Nothing except "None" returned for my Python Facebook app when I turn on "OAuth 2.0 for Canvas" - facebook

I am a beginning Facebook app developer, but I'm an experienced developer. I'm using as my web framework, and to make matters a bit worse, I'm new to Python.
I'm running into an issue, where when I try to switch over to using the newer "OAuth 2.0 for Canvas", I simply can't get anything to work. The only thing being returned in my Facebook app is "None".
My motivation for turning on OAuth 2.0 is because it sounds like Facebook is going to force it by July, and I might as well learn it now and now have to rewrite it in a few weeks.
I turned on "OAuth 2.0 for Canvas" in the Advanced Settings, and rewrote my code to look for "signed_request" that is POSTed to my server whenever my test user tries to access my app.
My code is the following (I've removed debugging statements and error checking for brevity):
#!/usr/bin/env python
import base64
import web
import minifb
import urllib
import json
FbApiKey = "AAAAAA"
FbActualSecret = "BBBBBB"
CanvasURL = ""
RegURL = '' % (FbApiKey, RedirectURL)
urls = (
'/fb/', 'index',
app = web.application(urls, locals())
def authorize():
args = web.input()
signed_request = args['signed_request']
#split the signed_request via the .
strings = signed_request.split('.')
hmac = strings[0]
encoded = strings[1]
#since uslsafe_b64decode requires padding, add the proper padding
numPads = len(encoded) % 4
encoded = encoded + "=" * numPads
unencoded = base64.urlsafe_b64decode(str(encoded))
#convert signedRequest into a dictionary
signedRequest = json.loads(unencoded)
#try to find the oauth_token, if it's not there, then
#redirect to the login page
access_token = signedRequest['oauth_token']
print("Access token not found, redirect user to login")
redirect = "<script type=\"text/javascript\">\ntop.location.href=\"" +_RegURL + "\";\n</script>"
return redirect
# Do something on the canvas page
returnString = "<html><body>Hello</body></html>"
class index:
def GET(self):
def POST(self):
if __name__ == "__main__":
For the time being, I want to concentrate on the case where the user is already logged in, so assume that oauth_token is found.
My question is: Why is my "Hello" not being outputted, and instead all I see is "None"?
It appears that I'm missing something very fundamental, because I swear to you, I've scoured the Internet for solutions, and I've read the Facebook pages on this many times. Similarly, I've found many good blogs and stackoverflow questions that document precisely how to use OAuth 2.0 and signed_request. But the fact that I am getting a proper oauth_token, but my only output is "None" makes me think there is something fundamental that I'm doing incorrectly. I realize that "None" is a special word in python, so maybe that's the cause, but I can't pin down exactly what I'm doing wrong.
When I turn off OAuth 2.0, and revert my code to look for the older POST data, I'm able to easily print stuff to the screen.
Any help on this would be greatly appreciated!

How embarrassing!
In my authorize function, I return a string. But since class index is calling authorize, it needs to be returned from the class, not from authorize. If I return the return from authorize, it works.


