Using Zend mail in custom programs - zend-framework

I tried include only zend mail part in my program and entire zf is not included.Is it possible to use particular components of zf rather using entire zend.How can i include only zend mail in my program?

Yes it is possible.
There is a project at that allows you to download a zip file of the specific components you need. However, it is limited in selection of versions.
You can also manually extract the files you need from a downloaded copy of the framework. You must make sure that you get all the dependencies. The components are supposed to have very low dependency on others so you shouldn't need the entire MVC stack, for example, just to use the Zend_Mail component. You might, however, have to grab Zend_Exception, but I'm not sure.
After you get the source, you will just include it like any other script. In your case it might look as follows.
require_once "/path/to/Zend/Mail.php";
$mailer = new Zend_Mail();


Hugo deploy and delete not necessary files

I'm developing a new Hugo site and in this case I thought to create also a template so.I can use for future site.
Well in the template there are tons of vendor files and library because depending of the pages that the site will implement these library will be used. The problem is on the deploy. For example I use Line icons library that has a lot of .png files. (For example 200 files).
Well in the template I put all the files but could happen that in the site that implement this template I use only five icons. Is there a way that look around the final HTML and the usage of the icons and delete in the public folder the not necessary files?
Not directly.
You would need to add an utility script to your template, in order for any user implementing said template to be able to call this script on demand.
That script should then be able to:
analyze the HTML files generated in public_html
cleanup the icons accordingly

Deploy GWT Application as Single JavaScript File

The compiled JavaScript output of a GWT application is divided into various files, for instance
I know this is done with the purpose of minimizing the size of the JavaScript, which has to be downloaded by users. For instance so that a Firefox user does not have to load the JavaScript specifically compiled for IE6.
However, especially for small GWT applications it might often be faster to download a single file of say 500kb rather than make two sequential requests first for the 5kb *.nocache.js script and then for the rest of the app (cache.html files, etc.).
This leads me to the question: Is there any framework or procedure to bundle the output of the GWT compiler into a single JavaScript file?
First, you can merge all permutations in a single file by using so-called "soft permutations".
Then, you can inline your *.nocache.js into the HTML host page (e.g. using a JSP's #include directive) to cut one additional request (you might have to add a <meta name=gwt:property content='baseUrl=myapp'> where myapp is the subfolder where the .nocache. files are located).
AFAIK that's what Google are doing for their GWT apps.
Alternatively, you can run the permutation selection on the server-side if you can totally replace the selection script (*.nocache.js) with server-side content negotiation (based on User-Agent and Accept-Language request headers for instance) that can directly generates a <script> tag for the appropriate *.cache.js file (provided you use the xsiframe linker).
AFAIK, Google use all these techniques for their GWT apps (such as Google Groups). For a small app, though, I'm not sure it's worth the effort…
Also, the last two techniques work best when your HTML host page is already dynamic and therefore already non-cacheable; otherwise you're mostly moving the problem, not solving it.
I wonder whether the sso linker can be used when you collapse all properties and soft-permutations down to a single hard permutation.
Yes, but it's maybe not something you want. See this answer: to this stackoverflow question: Merge GWT generated files.
I found another way to accomplish this: Writing a custom Linker for GWT. Two examples for linkers which compile into a single JavaScript file are: from Gwt Node project from Env.js project

Fatal error: Class 'Zend_Form' not found

I've started using Zend framework, and Im following this simple Zend form tutorial. The form is located in application/forms directory I have included the Zend framework in the Path (by going to computer properties). However when i access form.php page, i get this error:
Fatal error: Class 'Zend_Form' not found
I have also tried by copying the Zend folder from the Zend framework in the library folder of the application, however error still remains same. Thanks.
It sounds like you are confusing two notions: the system path and the include path.
The system path is an operating system concept. When you ask the OS to execute a command, the system path is a list of places to look for the executable.
In contrast, the include path is a PHP concept that tells PHP a list of folders in which to look for files invoked by PHP include/require statements.
Any path that you find in "Computer > Properties" is almost certainly the OS-level system path. What you need to do is to make sure the Zend folder on the PHP include path, either by moving the Zend folder or by modifying PHP's include path to include a point to the Zend folder.
In a typical ZF app, the include folder is set in index.php (the front controller). So, the only explanation for not finding Zend_Form is that the autoloader is not being instantiated.
If you are using Zend_Application, this happens automatically. However, it seems like you are bypassing public/index.php and the whole Zend_Application instantiation by trying to directly "access" a file called form.php directly. If this file contains only the definition of your form (extending Zend_Form), then the absence of autoloading could easily explain the error message you are getting.
I'd try instantiating the form in a controller action, by which time in the request processing cycle, the autoloading is probably already in place.
[At that point, given the file locations you cite, we might run into a resource-loader issue, but that's a somewhat different issue that can be handled by instantiating a Zend_Application_Module_Autoloader in your Bootstrap.]
It looks like you do not use Zend_Loader. You should focus on it.
You can also manually in your custom form class include Zend_Form class.

Launching a GWT module when clicking on an XML

I'm looking for a way to launch a GWT module when a user clicks on an XML file and have the module consume the xml data. Ideally I would like to render the XML in a rich manner and would prefer to use GWT controls instead of having to lay it out by hand via xslt + javascript.
I'm supposing one way would be to point the xml to a well known xslt that creates a simple html page that forces a redirect to the gwt module but how would I transfer the xml data to said module to allow for enhanced formatting?
Another way would be to have the process that produces the xml also include the bootstrap gwt module but it would be creating multiple bootstrap instances over time and pollute the user's directory.
The use case is that a user would run this app on their local machine which outputs an XML file. If they try and view the xml file in a browser, I'd like to have the GWT module take over and present the data accordingly. I would rather they not have to go to a page and upload the data manually.
Appreciate any ideas on the matter.
If it's something that runs on the user's machine, I would recommend to ship an executable, or generate a parallel HTML file to present the data. JavaScript run from file:/// will not be able to acces the filesystem.

Zend_Translate Help - Slovak Languege

I need to just translate form error messages in my application.
The application is not multilingual, it is al in Slovak (so I already write labels and stuff in Slovak language), just need to translate error messages.
I have made this method in my bootstrap file:
protected function _initTranslate()
$this->translate = new Zend_Translate('gettext',
But how to create the file? Do I need to download it somewhere from the Web?
First you will need to download the PoEdit software and then you will need to configure it according to this post.
Once you have completed those steps, you will need to create a new catalog file from within PoEdit. In the creation dialog, click on the keywords tab, and then add function names that you wish to scan for in your code. With Zend Framework, this is typically just translate since you are probably using the translate() view helper. However you will want to also include setLabel so that it pulls your Zend_Form labels as well.
After you have created your catalog, you will need to scan your source code for translations. You do this by clicking Update from Sources under the Catalog menu. Once it has completed scanning your source code, it will display a list of all strings that need to be translated. You then go down the list and enter in the translation for each string. Now save the catalog to somewhere within your ZF application, preferably /languages, point your Zend_Translate declaration to this location and you are good to go.
If you adjust any labels or strings later on, you can always reopen the catalog with PoEdit, run Update from Sources again and it will pull all of the new changes for you to translate.