How to make use of UUIDGEN of unix in perl script - perl

I am trying to generate a unique number using uuidgen (of unix). The generated unique number should get stored in a variable. When i am doing it in a function , I am facing errors.
Can anyone let me know how to make use of uuidgen script in perl.
sub function_uuidgen
my myuuid;
system(`export myuuid=uuidgen`);
print "\n unique id is : $myuuid";
# I need not to export the variable, I just need to unique number generated by UUID GENERATOR in a variable.
int main
print "\n I am in main function";
I am facing the below error when I am running uuidgen as mentioned below. Can anybody help me out with exporting the JAVA VARIABLE in perl ? How to export the path variable,in case if this error is related to that.
Error :
/bin/java: uuidgen 1: not found
Code :
sub function_uuidgen
my $myuuid = qx(uuidgen);
chomp $myuuid;
print "\n unique id is : $myuuid";
# I need to export the variable, as it is giving me error without exporting.
int main
print "\n I am in main function";

You're mixing up C and Perl here.
As far as I know you can't access exportet system variables that way from perl (correct me if I am wrong. I don't have much knowledge of linux system variables).
A way to generate UUID's would be the Data::GUID Module from CPAN
use strict;
use warnings;
use Data::GUID qw( guid_string );
my $guid = guid_string();
print "$guid\n";
Also Perl doesn't have an int main function. Your code starts at the top and runs down to the bottom. Of course this gets a bit different if you create an object orientated module.

If you for some reason can't use Data::GUID, this is a way to use the output of uuidgen (note the backticks):
use strict;
use warnings;
my $uuid=`uuidgen`;
chomp $uuid;
print "$uuid\n";
Example output:
$ ./
Also, using & before function calls went out of fashion many years ago :-)

Without knowing anything about uuidgen: You could just
my $perlVar = `uuidgen`;
within perl.
Assuming calling uuidgen in your console returns the number you are looking for.

export is a shell command that adds a variable and value to its environment block. The environment block is private to a process, but (by default) copied to a child process. You appear to be thinking it is some sort of global area - it is not.
So, all you would be doing is adding a value to the shell's environment block, not your own! (That's the shell created by system(), not the one you were running from). Placing the export inside back-ticks is strange, if not wrong.
Easier to use:
my $myuuid = qx(uuidgen);
chomp $myuuid;
Notice I am using qx instead of back-ticks `` because they can be confusing (back-ticks are deprecated in UNIX shells as well).
To run the subroutine, loose the C style int main:
print "\n I am in ", __PACKAGE__, "package\n";
The leading & on a subroutine call has side-effects that you probably don't need.


Coding for external user input in perl

I am new to perl and coding and not entirely sure where/what to search for so this question may have been asked before.
I finnished writing a program in perl and would like to know what code to use that allows me to enter a variable (name) outside the program without needing to specify it in the coding - I was told there is a way to execute the program outside of putty (I use putty) and that it asks me to enter the variable/s beforehand.
in the coding the variable is specified in the beginning as:
my $name='xxx';
after which the name is used for specifying which files to use etc. I have over 30 different names that I need to run individually so it would be much easier if I can just type it in as part of the program instead of changing the coding each time in putty.
Hope my question is clear - I'm still learning the different terms and syntax.
use strict;
use warnings;
open(IN,$ARGV[0]) or die "Cannot open $ARGV[0]:$!\n";
my #in = <IN>;
my $name='';
foreach my $in(#in){
$name = $in;
###your code here
your fle sample
Run your programs as
perl filename.txt
Update:(after OP's comment)
my $name = <STDIN>;
this will prompt for a user input.