The "state" param from the URL and session do not match

In facebook documantion
require('include/facebook/autoload.php'); //SDK directory
$fb = new Facebook\Facebook([
'app_id' => '***********',
'app_secret' => '***********************'
$helper = $fb->getRedirectLoginHelper();
$permissions = ['email', 'public_profile']; // optional
$loginUrl = $helper->getLoginUrl('', $permissions);
When direct it to the url $loginUrl, the return is:
Facebook SDK returned an error: Cross-site request forgery validation failed. The "state" param from the URL and session do not match
I had the same error.
The problem occurred because I did getLoginUrl(...) before getAccessToken()
So rid of getLoginUrl(...) in redirected URL and code should works.
I had the same issue and for me that error was occurring because I did not put session_start(); in my login.php page code before calling getLoginUrl(..) and also at the top of login-callback.php page.
Just put session_start(); in your "login" page and "login-callback" page and it will work surely just like it is working for me now.
There could be 2 reason for this error:
you didn't call session_start(); before getLoginUrl call
You executed getLoginUrl again in login-callback.php, so state value regenerated and mismatched with the redirected value
Possible Fixes : I used the following configuration settings .
Enable WebAuthLogin under the advanced tab . Provide the url in the WebAuthLogin settins as same as that you provide in $loginUrl ;
For example if you use $loginUrl as use that same in the WebAuthlogin Url
$loginUrl = $helper->getLoginUrl('', $permissions);
This problem occures also in case that you generate 2 or more login links on the same page (e.g. one for login and other for registration - even both point to the same url, they have just different labels).
Facebook SDK creates/updates $_SESSION[FBRLH_state] for each new generated loginURL. So if there are 2 generated URLs (using $helper->getLoginUrl()) then the $_SESSION[FBRLH_state] is 2-times rewritten and valid only for the last generated URL. Previous login URL becomes invalid. It means that it is not possible to generate 2 valid loginURLs. In case that 2 same URLs are generated then return the first one and avoid call of Facebook SDK for generation of second one.
I had the same problem.
The reason for this error is because --->
When "$helper->getLoginUrl" calls, it create a session variable "FB_State", and this is something to FB uses to match the token. Every-time getLoginUrl calls, it create new state. Then after user authorized and redirect back, if you codes cannot detect this event and re-run "$helper->getLoginUrl", then this error will occur.
The solution ->
refine your coding, stop run "$helper->getLoginUrl" again if authorized.
if you already rerun, then set the session variable for the token to NULL if you have, then User can re-authorize again.
when user tries re-authorize, they can remove the authorized APP once or you need to generate new link with "$helper->getReRequestUrl"
Yet, token has be called by "getAccessToken()" before the "$helper->getLoginUrl" or "$helper->getReRequestUrl" runs.
Good Luck!!!!!
Finally, looking into FB code, I discovered that the problem "Cross-site request forgery validation failed. Required param “state” missing" and similars are caused by PHP variable $_SESSION['FBRLH_state'] that for some "strange" reason when FB call the login-callback file.
To solve it I store this variable "FBRLH_state" AFTER the call of function $helper->getLoginUrl(...). Is very important to do only after the call of this function due to is inside this function when the variable $_SESSION['FBRLH_state'] is populated.
Below an example of my code in the login.php:
$uri=$helper->getLoginUrl($uri, $permissions);
foreach ($_SESSION as $k=>$v) {
if(strpos($k, "FBRLH_")!==FALSE) {
if(!setcookie($k, $v)) {
} else {
And in the login-callback.php before calling all FB code:
foreach ($_COOKIE as $k=>$v) {
if(strpos($k, "FBRLH_")!==FALSE) {
Last, but not least, remember also to include code for PHP session so..
if(!session_id()) {
<?php session_write_close() ?>
I hope this response can help you to save 8-10 hours of work :)
Bye, Alex.
This issue was a bit confusing for me, because I had to change a line at the facebook src file:
at the function: "validateCsrf" like this:
if ($result !== 0) {
throw new FacebookSDKException('Cross-site request forgery validation failed. The "state" param from the URL and session do not match.');
And change it into:
if ($result === 0) {
throw new FacebookSDKException('Cross-site request forgery validation failed. The "state" param from the URL and session do not match.');
I don't know if this makes a violation to the facebook SDK security, so I truly opened to any exlanation or recommendation for this answer.
You may also make the following changes at the facebook app manager:
add your site and callback-url into your facebook app account at:
setting->advanced:Valid OAuth redirect URIs
Don't forget to add another url with slash (/) at the end of each url and check all 4 checkboxes at Client OAuth Settings.
I had the same error. Are you using 1 file or 2? I was trying to get by using 1 file but my error was resolved when I split into login.php & fb-callback.php as the documentation recommended. My sessions were being re-written so the state was never saved properly.
Good luck!
Happens when the session in missing a needed variable.
might be caused by several things.
In my case I left the "www" out of the callback URL
You could actually be parsing the data from another domain... for example: is different from www
If you're parsing data from http :// to this would be a cross-domain problem and the error you are receiving would be because of that....
http :// and http :// are the same but the script identifies them as different..... hope that gives insight to the problem.

