I am using a legacy Perl application which loads a library, call it "blah". I need to know where does "blah" resides in my file system.
I am not familiar at all with Perl, and I wonder what is the equivalent way to print the path to the module, along the lines of the special variable __file__ in Python. In other words, the Perl equivalent of the following Python script:
import blah
print blah.__file__
Many thanks.
use blah;
print $INC{'blah.pm'};
use Blah1::Blah2::blah;
print $INC{'Blah1/Blah2/blah.pm'};
The case is significant, even on Windows. use Blah will create an entry for $INC{'Blah.pm'} and use blah will create an entry for $INC{'blah.pm'}.
C:\>perl -MList::util -e "print join $/, keys %INC"
To expand on my comment on mob's answer, try a more loose use of %INC to help you:
use strict;
use warnings;
use blah;
foreach (keys %INC) {
if (m'blah.pm') {
print "$_ => $INC{$_}\n";
The relevant perldoc perlvar on the subject says
The hash %INC contains entries
for each filename included via the do,
require, or use operators. The key is
the filename you specified (with
module names converted to pathnames),
and the value is the location of the
file found. The require operator uses
this hash to determine whether a
particular file has already been
If the file was loaded via a
hook (e.g. a subroutine reference, see
require for a description of these
hooks), this hook is by default
inserted into %INC in place of a
filename. Note, however, that the hook
may have set the %INC entry by itself
to provide some more specific info.
If even that doesn't help, you may, as the previous document suggests, read about the require command, to help you understand how it is getting to be loaded in the first place. This should help you back it out, perhaps by iterating through #INC, which are the folders that Perl will search for to find files to be required.
I found the following one-liner which solved my problem:
$ perl -MList::Util -e'print $_ . " => " . $INC{$_} . "\n" for keys %INC'
Where -MList::Util stands for the List::Util module (in my case, I used -MBlah)
I have two Perl files and I want to call one file from another with arguments
First file a.pl
$OUTFILE = "C://programs/perls/$ARGV[0]";
# this should be some out file created inside work like C://programs/perls/abc.log
Second File abc.pl
require "a.pl" "abc.log";
# $OUTFILE is a variable inside a.pl and want to append current file's name as log.
I want it to create an output file with the name of log as that of current file.
One more constraint I have is to use $OUTFILE in both a.pl and abc.pl.
If there is any better approach please suggest.
The require keyword only takes one argument. That's either a file name or a package name. Your line
require "a.pl" "abc.log";
is wrong. It gives a syntax error along the lines of String found where operator expected.
You can require one .pl file from another .pl, but that is very old-fashioned, badly written Perl code.
If neither file defines a package then the code is implicitly placed in the main package. You can declare a package variable in the outside file and use it in the one that is required.
In abc.pl:
use strict;
use warnings;
# declare a package variable
our $OUTFILE = "C://programs/perls/filename";
# load and execute the other program
require 'a.pl';
And in a.pl:
use strict;
use warnings;
# do something with $OUTFILE, like use it to open a file handle
print $OUTFILE;
If you run this, it will print
You should convert your perl file you want to call to a perl module:
package Hello;
use strict;
use warnings;
sub printHello {
print "Hello $_[0]\n"
Then you can call it:
use strict;
use warnings;
# you have to put the current directory to the module search path
use lib (".");
use Hello;
I tested it in git bash on windows, maybe you have to do some modifications in your environment.
In this way you can pass as many arguments as you would like to, and you don't have to look for the variables you are using and maybe not initialized (this is a less safe approach I think, e.g. sometimes you will delete something you did't really want) somewhere in the file you want to call. The disadvantage is that you need to learn a bit about perl modules but I think it definitely worths.
A second approach could be to use the exec/system call (you can pass arguments in this way too; if forking a child process is acceptable), but that is an another story.
I would do this another way. Have the program take the name of the log file as a command-line parameter:
% perl a.pl name-of-log-file
Inside a.pl, open that file to append to it then output whatever you like. Now you can run it from many other sorts of places besides another Perl program.
# a.pl
my $log_file = $ARGV[0] // 'default_log_name';
open my $fh, '>>:utf8', $log_file or die ...;
print { $fh } $stuff_to_output;
But, you could also call if from another Perl program. The $^X is the path to the currently running perl and this uses system in the slightly-safer list form:
system $^X, 'a.pl', $name_of_log_file
How you get something into $name_of_log_file is up to you. In your example you already knew the value in your first program.
I wish to create my own module and I want to use that module name for further use. The main concept is: Create a module which should contain subroutines for line count, word-count and character count, and in main program I should use that module and I should read the file and the output should show me total number of lines, total number of words and total number of characters in that file.
package Countsample;
use strict;
use base"Exporter";
use 5.010;
our #EXPORT=qw/line_count/;
sub line_count
{my $line=#_;
return $line;
This above doc is saved in Count.pm.
use Countsample;
open FH,"text1.txt";
The above code is saved in Count1.pl format.
