UIScrollView scrolling directions - iphone

I am using a UIScrollView to scroll horizontally between 3 different UIViews (I call them pages because I have scrollView.pagingEnabled=YES;). Each page can also be scrolled vertically. My problem is that even if I use scrollView.directionalLockEnabled=YES; it still scrolls in both directions. How can I stop this for happening. (I want a similar behavior with the one that the Calendar app has, when Day mode is selected; I have already checked some calendar apps, but they don't have the horizontal scrolling enabled).
Thank you!

set the content size of the scrollView to be equal of the scrollView height.
scrollView.contentSize = CGSizeMake(scrollView.frame.size.width * pages.count,scrollView.frame.size.height);


How to make a scrollable view in iOS?

i am looking to create an "options" page for my application and because they are many , the screen of the phone is not enough to show.
So i need the user to be able to scroll down the view to see more options till the last. I know i should use the scrollview , but i dont know how.
All the tutorials i ve found are about scrolling all over the screen , zooming , scrolling from left to right , but nothing on how u can create a simple page scrolling up and down.
How exactly do i do that? Do i make many .nib files and somehow i connect them? Do i make a big .nib file?
Can someone guide me to a tutorial on that?
Use ContentSize property of UIScrollView to scroll what ever area you want. i.e.
take UIScrollView add it on UIView with exist height of iPhone. i.e. max 460.0
So ScrollView frame will be max (0,0,320.0,460.0).
Now after adidng ScrollView to View set ContentSize property to upto scrollable area.
[self.mainScrollView setContentSize:CGSizeMake(self.mainScrollView.frame.size.width, 1000.0)];
UIScrollView *mainScroll = [[[UIScrollView alloc]initWithFrame:CGRectMake(x,y,w,h)]autorelease];//scrollview width and height
mainScroll.scrollEnabled = YES;
mainScroll.userInteractionEnabled = YES;
mainScroll.showsVerticalScrollIndicator = YES;
mainScroll.contentSize = CGSizeMake(width,height);//width and height depends your scroll area
//add subviews to your scrollview.....
[mainScroll addSubview:view1]
[mainScroll addSubview:view2]
[mainScroll addSubview:view3]
[self.view addSubview:mainScroll];
Note :: contentSize property determines your scroll
enabled only if your scrollview content larger than scrollview height..
You could use a Table View with static Cells, that will scroll automatically if it needs to, much easier. Also with a Table View you can choose to scroll up, down, left, right, set bouncing etc from the Attributes Inspector.
Make only 1 nib file.
give height of scroll view large as you want.
then place your buttons , textfeild on scroll view
There are two ways :
make settings bundel for your app check this Press Me
to make UITableView with custom cells >> it is easy if you use
Interface Builder Press Me

Reminders.app UIScrollView scrolling explanation.

I am currently programming an application for the iPhone and I am having some issues with my horizontal (horizontal as in you scroll horizontally, not vertically) UIScrollView.
The UIScrollView's height is 260 and the width is 320. It has 2 pages and each page has a UITableView in it. The UITableView's frame is the same as the UIScrollView's frame.
The problem is that 80% of the time, the current UITableView detects the drag/swipe as a vertical scroll (but it's actually horizontal) and begins to scroll the table view vertically.
My question is the following:
Can somebody explain to me how the app Reminders does for the scrollview scrolling. If you look carefully, you can see that the scrollview handles the horizontal scrolling very well and that a horizontal scroll is handled by the scrollview (and not by the tableview like mine does). If anyone needs more explanation please leave a comment.
If I try to scroll to the left/right in the table view of Reminders, it doesn't respond to it. If I scroll in the table header view where the add button is, it scrolls without any problems. My guess is that they made the table view header a UIScrollView. Apple highly discourages the use of a table view in a scroll view (or any view that inherits from UIScrollView into a different view that inherits from UIScrollView, for that matter), so they probably wouldn't take their own advice and ignore it.

