Having a list of strings represented in a database using ORMLite - ormlite

First of I am new to ORMLite. I would like my model class to have a field which is a list of strings, that would eventually hold a list of tags for my model object.
Which ORMLite annotations should I use?
Firstly I don't want to have a table of all tags, and then use the #ForeignCollectionField.
Also I thought of using the #DatabaseField(dataType=DataType.SERIALIZABLE) annotation, but it turns out that List<String> doesn't implement the Serializable interface.
What are your suggestions?

First of all, List doesn't implement Serializable but ArrayList certainly does as well as most of the common collection implementations. But storing a huge list is probably not the best of doing this from a pure object model standpoint.
So why don't you want to have a table of all tags? That's the best way from a pure model standpoint. It will require a 2nd query if you need them every time. That's the way hibernate would store a list or array of tags.
After reading your comment #creen, I still think you do want a table of tags. Your model class would then have:
Collection<Tag> tags;
The tags table would not have a single tag named "red" with multiple model classes referring to it but multiple "red" entries. It would look like:
model_id name
1 "red"
1 "blue"
2 "red"
3 "blue"
3 "black"
Whenever you are removing the model object, you would first do a tags.clear(); which would remove all of the tags associated with that model from the tags table. You would not have to do any extra cleanup or anything.

No need to go for #ForeignCollectionField for simple String Array
Change your code
List<String> users;
#DatabaseField(dataType = DataType.SERIALIZABLE)
String[] users;
Database doesn't want to store dynamically grow able arrays. That is the reason it allows only static array like string[] and not List.

I added two properties... one that gets written to the database as a csv string and the other that translates this:
public List<string> Roles
return new List<string>(RolesCsv.Split(new char[] { ',' }));
RolesCsv = string.Join(",", value);
public string RolesCsv { get; set; }


Entity Framework - To sum reference object properties

I have the following models which represent my table relationship.
public class A { List<B> B_List }
public class B { public int amount }
I was wondering if it is possible to get top 5 class A objects order by "amount".
I was hoping there is a way to write an EF query to avoid pulling all A objects from database.
I think #Bilal's answer is close, but may not get you exactly what you want. By the way, you haven't been clear on what you mean by "top 5 A objects order by Amount". Each A object has multiple amounts. Are you wanting the top 5 A objects based on the maximum amount? If so, then try this ...
.OrderByDescending(a => a.B_List.Sum(b => b.amount))

Select custom columns from Laravel belongsToMany relation

Im trying to select only specific attributes on the many-to-many relation users, just like in one-to-one. But using select() on belongsToMany() seem to be ignored and i'm still getting all the User attributes.
class Computer extends Eloquent {
public function users() {
return $this->belongsToMany("User")->select("email");
public function admin() {
return $this->hasOne("User")->select("email");
Is there a way of filtering only specified columns from related entity with belongsToMany()?
Yes, you actually can.
Be careful though if you have the same column name for both tables linked by your pivot table. In this case, you need to specify the table name in dot notation, tableName.columnName. For example if both users and computer has a column name id, you need to do :
According to Taylor Otwell it is not currently possible: https://github.com/laravel/laravel/issues/2679
I have tried to use a lists('user.email') at the end of the query but I can't make it work.
Computer::with(["users" => function($query){