I think this much information is enough to create, if you need any further information then let me know.
Kindly help me to create complete this task.
Let's start with the module. It was already mentioned, that it is common practice to name the file as the package it contains.
And there is a reason for this: using use with a name builds on the expectation that there will be a file somewhere in the path list (#INC) for modules by that name containing a matching namespace declaration (package whatever). This connection makes possible, what Exporter does in the first place.
A more indepth but still succinct explanation of this can be found here
So the file would be named Countsample.pm:
package Countsample;
use strict;
use warnings;
use base "Exporter";
use 5.010;
our #EXPORT=qw/line_count/;
sub line_count
my ($fd) = (#_);
my $lines = 0;
while (<$fd>) {
return $lines;
I added use strict and use warnings to be notified about errors.
Then I changed the assignment of the arguments; the arguments in #_ are a list, so I assign those to a list on the left side (see the parentheses around $fd). You could use
my $fd = shift;
I chose to pass an open filehandle as an argument here, then count the lines, simply by reading the file linewise and returning the number of lines.
There are many ways to get the number of lines out of a file, just as a reference:
The main program then looks like this:
use v5.14;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Countsample;
open (my $fd, "<", "text1.txt");
say line_count($fd);
See http://perldoc.perl.org/functions/open.html for the ways to open a file that are available and preferable.
You really need to work on your question asking. You're not giving us enough to go on. You need to tell us:
Exactly what you want to do
Exactly what you have done
Exactly what expected behaviour you are seeing (including any error messages)
Let's step through getting past some of your errors.
Firstly, when I ran your program, I got this.
$ ./Count1.pl
bash: ./Count1.pl: usr/bin/perl: bad interpreter: No such file or directory
Ok, so that's just a stupid typo. But because you haven't explained what problems you are getting, we don't know if that's the problem you're seeing or whether you've introduced the typo when posting your question.
But it's easy to fix. The shebang line needs to be #!/usr/bin/perl. I'm pretty sure you had exactly the same typo in your last question!
Now what happens when I run your code.
$ ./Count1.pl
Can't locate Countsample.pm in #INC (you may need to install the Countsample module) (#INC contains: ...)
This is because your package doesn't have the same name as your module file. Why would you do that? It just complicates your life.
Ok, so let's fix the use statement so it's looking for the right thing - use Count.
Now I get a different error.
$ ./Count1.pl
Undefined subroutine &main::line_count called at ./Count1.pl line 5.
That's going to be a little harder to track down. So to make my life easier I'll turn on use strict and use warnings in both of the files.
I now get this:
$ ./Count1.pl
Global symbol "$line" requires explicit package name at ./Count1.pl line 9.
Execution of ./Count1.pl aborted due to compilation errors.
That means I'll need to declare the variable $line at some point so I'll add my $line just after the use Count line.
And now I get this:
$ ./Count1.pl
Name "main::FH" used only once: possible typo at ./Count1.pl line 8.
Undefined subroutine &main::line_count called at ./Count1.pl line 9.
At which point, I'm afraid, I get bored of digging. Had you presented us with this version of the code, then I might have had some energy left to investigate from here. But because I've spent ten minutes finding silly typos and fixing pointless bugs, I've lost all enthusiasm.
It's important to realise that the people here are all volunteers. We're happy to help you solve your problems, but you need to do some of the work yourself. You need to ensure that we don't waste time fixing obvious things that you could have found yourself. And you need to be a lot clearer than you have been so far when explaining what the problem is.
Here's the version of you code that I got to. Perhaps someone else will have the enthusiasm to take it to the next stage.
package Countsample;
use strict;
use warnings;
use base "Exporter";
use 5.010;
our #EXPORT = qw/line_count/;
sub line_count {
my $line = #_;
return $line;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Count;
my $line;
open FH,"text1.txt";
print "$line\n";
Update: The "undefined subroutine" error was because I forgot to change the name of the package in Count.pm. Having done that I now get:
$ ./Count1.pl
Name "main::FH" used only once: possible typo at ./Count1.pl line 8.
Use of uninitialized value $line in concatenation (.) or string at ./Count1.pl line 10.
Which is the point at which you really need to start thinking about how your module works. What subroutines do you need? What parameters do they take? What do they return?
I am trying to generate a unique number using uuidgen (of unix). The generated unique number should get stored in a variable. When i am doing it in a function , I am facing errors.
