Best suite to develop, manage bugs/tasks, share? - eclipse

I am currently trying to package the best suite for a development team. We are naturally thinking about the following as the foundation
Hudson (Jenkins)
Subversion (Git, Mercurial, ...)
We are not yet sure about the task manager. JIRA is very interesting as it can be bind to Mylyn and Eclipse IDE.
Moreover, we would like to add the services offered by twitter microblogging like sharing expertise, ideas between persons, groups, teams on certain projects in our development environment.
Confluence seems the next step after JIRA (as proposed by the same company).
Other tools like internal twitter (I am thinking about Yammer) and Social Text may fulfill our requirements.
Any more suggestions?

No set is complete without Subversion.

Some arguments in favor of JIRA:
There is currently an open plugin competition 'Codegeist'. One of the entries providing a microblogging capability to JIRA
Check out
JIRA Hero is also very promising - it allows you to introduce the concept of badges to JIRA (comparable to stackoverflow).

Trac is an open source Task Tracker and wiki, it also integrates with Subversion to give you a web interface for your source code:
You can get a plugin for it called Agilo, which turns it in to a scrum management tool:
You can see an example of what Trac looks like with the agilo plugin here:
The Trac site itself is what trac looks like without the agilo plugin.
I think Jira is more polished than Trac and has better integration with a greater number of tools. I don't know for instance if Trac integrates with Mylyn, so you may have to do a bit more manual configuration than with Jira, but you do avoid license fees.
I for one have found the wiki as usable as Confluence (I actually prefer Trac), and for tracking tasks it's good. It can be a pain if you have to re-organise sprints, but overall it's fully featured, and still an active project.
Hudson has a Trac plugin.


How to use Eclipse Neon's Mylyn with Jira since connector was discontinued

After a terrible decision by Atlassian to discontinue the Eclipse Connector for Jira, it seems to me like there is no way to use Mylyn in Eclipse Neon to integrate with Jira. Is it just me? Are there any workarounds?
I tried installing Tasktop Dev Pro but it failed complaining about a jar not found in the Update Site. Besides, it doesn't seem like a proper solution since it brings a lot more than we need
It definitively works with Eclipse Oxygen (still), using the Updatesite from atlassian, which is also mentioned on the Bitbucket OpenSource project. Please note, the help page, which is also hosted there, offers a download link to use the updatesite offline. Since the actual data there is in fact hosted by atlassian, let's just hope they don't drop support for hosting those files.
Update Site URL:
I got the Version: 3.2.5.v20150427
As far as I can see, the support is still fully functional, including the ability to create new tickets, add comments and manage ticket lifecycle
PS: I needed to configure the proxy settings accordingly (Jira is hosted in-house here, so we need an exception rule for the proxy used for internet connection by default).
I have not fought with Neon yet, but in Mars which is also not officially supported, I was able to get Jira partly working using this install URL:
Atlassian Connector for Eclipse 3.7 and later -
It allows me to see my task list, select Jiras and it will remember working sets for each Jira I select, but one important feature to me I cannot get to work is on the Team Synchronizing perspective I CANNOT add changed files to a change set tied to the Jira like I can in Luna.
I can see incoming changes by jira tied change sets, but not create out going jira tied change sets.
I have broken my Mars install many times trying to update Mylyn but if I take the 3.20 version it foo-bars my install.

NetBeans JIRA Module does not seem to cope with customised workflows

I've spent about a day on Google trying to find an answer to this, but to no avail.
Our instance of JIRA has a customised workflow for our project and we would like to use the NetBeans JIRA module to transition issues to the next step in our workflow ("Testing") when our developers commit a change.
However, the JIRA module in NetBeans does not offer any transitions in either the Commit dialog or the Edit Issue window.
We've tried a vanilla JIRA instance with the default workflow and that works fine, but we want a more detailed workflow for our project.
I can't even find an author or even source for this module.
Any help would be appreciated.
I eventually got around to downloading the entire NetBeans source and picked through the JIRA plugin code.
The workflow IS hard-wired to the standard default JIRA workflow.
However, after consultation with the author of the plug-in, we have come up with a way to make the plug-in compatible with any workflow.
Hopefully an update to the plug-in will be available from the 7.3 beta version of NetBeans.

Aggregate and Proxy Eclipse Plugins

For my organization, I'm trying to create a localized Eclipse update server that includes all of the plugins and configurations that my team typically needs. This will reduce the load on our limited external bandwidth being used to pull down plugin updates. A centralized mirror will allow the plugin to be retrieved once and then distributed to my team of developers.
This strategy is similar to how we use Sonatype's Nexus to mirror and proxy Maven artifacts & repositories for our team locally. I've noticed that Nexus professional product does provide this sort of Eclipse plugin proxy and aggregation, but for a fee of $900/year, that's a bit too steep of a cost just to solve our external bandwidth problem.
I'm hoping there is an open source alternative to these features in nexus pro that has already been discovered. Standing up and running my own update site is easy, but tracking down proper versions of each of our plugins is what i'd love to have help with.
Steps in the right direction?
I've found references to using the Eclipse Update Manager itself to accomplish this (described in this blog post, however that post is quite outdated and I'm unsure if it is still valid given Eclipse's changes to updates over the past 2 years. EPMT is also mentioned ( but that project seems to have been dormant for years. If anyone has opinions on these methods, i'd be interested in them as well.
Thanks in advance.

What is the state of support by Netbeans for Bazaar?

Wikipedia Comparison of revision control software User interfaces table shows Bazaar as not having Netbeans support. Is there development underway to provide this feature for Bazaar?
I don't think so. As mentioned in this comment of Bug #298025 (see also its little brother Bug 124436 in NetBeans issue tracker), Bazaar is not supported out of the box:
NetBeans team does not have resources to support every versioning system. But there is support for anyone who wants to write support for favorite versioning system. See
And I'm not aware of any third-party plugin (there is a Netbeans bazaar plugin on Launchpad but this looks like an empty shell).
There is a qbazaar plugin which seems to work nicely.
(It looks similar to the eclipse qbazaar plugin - it is a thin wrapper around qt frontends for the bazaar commands - very nice!)

choose a tool to create/maintain custom eclipse distrib

I would like to settle on a tool to create/maintain my custom eclipse distrib (starting with next 3.6). By studying previous questions main contenders seem:
Google Workspace Mechanic: recently announced
doing it yourself in eclipse
Has anyone experiences in several of them and can comment on advantages etc?? My wishes are:
by 'distrib' I mean: plugins, settings & preferences...
be able to use the same eclipse setup in several workstations
MAYBE sharing with other members of the team
works across 3.5 and next 3.6: I don't know if it's possible. And anyway I would not object to customize the distrib once per new eclipse major release
Basically I was looking for the similar plugin or product. Pulse and Yoxos both supports plugin sync and workspace preference sync which is what i was mostly expecting.
Pulse Explorer let you create new profile easily and share it
Eclipse installation folder is configurable and can be used as standalone installation for each profile
I felt sharing workspace preferences is complicated
Plugins repo search is slow
Replaced default update / install menus with Yoxos update
Very very buggy
I felt importing workspace preferences and save it to your online profile is easy
Search the plugins from public repositories is cool and very easy
Single eclipse installation is shared between all profiles
Yoxos Customizer is very complex (at least in my experience)
Custom added repositories are not
synced with server
Workspace Mechanic
Its very cool, more flexible plugin, but will sync only workspace preferences across eclipse installations
Personally I'm settled with Yoxos now.
Also refer
Same plugins: I would just create update site with my plugins, or composite update site pointing to update sites with plugins you're interested in. Or you can simply use Eclipse Marketplace, which can create such update site for you from plugins you mark as favorite. Yoxos and Pulse should also work fine.
Same settings / preferences: Workspace Mechanic from Google may do the job for you. Beware: it is new project, which was just released into public. Disclaimer: I have no real experience with it :-) Pulse Team Edition should also be able to help (see previous disclaimer though).
I was in search for something like that myself (but more driven by the shared team approach), and I highly recommend the new Yoxos 5 Beta. It features synchronization of plugins and settings, while all your other suggestions only synchronize either plugins or settings, if I remember correctly.
In addition to your list, it might also be interesting to have your own mirrored update site, so its easier to control which version of which plugin can be installed at all (that also being more important in a corporate environment). See Eclipse help for details on how to create that mirrored site.
I think Sonatype Maven Studio leverages Maven to include Eclipse provisioning.