how do I return entities from delimited list of Ids in EF5 Code First

I want to hydrate a collection of entities by passing in a comma delimited list of Ids using EF5 Code First.
I would previously have created a table function in t-sql, passed in the comma delimited list of Ids, I'd then join this table to the target table and return my collection of records.
What is the most performant way of using EF5 Code First to achieve the same?
Update: I want to avoid having the full set of entities in memory first.
Update2: I'd ideally like the order of the entities to match the delimited list.
I'd say to start out by converting the comma delimited list into a List<int> that contains all of the IDs that you would be going for. At that point, using your particular DbContext class you would do the following:
var entities = db.MyEntities.Where(e => myListOfIds.Contains(e.ID)).ToList();
Note: I only put the ToList at the end there because you were talking about hydrating the collection. Otherwise, with IEnumerable, there will be deferred execution of the query, and so it will not populate right away.
You could do it like this, where you restrict the set of Entity objects by checking if their IDs belong to your list of IDs:
// Dummy list of POCO 'entity' objects (i.e. the Code first objects) just for the sake of this snippet
var entities = new List<Entity>();
entities.Add(new Entity() { ID = 1, Title = "Ent1" });
entities.Add(new Entity() { ID = 2, Title = "Ent2" });
entities.Add(new Entity() { ID = 3, Title = "Ent3" });
// List of ids to match
var ids = new List<int>();
// LINQ:
var selected = (from e in entities where ids.Contains(e.ID) select e).ToList();
Just for completeness, this is the dummy class used above:
// POCO (Code first) object
private class Entity
public int ID { get; set; }
public string Title { get; set; }

Entity Framework TPH - Additional WHERE clause only for one subtype

Suppose I have a class Parent, with two subclasses, AChild and BChild. I have these mapped to a single table using Entity Framework 5.0.0 on .NET 4.5, using TPH.
public abstract class Parent {
public string Type { get; set; } // Column with this name in DB is discriminator.
public string Status { get; set; }
public class AChild : Parent {
// Other stuff.
public class BChild : Parent {
// Other stuff.
The code to configure the mapping:
class ParentConfiguration : EntityTypeConfiguration<Parent> {
Map((EntityMappingConfiguration<AChild> mapping) => mapping
Map((EntityMappingConfiguration<BChild> mapping) => mapping
I have a need to run a query that returns both AChild and BChild objects. However, it needs to filter ONLY the AChild rows by a second column, which in this example I will call Status.
Ideally I would want to do the following:
public IList<Parent> RunQuery() {
IQueryable<Parent> query =
.Where((Parent parent) => !parent.Type.Equals("A") || parent.Status.Equals("Foo"))
.OrderBy((Parent parent) => parent.Number);
return query.ToList();
This doesn't work. It insisted on looking for a "Type1" column instead of just letting both the discriminator and a "Type" property be mapped to the same "Type" column.
I know of the "OfType" extension method that can be used to completely filter down to one type, but that's too broad a brush in this case.
I could possibly run multiple queries and combine the results, but the actual system I'm building is doing paging, so if I need to pull back 10 rows, it gets messy (and inefficient) to query since I'll either end up pulling back too many rows, or not pull back enough and have to run extra queries.
Does anyone have any other thoughts?
There are few problems. First of all you cannot have discriminator mapped as a property. That is the reason why it is looking for Type1 column - your Type property results in second column because the first one is already mapped to .NET types of your classes. The only way to filter derived types is through OfType.
The query you want to build will be probably quite complex because you need to query for all Bs and concatenate them with result of query for filtered As. It will most probably not allow you to concatenate instances of Bs with As so you will have to convert them back to parent type.

MongoDB and NoRM - Querying collection against a list of parameters

I need to query a collection based on a list of parameters.
For example my model is:
public class Product
string id{get;set;}
string title{get;set;}
List<string> tags{get;set;}
DateTime createDate{get;set;}
DbReference<User> owner{get;set;}
public class User
string id{get;set;}
...other properties...
I need to query for all products owned by specified users and sorted by creationDate.
For example:
GetProducts(List<string> ownerIDs)
I need to do it in one query if possible not inside foreach. I can change my model if needed
It sounds like you are looking for the $in identifier. You could query products like so:
db.product.find({owner.$id: {$in: [ownerId1, ownerId2, ownerId3] }}).sort({createDate:1});
Just replace that javascript array [ownerId1, ...] with your own array of owners.
As a note: I would guess this query is not very efficient. I haven't had much luck with DBRefs in MongoDB, which essentially adds relations to a non-relational database. I would suggest simply storing the ownerID directly in the product object and querying based on that.
The solution using LINQ is making an array of user IDs and then do .Contains on them like that:
List<string> users = new List<string>();
foreach (User item in ProductUsers)
users .Add(item.id);
return MongoSession.Select<Product>(p => users .Contains(p.owner.id))
.OrderByDescending(p => p.createDate)