xfbml like button hide the possibility to add a comment to the like - facebook

I added a like button in a facebook application (not iframe in order to capture the liked evenment...),
and when a user click on like, then he has the possibility to add a comment to the like.
I want to hide/remove this possibility to adda comment when he click on like.
Do you know if it's possible and how to do that?

Set a fixed height and overflow hidden on the div that contains your like button so that it is hidden after the user clicks 'like'.

I added these CSS classes to my css file and it got rid of the comment box for me.
.fb_edge_widget_with_comment .fb_edge_comment_widget .fb_ltr {
display: none !important;


Disable comment popup on facebook like button

I want to hide the comment popup that comes up when a facebook like is done. I've tried with giving css
.-cx-PRIVATE-pluginCommentFlyout__fullButton {
display: none !important;
but that doesn't seems to work as the css is added dynamically through jquery I assume.
How can I hide this comment box?
The comment box do not appear anymore after clicking like button.
Go to Facebook Like Plugin
Enter details for your implementation of the Like button
Click on "Get Code" button
There are 4 sections you can choose from (HTML5, XFBML, IFRAME, URL),
choose IFRAME and copy the plugin code from IFRAME section.
Summary: Instead of copying the plugin code from HTML5 section copy
the one from IFRAME section.
This has already been answered in some other threads:
Facebook Like Button - how to disable Comment pop up box?
Facebook Like Button - how to disable Comment pop up?
Some answers might already be deprecated, but it´s worth a try. One solution that worked for me some months ago was to use the iframe-version and a width of less than 400px.
It seems that none of the older versions is working anylonger. That comment box always appears on my fb like buttons.

How to don't show facebook comment after like pressed?

So, when I click Like button I see the form to add some comment. I want to hide or prevent displaying this form. How to do that?
See this Facebook Like Button - how to disable Comment pop up?
Basically you just need to modify the css and hide the comment box after facebook like.

Facebook like button: hide text

I just added a Facebook like button to my website, just the most basic one, but you can't select to hide the "Sign Up to see what your friends like." text.
Because the area for the button is so small, I don't want this text, as it overlaps with other text next to it.
Is there a way to hide this part?
I basically just want the like button, with the same functionality.
You would have probably figured it out by now but for others who haven't and reach this question, try data-layout="button_count".
You can play around here for more options: https://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/plugins/like/
You can add layout="simple" (XFBML), or "data-layout"="simple" for HTML5 to the tag.
That'll show just a like button, with no count, faces or nonsense :)

Disable Facebook Like button's "Post to Facebook" popup [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Closed 10 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
Facebook Like Button - how to disable Comment pop up?
I have a Facebook Like button on my site like so:
<fb:like href="http://www.facebook.com/myurl" colorscheme="light" send="false" width="450" show_faces="false" font="" ref="top_like_button"></fb:like>
When the user clicks it, I need to refresh the page. I have seen various posts on how to do this using the 'edge.create' event, and it works fine.
But my problem is when they click Like, it shows a popup saying "Post to Facebook".
So I really need to refresh my page after they have closed the popup. Is this possible?
An alternative acceptable solution would be to disable the popup completely, so that when they click Like the popup doesn't appear.
You can avoid this flyout being displayed by using iframe version of Like Button social plugin.
When will users have the option to add a comment to the like?
If you are using the XFBML version of the Like button, users will always have the option to add a comment. If you are using the Iframe version of the button, users will have the option to comments if you are using the 'standard' layout with a width of at least 400 pixels. If users do add a comment, the story published back to Facebook is given more prominence.
Beware, this will make impossible to subscribe to edge.create/egde.remove events.
Iframe it or simply have the like box in a tight div with overflow: hidden.
div#like_box {
height: 20px;
overflow: hidden;
padding: 0;
If you can't remove it; hide it! :)

Facebook like button, adjusting the "Share it on facebook with a comment..." popup

Hey, I'm just wondering if there is a way to modify the popup that appears after you've hit the 'like' button.
Right now, it appears to the right of the like button.. Problem is, the button is to the very right of the page, so it bleeds off.. Is there a way to customize the positioning of this box?
You can only move the popup with CSS, you can't apply styles to the content of the iFrame.
If you have the like button too close to right you can use this:
.fb_edge_widget_with_comment span.fb_edge_comment_widget {
top: -150px !important;
left: -150px !important;
The arrow's problem is that it's inside an iframe, so you can't apply css to it.
I hope facebook will provide a way to customize all theres widgets.