Correct approach for implementing vertical scrolling with UIScrollView

I know that I asked a question a few minutes ago, but I want to make a few points clearer before asking for the community's help. I'm new to iOS development, close to finishing my first app. The only thing standing in my way is this UIScrollView. I simply do not understand it, and could use your help.
This is in the detail view controller of a drill-down app with a tab bar. I have approximately 8 fields (for things like phone numbers and such) drawing from a .plist. Obviously, those take up enough room that I could use a little extra real estate. I would guess that it needs to be about the size of two views vertically, but I do not understand how to allocate that sort of space to a UIScrollView. Some tutorials I have read say that you don't even need to define it in the header, which I doubt and do not understand. Additionally, I do not understand how to simply get the app to smoothly scroll up-and down only. Apple's examples have constant move cycles that flip between horizontal pictures.
I doubt it makes very much a difference, but I have an image that is in the background. I'm going to load the view on top of that.
My question is broad, so I don't expect you to take the time to sit down and write out all of the code for me (and I wouldn't ask you to). Just an outline of quick, helpful tips would help me understand how to get this view to load in the context of my project.
Many thanks!
It's fairly simple. Add a UIScrollView to your view. Add your fields and such to the scrollview. In viewDidLoad or somewhere similar, you need to set the contentSize on your scrollview. This is the "virtual" area that will be scrollable. This will generally be larger than the frame of the scrollview. In your case, you indicated it should be roughly double the width.
For instance, if you had a scrollview with a view inside, and you wanted to make sure the entire view is visible via scrolling:
self.scrollView.contentSize = self.contentView.frame.size;
//setting scrollview zoom level
self._scrollview.contentSize=CGSizeMake(320,500 );
you have to outlet scroll view in .h class and #property #synthesis this scroll view.then you can able to scroll up and down,if u want only vertical scrolling ,then u have to go to interface builder and uncheck the horizontal scrolling.
You can set a few settings for your scrollview to limit the scrolling to horizontal or vertical. A few important ones are:
// pseudcode here, start typing "[scrollView " then press escape to get a intelli-sense of all // the things you can set for the scrollview.
// values could be YES/NO or TRUE/FALSE, I can't remember which one but
// I think it's YES/NO. Once you start scrolling, the phone will determine
// which way you're scrolling then lock it to that direction
[scrollView setDirectionalLockEnabled:YES];
// when you slide the view, if enough of the next part of the view is visible,
// the scrollview will snap or bounce the scrollview to fit this new "page".
// think of swiping feature to navigate the iPhone home screens
// to show different "pages" of iphone apps
[scrollView setPagingEnabled:YES];
// as a safe guard, make sure the width of your scrollview fits snuggly with the content
// it is trying to display. If the width is more than necessary to display your table of
// data vertically, sometimes the scrollview will cause the
// horizontal scrolling that you don't want to happen and you get bi-directional scrolling
Just set the content size of UIScrollView after adding all the controls/button/textfields etc. for example you add 10 textfields in UIScrollview then content size of UIScrollView will be
lastTextField.frame.origin.y+lastTextField.frame.size.height+20; 20 is for margin.
That's it let me know if you want to know something more related to your app.

How do i have different UITextViews on the same DetailView without having scrolling problem?

I have DetailView in which there are three textviews which are showing different informations. is it possible that on whenever i scroll down to read all information. all those textviews scroll like they are one page. i mean they look like one textview. i m doing this bcz i need those information in different fonts. and if there is any other nice approach i can use to show that information? plz tell me.
thanx in advance.
Yes, you can place those three UITextViews into a UIScrollView, set userInteractionEnabled = NO in the UITextViews, and properly set the contentSize of the UIScrollView to cover all 3 UITextField size, then they will all scroll as one unit and the UITextViews won't scroll at all within themselves. (Again: a UIScrollView will not scroll in height / width unless the contentSize property's height / width is larger than its frame property height / width).

iPhone - Nesting UIScrollViews for horizontal paging and vertical scrolling

I'm developing my first iPhone app and I would greatly appreciate you guy's input on a problem I'm having.
I'm looking to implement scrolling both horizontally and vertically. I want the horizontal scrolling to be paged, without the vertical one being paged (scrolling "normally"). A single UIScrollView with pagingEnabled set to YES will page in both directions. The natural solution would be to nest a UIScrollView inside another one, however when I do that, I can't get the "inner" UIScrollView to scroll at all. Seems the outer one is "eating" up all the tap events, like in:
UIScrollView : paging horizontally, scrolling vertically?
I read something about "inner scrolling" being improved upon in SDK 3.0 and actually when I add an inner UITableView instead of a UIScrollView the scrolling works flawlessly. Since UITableView subclasses UIScrollView I imagine that my desired behavior should be achievable by making my own subclass of UIScrollView.
Is this the right approach? If so, what should this subclass look like?
This works out of the box with the SDK now. See Scrolling Madness and Apple's UIPageControl sample for guidelines on how to implement paged horizontal scrolling with a view controller for each page.
The nested UIScrollViews you add as subviews to your outer UIScrollView should have the same frame heights as the container. If you do this then the outer UIScrollView will pass through the vertical scrolling events to the subview. My app has three levels of UIScrollView and UIWebView nesting and I've found Cocoa is really intelligent about passing the events to the one I want as long as I set my frame sizes so that only one view is really scrollable (contentSize > frame) on each axis.
If you are trying something like Twitter profile UI I achieved this by putting header view and bottom scrollview in a a parent scrollview and underlaying another scrollview behind.
Underlaying scrollview is responsible for the adjusting content offsets of header and bottom. Its contentsize is also adjusted by the inner item heights.
It looks complicated when I tell, better see the code
I've been using this great lib by Andrey Tarantsov for months: SoloComponents
You can use it as an "horizontal UITableView" with support for pagination and view recycling.
Well made and perfectly cocoa-style designed.
Based on Dylan's answer, in my case, I actually also had to make content size heights equal for both parent and nested UIScrollViews to make nested UIScrollView to scroll vertically. Making only "the same frame heights as the container" as Dylan explained was not enough:
parentScrollView.contentSize = CGSizeMake(parentScrollView.contentSize.width, desiredContentHeight);
nestedScrollView.contentSize = CGSizeMake(nestedScrollView.frame.size.width, desiredContentHeight);
What Dylan says. And, perhaps of interest on this topic - you do not need to enable scrolling in the master "paging" UIScrollView, just enable paging and direction lock. This seems to assure that all vertical scrolling cues go to the nested, fixed-size, vertical-scrolling NSScrollViews. It works back to at least iOS 9.