Facebook Tab on pages - facebook

Whats the best way to develop a tab on facebook in a facebook page with content inside it? Would it just be html within that tab?

Easiest way is to install a 3rd party iframe App on your Facebook Page. You can find these Apps by searching for "iframe" in Facebook's search. Once you have one of these Apps installed, you can customize the HTML/CSS/JS of the iframe, which will then be reflected on you Page Tab. Alternatively, you could create your own Facebook App and install it as an iframe in your Facebook Page. This will achieve the same thing, and may give you more control, but you will have to host the html/css/js files yourself and it will be more work.

I recently have the same need.
To just place a facebook tab containing just a static html with text and image.
Here are the steps. It can be quite a nightmare to review the documentation of Facebook since it is always in change.
In the home page, click in the settings button. There is a link "Create application". You have to be sure to be in the Facebook development section
In the Create Application home page. In the upper menu there is the button "Applications". Here will be listed all your applications. If this is the first time, again the button "Create a new app"
3.Enter the information requested. Name of the application, an identifier (I prefer the same display name without spaces) and choose a category.
As a security step, a captcha is shown. Just fill with the characters in the screen.
Since your tab is an html. You have to host this file in your own server in order to have a path. The first tricky thing here is to convert this file into a php, asp, or similar extension. since Facebook uses GET or POST protocol to send information. You have to ensure that your file understands this requests. So, your server must accept the corresponding programming language. Even if your tab doesn't have any real code.
The configuration of your app is shown in screen. In the left menu, the option "configuration" displays the options to activate your tab.
click "Add plattform" button and select Facebook tab
fill the information required with the corresponding URLs. Note: Facebook always requires secured URLs so make sure that your server or hosting service has the SSL certificate validated.
Upload the image of your tab to be shown in the home of your profile in your tab section.
ok, so far we are good. Now. This was a long search. There is no longer the "Add to my webpage" link anywhere. So use this link to access to that hidden link. here Basically you enter the facebook app id and the URL of the hosted file.
Then you select the facebook page where you want to link this tab. And that's it!
note: the alternative to the link is this: (https://www.facebook.com/dialog/pagetab?app_id=YOUR_APP_ID&next=YOUR_URL )
Hope this helps. It was a waste of time when I have to search for the details so I want to share this.


Can't add page tab to Facebook page - get no prompt to add page

I relate to this well known Page Tab Tutorial by FB: https://developers.facebook.com/docs/appsonfacebook/pagetabs.
The third step, after filling of page tab info and adjusting of the tab width is getting a prompt to select a page, to which the newly created tab will be added. But i don't get this promt, like it's written in the tutorial and seems to be the normal case for all users.
After i edit tab details and press "save changes", the page reloads with "saved"-message, like on this screenshot,
and i see no further given possibility to add created app to any of my pages. If i go into the administration area of any of my pages, in the tab "apps" is this newly created app not present, so i can't add it from there too. What i'm doing wrong? The solution must be simple - i go crazy:( I tried it with Firefox and Chrome, setted off all popup- and adblockers - nothing goes...
Thanks for ideas and advice!
The "manual solution" to this problem has changed. While logged into facebook, visit this link in your browser:
There are two parts of this link you must change before it will function.
YOUR_APP_ID: Find this in your app settings or app dashboard URL. It's a long number, 16+ digits.
YOUR_URL: Use the URL of the content your new tab page will call, ie "Tab Page URL" as entered in your app settings.
This newly modified URL will load a page with a dialog where you can choose which of your Facebook Pages to add the tab to.
These instructions appear here but they are far from clear. Good luck!
For anybody who will look for solution:
to add a page tab to any page do it manually: edit a link
fill into the link the app id of your newly created page tab and run this link in your brwoser: you will get a site with the prompt from the first image i cited in the first post. There you will be able to select one or, with pressing SHIFT, many pages to add your app/page tab.
You must choose "PAGE TAB" in the dialog ! ! !
see the TUTORIAL here: https://stackoverflow.com/a/35287477/2377343

Facebook Tabs - Difference between apps vs tabs

I have recently inherited the Admin/developer role for our page and I am new to Facebook Development. I am attempting to add a new tab to our page and the only option I am getting is to build an App but all of the App options I come across make it sound like it's trying to do more than what I want it to do.
What I want to do is produce a tab on the page. That will link to an app/canvas displaying an image that the user can click to go to our offer.
So far I've built a basic app with Display Name, namespace, Page Tab Name, Page Tab URL and a Tab image. but when I refresh my page I do not get a new tab and when I preview the app page it is not the format I am looking for.
I've tried going through the tutorials but since this is all new to me I ahve yet to make any sense as to what I'm looking for or missing. Could anyone let me know what app format I am looking for? Or am I in the wrong place entirely?
You need to explicitly add an app to a page. Not sure if you've tried it or not but navigate to:
Replacing YOUR_APP_ID with your app id and YOUR_PAGE_TAB_URL with the url you set for you page tab.