Facebook access tokens format

I am manually building a login system to my application using facebook. Following this tutorial I am told to do some get requests to obtain user information. Echoing an returned token I obtain this
$access_token = "$client_id&redirect_uri=$redirect_uri&client_secret=$client_secret&code=$user_code") :
echoing $access_token:
access_token = CAAKlMMCiHp(...)ZByh3faLzh &expires=5125282
or this for an app_token ("$client_id&client_secret=$client_secret&grant_type=client_credentials") :
echoing $app_token:
access_token = 744(...)90|vZU2(...)e0-s
The last one to obtain the user information that I have to do is this:
$last_one = "$access_token&app_token=$app_token";
Check above that I have to use $access_token and app_token. The problem is that when I echo $access_token what I obtain is literally access_token = xxxx..., including the "access_token" and the "=" sign instead of just the token.
So, when I try to do my last request ($last_one) I have (with variable replacement):
$last_one = "";
To avoid this I removed the first "access_token=" and "app_token=" and successfully eliminated the duplicate. Unfortunately I now have access_token=xxx&access_token=xxx because although one is literally for access and another is to the app both are treated as access_token and their echo also explicits "access_token =" as shown above.
My question is if this is supposed to happen and how can I get only the token? I find it kind of ridiculous to have the need of using substr() just to eliminate the first part of the token "access_token =". Am I supposed to reach the token by a getter part of file_get_contents()? And should I include &expires=xxxx of the first token in the last request? Please refer and shortly read the tutorial from "Confirming identities" to understand what is my dilema. I hope I made myself through, thank you very much!

Rails 3.1 - Facebook Page API calls

I have the following working perfectly for calls to Facebook pages with simple URLS like:
def get_facebook
#artist = Artist.accessible_by(current_ability).find(params[:id])
if #artist.facebook_url.present?
require 'open-uri'
require 'json'
result = JSON.parse(open(""<<#artist.facebook_url).read)
#hometown = result["hometown"]
#band_members = result["band_members"]
#likes = result["likes"]
However, when a Facebook page URL isn't in this format, but something like it fails. Any ideas how I can get around this?
Thanks in advance?
TurbonegroHQ is the username of the page - this is interchangeable with the object ID in the Graph API.
If the page doesn't have a username you need to access it via the ID instead. In that case is the URL to access
Usually you'll have IDs rather than the URLs as the ID is returned in the API on all the endpoints I can think of

The definitive guide to posting a Facebook Feed item using pure C#

Does anyone have a definitive way to post to a user's wall, using nothing but the .NET Framework, or Silverlight?
Problems deriving from people's attempts have been asked here on SO, but I cannot find a full, clear explanation of the Graph API spec and a simple example using WebClient or some similar class from System.Net.
Do I have to send all feed item properties as parameters in the query string? Can I construct a JSON object to represent the feed item and send that (with the access token as the only parameter)?
I expect its no more than a 5 line code snippet, else, point me at the spec in the FB docs.
Thanks for your help,
This is taken from how we post to a user's wall. We place the data for the post in the request body (I think we found this to be more reliable than including all the parameters in the query part of the request), it has the same format as a URL encoded query string.
I agree that the documentation is rather poor at explaining how to interact with a lot of resources. Typically I look at the documentation for information on fields and connections, then work with the Graph API Explorer to understand how the request needs to be constructed. Once I've got that down it's pretty easy to implement in C# or whatever. The only SDK I use is Facebook's Javascript SDK. I've found the others (especially 3rd party) are more complicated, buggy, or broken than rolling my own.
private void PostStatus (string accessToken, string userId)
UriBuilder address = new UriBuilder ();
address.Scheme = "https";
address.Host = "";
address.Path = userId + "/feed";
address.Query = "access_token=" + accessToken;
StringBuilder data = new StringBuilder ();
data.Append ("caption=" + HttpUtility.UrlEncodeUnicode ("Set by app to describe the app."));
data.Append ("&link=" + HttpUtility.UrlEncodeUnicode (""));
data.Append ("&description=" + HttpUtility.UrlEncodeUnicode ("Message set by user."));
data.Append ("&name=" + HttpUtility.UrlEncodeUnicode ("App. name"));
data.Append ("&picture=" + HttpUtility.UrlEncodeUnicode (""));
WebClient client = new WebClient ();
string response = client.UploadString (address.ToString (), data.ToString ());
I don't know much about .net or silverlight, but the facebook api works with simple http requests.
All the different sdks (with the exception of the javascript one) are mainly just wrappers for the http requests with the "feature" of adding the access token to all requests.
Not in all requests the parameters are sent as querystring, in some POST requests you need to send them in the request body (application/x-www-form-urlencoded), and you can not send the data as json.
If the C# sdk is not to your liking, you can simply create one for your exact needs.
As I wrote, you just need to wrap the requests, and you can of course have a method that will get a json as parameter and will break it to the different parameters to be sent along with the request.
I would point you to the facebook documentation but you haven't asked anything specific so there's nothing to point you to except for the landing page.

