What is the state of support by Netbeans for Bazaar? - netbeans

Wikipedia Comparison of revision control software User interfaces table shows Bazaar as not having Netbeans support. Is there development underway to provide this feature for Bazaar?

I don't think so. As mentioned in this comment of Bug #298025 (see also its little brother Bug 124436 in NetBeans issue tracker), Bazaar is not supported out of the box:
NetBeans team does not have resources to support every versioning system. But there is support for anyone who wants to write support for favorite versioning system. See http://versioncontrol.netbeans.org#community_support.
And I'm not aware of any third-party plugin (there is a Netbeans bazaar plugin on Launchpad but this looks like an empty shell).

There is a qbazaar plugin which seems to work nicely.
(It looks similar to the eclipse qbazaar plugin - it is a thin wrapper around qt frontends for the bazaar commands - very nice!)


How to Version Plugins

I wonder how to version plugins.
There are plenty ways of versioning a software products but they're all 1-dimensional.
Are there best practices for 2-dimensional versioning which indicates both compatibility to the main application and compatibility to the plugin API?
Eclipse for example proposed a versioning scheme for which every plugin uses semantic versioning. Additionally there's a rule to distinguish between development streams by increasing the service number by 100. This ends in versions like that:
Plugin version v1.0.8 for Eclipse v3.1
Plugin version v1.0.108 for Eclipse v3.2
This seems a bit fishy to me. Are there better ways?
Why do you need to show the information about main application version in version of plugin? Does it help users to choose a suitable one?
I prefer put this information in a plugin name. For example, plugin-eclipse31-1.0.8 and plugin-eclipse32-1.0.8. You can put branch name (eclipse31 or eclipse32 in examples) in plugin version, to make things easier.

Saving code online (Java Eclipse)

Currently I'm saving an online copy of my code on dropbox. I was wondering if there is any other convenient option, such as an Eclipse plugin (that can maybe do this automatically?).
Note: The project's code is private and I'm thus looking for an option that doesn't make it public.
have you considered putting your code in an online repository? BitBucket gives you free unlimited Git or Mercurial repositories and they both work with Eclipse. You can also use SVN, and eclipse has a plugin for it with the name of Subclipse. and it works perfect.
There are several free source management systems out there.
However - if you want to use them freely you'll need to opensource your code.
Check out github or googlecode for example.
You are looking for a SCM tool (Source Control Management). GIT or Subversion are the things you are looking for. Have a look at Github.com or Google Code (ups sorry I didn't notice that you're looking for a private solution). BitBouquet is probably the best public server for closed source. If you have your own server (i.e. on a cloud), or you may install GitBlit or Gitosis tools; for subversion you can set up your own server following my tutorial.
Eclipse supports CVS and Subversion built-in, afaik. Maybe latest versions also have git; by the way there is Egit eclipse plugin to support Git.