Can anyone let me know how to make use of uuidgen script in perl.
sub function_uuidgen
my myuuid;
system(`export myuuid=uuidgen`);
print "\n unique id is : $myuuid";
# I need not to export the variable, I just need to unique number generated by UUID GENERATOR in a variable.
int main
print "\n I am in main function";
I am facing the below error when I am running uuidgen as mentioned below. Can anybody help me out with exporting the JAVA VARIABLE in perl ? How to export the path variable,in case if this error is related to that.
Error :
/bin/java: uuidgen 1: not found
Code :
sub function_uuidgen
my $myuuid = qx(uuidgen);
chomp $myuuid;
print "\n unique id is : $myuuid";
# I need to export the variable, as it is giving me error without exporting.
int main
print "\n I am in main function";
You're mixing up C and Perl here.
As far as I know you can't access exportet system variables that way from perl (correct me if I am wrong. I don't have much knowledge of linux system variables).
A way to generate UUID's would be the Data::GUID Module from CPAN
use strict;
use warnings;
use Data::GUID qw( guid_string );
my $guid = guid_string();
print "$guid\n";
Also Perl doesn't have an int main function. Your code starts at the top and runs down to the bottom. Of course this gets a bit different if you create an object orientated module.
If you for some reason can't use Data::GUID, this is a way to use the output of uuidgen (note the backticks):
use strict;
use warnings;
my $uuid=`uuidgen`;
chomp $uuid;
print "$uuid\n";
Example output:
$ ./hep.pl
Also, using & before function calls went out of fashion many years ago :-)
Without knowing anything about uuidgen: You could just
my $perlVar = `uuidgen`;
within perl.
Assuming calling uuidgen in your console returns the number you are looking for.
export is a shell command that adds a variable and value to its environment block. The environment block is private to a process, but (by default) copied to a child process. You appear to be thinking it is some sort of global area - it is not.
So, all you would be doing is adding a value to the shell's environment block, not your own! (That's the shell created by system(), not the one you were running from). Placing the export inside back-ticks is strange, if not wrong.
Easier to use:
my $myuuid = qx(uuidgen);
chomp $myuuid;
Notice I am using qx instead of back-ticks `` because they can be confusing (back-ticks are deprecated in UNIX shells as well).
To run the subroutine, loose the C style int main:
print "\n I am in ", __PACKAGE__, "package\n";
The leading & on a subroutine call has side-effects that you probably don't need.
I have a directory structure that looks like:
Foo::Bar::Baz::2 etc
Can I list the packages from something like:
use Foo::Bar::Baz;
Edit: Made it more clear what the modules are.
If you want to load all modules in your include path with a certain prefix (e.g. everything under a::b::c, you can use Module::Find.
For example:
use Module::Find 'useall';
my #loaded = useall 'Foo::Bar::Baz'; # loads everything under Foo::Bar::Baz
This depends on your #INC path being set up with the necessary directories, so do any required manipulation (e.g. with use lib) first.
Normally a script such as a/b/c.pl won't have a namespace other than main. Perhaps you are thinking of discovering modules with names such as a/b/c.pm (which is a bad name, since lower-cased package names are generally reserved for Perl internals).
However, given a directory path, you can look for potential Perl modules using File::Find:
use strict;
use warnings;
use File::Find;
use Data::Dumper;
my #modules;
sub wanted
push #modules, $_ if m/\.pm$/
find(\&wanted, 'A/B');
print "possible modules found:\n";
print Dumper(\#modules)'
This might be overkill, but you can inspect the symbol table before and after loading the module and see what changed:
use strict; use warnings;
my %original = map { $_ => 1 } get_namespaces("::");
require Inline;
print "New namespaces since 'require Inline' call are:\n";
my #new_namespaces = sort grep !defined $original{$_}, get_namespaces("::");
foreach my $new_namespace (#new_namespaces) {
print "\t$new_namespace\n";
sub get_namespaces {
# recursively inspect symbol table for known namespaces
my $pkg = shift;
my #namespace = ();
my %s = eval "%" . $pkg;
foreach my $key (grep /::$/, keys %s) {
next if $key eq "main::";
push #namespace, "$pkg$key", get_namespaces("$pkg$key");
return #namespace;
New namespaces since 'require Inline' call are:
Just to be clear, are you looking at random packages in random Perl code?
Or for Perl modules, e.g. "a/b/c/d1.pm" with module "a::b::c::d1"?
In either case, you can not use a single "use" statement to load them all.
What you need to do is to find all the appropriate files, using either glob or File::Find.
In the first case (modules), you can then load them either by require-ing each file, OR by converting filename into module name (s#/#::#g; s#\.pm$##;) and calling use on each module individually.
As far as actual packages nested in random Perl files, those packages can be:
Listed by grepping each file (again, found via glob or File::Find) for /^package (.*);/
Actually loaded by executing require $file for each file.
