Is Scala doing anything in parallel on its own? - scala

I have little program creating a maze. It uses lots of collections (the default variant, which is immutable, or at least used as an immutable).
The program calculates 30 mazes with increasing dimensions. Using a for comprehension over (1 to 30)
Since with the latest versions the parallel collections framework became available I thought to give it a spin, hoping for some performance gain.
This failed and when I investigated a little, I found the following:
When run without any call to anything remotely parallel it still showed a processor load of about 30% on each of the 4 cores of my machine.
When I replaced the Range 1 to 30 with (1 to 30).par CPU load went up to about 80% on all cores (which I expected). The order in which the mazes completed became more or less random (which I expected). The total time for all mazes stayed the same.
Replacing some of the internally used collections with their parallel counter parts did seem to have an effect.
I now have 2 questions:
Why do I have all 4 cores spinning, although there isn't anything that runs in parallel.
What might be likely reasons for the program to still take the same time, no matter if running in parallel or not. There are no obvious other bottlenecks but CPU cycles (no IO, no Network, plenty of Memory via -Xmx setting)
Any ideas on this?

The 30% per core version is just a poor scheduler (sounds like Windows 7) migrating the process from core to core very frequently. It's probably closer to 25% per core (1/4) for your process plus misc other load making 30%. If you run the same example under Linux you would probably see one core pegged.
When you converted to (1 to 30).par, you started really using threads across all cores but the synchronization overhead of distributing such a small amount of work and then collecting the results cancelled out the parallelism gains. You need to break your work into larger independent chunks.
EDIT: If each of 1..30 represents some larger amount of work (solving a maze, say) then automatic parallelization will work much better if each unit of work is about the same. Imagine you had 29 easy mazes and one very very hard maze. The 30th maze will still run serially (or very nearly) with everything else). If your mazes increase in complexity by number try spawning them in the order 30 to 1 by -1 so that the biggest tasks will go first. Think of it as a braindead solution to the knapsack problem.


Define the minimal configuration for a program

So I have my .exe ready to deploy, and for distribution, I need to know the minimal requirements for my program to run on a machine... and I really don't know how to do that.
Is there a way to know that ? Some kind of benchmark ? Or must I just set things as I think it'll work ?
Maybe should I just buy all existing components until I find the minimal ? :')
Well, thanks for your answers.
Start by seeing the first Windows' version you can deploy on (Windows XP? Vista?).
If your program is cpu or gpu intensive, and has a fixed time loop (eg. game) then you'll have to do benchmarks.
You should look at several old vs new CPUs/GPUs and trying to "guess" based on online specs posted online what the minimal requirement is. For example, if your program can't run on an old cpu, but runs blazingly fast on a new one, try to find the model that -barely- runs it, which will obviously be one somewhere in the middle.
If your program requires other special things, specify them (eg. USB 3.0, controllers supported...).
Otherwise, if your program loads slower but doesn't have runtime issues, the minimum specs should be indicative of a reasonable loading time (a minute seems to be the standard now, sadly).
Additionally, if your program is memory hungry (both hard drive or RAM), you must indicate this.
For hard drive memory, simply state your program size, along with the files included with it.
For RAM, use a profiler - it will tell you how much memory your program is using.
I've completely skipped over the fact that, in some computers, the bottleneck might be the cpu, and it might be the gpu in others. You need to know which is the bottleneck to make your judgement.
To find out is a rather simple process - remove expensive gpu operations (lower texture resolutions, turn off shaders). If the program still runs slowly, then the bottleneck is the cpu.
edit: this is a simplification of the problem and hardware is a little more complicated than this (slower multi-core cpus vs faster one-core cpus vary their performance depending on how many cores a program uses and how / a program may require a gpu to have less memory but more processing power, or the opposite... even heat dissipation can affect component efficiency: your program might run fine for 20 minutes but start to slow down if the cpu isn't cooled down properly), but "minimal hardware requirements" aren't exactly precise so this method is appropriate.
tl;dr of the spoiler:
In short, there are so many factors that affect performance that you can't measure it, so just a rough estimation is good.

CPU clock cycle misunderstanding

I can't well understand about CPU clock such as 3.4Ghz. I know this is that 3.4 billions clock cycle per second.
So here if machine use single clock cycle instruction, then It can execute about 3.4 billions instructions per second.
But in pipeline, basically it needs more cycles per instruction, but each cycle length is shorter than single clock cycle.
But although pipeline has more throughput, anyway cpu can do 3.4 billions cycle per second. So, it can execute 3.4 billions/5 instructions(if one instruction needs 5 cycles), which means less than single cycle implementation(3.4 > 3.4/5). What am I missing?
Does CPU clock such as 3.4Ghz just means for based on pipeline cycle, not for based on single cycle implentation?
Pipelining doesn't involve cycles shorter than a single clock cycle. Here's how pipelining works:
We have a complicated task to do. We take that task and break it down into a number of stages, each of which is relatively simple to carry out. We study the amount of work in each stage to make sure each stage takes about the same amount of time as any other.
With a processor, we do roughly the same thing--but in this case, it's not "install these fourteen bolts", it's things like fetching and decoding instructions, reading operands, executing (often a couple of stages here), and writing back results.
Like the automotive production line, we provide each stage of the pipeline with a specialized set of tools for doing exactly (and only) what is needed at that stage. When we finish doing one stage of processing on a car/instruction, it moves along to the next stage, and this stage gets the next car/instruction to process.
In an ideal situation, the process works (roughly) like this:
It took Ford about 12 hours to build one N car (the predecessor to the model T). Thanks primarily to pipelining the production line, it took only about 2 and a half hours to build a Model T. More importantly, even though a model T took 2.5 hours start to finish, that time was broken down into no fewer than 84 discrete steps, so when everything ran smoothly the production line as a whole could produce another car (about) every two minutes.
That didn't always happen though. If one stage ran short of parts, the stages after it had to wait. If the pause lasted very long, it would back things up so the preceding stages had to wait too.
The same can happen in a processor pipeline. For example, when a branch happens, the processor may have to wait a while before the next instruction can be fetched. If an instruction needs an operand from memory, that can lead to a pause (a "pipeline bubble") as well.
To prevent pauses in his pipeline, Henry Ford hired people to study the stages, figure out how many of each kind of part would need to be on hand for each stage, and so on. I don't know for sure, but I think it's a fair guess that there were probably a few people designated to watch the supply of parts at different stations, and send somebody running to let a warehouse manager know if (for whatever reason) the supply of parts for a particular stage looked like it was running short so they'd need more soon.
Processors do a little of the same thing--they have things like branch predictors and prefetchers that attempt to figure out ahead of time what will be needed by the stream of instructions being executed, and trying to ensure that everything is on hand when its needed (with caches, for example, to temporarily store things that seem likely to be needed soon).
So, like the Model T, it takes some relatively long amount of time for each instruction to execute start to finish, but we get another product finished at much shorter intervals--ideally once a clock (but see my other answer--modern designs often execute more than one instruction per clock).
A typical modern CPU can execute a number of unrelated instructions (those that don't depend on the same resources) concurrently.
To do that, it typically ends up with a basic structure vaguely like this:
So, we have an instruction stream coming in on the left. We have three decoders, each of which can decode one instruction each clock cycle (but there may be limitations, so complex instructions all have to pass through one decoder, and the other two decoders can only do simple instructions).
From there, the instructions pass into a reorder buffer, which keeps a "scoreboard" of which resources are used by each instruction, and which resources are affected that instruction (where a "resource" would typically be something like a CPU register or a flag in the flags register).
The circuitry then compares those scoreboards to determine dependencies. For example, if one instruction writes to register 0, and a later one reads from register 0, then those instructions must execute serially. At each clock, it tries to find the N oldest instructions that don't have dependencies for execution.
There are then a number of independent execution units. Each of these is basically a "pure" function--it takes some inputs, carries out a specified transformation on it, and produces an output. This makes it easy to replicate them as needed, and have as many running in parallel as we want/can afford. Those are typically grouped, with one port going to each group. In each clock, we can send one instruction through that port to one of the execution units in that group. Once an instruction arrives at the execution unit, it may take more than one clock to finish execution.
Once those execute, we have a set of retirement units that take the results, and write them back to the registers in execution order. Again we have multiple units so we can retire multiple instructions per clock.
Note: this drawing tries to be semi-realistic about the rough number of decoders, retirement units, and ports that it depicts, but what it shows is a general idea--different CPUs will have more or fewer specific resources. For almost any of them, the number of decoded instructions in the scoreboard units is low though--a realistic number would be more like 50 instructions.
In any case, actual execution of instructions is one of the hardest parts of this to measure or reason about. The number of ports gives us a hard upper limit on the number of instructions that can start executing in any given clock. The number of decoders and retirement units give an upper limit on the number of instructions that can be started/finished per clock. The execution itself...well, there are a lot of execution units, and each one (at least potentially) takes a different number of clocks to execute an instruction.
With the design as shown above, you'd have a hard upper limit of three instructions per clock. That's the most you can decode or retire. With a different design, that could obviously go up or down (e.g., with 4 decoders, 4 ports and 4 retirement units, the upper limit could go up to 4).
Realistically, with that design you wouldn't normally expect to see three instructions execute in most clock cycles. There are enough dependencies between instructions that you'd probably expect closer to 2 as a long term average (and much more likely a little less than 2). Increasing the available resources (more decoders, more retirement units, etc.) will rarely help that a whole lot--you might get to an average of three instructions per clock, but hoping for four is probably unrealistic.
As others have noted the full details of how a modern CPU operates are complicated. But part of your question has a simple answer:
Does CPU clock such as 3.4Ghz just means for based on pipeline cycle,
not for based on single cycle implentation?
The clock frequency of a CPU refers to how many times per second the clock signal switches. The clock signal is not divided into smaller pipelined segments. The purpose of pipelining is to allow for faster clock switching speeds. So 3.4GHz refers to the number of times per second that a single pipeline stage can perform whatever work it needs to do when executing an instruction. The total work for executing an instruction is done over multiple cycles each of which could be in a different pipeline stage.
Your question also shows a some misconceptions about how pipelining works:
But although pipeline has more throughput, anyway cpu can do 3.4
billions cycle per second. So, it can execute 3.4 billions/5
instructions(if one instruction needs 5 cycles), which means less than
single cycle implementation(3.4 > 3.4/5). What am I missing?
In the simple case the throughput of a single cycle CPU and a pipelined CPU is the same. The latency of the pipelined CPU is higher because it requires more cycles (i.e. 5 in your example) to execute a single instruction. But after the pipeline is full the throughput could be the same as for a single cycle non-pipelined CPU. So in the simple case using your example a single-cycle CPU could execute 3.4 billion instructions in 1 seconds, while the pipelined CPU with 5 stages could execute 3.4 billion minus 5 instructions in 1 second. Subtracting 5 from 3.4 billion is a negligible difference, whereas dividing by 5 would be a very significant difference.
A couple of other things to note are that the simple case I described isn't really true because of dependencies between instructions that require pipeline stalls. And most modern CPUs can execute more than one instructions per cycle.

