Cannot delete folder in Visual Studio Code definitely - visual-studio-code

I deleted a folder in Visual Studio Code to recreate it. But each time it recovers all files whereas I just want to create a new empty folder with same name.

This is a common issue that I am also facing for more then a year now and I am unable to find an open issue about this on Github. Every issue related to this that is opened gets closed because the developers are unable to find the source of the problem.
One way I could sometimes replicate the issue is to:
Open the project folder in Windows Explorer
Search for something inside VSCode that is contained in the folder
you are going to delete.
Try to delete the folder in VSCode.
Folder is not deleted.
Clearing the search after does not solve the issue. Most of the times I have to close and reopen VSCode.
Another ridiculous part is that the VSCode sends the file to the OS Trash and you are unable to undo the deletion when it works (CRTL + Z). VSCode is being pushed to the community by many developers but is really an infant editing tool that is terrible, the only amazing part of it is the huge ammount of plugins.
This is a long lasting bug that occurs ALL THE TIME with me. I know this is not a valid answer, but it's what I know about this problem this far.

i had the same problem. But works turn off malwarebytes. Maybe another antivirus is blocking to delete folders to, try this.

Try running Visual Studio in Administrator mode. It worked for me.

It took 6 hours to find out that.... it can be deleted by VsCode file explorer, if i try to delete it manually it juggles with admin permission and user permission back and fourth.
Just delete the folder from VSCODE file explorer from the left menu.

I just restart my mac and everything went well after that 🤞

i had the same problem. I go to Terminal and turn off all powershell,a voala I finally can delete folder from VS explorer.


Visual Studio Code terminal displaying "sh-3.2$" every time I "Open in Integrated Terminal" instead of the working directory name (Mac OS)

Earlier today I was having an issue where when I would go to open a new terminal or open a file or folder in Integrated Terminal the terminal would be automatically killed within a couple of seconds without me manually killing it. I was confused as to why this was happening because as far as I could tell I hadn't changed my settings.json file in VS Code or User or Workspace settings and everything was running smoothly just minutes earlier. I was able to resolve that issue but I created a new minor inconvenience. Now whenever I open a file or folder in Integrated terminal it displays "sh-3.2$" instead of the current directory I'm in. If I type pwd and press enter it'll of course display the current directory I'm in but I don't want to have to type that a million times moving forward. If somebody could help me fix this issue I'd greatly appreciate it! I read some of the documentation online but I'm a new bootcamp student and I tried following along but it was going over my head. Thanks again!
I was reading a similar Stack Overflow question and they were saying to try and setup/configure my bash shell to have a prompt with path, specifically the PS1 environment variable, but I was confused on how to actually go about doing that.

VSCode issue after removing GitHub- Cant access old folder directories

I tried installing GitHub on Visual Studio Code, but eventually decided to not use it. After I removed the GitHub extensions, I am no longer able to open or save files in the same manner. When I go to open a file or save one, I no longer am directed to the old folder directory from before.
A message now appears in the bottom right hand corner that says "File system provider for vscode-vfs://github/exercise-1-/Untitled-2.ipynb is not available."
I'm trying to get VSCode to return back to the way it was prior to installing GitHub. Any ideas what may be causing this?
Seems I just needed to click the icon in the bottom left with a head on it (accounts) and log out of my GitHub account. Then close Visual Studio entirely and reopen. Everything seems to be running as it did prior to the GitHub installation.

VS Code Failed to Install Visual Studio Code Update

I am trying to update my VS Code but am getting an error message: Updates may fail due to anti virus software and/or runaway processes.
A log file stemming from my Users was attached, but I am not sure what to check for. I am still new to computers and programming.
I copied the Code.exe file from where my program was installed and pasted it to the temp map: C:\Users\YOUR_USERNAME\AppData\Local\Programs\Microsoft VS Code
I reran the update and it works.
Run the update setup file, with a name like "CodeSetup-stable-...exe", in the following location:
Replace <:User> with your username. And make sure VS Code is closed.
The same problem happened to me as well. It was because I installed VS Code in another directory other than the default location. The problem happened because after downloading the update in the Temp directory, VS Code tried to locate the previous installation in the default location to update it. As it failed, the update setup file remained with the temporary files. The problem was solved by manually installing the update.
This is how I resolved the problem:
Close VSCode.
Run VSCode AS ADMINISTRATOR by right clicking in the VS Code icon. This process opens VScode.
Now run the same VSCODE update as usual from inside VSCode.
VSCode closes after the update process and the latest VSCODE version is installed.
This happens because you installed VSCode in a specific directory, delete and download again but leave the default directory. This is because the update file looks for the default directory
This problem appeared to me because I moved the files of the setup of the vscode from Partition to another, and the solution was very simple. I opened the file that was in the path that appeared in the alert, and the problem was solved.
Just make sure any instance vscode was closed!