identify a procedure and replace it with a different procedure

What I want to achieve:
old_procedure(arg1, arg2);
I have a huge code which has a old procedure in it. I want that the call to that old_procedure go to a call to a new procedure (new_procedure(arg1, arg2)) with the same arguments.
Now I know, the question seems pretty stupid but the trick is I am not allowed to change the code or the bad_function. So the only thing I can do it create a procedure externally which reads the code flow or something and then whenever it finds the bad_function, it replaces it with the new_function. They have a void type, so don't have to worry about the return values.
I am usng perl. If someone knows how to atleast start in this direction...please comment or answer. It would be nice if the new code can be done in perl or C, but other known languages are good too. C++, java.
EDIT: The code is written in shell script and perl. I cannot edit the code and I don't have location of the old_function, I mean I can find it...but its really tough. So I can use the package thing pointed out but if there is a way around that I could parse the thread with that function and replace function calls. Please don't remove tags as I need suggestions from java, C++ experts also.
EDIT: #mirod
So I tried it out and your answer made a new subroutine and now there is no way of accessing the old one. I had created an variable which checks the value to decide which way to go( old_sub or new_sub) there a way to add the variable in the new code...which sends the control back to old_function if it is not set...
use BadPackage; # sub is defined there
{ package BapPackage;
no warnings; # to avoid the "Subroutine bad_sub redefined" message
# check for the variable and send to old_sub if the var is not set
sub bad_sub
{ # good code
# Thanks #mirod
This is easier to do in Perl than in a lot of other languages, but that doesn't mean it's easy, and I don't know if it's what you want to hear. Here's a proof-of-concept:
Let's take some broken code:
# file name: Some/
package Some::Package;
use base 'Exporter';
our #EXPORT = qw(forty_two nineteen);
sub forty_two { 19 }
sub nineteen { 19 }
# file name:
use Some::Package;
print "forty-two plus nineteen is ", forty_two() + nineteen();
Running the program perl produces the output:
forty-two plus nineteen is 38
It is given that the files Some/ and are broken and immutable. How can we fix their behavior?
One way we can insert arbitrary code to a perl command is with the -M command-line switch. Let's make a repair module:
# file:
no warnings 'redefine';
*forty_two = *Some::Package::forty_two = sub { 42 };
Now running the program perl -MMyRepairs produces:
forty-two plus nineteen is 61
Our repair module uses a CHECK block to execute code in between the compile-time and run-time phase. We want our code to be the last code run at compile-time so it will overwrite some functions that have already been loaded. The -M command-line switch will run our code first, so the CHECK block delays execution of our repairs until all the other compile time code is run. See perlmod for more details.
This solution is fragile. It can't do much about modules loaded at run-time (with require ... or eval "use ..." (these are common) or subroutines defined in other CHECK blocks (these are rare).
If we assume the shell script that runs is also immutable (i.e., we're not allowed to change perl to perl -MMyRepairs, then we move up one level and pass the -MMyRepairs in the PERL5OPT environment variable:
PERL5OPT="-I/path/to/MyRepairs -MMyRepairs" bash
These are called automated refactoring tools and are common for other languages. For Perl though you may well be in a really bad way because parsing Perl to find all the references is going to be virtually impossible.
Where is the old procedure defined?
If it is defined in a package, you can switch to the package, after it has been used, and redefine the sub:
use BadPackage; # sub is defined there
{ package BapPackage;
no warnings; # to avoid the "Subroutine bad_sub redefined" message
sub bad_sub
{ # good code
If the code is in the same package but in a different file (loaded through a require), you can do the same thing without having to switch package.
if all the code is in the same file, then change it.
sed -i 's/old_procedure/new_procedure/g codefile
Is this what you mean?

Does the Perl default variable $_ or #_ behave differently on OS X to linux using split?

I am new to Perl, and have searched long and hard for the answer to this problem, but I am stuck.
Take the following example:
my $filein = $ARGV[0];
print "$_[0]\n";
The test file that I am using has the following lines:
This is a test.
Is a test.
A test.
This script executes fine on our linux servers (with perl 5.10), outputting the first word of each line - although it gives me the following warning:
Use of implicit split to #_ is deprecated at line 7.
but when I try to execute it on my local machine running OS X (with perl 5.12.3) I get the following error:
Useless use of split in void context at line 7.
Use of uninitialized value $_[0] in concatenation (.) or string at line 8, <SNPIN> line 1.
Obviously this is a dummy script. I have inherited someone else's extremely long and complicated script which is working on our servers but I would like to develop it locally without having to go through the entire script and reassign all default variable calls to another variable. No matter what I have tried (including "use v5.10;"), nothing will allow me to use the default variable on my local machine.
Any ideas? Help is most appreciated.
It's not the platform, but the Perl version.
The warning you got on Perl 5.10 should've been a clue: deprecated means "you should not use this, because it's going to stop working in some later version". Obviously, it did stop working somewhere between Perl 5.10 and 5.12.
To fix it, just explicitly assign the list returned by split into an array. If you want to keep using #_, this should work:
#_ = split(/\s+/);
print "$_[0]\n";
but I'd really recommend using your own named array, since #_ has a special meaning (it's used for passing parameters to subroutines):
my #items = split(/\s+/);
print "$items[0]\n";

