Hugo deploy and delete not necessary files - github

I'm developing a new Hugo site and in this case I thought to create also a template so.I can use for future site.
Well in the template there are tons of vendor files and library because depending of the pages that the site will implement these library will be used. The problem is on the deploy. For example I use Line icons library that has a lot of .png files. (For example 200 files).
Well in the template I put all the files but could happen that in the site that implement this template I use only five icons. Is there a way that look around the final HTML and the usage of the icons and delete in the public folder the not necessary files?

Not directly.
You would need to add an utility script to your template, in order for any user implementing said template to be able to call this script on demand.
That script should then be able to:
analyze the HTML files generated in public_html
cleanup the icons accordingly


AEM - import static pages?

We're considering using Adobe Experience Manager for an upcoming project. But we have a number of pre-made static pages we'd like to import into this project. What would be the best way to 'import' these pages into an AEM project?
Note: these pages are HTML that may contain some CSS and JS.
You can serve static HTML, CSS and JS files from AEM. There are multiple ways of getting your files in AEM including but not limited to:
1) Through CRXDE, goto Create > Create File... name your HTML file and save. On the jcr:content subnode, double click on the jcr:data binary property, upload your HTML file and click save.
2) cURL your files into AEM. See the documentation on the SlingPostServlet. You can write a script in Bash, Python or your language of choice to loop over your files and POST to the AEM instance.
3) Go to CRXDE Package Manager, create a simple package, download it and unzip the file. Examine the contents of the zip including the .content.xml files and the /META-INF/vault/filter.xml file. Add your HTML files and update the package filters, zip up the files, upload the package to AEM through the CRXDE Package Manager and install.
Adding to what "nateyolles" has already mentioned,
Adobe Experience Manager provides several options (direct/Indirect) for either importing or exporting data (within the AEM tool they are labeled importers and are found under the tools area). Lets look at each option so you can decide which one will best service your current needs.
1) Site Importer – Allows you to import either a web page or an entire website into AEM. For site imports, you will need to need to specify the project title, site URL (of page or site to import), thumbnail image for the template, the sitemap (for the pages in CQ using the template) and whether or not you want to overwrite (if page or site exist in AEM)
"Use of Site Importer tool"
2) Feed Importer – The feed import option within Adobe Experience Manager provides the ability to import content via a feed (whether that be an RSS feed or an Atom feed). This can be extremely beneficial to blog creators, like myself, who might want to bring in the content of their blog (from say WordPress, Drupal or another CMS) into an AEM environment.
3) Offline Importer – This functionality, within Adobe Experience Manager, provides the ability to import content from Microsoft Office Word document files into AEM templates (ending with the file extension of .doc). Please note that you should reach out to Adobe’s consulting team for asssistance on this so that they can set up the inputs in the most optimal way to receive your offline data.
4) Import from older version of CQ – This is a pretty straightforward way to import or upgrade from an older version of CQ. If you are familar with AEM, you can stop existing instance, if you have a stand alone instance of AEM replace the jar file, and restart
If you have an application server instance, you will follow these steps:
Stop existing instance, replace the war file and restart.
5) Bulk Editor – This feature provides a multitude of functionality within AEM. For starters, you can make large changes to content at once. Secondly, you can export content to CSV (Microsoft Excel) files.
Kautuk Sahni
(Adobe AEM Community)

How to generate magnolia bootstrap files?

I cloned some magnolia content app examples and can't understand, how to generate magnolia bootstrap xml files. They are too big and to write them manually is too hard.
I think there is a way to generate them automatically.
Magnolia Bootstrap Files are created within Magnolia. Just create the content you want to bootstrap and export it. Some Apps like the pages app or the config app have an "export" action in the action bar. It is also possible to use the export app to create bootstrap files for all kinds of magnolia workspaces.
As Thomas said, you should not hand write bootstrap files, but instead export configuration or data you want to bootstrap from Magnolia.
Since "what you want" seems to be creation of apps, you might want to look at a script to create them (so you can them export such created app as a bootstrap file) mentioned here.

serving using zinc and pharo

After working on zincs tutorial I want to serve an entire repo filled with .js, .html and .css files I created a firstpathsegment so that I upload all files to the sam place but then how to create a place to serve and store the files ? and how to upload them ?
If you read on in the tutorial, you'll find how to do that in the part 'Static file server'
(ZnServer startDefaultOn: 1701)
delegate: (ZnStaticFileServerDelegate new
directory: (FileDirectory on: '/var/www');
prefixFromString: 'static-files';
If you compare that to the ZnMonticelloServerDelegate implementation, you'll see how to write files. If you want to be able to create subdirectories, take a look at FileSystem-Core-Public. In a public-facing site, you'll need to do something about authentication and access control. We mostly put an apache or nginx in front (and let that take care of the static files).

Unity web open custom html after build

I made a custom html file for my Unity web project. Though after building my project, it opens the default pre-made one. Is there a way to make Unity open my own html file instead of the default one?
You're looking for the Web Player Templates manual page.
In your Assets folder, create a folder named WebPlayerTemplates, and put your template in there. You'll need an HTML file. To help make this slightly easier, Unity will look in that HTML for certain tokens that it can replace with data from the project.
For example, one such tag is %UNITY_WEB_PATH%, which will be replaced with the path to your built project file.
Some tags include:
UNITY_WEB_NAME Name of the webplayer.
UNITY_WIDTH UNITY_HEIGHT Onscreen width and height of the player in
UNITY_WEB_PATH Local path to the webplayer file.
UNITY_UNITYOBJECT_URL In the usual case where the page will download
UnityObject2.js from the Unity’s website (ie, the Offline Deployment
option is disabled), this tag will provide the download URL.
UNITY_UNITYOBJECT_DEPENDENCIES The UnityObject2.js have dependencies
and this tag will be replaced with the needed dependencies for it to
work properly.
In every deployment I've seen, the WebPlayer plugin is is launched via JavaScript, by instantiating a UnityObject2 and calling its initPlugin method:
var u = new UnityObject2();
u.initPlugin(jQuery("#unityPlayer")[0], "Example.unity3d");
The above assumes that you have a div with id #unityPlayer, and that Example.unity3d is a valid path to your Unity build file.
In practice, though, I recommend working from Unity's generated HTML files; they include some failsafes for cases where the WebPlayer plugin isn't installed or fails to load. The manual page linked above also has HTML source examples which include some of those special tags.
UnityObject2 does have some advanced features, which are also documented in the manual. If your game needs to communicate with the outer web page, that is also possible.

Some questions about the export of the template from a website and the import of it into another website

I have installed TYPO3 on my web server and it use the "Introduction Package" template.
The problem is that I have to work on another TYPO3 online website that use a custom template.
Can I obtain the template of the online website and use it on my local website? (to perform some test in local).
I saw that TYPO3 uses various templating systems and I do not know how this could affect the export\import operation. In Joomla or WP I simply take the template directory and then I copy it into the themes directory but I think that in TYPO3 this operation could be more complex.
The fastest way is to copy these directories:
and the complete database, then you have "cloned" the original website locally. (assuming that the core stuff is loaded the default way, with symlinks)
Then you just need to edit the database connection stuff and maybe some paths for image magick and so on in the typo3conf/LocalConfiguration.php.