UIScrollView preview when scrolling - iphone

I use UIScrollview to scroll vertically some images(their number is 100) and when i scroll Up/Down the next/previous image appear suddenly, and i don't want this i want a continuous effect. Can someone help to do that. Thanks.

Are your setting pagingEnabled=YES; ?
Try setting 'pagingEnabled=NO;' while configuring your UIScrollView


UIScrollView scrolling directions

I am using a UIScrollView to scroll horizontally between 3 different UIViews (I call them pages because I have scrollView.pagingEnabled=YES;). Each page can also be scrolled vertically. My problem is that even if I use scrollView.directionalLockEnabled=YES; it still scrolls in both directions. How can I stop this for happening. (I want a similar behavior with the one that the Calendar app has, when Day mode is selected; I have already checked some calendar apps, but they don't have the horizontal scrolling enabled).
Thank you!
set the content size of the scrollView to be equal of the scrollView height.
scrollView.contentSize = CGSizeMake(scrollView.frame.size.width * pages.count,scrollView.frame.size.height);

UIScrollview scrolls back down when tapped

I have a weird issue which I'm sure someone can help fix easily. I have a UIImageView within a UIScrollview which I'm able to scroll up to the top. I have paging enabled and it's working as expected except for one problem. After I scroll the image all the way to the top and it snaps, as soon as I touch anywhere in the UIScrollView, it automatically scrolls the UIImageView back down. Any ideas on how to prevent this?
Fixed the issue by playing with the UIScrollview's content size.

Preventing ScrollView from scrolling in certain area?

I hope you can help me...
I have a scrollview (UIScrollview) that contains a contentView (UiView).
Inside the contentview I have a Horizontal slider. My problem is that if the user swipes just next to the slider, trying to hit the slider, the scrollview scrolls. I would like to enlarge the area of the slider if possible, or just disable scrolling for a certain part of the scroll view.
Is this possible, and if yes, how?
You need to look at the following properties for customizing the look of a scroll view:
Or if this isn't to your taste: You could subclass UIScrollView and when the custom slider receives touches, read them in transform them and call setContentOffset on the UIScrollView. In my opinion that seems like a big task for very little reward and I'd just stick with the default behaviour/look.

How to slide button vertically in iphone?

How to slide button vertically in iphone by programmatically ?
Hey i have 7 images. and i want to display only 3 images vertically. and other images will be display when user scroll it upward.
Take a look at UIScrollView class :-) and then at UIImageView
If I understand what you want to do...
But we won't code you the thing ;-)
Good Luck.
add scrollview and setPagingEnabled =yes;
two way
1.add all images in view as subview and set the frame of them by one by one
2.in one view while scroll up add next image in view and remove old image.
right.Got it?
i think this tutorial will help you

ScrollView with scrollViews - what is the right way to do it?

Client wants some tricky stuff and i don't really know where to start with it.
The idea is that there is a horizontal scrollView whose each page consists of a vertical scrollView.
For example, on the horizontal axis there are galleries, on the vertical we scroll through selected gallery's images. Is this even possible?
I'd be very glad to hear comments on this one!
You will have to manage the state yourself. When one scrollbar is selected the other has to be disabled and vice versa. You can also disable the user scrolling and handle the swiping yourself with the touch events. (on a clearColor UIView as a topmost view).
They all works magically, there's no additional work for this unless there's an issue about memory consumption which will require more coding.
Simply, create a horizontal scroll view then add vertical scroll views into it. Don't forget to update the contentSize property.