Merging an already (locally) deleted folder - merge

I'm using Mercurial and ran into an issue I'm not sure how to resolve. The issue I'm facing at the moment is as follows:
We had a project (folder) that was initially called A and pushed that to a remote repository.
I renamed Project A to B and pushed it to the remote repository. While doing so, I also locally renamed Project A to B.
Project A was removed from the remote repository.
I tried to pull those changes but Mercurial seems to get confused as the files (or paths to files) do not exist locally anymore.
If I'm invoking 'hg merge', the following output is produced:
"Abort: outstanding uncommitted changes, ..."
If I then invoke 'hg status', all the files which were in the initial version of Project A are listed - which now are not locally available anymore because the paths have changed from A/.../... to B/.../...
Can anybody give me a hint or tip on how to resolve this issue?

Are the listed files listed as "deleted" (R I think)?
If yes, just commit this change (about the deleted files), then merge. Mercurial have to know about all the changes, including the files moved or removed.


Git add is ignoring certain files even when .gitignore does not exist

I am facing a rather strange issue with my git working folders. Here's the summary:
I previously had a local git repo with a .gitignore file that ignored certain files/folders.
I deleted the repo (.git folder) and also the .gitignore file
Then I initialized a new one with git init in the same folder. Now when I do a "git add .", the previous ignore pattern is retained for some reason.
Even stranger,this happens with any new project following the same folder structure no matter where I place the project on my computer.
I tried deleting and recreating the files multiple times. I even created a new .gitignore file with a different pattern. It does not seem to have an effect except when it is set to ignore everything (with just * in the file)
My guess is that the .gitignore pattern I deleted is somewhere saved that I dont know the location of. If anyone has faced a similar issue or know what I could be missing, I'd love to know.
I am still new to git. Sorry if this is something very obvious that I have missed out on.
I still have not found the reason for this behaviour but managed to reset everything by doing 'git add --force .' in the directory and then deleting the repo. Now I initialized a new repo that works as expected.

Can't add new file to repository in EGit

I'm using EGit with Eclipse Juno.
I worked with a local repository and the world was good.
Even adding a GitHub repository seemed to be fine. I added it to my local repository under "Remotes", so I can easily push commits to github.
But after a while, I noticed that no new files are added to the repository, even if I'm commiting changes.
They just are not under version control. They have no symbol, which should mean they are ignored.
This is my .ignore
The files are in src, so not even close.
The new files don't appear in the Commit-Dialog, even when checking "show untracked files". They don't appear in the Staging-Window.
RK -> Team -> "Add to index" doesn't help.
The files have the same right and are owned by the same user
They definetly dont show up at github
Any ideas how to fix that? Any additional information needed?
There are no errors in the error log.
I do have (HEAD) next to my newest branch.
More details:
I got my trunk T, beginning at T0. At T1, there is a branch A, which has changes to T1.
At T2, there is another branch, B. It has no changes to T2.
The strange thing: it is not indicated in History view. The master branch is also missing.
I can still switch to them. When I do git reflog, there are no entries before or including T2, just everything afterwards.
I removed the branches without commits:
The new files are still shown as ignored:
Output from command line:
$ git branch -a:
* master
$ git status
# On branch master nothing to commit (working directory clean)
About the detached HEAD proposel: I didn't do what is described in the article, checking out an old state and work from that. And I can't see any undone commits.
Sorry for my bad english, I didn't use it for a while. Please ask for clarification, if I write something hard to understand.
I could add a file in another folder (/Versandanzeige_Web/war/WEB-INF/lib/gwt-servlet.jar).
Alright, I found the error.
For some reason I don't really know, there was another .gitignore file ABOVE my Project folder (in repository folder), where my COMPLETE project folder was included. I really don't know how that happened. Of course, this file didn't show up in Eclipse.
I tried to add the files on the command line, but gut the error message "File is in .gitignore file".
After deleting that file, it worked find.
Sorry for the trouble.
Sometimes EGit does not work properly and add to index does not work. In that kind of situations you can go to the root folder of your project (where .git folder is placed) with a file explorer, right click on an empty area inside the folder, select "git bash". This will open the git console for you. Now type "git add path_to_file". This will add the file to the git system for indexing. Now go and refresh your project in eclipse and you will see it is added to the index. This can be used wile resolving conflicts inside eclipse because adding to the index indicates "mark as merged" to the git system by re-adding the merged file.
Also sometimes the "Remove from index" does not work in eclipse, you can do the same thing in that kind of situation: this time write "git remove --cached -f path_to_file". Here do not forget to add "--cached" because otherwise your file will be deleted. -f stands for "force" to force the command. For any folder (directory) to remove from index type "git remove --cached -r -f path_to_folder".