Facebook SDK install APP with install confirmation

I am looking for help to validate when a Facebook APP has been installed. I am currently using PHP SDK to have the clients sign in and in the same manor I would like for them to return to the site once the APP is completed and installed correctly.
Is there a method to use this link and have it return with the client id?
You should not use https://www.facebook.com/add.php?api_key=XXX for any cases other addition of application to page as a tab (and even this is undocumented).
If you're using PHP-SDK you should use Facebook::getLoginUrl to log user in, which support redirect_uri parameter so you can add client id as argument to this URL
As it turns question is about adding application tab to page you should be using Add Page Tab Dialog to provide user with a way of "installing" application to page without leaving your app.
You can refer to answers on How to add tab application to a page with the "new auth dialog" for more info.
Update 2:
How to reach applications running as Page Tab described in "Integration with Facebook APIs" section of Page Tab Tutorial:
your application will also receive a string parameter called app_data as part of signed_request if an app_data parameter was set in the original query string in the URL your tab is loaded on. For the Shop Now link above, that could look like this: http://www.facebook.com/YourPage?v=app_1234567890&app_data=any_string_here. You can use that to customize the content you render if you control the generation of the link.
You not required to add app_data, just use v=app_APPID to link to your page tabs (Facebook itself using sk instead of v, both works).

No menu for 'Add to my Page' after creating canvas?

If I create a canvas and open the app profile page, It is showing a new look taking the left side area and there is no menu for 'Add to my Page'. What am I doing wrong? I am just unable to include a tab to a page.
I am trying to create an app to run my iframe, I used the following settings.
Apps On Facebook:
Canvas URL - Enter (http://YOURAPPLICATIONID.iframehost.com/)
Secure Canvas URL: (https://YOURAPPLICATIONID.iframehost.com/)
Page Tab:
Tab URL - Enter http://(YOURAPPLICATIONID.iframehost.com/tab)
Secure Tab URL- Enter (https://YOURAPPLICATIONID.iframehost.com/tab)
However there docent appear to be a way to "Add to my page" from the app profile page. I am following this tutorial.
Use the following to add to your facebook page:
Replace [APP-ID] with your app id
Hope it helps.
Facebook are continuously changing things so most of the non-FB documentation and tutorials get outdated very quickly (which is a pain because they are much easier to understand than FBs own documentation!)
This time they're changing how the App Profile pages work, and some changed have been made since last week. You can find out the new way of adding your page here:
Basically, you need to
Use the "Create Facebook Page" button in the edit app page
and either:
2 Create a link for others to add your tab using code similar this:
<a href="#" onclick=window.open("http://www.facebook.com/dialog/pagetab?app_id=176217385757369&next=http://tabpressapp.phpfogapp.com/content/pages/","PageTab","width=800,height=500");>Add TabPress to Your Fan Page!</a>
or 3. For your own private use code similar to this:
(replacing with your own app_id & nexturl obviously!)
Edit: forgot to mention, the url for "next" is either the “Canvas URL” or “Page Tab URL” you used in your edit app page.
I haven't had to do this myself yet, but please let me know how it goes because I will soon!
Where YOUR_URL = the website address where you upload the HTML files.
Ref: https://developers.facebook.com/docs/appsonfacebook/pagetabs/

Facebook "Add to My Page" not there

I've made some facebook pages before, but I'm running in to a problem that I haven't had before. Usually, when someone asks me to dev a facebook page for them, it's linked to an account and all I have to do is add the developer app, make a few apps for the links on the side bar, then navigate to the apps I created and click 'add to my page'.
For some reason, this person today gave me their log-in and their account isn't really 'real' so-to-speak. I'm navigated to the page they created upon log-in and there is nothing else loaded, not even a search bar. I was able to add the developer app by navigating to Edit Info (search bar popped up). However I am unable to add any apps to this account. The 'Add to My Page' does not show up on any app pages I navigate to. Is this because the account doesn't really exist? There is a "Create Your Profile" link up near the Settings/Logout buttons.
Am I thinking about this wrong? Is there another way for me to add apps/sidebar tabs with an account like this?
I was thinking of telling the person to register the account fully since "If you create a profile for your business, your account may be disabled for violating our Terms of Use."
Let me know if any of you have any insight.
facebook changes as usual
try my "fix" # http://admine.eu/addapp.html
here is part of the source and actually all you need:
"http://www.facebook.com/dialog/pagetab?app_id=" +
document.getElementById("appid").value +
"&next=" +
+document.getElementById("appid") is the id of your app
+document.getElementById("appurl") is the canvas or tab URL of your app
I run into this too. Sometimes as when a client adds me as an admin I have to like the app I made on its profile page then switch to page mode and go to edit the page>apps and it shows up in my list of apps.
If you have already added it once it may already be in that list as well but doesn't show up in the left navigation until you add it as a tab in the app settings while in Page mode.
I find that if there are more than 8 tabs in the navigation already FB won't automatically add it to the left nav.
I've put together a javascript snippet that is intended to be used as a bookmarklet. If you use the bookmarklet while on an application's page in the developers section, a new window will automatically open with the add to page-dialog. To use it, just copy the minified code from the repository below and create a new bookmark for "javascript:[the code]" (without the quotation marks).
Hopefully this will help some until Facebook cleans up their current, quite messy, solution.
Simple to use:
More info about what's going on: