facebook since it is always in change.
In the home page, click in the settings button. There is a link "Create application". You have to be sure to be in the Facebook development section
In the Create Application home page. In the upper menu there is the button "Applications". Here will be listed all your applications. If this is the first time, again the button "Create a new app"
3.Enter the information requested. Name of the application, an identifier (I prefer the same display name without spaces) and choose a category.
As a security step, a captcha is shown. Just fill with the characters in the screen.
Since your tab is an html. You have to host this file in your own server in order to have a path. The first tricky thing here is to convert this file into a php, asp, or similar extension. since Facebook uses GET or POST protocol to send information. You have to ensure that your file understands this requests. So, your server must accept the corresponding programming language. Even if your tab doesn't have any real code.
The configuration of your app is shown in screen. In the left menu, the option "configuration" displays the options to activate your tab.
click "Add plattform" button and select Facebook tab
fill the information required with the corresponding URLs. Note: Facebook always requires secured URLs so make sure that your server or hosting service has the SSL certificate validated.
Upload the image of your tab to be shown in the home of your profile in your tab section.
ok, so far we are good. Now. This was a long search. There is no longer the "Add to my webpage" link anywhere. So use this link to access to that hidden link. here Basically you enter the facebook app id and the URL of the hosted file.
Then you select the facebook page where you want to link this tab. And that's it!
note: the alternative to the link is this: (https://www.facebook.com/dialog/pagetab?app_id=YOUR_APP_ID&next=YOUR_URL )
Hope this helps. It was a waste of time when I have to search for the details so I want to share this.

Facebook: Custom Landing Page "For Fans"

Facebook provides us with an option to choose a custom landing tab for the new visitors (i.e. non-fans). Can we have a custom Landing tab for fans so that every time i open the page, i m directed to that custom page rather than the Wall..
Have you checked Facebook Help Center?
How can I select a tab as default for people who already Like my Page?
This functionality does not exist.
What you are trying to do is straightforwrd.
Create a "landing page" tab app and add it to your page. Here is a tutorial on how to do it: http://how-to-create-facebook-app.koliber.com
Make this tab the default for your app. On your page, in the upper-right corner click "Edit Page" and change the "Default Landing Tab" to the one you would like displayed by default.
Now everyone will be shown the default tab when they log in. How to distinguish between those visitors who "liked" your page and those that didn't? Easy. Make two versions of the page and display one to those who liked and one to those who didn't like. How to find out whether the current visitor liked your page or not follows:
When your Page Tab URL is called in the iframe, it is passed a signed_request POST parameter. This parameter contains the info you need. However, it is encoded and structured so it needs some processing to get the info
Split the signed_request on the '.' character. The first part is the signature. The second part is the encoded_data
Decode the encoded_data into a JSON string using the URLBase64Decode function equivalent in your server-side programming language
The JSON object contains a node called "page". This contains a node called "liked".
If "liked" is true, the user liked the page and you display the "liked" version of your app. If false, show the "Please like me" version of the site.
This way, when visitors visit your page, they see your custom app in a tab. The actual content is determined server-side on your server based on the page.liked property inside of the JSON object passed to you in signed_request
The simple answer as far as I have been able to find out is "No". There is no setting which aligns with this requirement.
The wall is the default tab for people who like the page.
http://apps.facebook.com/static_html_plus/ this application gives you those options... enjoy!

Translating the name of a Facebook iFrame Tab App

Does anyone know if Facebook automatically translates the iFrame Tab Application name that appears in the left hand menu on a Facebook Page?
I've added the name in English and the application language is set to English (US), but if someone in a different country visits the page then will the English name get translated automatically?
Facebook won't automatically translate your content. You can set the translations on the Facebook Translation Manager by going there and selecting your app from the drop down on the right. Then click admin panel on the left and navigate to the language you want to translate.
Simply: NO
Facebook doesn't translate anything for you
Also if you change that Page Tab Name manually, all the previous tabs stay using the old name, as an extra information

Facebook: Run a page with multiple application tabs of one application

I wanted to know if I can run a facebook with multiple application tabs all from the same application. E.g. I have a tab welcome located under /welcome of my app as well as the tab contact located under /contact. In facebook application settings I can set the domain path http://example.com/ and the page tab location as http://example.com/welcome ... but I want to use more than one tab on a page with my application <-- is this possible or should I have to create for each application tab a new application?? :-|
Unfortunately no. Currently you can only have one tab per app per Page. If you want to add multiple tabs to a single Page, you'll need to have a separate app for each one.
It is possible to serve different tab content to different Pages from one app by using the profile_id property of the signed_request parameter. Check out the other properties of the signed_request parameter for more ideas about ways you can customize Page tab content on the fly.