In this case, please note that the package name for each of those packages in a/b/c/1.pl will NOT need to be related to "a::b::c" - e.g. they CAN be named by the file author "p1", "a::p1" or "a::b::c::p1_something".
I'm new to Perl, and I'm updating an old Perl website. Every .pl file seems to have this line at the top:
do "func.inc";
So I figured I could use this file to tag on a subroutine for global use.
sub foobar
return "Hello world";
do "func.inc";
print "Content-type: text/html\n\n";
print foobar();
However, I get this error:
Undefined subroutine &main::foobar called at /path/to/index.pl line 4.
Both files are in the same directory, and there's tones of subs in func.inc already which are used throughout the website. However, the script works in the Linux production environment, but does not work for my Windows 7 dev environment (I'm using ActivePerl).
It looks like the file is not being included; the sub works if the file is included using an absolute path...
do "C:/path/to/func.inc";
... so it looks like relative paths don't work for my local dev environment, but they work in the production environment through. But this is no good for me, because the absolute path on my dev machine will not work for the live server.
How do I get do to work using a relative path on my Windows 7 dev machine?
Update 2:
I was using the Perl -T switch. Unfortunately this removes "." from #INC, and so stops us from using relative paths for do. I removed this switch and the old code is working now. I'm aware that this is not good practice, but unfortunately I'm working with old code, so it seems that I have no choice.
The perlfunc documentation for do reads
Uses the value of EXPR as a filename and executes the contents of the file as a Perl script.
do 'stat.pl';
is just like
eval `cat stat.pl`;
except that it's more efficient and concise, keeps track of the current filename for error messages, searches the #INC directories, and updates %INC if the file is found.
So to see all this in action, say C:\Cygwin\tmp\mylib\func.inc looks like
sub hello {
print "Hello, world!\n";
and we make use of it in the following program:
use warnings;
use strict;
# your code may have unshift #INC, ...
use lib "C:/Cygwin/tmp/mylib";
my $func = "func.inc";
do $func;
# Now we can just call it. Note that with strict subs enabled,
# we have to use parentheses. We could also predeclare with
# use subs qw/ hello /;
# do places func.inc's location in %INC
if ($INC{$func}) {
print "$0: $func found at $INC{$func}\n";
else {
die "$0: $func missing from %INC!";
Its output is
Hello, world!
./prog: func.inc found at C:/Cygwin/tmp/mylib/func.inc
As you've observed, do ain't always no crystal stair, which the do documentation explains:
If do cannot read the file, it returns undef and sets $! to the error. If do can read the file but cannot compile it, it returns undef and sets an error message in $#. If the file is successfully compiled, do returns the value of the last expression evaluated.
To check all these cases, we can no longer use simply do "func.inc" but
unless (defined do $func) {
my $error = $! || $#;
die "$0: do $func: $error";
Explanations for each case are below.
do cannot read the file
If we rename func.inc to nope.inc and rerun the program, we get
./prog: do func.inc: No such file or directory at ./prog line 12.
do can read the file but cannot compile it
Rename nope.inc back to func.inc and delete the closing curly brace in hello to make it look like
sub hello {
print "Hello, world!\n";
Running the program now, we get
./prog: do func.inc: Missing right curly or square bracket at C:/Cygwin/tmp/mylib/func.inc line 4, at end of line
syntax error at C:/Cygwin/tmp/mylib/func.inc line 4, at EOF
do can read the file and compile it, but it does not return a true value.
Delete the 1; at the end of func.inc to make it
sub hello {
print "Hello, world!\n";
Now the output is
./prog: do func.inc: at ./prog line 13.
So without a return value, success resembles failure. We could complicate the code that checks the result of do, but the better choice is to always return a true value at the end of Perl libraries and modules.
Note that the program runs correctly even with taint checking (-T) enabled. Try it and see! Be sure to read Taint mode and #INC in perlsec.
You use the subroutine the same way that you'd use any other subroutine. It doesn't matter that you loaded it with do. However, you shouldn't use do for that. Check out the "Packages" chapter in Intermediate Perl for a detailed explanation of loading subroutines from other files. In short, use require instead.
See the documentation for do. You need to have func.inc (which you can also just call func.pl since pl is "perl library") in one of the directories where Perl will look for libraries. That might be different than the directory that has index.pl. Put func.inc in #INC somewhere, or add its directory to #INC. do also doesn't die if it can't load the file, so it doesn't tell you that it failed. That's why you shouldn't use do to load libraries. :)
Making sure the path is correct, use:
print "Content-type: text/html\n\n";
print foobar();
I would first check if the file was actually loaded, the documentation for do mentions that it updates %INC if the file was found. There is also more information in the documentation.
make sure you have func.inc in the correct path.
do "func.inc"
means you are saying func.inc is in the same path as your perl script. check the correct path and then do this
do "/path/func.inc"