In the comments to this question: Testing Hessian remoting-servlet.xml
Skaffman labeled Hessian a dead duck. So question is: what to use as a replacement.
Criteria for evaluation are:
a drop in replacement would be cool
should allow simple coding against interfaces
no code generation as a separate build step
reasonable efficient considering network bandwidth
not a dead duck
Important update:
http based
I'd probably use either Spring http invoker, hoping that the backing by the large spring ecosystem helps. It also looks like Hessian and http invoker should be easily exchangable.
Why don't you take a look to Apache Commons? I think HttpClient and HttpRequest are great for many scenarios.
On the other hand, I recently talked to the great Douglas Schmidt about Hessian been outdated, he pointed out an important fact: after all, what really matters is if it works. I developed with Hessian and I love it!! I works like a charm. So I think I will keep working with it for a while.
I'm looking for a client for Scala. I'm well aware of this, but I cringe at the idea of using it in Scala as it wouldn't feel quite natural nor would it allow for an idiomatic implementation. Does any of you, thus, have a suggestion as to where could I find a Scala client?
If so, just the lines for SBT and a link to the doc will suffice as an answer ;)
I'm afraid I don't know any already implemented libraries or apparent solutions for Scala. But I'll present two very simple approaches that should be very easy to use if you have the time to DIY :-)
But of course it really depends on what you want. As you probably already could imagine a plain WebSocket implementation of Java's standard library can be quite efficient if you need to process simple requests. I found one at implementing a server calculating random numbers. If it is of interest there's also something brewing at the nightly build which might reveal some handy tricks.
If you want to go for simplicity and for pure Scala in all its might the Actors (in particular a RemoteActor) are immensly powerful. It requires Scala on both ends naturally, but it gives you a messaging-system almost instantly. This is a pretty good start-guide if you aren't already familiar with them.
Anyway. If no good library surfaces I hope this helped. Good luck.
I've talked to several programmers and they said that writing basic engine to encode/decode fix/fast messages is pretty easy and about 3-days work for fix and one week work for fast. I'm looking for something like that.
QuickFix looks pretty big and little bit "slow" and complicated project and I guess it contains a lot of features I don't need (but they likely affect performance)
So far I only need to receive quotes from fast-fix via multicast udp and recover if some quote is missing.
So I'm looking for opensource engine that offers only general functionality, basically encoding/decoding fast/fix messages. What can you suggest?
I do need:
I don't need
I don't need complete ready to use solution. I want to have something useful simple and fast and I can code the rest myself.
Useful, simple, and fast can only come by writing a FIX engine from scratch. Ten times as fast as QuickFix is possible without the mental burden of QuickFix's appalling code structure. Plan for a long three days!
I am looking into something lightweight, that, at a minimum should support the following features:
Support for easy definition of actions through metadata
Wrapper that extracts parameters from request into clojure map, or as function parameters
Support for multiple forms of authentication (basic, form, cookie)
basic authorization based of api method metadata
session object wrapped in clojure map
live coding from REPL (no need to restart server)
automatic serialization of return value to json and xml
have nice (pluggable) url parameter handling (eg /action/par1/par2 instead of /action?par1=val1&par2=val2)
I know it is relatively easy to roll my own micro-framework for each one of these options, but why reinvent the wheel if something like that already exists? Especially if it is:
Active project with rising number of contributors/users
Have at least basic documentation and tutorial online.
First of all, I think that you are unlikely to find a single shrinkwrapped solution to do all this in Clojure (except in the form of a Java library to be used through interop). What is becoming Clojure's standard Web stack comprises a number of libraries which people mix and match in all sorts of ways (since they happily tend to be perfectly compatible).1
Here's a list of some building blocks which you might find useful:
Ring -- Clojure's basic HTTP request handling library; all the other webby libraries (for writing routes &c.) that I know of are compatible with Ring. Ring is being actively developed, has a robust community, is very well-written and has a nice SPEC document detailing its design philosophy. This blog post provides a nice example of how it might be used (reacting to GitHub commits).
Sandbar -- currently an authentication library, more types of functionality planned; under development.
Compojure -- a mature and robust library which provides a nice DSL for writing routes to be used on top of Ring. This will give you the nice URL parameter handling.
Compojure-rest -- "a library for building RESTful applications on top of Compojure". Compojure-rest is, as far as I can tell, in its early stages of development; perhaps you might see this as an opportunity to influence its design. :-)
For dealing with XML, there's clojure.contrib.lazy-xml (and the helper library and Enlive (the built-in clojure.xml namespace is currently not very usable); these would be used in tandem (though for your purposes the former might suffice).
For JSON, there a library in contrib and clojure-json (and I think there was at least one other lib I seem to be forgetting now...); pick the one you like best.
All of will be perfectly happy with a REPL-driven development style (see the accepted answer to this SO question for a Ring trick which is very much to the purpose here). I suppose the above collection of links does leave a few blind spots (in particular, the authentication story is still being ironed out, as far as I can tell), but hopefully it's a good start.
1The only single-package solution for building webapps in Clojure that I know of is Conjure, inspired by Rails; unfortunately I have to admit that I don't know much about it, so if you feel interested, follow the link and look around the sources, wiki &c.
While building my first Clojure rest service I found myself asking often the same question. The Clojure Toolbox helped me a lot:
If you are looking for some sample, real-world, illustrative code to get you started, then you could study this clojure-news-feed on github project which demonstrates how to implement a non-trivial RESTful web service with compojure/ring that wraps both SQL (postgresql or mysql) and NoSQL (cassandra), search (solr), caching (redis), event logging (kafka), connection pooling (c3po), and real-time metrics via JMX.
This blog about Building a Scalable News Feed Web Service in Clojure provides a good introduction. I ran some load tests against this service on a humble AWS deployment and got about eighty transactions per second with less than a half second average latency per transaction.
Take a look at liberator library It's noy a standalone solution, buy very good for rest service definition.
Just to provide an updated answer to this old question, currently (in 2018) I think Luminus provides an excellent starting point. It's using many of the libraries (ring, compojure, etc.) mentioned in previous answers, is modular and as close to "single package" as you can get with Clojure. Specifically for REST, take a look at compojure-api. Luminus recommends buddy for authentication, I've had good success using it both for traditional session-based auth as well as Oauth and stateless JWTs.
I've been evaluating a framework that on paper looks great. The problem is that the sample code is incomplete and of poor quality. The supplied reference implementations are for the most part not meant to be used (so they can be considered as sample code as well) and have only succeeded at confusing me.
I know that it's common for things to look better on paper, but my experience with the sample code is turning me away from further investigation.
Do you let poor code samples change your judgment of frameworks/libraries? So far my experience has been similar to the "resume effect": if someone doesn't put the effort into spell checking their resume, they probably won't get the job...
For me, it does. I tend to want to avoid libraries where the code samples are incomplete. If the library is open source, I will overlook it, since I can directly look at the code and see if the library's internals are reasonable, and I know that, if there is a problem someday, I could (if I had to) fix it.
If the library is commercial, and their samples and/or documentation is poor, I look elsewhere. I just see it as risk management - poor samples make me fear the quality of the library in general.
No matter how good something is on paper or in theory, it can still be crap when programmed.
I think this is a valid reason to turn away from and evaluate other libraries. As a potential user of a library a lack of documentation and/or bad code samples gives the impression that the library is not yet mature enough for use by third parties. In time it may well gain the missing pieces but until then I think its reasonable to look elsewhere.
I was recently evaluating the multitude of blogging applications that people have uploaded to I quickly skipped ones that no documentation as they obviously weren't ready for others to use. The ones that remained at the end had a good README with info on how to get the app up and running as well as an online example of the code running.
Poor code samples combined with poor documentation will make me turn away from a library unless there is a compelling reason to use it. However, a library that has either good code samples or good documentation is usually worth using. (Assuming that the library itself otherwise meets my needs.)
If I can't find good examples (and/or documentation) illustrating how to use the library, I'm definitely less likely to use it - just as a practical matter, it'll be harder for me to figure out how. But I don't care what the code that implements the library itself looks like. I don't think I'd choose one library/framework over another just because the developers of the one have shown an ability to write cleaner code (which is what I understand the "resume effect" to mean).
Lack of documentation and examples makes me a whole lot less likely to use that particular library. It's not worth my time testing and trying to figure out how a black box works if there are alternate solutions to the problem out there.
Yes, definitely. Every library should come with a simple example using program and a CLI interface (for very simple libraries with <3 methods and <10 hooks, one example should suffice).
And why does your framework "look great" if it's so hard to use that even the original coders make mistakes using it?
It certainly matters to me. Evidence of sloppy/incomplete coding and poor communication decreases my confidence that the actual implementation code is stable and robust.
Myself yes, but there must be people out there who aren't turned off by this otherwise there are plenty of open source projects that would have died a long long time ago.
I have noticed that when writing specs you waste a lot of time on things, that later, when you write your app are negligible, and you forget some important stuff.
I have found it to be faster (for me) to write a proof-of-concept application (no good error handlers and security stuff, minor gliches in the style etc) and use that as a spec for those who join me.
Still, I feel I am wasting time in this method too, any good ideas on how this should be done?
Seems like you're arguing in favor of Agile Development
Using this iterative process, our team is able to "rank" features on a scale of importance and then weigh the release date with the features they want (in a nutshell)
Joel On Software has an article about this you may find helpful. I think this question and the answer is quite user-specific and subjective though.
An interesting approach to a spec are "tests". For high-level stuff you write acceptance test using tools like Fitnesse and for low-level stuff you write unit-test.
Once a dev is done with coding, running the test suite verifies that all the spec is really working.
This approach expects that the person who writes the spec is capable of expressing himself in terms of tests. This is usually not true and therefore this approach is more like an utopia. But still, you might try it.