Visual Studio Code source control not showing changes

Visual Studio Code source control panel is empty when I click on it. Nothing to expand and nothing to click on.
Things I've tried:
Uninstalled/Reinstalled Git
Uninstall/Reinstalled VS Code
Removed extensions folder
Open your project with cmd.
> cd your-folder-location
> code . -n
It worked for me
Dude, just lost an hour because my SCM in VSCode randomly stopped showing anything today. I restarted everything, tried git init, everything on the forums. Made sure Git built in extension is enabled, mine was already enabled so I was totally lost.
All I had to do was disable and then reenable the built in Git extension. and it fixed it.
Go to Extensions.
Filter by "built in".
Click the gear icon by Git, and click disable.
Then click it again, and click enable.
Here is a screenshot reference
In my case, somehow, the Source Control Repositories option, available under the 3 dots ... on the SOURCE CONTROL tab, was no longer selected.
All I had to do was press the ... and select Source Control Repositories, then select the correct repo, and all the changes were again listed.
I had a similar issue. It seems vs code has two source control extensions. When I clicked View -> SCM it opened an extension with changes displaying.
source control extension 1
source control extension 2
I had this problem 2-3 times for the last 2 years (OS -> Linux Mint). The changes on any file didn't appear to the source control nor have they been marked on the line I've edited. When manually go to "Source control" and click on the refresh button they appear but the lines that I had change didn't light up (there were no visual marking on the files after editing them). This happened when I switched to a different branch while the workspace was open to the 2 monitors at the same time. Or when working on several projects (opened 2-3 or more VS Code instances). The scariest thing was that it didn't work not only for one repository(project) but for all of them. I've read alot on the subject and tried everything that I found and think of. There is some issue with git path mapping or something.
The thing that I tried:
reload VS Code
restarting VS Code
disable all extensions
enable/disable all git related options in (file -> preferences -> settings)
deleting (folders and files) and cloning the repository
updating git
removing and installing git
restarting PC (don't judge me I was desperate)
But the only solution that worked for me was:
open VS Code (if open, don't close it)
go to the directory where you keep your repositories (not from VS Code but from you file explorer).
go one folder above it (if you are in .../{{some folder}}/{{you repos}}, go to ../{{some folder}})
then open you repositories containing folder (/{{you repos}}) by right click -> open with VS Code
wait until everything loads. The Source Control will mark alot of changes, don't worry about it.
then close VS Code (all windows (instances), because it will open a new instance)
after that go to the directory where you keep your repositories again and right click and open with VS code the repository of you choice. Now at this point the Source control will start working properly.
What worked for me was going to my "code" folder where I keep all my repos, right-clicking on the folder containing the repo I want and opening that folder with VS Code.
The VS Code window for this specific repo was closed. I did have another window for a different repo open. As soon as the window opened, the changes showed up in source control and I was able to commit, push and everything else like normal.
I faced this problem when I opened a repo in a directory inside symlink.
My solution: just open this directory in original destination without any symlinks
I had this problem in a repository not as a problem from config but because I had a coverage folder with thousands of files not tracked and it seemed to slow the process of checking that out too much.
So I added that folder to .gitignore and it started working again.
Restating my Vscode And Giving time to load properly Solved my Problem
I had the same problem. What I did was:
Open another folder with File -> Open Folder...
Close the VSC
Open VSC
Open the original folder with File -> Open Folder...
After this I saw that the source control started loading and my changes came back.
Hope this works for you.
I couldn't see any changes in while trying git status. I opened changed files in text editor and they were not changed either. That lead me to conclusion that changes can't be seen by the system (and therefore by git).
The Autosave option was disabled, simply saving the changes helped.
That was my beginning with VSC, in Pycharm never had such problem.
I had this problem, because I was changing files one folder down from where I opened Visual Studio Code.
Solution- open Visual Studio Code without a location, File/Open Folder - open the folder I am directly working out of.
Unstaged changes now show in the direct folder I'm working in. Unstage changes previously auto-staged by Visual Studio Code when working on a nested project directory to see them (open a Terminal and run git reset).
I encountered the same issue, and I fixed that by removing the files.watcherExclude property in settings.json file.
Because the value of files.watcherExclude became { "**/**/*": true } somehow.
// settings.json
// remove or comment next line
// files.watcherExclude: { "**/**/*": true }
For me, the files were in WSL (Windows subsystem for linux) but I was not opening the folder as such.
in the bottom left, click the green >< symbol, then click "reopen folder in WSL"
VSC remote mode image
Go to View -> Terminal
cd to root folder, and run git status and see if you have any errors
I had a unsafe repository fatat error, as my repo was on a network drive. Did as suggested by git to add an exception and it fixed the issue.
close vscode
moved local Code config folder as backup (~/.config/Code/)
reopen vscode (this will still show problem)
close and reopen vscode (this will show db re-write issue but it will re-create config folder.)
this solved my problem. this reset many of my settings but It can be checked from config backup.
In setting check Git: Autorefresh
I experience this problem when I right click a folder and open it up with VS code. Instead now I start VS code from the start menu and after that I use File -> Open Folder option.
I experienced this issue with VSCode V1.70.1, all I did is just closing VSCode completely and open a new instance and I could find git changes appears simultaneously as expected.
If running into this issue on a Mac, make sure you are running your instance of Visual Studio Code from your Applications folder and not your Downloads folder. I managed to fire up an instance from the wrong folder and this prevented my Source Control from being able to properly load git info and also caused Visual Studio updates to fail. More on the issue can be found here.
Here is another possible solution for Linux users:
In my case, it was only not showing lines changed with the file open. Source control tab was showing fine.
I have a symlink from /var/www to /mnt/{hdd-uuid}/www. When I created my workspace, it was using the path /var/www/project-folder, instead of the full path, and this was giving me the error.
I opened my .code-workpsace file in another text editor and changed the references in the JSON from ../../../../var/www/project-folder to /mnt/{hdd-uuid}/www/project-folder, then reopen VS Code. Close all file tabs open and, when you open again a modified file it will show the lines changed.
It is possible that you need to trust the repo again.
Try opening project or folder which contains git files. Later try opening your wanted folder. This sorted the issue for me.
Double-check git is actually installed on your system. I just did a fresh install of Windows 11 the other day, and although one of the development tools I installed thereafter downloaded and supposedly installed git in Windows, actually, it never installed it. Fail!
I fixed this issue by toggled-on the AutoSave feature in VSCode via File > AutoSave. I noticed that the badge on the github does not show up until the file is actually saved first.
What worked for me was that I was forgetting to save, so just enabled autosave option.
File > Auto Save (check)
Open Visual Studio code -> View -> Appearance -> Show activity bar