Commiting new files to SVN through eclipse

I'm working on a project for which I'm using the plugin Subeclipse in Eclipse to commit changes to our SVN repository. It is the first time I'm using SVN and I was trying to create a branch when I accidentally got a commit in which all my files were deleted.
So I went back to a working revision and I want to commit it. However, because all the files are deleted the commit fails with a File not found and path not found error.
svn: File not found: transaction '5148-475', path '/ndeklein/MS/PyMS/pyMS/'
svn: '/svn/test/!svn/ver/5147/ndeklein/MS/PyMS/pyMS/' path not found: 404 Not Found (
I tried importing the whole project to SVN through the commandline with svn import, but this gives the following error:
svn: MKCOL of '/svn/barton/!svn/wrk/be218e50-2605-479e-af1c-ebd8b08b8164/ndeklein/MS/PyMS': 405 Method Not Allowed (
Doing an update removes all the files again (since the revision it is at now still has all the files removed)
So how can I commit a bunch of new files with SVN?
Subversion (inside and outside Eclipse) has no option to work on previous revisions. So you can do the following steps:
Ensure that your are current by doing an update.
Then copy the files you want to commit (again) in your working copy. You will of course loose the history of these items then.
Add them to your working copy (svn add).
Commit them at the end.
Alternatively, you could copy the files on the server into the HEAD. By doing this, the history of the files is continued. Then you are able to do an update first, change what you want to change and commit your changes.

Mercurial will not recognize new folder in repository

I have an existing repo which has been setup correctly and working fine. I deleted an entire project folder from the repo, committed the change, then added another version of the same folder which was not under VC. Now when I try to add or commit files in the new folder, Mercurial does not seem to recognize any of the new files.
Using the TortoiseHg Windows Explorer "commit" extension, when I try to the commit the folder(or any of the files within), no files show up in the dialogue. If I right click and commit a file within the folder, a pop up comes up that says "No files found for this operation". I am no Hg expert, although I have been using it for few months without a hitch, but I am pretty stuck on this one. Any ideas?
UPDATE: I have added a screenshot below showing what happens when I try to add the new folder. None of the files in the folder seem to be recognized.
The project I had copied had been a part of another repo, so it contained hg reference files. I deleted these, and everything added/committed perfectly.
If you want to commit a new file to a repository, you must first add it.
On the command line this can be done in various ways :
hg add which can add a file or a repository and every files it contains.
hg addremove which adds all new files and remove deleted ones.
hg commit -A or hg commit --addremove which are the same thing and a shortcut of hg add remove; hg commit.
I don't remember exactly where the command is in TortoiseHG, but I think if you right-click on the folder in the explorer, the option should be present.
I think I also remember an addremove option somewhere in the commit window, but I may be mistaken.
Based on the answer you provided yourself, here is the explanation of why simply adding the files weren't working :
Since the new directory contained repository related information (a .hg directory), Mercurial was treating it as a Subrepository. Subrepositories are repository contained in another, this can, for example, be used to reference a specific version of a library.
Once you delete the .hg directory in your new location, Mercurial didn's saw this as a Subrepo anymore and you were able to add the files normally.

Mercurial: Can you track changes across a file that has been renamed to another tracked file?

I know that you can track changes to renamed files from a repo to it's clone. However, I seem to have an issue when I rename a file to a file name that is already being tracked. In essence, I want to copy over a tracked file.
Files in original repo:
Then clone the repo, delete application.txt and rename special.txt to be application.txt
I would expect that the next time I made changes to special.txt in the original repo, the changes would carry over to application.txt. However, it doesn't. I get this message
local changed special.txt which remote deleted
use (c)hanged version or (d)eleted?
Trying this same thing out in Git seems to have the same results. Renaming a file to a brand new name has no issues while trying to rename a file that has already been 'taken' causes conflicts. Is there any way around this?
I wouldn't really call this a bug, as you have for all purposes just changed the contents of a file that mercurial is already tracking. Mercurial tracks files by file name and extension, and you could make the case that this is no different than just replacing the entire contents of the file.
I just had this problem in a real world project with Mercurial. GIT is also seeing bogus conflicts (special.txt deleted and updated).
Bazaar has proper rename support and it merges this case correctly (changes to special.txt are carried over and application.txt get updated as expected).
The problem with Bazaar though (at least for me) is that it lacks IntelliJ support. There are 2 plugins, the most recent has not been updated for 3 years, and last time i tried it was unusable with recent IntelliJ versions.
Since "bzr mv" and "bzr rename" need to be invoked by the IDE at the time of refactoring, the lack of support makes Bazaar unusable for me.
If you want IntelliJ support for this, vote here: