Audio Fingerprinting implementation on iPhone - iphone

It's the first time I post a question in a blog, but it seems to me this is the best resource on the web for that.
I'm looking for a way to implement audio fingerprinting in an application for iPhone. I had a look at the lastfm fingerprinter, being that I already use other lstfm api calls, but porting it to the iphone seems to be a mess and I'm quiet sure that it would be highly inefficient.
Should I give the search for now as I am looking for a free service ,I'm a young private developer and don't have sufficient economic resources for a payed service. This is also the reason for which I cannot install the library on my web server and run it remotely, sending just the audio data to it. The hosting I rely on dosen't allow me to install third party applications...
Music Brainz seems to be a solution, but not quiet sure on how to obtain the fingerprint...
Any suggestions, hint, tips, links, search queries, anything?
Thanks in advance!

Check out Echoprint, an open source audio fingerprinting service provided by Echonest.
Here is the iOS example they provide on their echoprint github repo.


Interprocess communication between iPhone apps

I need to implement a communication between a central app that runs always and other apps that may request services from that app. There should also be a way to communicate back to those requests even if they have been closed (i.e. loading them to get the responds). What is the best way to implement that on iPhone? (on Android a solution could be done using StartActivity)
On the same device? Impossible with official APIs.
If jailbreaking is an option, try the CPDistributedMessagingCenter class. It has a very good documentation on the iPhone Dev Wiki (just google it). You may also want to look at how I used it one of my tweaks: see the daemon's implementation on GitHub.

Analytics library for iOS apps

I want to integrate analytics into my iOS app to collect statistics about my users.
So far I found these two services:
I want a library that's easy to implement. Are there any more out there and what is your experience? What can you recommend?
I've used Flurry in several apps. Quite happy with it. Once the initial setup is done, it's quite easy to log and record metrics about pretty much anything within your app.
You can try to get insides on how people iteract with your applications.
Check out this article, I think it's very useful:
I have found UXCam very useful. It has very easy integration steps and provides user and mobile data you need. It lets you watch playback videos of users using your app and has rule based recording and analytics to filter out unusual session.

Logging into and communicating with a server from an iOS!

Hey everyone. I have a fair amount of experience developing iOS apps, but nothing much with web/server interacting apps. For a project at work, I am making an app that will let you login, and get pictures off from a server that will then be downloaded for display and review on the local device.
I need to get some pointers on the correct approach to take. Are there built-in classes that make doing something like this easy? Once the cogent is downloaded from the server, it will be viewed locally, so all I need is to get a point in the right direction for logging in and communicating with a server…from an iPhone.
Can anybody point me in the right direction?
Me, I'm using ASIHTTPRequest Librayry to communicate / download with Internet.
For example, for an news app I download latest news in JSON (with a PHP script on a web server) and store datas with SQLite. If you need a little explanation of JSON with iPhone, check here (in french, but source codes are in english ^^)
When I need to download an image, I use ASIHTTPRequest and a queue to avoid downloading to much files at the same time.
If you want more information about a step, just say it.
Good Luck !
NURLConnection is your friend, along with its delegate methods.
Don't be lured by the temptation to use the -sendSynchronous method (which, now that I think about it, if you require authentication, you probably can't use anyway).

Best options to integrate my application with the Nike+ features of the iPhone 4G

How can I integrate my application with the Nike+ features of the iPhone 4G. I want to access the data captured and send that to my own applications. There seems to be limited information available on this topic. Any help is greatly appreciated.
I actually created a PHP class that extracts data from the Nike+ service. It might be of use to you. You can find the download and documentation at
Not sure how you would save authentication in your app, but this class would definitely give you access to literally everything Nike return back to their own apps and website. Well, everything I could find!
If you do have any issues with the class or anything is missing, please feel free to get in touch or contribute!

What iPhone APIs are available for internet-based matchmaking games?

I have a pretty basic challenge-based iPhone game, and I wanted to know what my options are for player discovery & matchmaking. I may end up rolling my own server, but if I don't have to, even better.
So far, I've found OpenFeint and Scoreloop, but I don't really care about the social part or discovering other games, I just want a simple system with matchmaking, win/loss, and global rankings. CocosLive has the global ranking part, but not the matchmaking.
Also just found RakNet.
Check out the Google App Engine for a free to cheap alternative to setting up your own server. It also has the added benefit of being Google, which to me spells reliability.
I expect that RakNet and similar companies will want a bunch of money for this solution - one of their clients is Sony Online Entertainment which to me spells money.
Also as you search around for solutions I would focus more on searching for open source code to put on your Google App Engine rather than a service. Online services require bandwith, which costs money. Information is free.
Good luck!