QuickText in notepad++ not saving code snippets!

I installed notepad++ on Windows7. I installed QuickText into notepad++. I add my custom snippets into QuickText and while notepad is open, the snippets work fine. As soon as I close notepad and open it again, the snippets are gone. Has anyone else had this problem, it should be an easy fix? They are not persisting or sticking.
Anyone know how to fix this? Any ideas?
Haven't used Quicktext but it looks like it is no longer under development.
From what I can tell FingerText is similar, and hopefully should be able to do what you are after.
The complete answer lies in a combination of Nick's and Jrod's answers.
If you create the a Config folder in the C:\Program Files\Notepad++\plugins\ (or C:\Program Files (x86)\Notepad++\plugins\ if you installed it to that folder) and then place the QuickText.ini file within that folder you will notice many default "snippits" show up.
Now in order for you to save your "snippits" if you are in Windows 7 or Vista (which will save to the QuickText.ini file) you must run Notepad++ as Administrator.
As a side note the snippits save fine with in Linux if you install Notepad++ through Wine.
This issue is caused by administrative privileges. You need to run notepad++ as an administrator or it will fail silently.
You must copy QuickText.ini to folder c:\Program Files\Notepad++\plugins\Config\ (I created this folder itself)
This page help me
Sorry for my badly english. Your problem is in inslall. Correct install:
Copy to folder plugins all files except one (quicktext.ini).
In such directory create new folder config.
Copy quicktext.ini into it.
After such installation snippets works correctly.