Can I obtain values from a perl script using a system call from the middle of another perl script?

I'm trying to modify a script that someone else has written and I wanted to keep my script separate from his.
The script I wrote ends with a print line that outputs all relevant data separated by spaces.
Ex: print "$sap $stuff $more_stuff";
I want to use this data in the middle of another perl script and I'm not sure if it's possible using a system call to the script I wrote.
Ex: system("./ $id"); #obtain printed data from here
Can this be done? If not, how should I go about this?
Somewhat related, but not using system():
How can I get one Perl script to see variables in another Perl script?
How can I pass arguments from one Perl script to another?
You're looking for the "backtick operator."
Have a look at perlop, Section "Quote-like operators".
Generally, capturing a program's output goes like this:
my $output = `/bin/cmd ...`;
Mind that the backtick operator captures STDOUT only. So in order to capture everything (STDERR, too) the commands needs to be appended with the usual shell redirection "2>&1".
If you want to use the data printed to stdout from the other script, you'd need to use backticks or qx().
system will only return the return value of the shell command, not the actual output.
Although the proper way to do this would be to import the actual code into your other script, by building a module, or simply by using do.
As a general rule, it is better to use all perl solutions, than relying on system/shell as a way of "simplifying".
sub foo {
print "Foo";
do '';
perldoc perlipc
Backquotes, like in shell, will yield the standard output of the command as a string (or array, depending on context). They can more clearly be written as the quote-like qx operator.
#lines = `./ $id`;
#lines = qx(./ $id);
$all = `./ $id`;
$all = qx(./ $id);
open can also be used for streaming instead of reading into memory all at once (as qx does). This can also bypass the shell, which avoids all sorts of quoting issues.
open my $fh, '-|', './', $id;
while (readline $fh) {
print "read line: $_";

Finding the path to a Perl module upon loading

I am using a legacy Perl application which loads a library, call it "blah". I need to know where does "blah" resides in my file system.
I am not familiar at all with Perl, and I wonder what is the equivalent way to print the path to the module, along the lines of the special variable __file__ in Python. In other words, the Perl equivalent of the following Python script:
import blah
print blah.__file__
Many thanks.
use blah;
print $INC{''};
use Blah1::Blah2::blah;
print $INC{'Blah1/Blah2/'};
The case is significant, even on Windows. use Blah will create an entry for $INC{''} and use blah will create an entry for $INC{''}.
C:\>perl -MList::util -e "print join $/, keys %INC"
To expand on my comment on mob's answer, try a more loose use of %INC to help you:
use strict;
use warnings;
use blah;
foreach (keys %INC) {
if (m'') {
print "$_ => $INC{$_}\n";
The relevant perldoc perlvar on the subject says
The hash %INC contains entries
for each filename included via the do,
require, or use operators. The key is
the filename you specified (with
module names converted to pathnames),
and the value is the location of the
file found. The require operator uses
this hash to determine whether a
particular file has already been
If the file was loaded via a
hook (e.g. a subroutine reference, see
require for a description of these
hooks), this hook is by default
inserted into %INC in place of a
filename. Note, however, that the hook
may have set the %INC entry by itself
to provide some more specific info.
If even that doesn't help, you may, as the previous document suggests, read about the require command, to help you understand how it is getting to be loaded in the first place. This should help you back it out, perhaps by iterating through #INC, which are the folders that Perl will search for to find files to be required.
I found the following one-liner which solved my problem:
$ perl -MList::Util -e'print $_ . " => " . $INC{$_} . "\n" for keys %INC'
Where -MList::Util stands for the List::Util module (in my case, I used -MBlah)