is there a toolbar background image possible? - iphone

i´ve seen apps where the toolbar had a custom image as background. in the class reference of UIToolbar i can´t find any property for that. in IB there is also no parameter to set a custom image.
is the only way to achieve that an UIView at the bottom that looks like a toolbar?

There isn't a property for doing that. However it is achievable using the way mentioned in the accepted answer in this post


Display UITableView like UIActionsheet style?

I have been trying to display UITableView like UIActionsheet showFromRect: style. Is there any way to do it programatically or Do I need to use image for that.
Please check the below image...
Here is the link for Custom UIPopOverController for iphone.
It will resolve your purpose. :)
I too was having the same situation and i have done this by using LeveyPopListView.
Try this one.
Make your own UIView which should have UITableView and Arrow image. Implement custom init method which will accept CGRect and from that rect display that Arrow image.

Iphone Alert Box Like Volume Buttons

i would like to create a message box similar to which appears when the volume buttons are pressed.
Anyone knows how to do it? Thanks
Check the MBProgressHUD project:
You can customize your own UIView based on your needs. You can reduce alpha content for the view to get the transparent effect. You can add anything to your view.

Changing Navigation Bar of UIImagePickerController

I am trying (and failing) to change the navigation bar of the UIImagePickerController .
self.pickerController.navigationBar = myCustomBar;
doesn't work, since navigationBar is readonly.
I still want to change the buttons (and colors) on the default "cameraControls" bar.
Do you know of any way to do that?
Ok.. Thanks for the quick answers! So let me detail a little bit here...
For my application I only need the camera feed, and then I want to add my own buttons to a controls bar. I am not interested in photos (not yet anyways). Do you think it's best that I drop the UIImagePicker and just search for something else?
Thanks a lot!
You should consider hiding the original camera controls using the showsCameraControls and set your own controls using a cameraOverlayView. Both are properties of UIImagePickerController.
You might try searching the subview tree of the UIImagePickerController, finding the camera controls bar and hiding that. Then add a new subview with your controls to replace it.

Can I add a colored button to a UIToolbar?

It seems like I can't add any buttons that contain colors in a UIToolbar, they always get replaced with a white mask. How can I add a colored image to a custom button in a UIToolbar?
Yes you can, but its not really a uibarbuttonitem.
here is the link.
If you want to have an IBAction for that button, then call it on valuechanged event.
No, I dont think you can directly. It looks like it has to be as you said.
You might be able to hack things though by putting your image over the toolbar's image and letting the touch events pass through it by tweaking the hit testing.
Without using private API's, you can't. Apple will block your app if you use the private API's, so you might as well construct your own control and use that.
You can also look at the UIApperance protocol this is very useful for customising the look and feel of many of the UI elements. You can change a specific item or every instance of that item using the static method.
[[UIToolBar appearance] setTintColor:[UIColor blueColor]]
This would change every instance of a UIToolBar in your app blue.
You can use custom toolbar, where you can use any toolbar background and colored images:

How to customize UIPopOver?

Is there a way i can remove the border from my UIPopOver ?
UIPopoverController provides just about no method to customize its appearance. On the other hand, its behavior isn't hard to replicate, in the context you seem to be talking about—just create whatever view controller you're currently using in a popover and manually add its view to your view hierarchy.
As far as I can tell, there is no way to customize the look of a UIPopoverController. You can change where it appears. At the moment however, you cannot change the color or size of the boarder.