ColdFusion dev in Eclipse vs Intellij

Getting thrown into ColdFusion dev at work and just starting out, I wonder if there are any advantages (or disadvantages) of using Eclipse vs Intellij. I'm used to working in Intellij on Groovy/Grails and have close to zero hands-on time with Eclipse. The shop I'm in mostly uses Eclipse (I think because it's free and not much else), some use Dreamweaver (1 person me thinks).
Thanks in advance.
I'm a CF Developer that has been playing with intelliJ of late! I must say I do love the smoothness of intelliJ. IntelliJ does has have a CF code library ( http://plugins.intellij.net/plugin/?id=3571 ).
I don't use Eclipse for CF Development, but do use CFBuilder, which is based on Eclipse.
I personally prefer intelliJ as an IDE, but prefer CF Builder when working with CF.
There are two options for working with Eclipse for ColdFusion Development:
cfeclipse - an open source, free plugin for Eclipse
cfBuilder - the 'official' IDE, sold and distributed by Adobe.
There is also a plugin for IntelliJ which I have no personal experience using however I note that some highly respected CF devs are using it and preferring it to the Eclipse-based options.
My team and I currently use CFBuilder 2 and find that to be good enough for our needs. The biggest criticism I see about CFBuilder/Eclipse is that it can perform poorly on older PCs and the common solution is to increase the RAM available to it.
The benefit my team finds with CFBuilder is that the full Eclipse plug-in ecosystem is available giving us bundled options for source control and other development tools. (The same may exist for IntelliJ but I have no personal experience with it.)
Dreamweaver, especially a recent version, is an option and many CF devs swear by ColdFusion Studio which is a very old program and might be hard to get your hands on. Finally, there is also a plugin for Notepad++ for the times where you need to make a quick edit to a file and don't require a full IDE.
The editor that a lot of people have been using for ColdFusion lately is SublimeText 2 (http://www.sublimetext.com/2) with the official ColdFusion Package (https://github.com/SublimeText/ColdFusion). The link I posted below from Nettuts will help you get up and running with the PackageControl package that makes installing the ColdFusion package very easy.
Sublime is lightweight, powerful, and a pleasure to code in. It has small animations that make it feel responsive, and the birds eye map view of the code can be very useful. It even has some code insite that I find really helpful.
Heres a great post on Nettuts to get you started: http://net.tutsplus.com/tutorials/tools-and-tips/sublime-text-2-tips-and-tricks/

How to install "JavaSpider" plug-in (by Eric Gamma) in the modern Eclipse environment or what to use instead of it?

How to install JavaSpider plug-in in the modern Eclipse?
If it is deprecated, than what superseded JavaSpider?
In "Contributing to Eclipse" Book by Eric Gamma and Kent Beck
the JavaSpider plug-in introduced in Chapter 3.3.
The purpose of the plug-in is to show current objects tree in VM with
some useful functions like change objects' fields or call their methods.
www.javaspider.org is unavailable, but I've found the plug-in here:
However it seems that it is not supported for years. And JavaSpider plug-in
is unavailable in "Install New Software..." windows from Eclipse.
I've downloaded it from SourceForge, but it seems that sources are pretty old.
I'm not familiar with JavaSpider, but from your description, you might be interested in nWire for Java, which is a modern code exploration plugin for Eclipse.
Note that nWire work by using Static code analysis and not by using runtime information. If you want to inspect the runtime objects you'd better use a profiler (I like JProfiler).
JavaSpider could be substituted by Eclipse debug tools.
As the working hypothesis I assume that JavaSpider was developed at time when it was lack of good debug tools.

Why Aptana when they are based on Eclipse?

I'm not sure if I'm missing something. If Aptana is entirely based on Eclipse, why would anyone choose it, when they can get the original Eclipse (especially that the Eclipse development is not lagging in anyway)? I understand why/benefits Aptana started their project, but why would I use theirs instead of Eclipse? I don't know much about this IDE and I'm still trying to choose, so maybe I'm missing something that's obvious to the rest.
NetBeans isn't based on Eclipse -- it's from Sun, who traditionally haven't been a supporter of Eclipse (look at the names).
Aptana is a helpful packaging of a variety of useful web and scripting development tools. The nice thing about Aptana is that you just download it and it works. Aptana also provides a commercial version with a variety of additional features.
You may also want to look at Genuitec's MyEclipse, which packages up a variety of other components and provides some support for minimal cost.
I think they come with proprietary plugins that you can't necessarily get with a stock install of Eclipse. Same with the Zend IDE. You can get most of the same functionality with Eclipse but you have to install it yourself and you get no support that way.
Netbeans is not based on Eclipse.
As has already been stated, Aptana simply provides a nice set of plugins that work together to ease development. That's one reason to use it. Not only do you get the advantage of the Aptana plugins, but you get the Eclipse platform itself, which is still extensible, even beyond what Aptana does.
I have another reason as well: I run a dual boot system, XP/Ubuntu, and for development I like to use the same software in both OS's. I ran into problems using PHPEclipse on Ubuntu, so I switched to Aptana.