Tabbar Application with camera - iphone

I want to implement camera in a Tab Bar application. I have been able to make the camera appear but there is no capture button to capture the image. How can I customize the camera view so that the capture button appears?
Thank you.

Normally you should get an image like this. Clicking on the camera icon will take the photo.
Arn't you getting like this? Then check your UIImagePickerController and its delegates.


UIImagePickerController to take photo with out asking for "use" confirmation

Im building an app that takes a photo of the user, its working fine
using the nice UIImagePickerController
this is what happens when the button that calls the delegate for the UIImagePickerController gets called
open camera modal view to take image
tap on the camera [bottom bar] to take the pic
bottom bar with: Retake (left side); Use (right side)
but my question and what i need is:
open camera modal view to take image
tap on the camera [bottom bar] to take the pic
save that pic, "Use", with out asking confirmation
thanks a lot!
You need to provide a cameraOverlayView and set showsCameraControls = NO.
EDIT: removed ref to allowEditing.

modify existing iPhone camera screen

All I want is redesign default camera screen. Default camera screen has toolBar on bottom of the screen. and toolBar has capture button in middle and cancel button in left.
cancel button on left down corner should be replace with info button custom Image and right down corner should have photo library button. And All other functionality will be remain same.
How Can i achieve this without fully customization using overlay propery ?? Will This design be approve by apple ??
You can't modify other apps in the phone. If you want to make your own camera app, do so. UIImagePickerController is the place to start:

Working with iphone camera

I am using UIPickerView controller for displaying the camera on iphone screen for click event of button.
I want to add one button Draw Line on the camera screen and also i want to add an event with that Draw Line Button means if i will click on Draw Line button a one line will be draw on the screen of camera.
So pls reply me is it possible? and if yes then pls give me your reply with some examples or links.
This would be possible. You can achieve this with cameraOverlayView in UIImagePickerController.

I want to use an overlay for the UIImagePickerController, but I want the shutter animation

I am using the UIImagePickerController with an overlay view so I can have some custom controls. I notice that when the user clicks the "Capture" button and I call [imagePicker takePicture], the shutter animation doesn't occur. The effect is that I see the view sort of freeze and then continue in camera mode for a second before the image is captured and I display it over the camera view.
Make sense?
So, in other words, when the UIImagePickerController is initially presented, you see the shutter animation open up to reveal the camera, but when using overlay views and hiding camera controls, when I take the picture I don't see it. Would really like to. :-(
Any ideas?
There is currently now way to do this with the built in UIImagePicker animation. You would have to use AVFoundation and roll your own capture animation whenever you take the picture

Codes for ImageViewPickerControllerSourceTypeCamera

My problem is that i want to replace the camera view with my own view that will capture the image and then again get the same controls of iPhone camera after capturing the image ie.
'Retake' and 'use' will appear.
please reply me
You can use the cameraOverlayView to replace your UI and set showsCameraControls to NO to not use Apple's buttons.