MATLAB slowing down with many instances of script running

some users (right now 4) are running the same rather large and heavy MATLAB (R2010b) script on the same windows server.
There seems to be a rather big drop in performance in the MATLAB (observed a factor 5 in running time when doing a bit of benchmarking) when more users are running the same script on the server (many different datasets). Depending on the size of the dataset the running time is between a few hours and 1-2 weeks.
There is plenty of CPU and RAM resources available on the server, this is not the bottleneck. This server has 64 cores and 128 GB RAM, the program uses no more than 10% of the CPU, most of the time less than, and about 1 GB of RAM while running).
It does not seem to be a bottleneck related to hardware, as the server in general is running other programs without any significant slow down, only MATLAB seems to be slowing down.
Is there some kind of internal resources in MATLAB that is being used up and creating a bottleneck and if so is there a way to get around this?
Edit, extra info
When running "bench" while the scripts are running I also get extremely slow speed from this internal machine benchmarking, worse for the heavier tests ... this indicates to me it is not directly related to reading/writing files, it might be indirectly related if matlab writes some temporary files.
Also just tried to increase Java Heap Memory to 10 GB ... it does improve performance a bit, but there is still a very clear slowdown with each new instance of this script that is being run.
Update: upgrading to MATLAB 2015B didn't change much. We have improved a lot on the code so it runs much faster now, but the issue still remains even though the problem is smaller since the program is script is running for shorter amounts of time for each user.

Using matlabpool with a specified number of workers

I've been using the command matlabpool open 8 for a while in order to speed up things.
However I just tried using it and am denied 8 cores and now limited to 4.
My laptop is an i7 with 4 cores but hyperthreaded which meant I had no issue making matlab working on 8 virtual cores.
Simultaneously I noticed the following warning message:
Warning: matlabpool will be removed in a future release.
Use parpool instead.
Seems like MathsWorks decided this was a great update for some reason.
Any ideas how I can get my code running on 8 cores again?
Note: I was using R2010b (I think) and now using R2014b.
It looks like #horchler has provided you with a direct solution to your question in the comments.
However, I would recommend sticking to the default 4 workers suggested by MATLAB, and not using 8. You're very unlikely to get significant speedup by moving to 8, and you're even likely to slow things down a bit.
You have four physical cores, and they can only do so much work. Hyperthreading enables the operating system to pretend that there are 8 cores, by interleaving operations done on pairs of virtual cores.
This is great for applications such as Outlook, which are not compute-intensive, but require lots of operations to appear simultaneous in order, for example, to keep a GUI responsive while checking for email over a network connection.
But for compute-intensive applications such as MATLAB, it will not give you any sort of real speed up, as the operations are just interleaved - you haven't increased the amount of work that the 4 real, physical cores can do. In addition, there's a small overhead in performing the hyperthreading.
In my experience, MATLAB will benefit slightly by turning hyperthreading off. (Of course other things, such as Outlook, won't: your choice).

Parallel programming on a Quad-Core and a VM?

I'm thinking of slowly picking up Parallel Programming. I've seen people use clusters with OpenMPI installed to learn this stuff. I do not have access to a cluster but have a Quad-Core machine. Will I be able to experience any benefit here? Also, if I'm running linux inside a Virtual machine, does it make sense in using OpenMPI inside a VM?
If your target is to learn, you don't need a cluster at all. Your quad-core (or any dual-core or even a single-cored) computer will be more than enough. The main point is to learn how to think "in parallel" and how to design your application.
Some important points are to:
Exploit different parallelism paradigms like divide-and-conquer, master-worker, SPMD, ... depending on data and tasks dependencies of what you want to do.
Chose different data division granularities to check the computation/communication ratio (in case of message passing), or to check the amount of serial execution because of mutual exclusion to memory regions.
Having a quad-core you can measure your approach speedup (the gain on performance attained because of the parallelization) which is normally given by the division between the time of the non parallelized execution and the time of the parallel execution.
The closer you get to 4 (four cores meaning 1/4th the execution time), the better your parallelization strategy was (once you could evenly distribute work and data).