Facebook Credits Example on App Engine?

Are there any examples of using facebook credits on Google App Engine?
I found this blog post , but it's not complete
I got the sample runwithfriends example working on the App Engine, tried to expand it with Credits, no luck so far.
Also searched for the FB developer forums, got nothing.
Any resources you can point me to?
What's not working:
1) When I click on the "pay with Facebook" button, I get an "Application Error" , without any error code.
-Checked the javascript console
-Checked the fb app settings
-Tried on local server and production server
2) The isn't complete, because i could not parse the signed request (no code available in py for me to learn from)
3) What I basically did was to add code from Suinova Designs (link above) to the existing Run With Friends app code. Didn't turn out as expected.
my code so far:
<tr><th>Name</th><th>Price</th><th> </th></tr>
<tr><td>Something to buy</td><td>10 FC</td><td><a href="" onclick="return buyit();">
<img src="" />
// javascript
function buyit(){
title:'Something to buy',
if(resp.order_id)' trial'; else alert(resp.error_message);
return false;
class FacebookPaymentRequest(webapp.RequestHandler):
def post(self):
signed_request = parse_signed_request(self.request.get('signed_request'),conf.FACEBOOK_APP_SECRET)
payload = signed_request['credits'] #credits:{buyer:int,order_id:int,order_info:{},receiver:int}
order_id = payload['order_id']
method = web.request.get('method')
return_data = {'method':method}
if method == 'payments_get_items':
order_info = payload['order_info'] #order_info:{item_id:'',title:'',description:'',price:0,image_url:'',product_url:''}
item = simplejson.loads(order_info) #needs to convert JSON string to dict
#check item,price,etc and reply
return_data['content'] = [item]
elif method == 'payments_status_update':
status = payload['status']
return_data['content'] = {'status':'settled','order_id':order_id}
if status == 'placed':
#just return settled status to Facebook, this may be called twice
order_details = simplejson.loads(payload['order_details'])
#check and log here
elif status == 'settled':
order_details = simplejson.loads(payload['order_details'])
buyer = order_details['buyer']
item = order_details['items'][0]
#now save this transaction into our database
#may be refunded, canceled, log the activity here
return_data['content']['status'] = status
Your python code looks fairly normal so I would guess that you are simply having trouble with your authorization. Depending upon how you authorize (a process a fair amount more complicated that the credits system), you are likely being given a signed request that is only partially authorized... meaning you are authorized to access only certain parts of facebook, but generally not authorized to access the active/logged-in user (i.e. me).
You can verify this by determining if you signed_request is a full 80+ characters (as opposed to around 40). Generally I try to authenticate by deciphering the profile (signed_request), if that fails then I try to use a previously stored cookie, then if that fails I try to relogin the user. I determine failure by placing try/except around my calls to get a "me" object through the GraphAPI.